Madam Puddifoot's

written by Kelly

Charlie’s gaze darted past Tulip as he overheard Astrid's name. The redhead hadn’t seen the Curse-Breaker all morning, so he felt a twinge of excitement when he caught sight of her, but his smile wavered as he noticed Merula blocking her exit with a sneer. 4804 words

Last Updated






Chapter 1

"Wait up, Blackwood. What's your rush?"

Charlie’s gaze darted past Tulip as he overheard Astrid's name. The redhead hadn’t seen the Curse-Breaker all morning, so he felt a twinge of excitement when he caught sight of her, but his smile wavered as he noticed Merula blocking her exit with a sneer.

"I just didn't want to interrupt the laugh you were having with your… friends?" Astrid answered indifference threaded in her tone.

"Friends?" Merula looked offended. "Of course not. They're just other witches and wizards I have something in common with."

"Let me guess, they're all 'the most powerful witches and wizards at Hogwarts', too?"

Despite only being able to see the back of her, Charlie could easily imagine the look of annoyed exasperation on Astrid's face. He knew her facial expressions better than anyone.

Merula’s eyes darkened at Astrid's mocking tone. "No, they just enjoy a spectacle- like the one I was just telling them about in Potions class earlier." An amused glint sparked in her eyes and she started laughing. "The look on your face when Snape read your note… 'Is there any chance you like me as more than just a friend?' Seriously? What came next, circling yes or no? Or did you draw them a box to check?"

Charlie stilled and his eyebrows ratcheted up, disappearing beneath his bangs. Did he just hear that right? He vaguely remembered hearing scattered whispers about Astrid earlier but didn't think much of it. Students talked about her all the time because of her brother and the Cursed Vaults. But... did she really write that?

“Come on, Charlie, I need your opinion,” Tulip groaned, snapping Charlie back to their conversation. She had been in the middle of asking him if Hiccough Sweets or Whizzing Worms were better to use on Filch.

"Sorry, but do you know what they're talking about?" Charlie asked in a whisper.

The prankster cocked her head past the fountain's columns to see what Charlie was looking at and gasped. "Didn't you hear? Snape caught Astrid writing a note to her crush during Potions and read it aloud in class."

Disappointment hit Charlie like a Bludger to the chest. No matter how hard he tried, Charlie couldn't seem to get over his crush on his best friend. He hated admitting it, but a small part of him always wondered if they would ever be more than friends- perhaps that's why he was delusional enough to hope for a fleeting minute that that note could have been meant for him. But he wasn't in her Potions class and he definitely didn't receive a note or even talk to Astrid today for that matter. "Oh." He tried his best to not let the unfamiliar feeling show on his face. “No, I didn’t. Is she okay? That's low even for Snape."

Tulip shrugged. "I'd say she's handling it pretty well. I mean she's embarrassed, but she seemed a little better after we talked to her in the library."

We? How many people had Astrid talked to? A heavyweight settled in Charlie’s stomach, and he felt guilty for not being there for her. How did he not know this happened? And why hadn't Astrid come to talk to him about it? They told each other everything.

"And before you ask, no- she wouldn't tell us who the note was for," Tulip added before a strike of enlightenment flashed through her eyes. "Wait a minute- you're her best friend! Do you know who her crush is?"

Charlie frowned and shook his head. "No, she never told me about having a crush." His eyes flicked back to where Astrid had been standing, and he was even more disappointed to find she was no longer there. "I'm gonna go talk to her."

Charlie looked high and low for Astrid for the next half hour but couldn’t track her down anywhere. Resigned, he decided to go to the only person he felt like he could confide in.

“Mind if I sit?” he asked his pink-haired friend in the Great Hall. 

Tonks glanced up from her lunch plate and smiled at him. “Of course not, Weasley. What’s up?”

“Not much…” He took a seat across from her at the Hufflepuff table and grabbed an apple from the tray but merely fiddled with it. He was far from hungry. “Have you and Tulip decided on Hiccough Sweets versus Whizzing Worms yet?”

