An Unlikely Love (Severus Snape)

written by Naomi Heart

Ellie Park is a California student, who somehow finds herself in one of the best witchcraft and wizardry school in the world! Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. She found out she was a witch when she was eleven, but went to Silveren's school of witchcraft and wizardry for two years until she got an offer to move to Hogwarts instead, and she takes it. Her parents decide for her to live on her own - they never loved her. But that doesn't stop her. She goes to england, gets a flat, and works during summers. What happens when a certain Professor learns about this? Will he leave her alone, or ask her more questions? Find out here!

Last Updated






Chapter 2: Bullying And Breaking Down.

Chapter 2

I woke up and got dressed before heading down to the Great Hall, smiling and waving at Severus as he passed by. I walked into the Great Hall and sat down at the rift between Slytherin and Ravenclaw. Then, a girl sat next to me. I extended my hand out to her.

"Hi! I'm Elizabeth, but my friends call me Lizzie, Ellie, or Eli." I said kindly. She smiled back and shook my hand.

"Luna Lovegood. You are the American, right?" She asked. I chuckled at the nickname.

"Yes." I said. She leaned close to me.

"Can you see Thestrals? They're like boney horses. They pulled the carriage when we came in yesterday. You can only see them if you've seen death." She whispered. I sighed.

"I was apparated here, but I've seen death. In more ways than one." I whispered as I remembered. She looked confused.

"What do you mean?" She asked. I gave her a small, sad smile.

"My sister was murdered.. and I've almost died... More than once..." I whispered back. She gave me a sorrow expression and grabbed my hand.

"I'm so sorry Ellie." She said. I gave her a watery smile behind my tears. God. I haven't cried for a looooong time. Then Draco saw us.

"Ellie! What are you doing with Loony Lovegood?!" He exclaimed as he marched over. Luna looked slightly hurt as she let go of my hand. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Don't ever call her that again you retard." I spat like venom. He started to get angry. He grabbed my wrist.

"Come on." He snapped as he started to pull. I grabbed his wrist and twisted it, making him hiss in pain as he looked back at me.

"Don't. Ever. Touch me. Again." I said slowly. He got out of my grasp and pulled out his wand. I stood up, not really knowing why.

"Stupe-" Severus waltzed in front of me, his wand pointed at Draco.

"I advise you not to hurt your own house member's Mr. Malfoy." He said, ice dripping from each slow and weary word. I shivered. Draco put his arm down and reluctantly walked away. Severus turned in front of me. "You shouldn't be friends with a Ravenclaw." He snapped. I clenched my fists at my sides. I gave him my best death stare, and it didn't work very well because he towered over me.

"For your information Professor, I can decide my own friends no matter the house!" I yelled. I looked over at Gryffindor. I spotted Harry, and he waved me over with a small smile. I grabbed Luna's hand and she stood, aware. "In fact, I see an even better seat." I said before we walked over to Harry and sat beside him. Snape was enraged.

"I demand you sit at Slytherin!" He boomed. I laughed and crossed my arms over my chest as I stood once again.

"You don't tell me to do ANYTHING I don't want to do! Now I suggest you sit back down and calm yourself. We both know I'm gonna win the battle." I said loudly and clearly. He was full of fury as he walked away, his cape billowing behind him. "Oh. I'm so scared. Wanna be Batman walked away with his great big cape fluttering behind him." I said. The whole Hall broke into laughter. I sat back down and Harry beamed at me.

"I can tell we'll be great friends." He said. Luna linked arms with me.

"Ditto." She said. I smiled.

"What she said." I said as I pointed to Luna.


I sat down next to Harry, Ron and Hermione as I entered potions. I smiled at them and nearly fell out of my seat when the door burst open. Instead, I settled with a quiet 'Jesus Christ!' Hermione, Ron, and Harry snickered. Snape looked at me as a smug expression settled on my face.

"Go." He said bluntly and I saw instructions. I cracked my fingers and got to work. What he didn't know, is that I was actually quite gifted in Potions. My hands were blurry as I made the antidote to most poisons. I finished as waved my wand over the cauldron and it turned a lovely teal. I smiled at my work. I put it in a vile and walked up to his desk before giving it to him and sitting back down. I started reading Les Miserables by Claude-Michel Schönberg (I own NOTHING). It felt like less than five minutes when the bell rung and brought me out of my trance. I got up and walked to D.A.D.A with Harry.

We stepped in and I saw Lupin, I had met him in the hallways. He smiled at all of us.

"Hello! Today, we will be learning about Boggarts and how to defeat them. Now follow me!" He said cheerily. We walked into the staff room where Snape sat, reading the daily prophet. I groaned. He turned to all of us as Snape watched us with interest. "Neville! Come here boy!" He said. Neville shakily walked up and Lupin and him had a small conversation. Suddenly, a second Snape walked out of the closet. Everyone was quiet. Neville pointed his wand.

"RIDIKULUS!" He yelled. Suddenly he was dressed in the STUPIDEST clothes in history! Everyone was slightly shocked and I started laughing as I exclaimed,

"THE BATMAN TURNED INTO THE JOKER!" Everyone burst out laughing, except Snape, who had rage in his eyes and his hand shook in fury. I wiped my tears as I calmed and stood in the back. And before I knew it, I was getting pushed in after everyone had gone. The closet door opened and out came not one thing, but two. Mother. And Father. My eyes widened. Father walked up to me. "No. NO! You aren't real!" I screamed as I backed away. My back hit the wall.

"Is this REAL Elizabeth?!" He yelled before he took me by the throat and threw me across the room. I once again tried to back away, but he caught the collar of my shirt and punched me hard in the face. I laid there and let my Father beat me me and my Mother yelled things like, 'You DESERVE it you little bitch!' and 'Its a shame to call you my daughter!' I hadn't realized it, but it was only a mere 5 seconds before both Lupin and Severus stood up and put the boggart back into the closet. I just laid there as blood came out of my nose and mouth, tears mixing with it. I could feel a large bruise forming on my abdomen. Severus leaned down along with Lupin and they grabbed my arms. I screamed loudly at the contact. I stood up after getting out of the grasp Severus had me in, he had told me to stay down. 

"DON'T TOUCH ME!" I shrieked. They both held there hands up as if to surrender, but kept coming closer. "STAY THERE! DON'T COME ANY CLOSER!" I yelled again. They stopped when I started to bring up my wand. "All I bring it trouble and devastation... If you touch me, you'll get hurt." I whispered. Severus came closer and slowly put a hand on my wand, pointing it away from them. He took it out of my hand and pocketed it. I began to sob as I realized everything that had happened. Severus tried to put a hand on my back, but I flinched away and ran out of the room.

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