“Whizzing Worms,” she answered after swallowing a mouthful of food. She set down her fork and rested her chin in her hand, quirking an eyebrow at him. “Now, why don’t we talk about why you're really here?”

A mixture of anxiety and embarrassment bubbled inside Charlie's stomach. Despite having told Tonks about his crush months ago, he still hated it whenever she brought it up.

“Oh, come on. Tulip told me what happened in the Courtyard.”

Charlie sighed, twisting the apple’s stem back and forth between his fingertips. “Why didn’t she tell me about it? It seems like I’m the only one she didn’t come to and I thought we were best friends.” 

Tonks frowned. “Have you asked her about it?”

“I’m trying, but I can’t find her anywhere.”

“I think she went to Hogsmeade with Bill," Tonks answered, rubbing her chin.

A newfound sense of panic washed over Charlie and his insides twisted. “Bill? Is he… I mean he's not...” He could barely manage to stomach the idea let alone say the suggestion out loud. Thankfully, though, Tonks seemed to understand.

“Oh no, I think he’s giving her advice. They were just leaving the Great Hall when I got here."

Charlie let out a breath. "Oh."

Tonks grinned. "You know, despite being a redhead, green is not a good colour on you."

"Shut up," Charlie muttered.

"Just out of curiosity, have you considered telling Astrid how you feel?"

Just the thought of it was enough to make hives break out on Charlie's skin. He didn't know how to date anyone let alone his best friend. He'd mess it up for sure. "Of course not."

Tonks hummed before standing up and turning toward the entryway. "Well, if you don't want to tell her, I guess all we can do is track them down and see what's going on."


"That's actually an interesting idea, Bill…"

Charlie froze as he reached the top step to the upper level of the Three Broomsticks. Astrid was right there in front of him, sitting across from Bill. His stomach contracted as he realized they were probably talking about her crush. What had Bill told her? And why did he care so much?

Spotting the look of panic in his eyes, Tonks took the liberty of giving Charlie a little push toward Bill and Astrid's table. "Come on, loverboy," she whispered, patting him on the shoulder. "Too late to turn back now."

Wanting to make it clear that they hadn't been eavesdropping the whole time, Charlie decided to break the ice the best way he knew how- by picking on Bill. "My brother has an interesting idea?" he said, approaching their table. "That's gotta be a first. Do tell."

Colour stained Astrid's cheeks as she turned to look at them, and she laughed- a sound that automatically eased the knot in Charlie's chest. "Just when we needed a laugh."

Bill raised an eyebrow at Charlie, an unbearably smug smile tugging up the corners of his mouth. "What luck that you picked today to develop your sense of humour, Charlie."

As Astrid turned back to Bill with curious eyes, Charlie shot him a death glare. He had never told his brother about his crush, but Bill figured it out anyway and teased Charlie about it every chance he got. Why did older siblings seem to know everything? "What? I'm funny sometimes."

"If you really want a laugh, you should see Bilton's new inventory at Zonko's," Tonks chimed in. "We've just come from there."

Charlie glanced at Tonks, unsure why she said that since they definitely had not just come from there. He would have to ask her later. Right now, Charlie was dying to know what advice Bill gave Astrid.

"So, what idea of Bill's was so interesting?" Charlie asked. He hoped he sounded casual. He had a feeling he sounded pathetic.

Astrid stared down at her empty Butterbeer glass, refusing to meet anyone's gaze. "I'm, uh, thinking of asking my crush out on a date. Bill thought it might go more smoothly if I plan the date first."

Charlie hesitated. Did that mean Astrid never gave the note to her crush?

"Exactly!" Bill said with a smile. "Plan for success."

"Yeah, we heard about Snape's dramatic reading in Potions class…" Tonks said, rubbing the back of her neck, but Charlie could barely hear her over the pounding in his ears.

"So the note never made it to your crush, then?" he blurted like an idiot. Luckily, Astrid didn't seem to notice.

"Uh, no..." Her eyes stayed trained on the table, and Charlie hated himself for the glimmer of hope that flickered inside his chest. "Which means I would have time to plan before I do the actual asking." She glanced out the window across the room. "Hogsmeade would be a good place for a date, right?" 

Charlie hated himself even more for the spark that surged through him when Astrid's eyes met his. She's asking all of us, not just you, you nimwit.

To his relief, Tonks spoke up so he didn't have to. 

"All of Hogsmeade? No, you'll have to narrow it down." She turned to Charlie with a grin. "Looks like we showed up just in time."

"What do you mean?" Astrid asked, and Bill laughed. He and Tonks appeared to be having some horrible, non-verbal conversation.

"I think Charlie and Tonks just volunteered to help you pick your date spot," Bill explained, crossing his arms over his chest and looking way too self-satisfied for Charlie's liking.

Charlie felt the colour drain from his face. Were they insane? This was the absolute last thing he wanted to do.

"What?" Astrid said, looking as alarmed and apprehensive as Charlie felt.

He forced a smile, not wanting to make Astrid feel even more uncomfortable, and Tonks beamed. 

"Let's get started!"


"We'll find you the perfect spot for your first date," Tonks said as she led the way into Zonko's joke shop.

"Potential first date," Astrid corrected. "I haven't even asked my crush yet."

"Minor detail," Charlie muttered, hoping she would stop using that word. He wanted to kill Bill and Tonks right now.

Astrid looked around the shop. "Do you think Zonko's would be the best place for a first date?"

Charlie looked to Tonks and a lump lodged in his throat when she merely raised her eyebrows at him. He swallowed hard. "We'd rather know if you think Zonko's would be the best place for a first date…"

He felt silly asking. Having been friends with her for nearly two years now, Charlie knew Astrid wasn't into pranks as some of their other classmates were. She apologized profusely after pranking him with Frog Spawn Soap and was miserable the entire time she had to impress Peeves for the Cursed Vaults portrait. He was almost certain she'd say no ...unless she was crushing on Tonks, Tulip or Jae.

Astrid thought for a minute and Charlie wished more than ever he knew Legilimency. "No, I don't exactly see Zonko's like a fun date spot." 

"I would have to agree with you," Tonks said with a gleam in her eye as she glanced at Charlie.

What was Tonks playing at? So what if he didn't like Zonko's either? Did Tonks really think they could convince Astrid to ask him out instead? Talk about pathetic.

Feeling his head start to hurt, Charlie tried to relax a little, at the very least relieved he still knew his best friend like the back of his hand. "Yeah, all it would take is one mishandled Dungbomb to make your date a literal stinker."

"I can hear you, Mr Weasley," Bilton said from behind the counter. "And we haven't had an in-shop Dungbomb incident since… Last Tuesday, I think!"

Tonks sighed. "I already apologised, Bilton. And the Dungbombs fell out of their boxes, I did not bump into them!"

Astrid's forehead creased. "Wait- if neither of you think Zonko's is a good date spot, then why did you bring me here?"

"To brighten your mood and settle your nerves!" Tonks boasted, her excitement evident.

Astrid rubbed her chin. "Settle my nerves at Zonko's? Interesting…"

Charlie could tell Astrid wasn't remotely excited about the idea, and the second reminder of how well he could read her was like a kick in the gut. "I don't find Zonko's calming, but what do I know? You two are the mischief masterminds." It came out colder than he meant, but he was getting annoyed. 

"And Astrid has the Peeves hat to prove it!" Tonks added quickly, undoubtedly sensing his frustration. "You're overthinking this outing with your crush. Browsing Zonko's will help clear your mind."

Astrid still looked sceptical. "Why are you two so invested in helping me plan for a potential date, anyway?"

Charlie's palm curled into a fist at his side. Great. Not only were he and Tonks going to help Astrid plan some extravagant date with someone else, but Tonks was totally going to blow his secret.

"You're asking a lot of questions," Tonks pretended to scold, pushing Astrid towards the wall ahead. "Shop first, chat later!"

Charlie pretended to show interest in a jar on the table while Astrid and Tonks looked at the main display. When Astrid asked Bilson about an item on the top shelf, the pink-haired backstabber scooted next to him.

"What the hell are we doing?" Charlie whispered.

"Shopping?" Tonks offered with a hopeful smile until Charlie's eyes narrowed. "Okay, you said you didn't want to tell her, so I thought this was the next best thing."

"Planning her a perfect date with someone else? Yeah, real fun."

"No, I meant being involved. You said it yourself that you were upset she didn't tell you. Plus, it still could be you. We don't know who her crush is yet and hey, if it is you, you'll get to find out what she likes."

"I already know what she likes, and it's not this place."

Tonks smiled. "Just another thing you two have in common. Doesn't hurt to remind her. Now shush and pretend you're enjoying yourself. No one likes a sourpuss."


"Okay, we shopped," Astrid said, as Bilson handed Tonks a gift bag. "Now tell me why you both want to help me plan my date so badly."

"What I'm hearing is the plan to clear your mind with joke items has backfired," Charlie said, shooting Tonks a look somewhere between annoyance and I told you so.

"But I've picked up my Whizzing Worms for Filch, so it's not a total loss," Tonks said, proudly gesturing to the plastic bag in her hands.

"Out with it," Astrid interrupted. "Why do you want to plan this date?" She crossed her arms, and Charlie noticed her attention was trained on Tonks. "Because if this is some ploy to get me to tell you who my crush is-"

"We don't care who your crush is," Charlie snapped. He didn't mean it. In fact, he cared far too much about who her crush was and it was killing him. He didn't want to be there and he certainly didn't want to find out who was lucky enough to be fancied by Astrid. But the look on Astrid's face made him regret the words instantly. 

"Oh," she said quietly. "Why not? All of our other friends seem to want to know."

Charlie swallowed. "We just care about you and know dealing with the gossip has put you in a rough spot."

Tonks nodded. "Yeah, if helping you make date plans makes life any easier for you, we're in. And I figured I might be able to help- you know since I was the one to ask Tulip out."

"Okay..." Astrid bit, her lip, and Charlie could tell she wasn't one hundred percent convinced, but Tonks seemed ready to persevere anyway. 

This was going to be a disaster.


Charlie tried to not let his feelings get the best of him. The usually resilient Gryffindor found that rather hard, however, as they visited places for Astrid's potential first date. His stupid subconscious thought that maybe if Astrid couldn't find the perfect place, she wouldn't go on the date at all. Tonks was right, green was not a good colour on him. He was pretty sure he had never complained so much in his life.

The Three Broomsticks was far too crowded and loud. They could hardly get a Butterbeer. Would her date really like waiting two hours just for a drink? And there were way too many antlers on the wall. He even had the nerve to suggest the Hog's Head Inn as an option, but Tonks hurriedly cut him off with a laugh and said he was joking. 

For a brief, delusional minute as they walked around Hogsmeade, Charlie thought his plan might actually work. But as the trio stepped inside Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop, he knew he was doomed. 

It was perfect. Quiet and cosy. Different, but not too far out there. He would love to take Astrid to a place like this, and he could tell by the look in her eyes she would love to go there.

"We're not even sure if it's open, Tonks," Charlie tried, but Tonks didn't seem phased.

"It wasn't locked, was it?"

"What is this place?" Astrid asked, eyeing the round tables and stack of tea mugs in front of them.

Tonks beamed. "A first date spot if I ever saw one."

"You know… I agree. This actually might work," Astrid said before turning to Charlie. "What do you think?"

Charlie's heart pounded so loud he was worried Astrid would be able to hear it. "It's better than The Three Broomsticks, at least," he offered, looking around the room so he could stop staring at Astrid's beautiful eyes.

"Or the Hog's Head Inn," Tonks said with a pointed look at Charlie. He ignored her.

The best complaints he could come up with were "cramped" and "pink", but Astrid clearly didn't consider those dealbreakers.

"I can't believe we've never noticed this spot before," she said, turning to admire every inch of the frilly tea shop.

The lump returned to Charlie's throat, and it was becoming too much to handle. He felt like a lovesick puppy.

The next half hour was a blur as Astrid talked to Madam Puddifoot and they made their way back to Hogwarts.

"Well, do you feel more prepared now?" Tonks asked as they walked down the corridor. 

"I guess," Astrid said, but her tone left Charlie unconvinced. "Now I just have to face the hard part."

Tonks patted her shoulder. "You can do it, just let me know how it goes. I'll catch you guys later!" 

Charlie's anxiety grew as Tonks skipped down the stairs to her common room. Both he and Astrid were heading up.

"Thanks for all your help today," Astrid said once they reached the landing.

"What are friends for," Charlie answered quietly, the word leaving a bitter taste in his mouth. 

Astrid frowned. "Is everything okay?"

He rubbed his face and forced a yawn. "Yeah, I'm just tired and have Quidditch practise tomorrow. Good luck on your... date." He turned to head to the Gryffindor common room, but Astrid caught his arm.

"Hey, Charlie?"

His pulse quickened as her fingers brushed his wrist. "Yeah?"

"Have you ever had a crush on anyone?" 

Charlie felt as if he was falling through the disappearing step on the Grand Staircase. Astrid's context was clear. He could tell by the tremble in her voice and the worried look in her eyes that she was wondering if he understood what she was feeling. Boy did he ever. But now he would either have to lie to his best friend or potentially ruin their friendship forever. Why couldn't she have asked Tonks this question? She had obviously had a crush before since she was dating Tulip.

He racked his brain for a response and as Astrid peered up at him with her wide, curious eyes, he realized he could never give up their friendship. Even if it meant setting aside his own feelings.

"Dragons are all I care about," he said with as convincing of a shrug as he could muster. "Who has time for dating when there are so many different breeds to study?" 

"Oh." Astrid's hand dropped back to her side. "Okay. I just- I, uh, thought I might be able to return the favour sometime. Nevermind." 

Her words cut Charlie like a knife. The closest he'd ever get to going out with her is a double date with her crush and some random student Charlie could convince Astrid he fancied. It was the worst feeling in the world. His whole body ached, so much so that he barely registered Astrid's quick goodbye as she left for her common room.


Charlie spent most of the following day trying to avoid Astrid- it seemed that swallowing your feelings could be as detrimental to friendship as admitting them. It was fairly easy at first since he knew her schedule so well, but the problem was she knew his too. So as Quidditch practise came to an end and he saw Astrid waiting for him, Charlie knew he was in trouble. 

"Hey," he mumbled as he exited the changing room. He gripped his Clean Sweep Broomstick tighter for support.

"Hey." She didn't make eye contact but merely fell into step beside him.

He eyed her makeup-less face and Ravenclaw robes. "Everything okay?" Charlie asked. "Thought you'd be getting ready for your big date."

Astrid frowned, rubbing her forearm as they continued toward the castle. "No, I don't think that's going to happen after all."

Charlie went rigid and nearly dropped his broom. "Why not?" he asked as calmly as he could.

Astrid looked away, and if Charlie wasn't mistaken, her eyes looked red and watery. "He, uh, wasn't interested." 

An onslaught of different emotions hit Charlie all at once. He was somehow simultaneously furious and relieved. He wanted to hurt whoever hurt her. Really, really hurt them. He wanted to hug Astrid until she felt better, but he also wanted to yell at her for not liking him instead. This must be what people meant when they talked about teenage hormones. It was utterly miserable.

When Charlie didn't say anything, she added, "Sorry for wasting your time yesterday."

A spark of anger flared through him and Charlie's brows knitted together. Spending time with her was never a waste- at least not to him anyway. "Really, that's what you think I care about?"

"I just feel bad making you guys do all that work for nothing."

Charlie shrugged, trying not to care or at least make it seem like he didn't. "It's not your fault. The guy's an idiot. I'm sure the next one will be all over you." The words came out before he could stop them, bitter and tense.

She grabbed the sleeve of his jumper, forcing him to stop and look at her. "What has gotten into you? I'm sorry if I'm annoying you, I just thought I could talk to you about this-"

He tugged his arm free, unable to contain the emotions boiling inside him anymore. "Really? Because you sure didn't seem to want to yesterday."

His heart broke as the first sign of fresh tears shone in her eyes. "What are you talking about?"

He let out a frustrated breath. "Why didn't you tell me about the Potions incident yesterday? Why did I have to find out from Merula of all people?"

"I- I was embarrassed," Astrid began, clearly flustered.

"Apparently not embarrassed enough to talk to nearly everyone about it before me. I thought we were best friends. I thought we told each other everything." Charlie shook his head and started walking again but Astrid ran to keep up.

"Charlie wait-"

"No," he snapped, rounding on her. "Sorry that I don't want to be your shoulder to cry on right now. It's one thing for you to not feel the same way I do, it's another to completely disregard our friendship the second you get a crush."

Astrid blinked at him, her eyes going wider than Charlie had ever seen, and it dawned on him what he had just said.

And before a response could leave Astrid's lips, Charlie made a break for the castle.


Charlie spent the following day in the comfort of his dormitory, safely tucked away from nearly everyone. He knew he was being immature and began wondering how he had ever been placed in Gryffindor when he couldn't even get the courage to face Astrid- not yet anyway. 

He didn't attempt to leave the Gryffindor common room until it was nearly curfew. Thankfully the halls were quiet, letting him sneak away to the Courtyard relatively unnoticed. He perched on the fountain ledge again, admiring the starlit sky and wondering how so much could have gone wrong in one day. He was able to relax there for a little while, enjoying the fresh air, until a familiar voice brought him back to reality.

"Can't sleep?"

Charlie held in a breath for a moment before shaking his head. "No." He turned to look at Astrid, and despite everything, his heart still leapt.

She approached him slowly, the way a cat would a mouse- fearful her next step might make him flee again. Taking a seat at the other end of the fountain, she muttered, "Me neither."

He looked down at his hands, suddenly hating himself for the way he acted yesterday. He couldn't believe he had yelled at her like that. She didn't deserve that. "I'm so sorry," he whispered. 

When his gaze returned to Astrid, he was surprised to see her smiling at him. She inched closer before extending a folded piece of parchment to him. "Don't be."

He eyed it sceptically. "What's that?"

She extended it further. "Just read it."

Sighing, Charlie took the parchment, unfolding it carefully and smoothing it out. As he registered the words in front of him, he grimaced. It was her note from Potions class. "Why are you showing me this?" he asked quietly.

"I'm not showing it to you," Astrid explained, scooting closer. "I'm giving it to you."

Charlie's eyes darted up to meet hers. "What? Why?"

"Because I wrote it for you."

Charlie's attention shifted between the parchment and Astrid. Is there any chance you like me as more than just a friend? Charlie's heart pounded painfully against his ribcage as he considered the possibility. "But- but I thought you said your crush wasn't interested?"

She raised an eyebrow at him. "And I thought all you cared about was dragons."

He looked at her incredulously as her words from the previous night echoed inside his brain. Have you ever had a crush on anyone? "Wait- you mean... last night on the steps, you were going to..." he trailed off, not able to form the words correctly, and she nodded. 

“That’s why I didn’t come to you about it. I didn’t want to lie to you, but I wasn’t sure if I should tell you either.”

Feeling like his heart was about to explode, Charlie dropped his head into his hand. How stupid could he be? Why did he have to be so oblivious? "Bloody hell, I'm such an idiot." 

His words were muffled by his palm, and he stayed like that until a soft, gentle hand rested on his forearm. Goosebumps shot down Charlie's arm as Astrid pulled his hand away, encouraging him to look at her.

"Apparently we're both idiots," she said, a sweet smile lighting up her face. "Maybe that's why we're best friends."

His breath caught in his throat as he stared down at her. She was so close to him and still holding onto his arm. "Do you really fancy me?"

Instead of answering, Astrid slid a hand behind Charlie’s neck and brought his face down to hers, kissing him gently on the mouth. 

It was as if someone set off a dozen Filibuster Fireworks inside Charlie’s chest. He rested his forehead against hers as they pulled apart, and they both were beaming as their eyelids fluttered open. As Charlie regained his ability to think, he remembered something. 

“Does that mean I can take you to Madam Puddifoot’s Tea Shop next weekend?”


Astrid grinned and laced their fingers together. “I was hoping you’d ask.”


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