Holiday Break at the Weasleys

written by Kelly

Astrid goes and stays with the Weasley's over winter break. Will she be accepted into the family or will she be too nervous to show up? 4689 words

Last Updated






Chapter 1

“What if they don’t like me?” Astrid asked nervously as they packed up for the holiday break. She often found herself in the Gryffindor Boys' dormitory (regardless of whatever rule forbade her from being there).

“Are you mad?” Charlie asked, walking over to her, placing his hands on her shoulders, “They are going to adore you” He smiled, placing a kiss on her forehead.

“You’ve already met Bill, Perce is in his second year, but he’s secluded” Charlie started, “Did you see him at sorting ceremony?”

Astrid recalled last year as yet another Weasley joined Gryffindor house, “Yes, I’ve spoken to him a few times but nothing past greetings” she said, sitting on Charlie’s bed.

“He packed earlier today so he must be with McGonagall right now trying to cosy up to her” Charlie laughed, “He’s a brilliant fellow, I just hope he opens up more”

Charlie had officially met Astrid during their fourth year after being introduced by his older brother, Bill. They were now in their fifth year while Bill was wrapping up his final year at Hogwarts.

Astrid’s parents had taken a spontaneous trip to Russia, but could not take their daughter because it was strictly Ministry business. Astrid talked to Charlie about her dilemma, stating that she would be staying at the school for the break.

During that conversation, Charlie blurted out, “You should come to my house!” and she was rather excited about it. Charlie didn’t know whether or not he was allowed to invite anyone, but knowing his mother, she’d never say no.

“You all packed?” Charlie asked as Astrid handed him one of his shirts. She gave a silent nod in reply, still worrying about meeting his family, “Can you please stop worrying?” He smiled, pulling her in for a hug, “They’re gonna love you as much as I do”

Although they weren’t officially a couple, they definitely acted like it. The reasoning behind that was because they were too nervous to ask each other out.

Astrid wrapped her arms around him, looking up with a smile, “Thanks, Charlie” she said and he pressed a kiss against her forehead. Astrid’s eyes travelled down to his lips and in one swift movement, her eyes met with his green ones.

Charlie blushed, leaning down to kiss her, but at that moment the dormitory door flew open, “Charles- Woah” Bill laughed, crossing his arms, “You should finish packing before you get to that” He teased and Charlie nervously let go of Astrid, “We leave in twenty minutes, Perce just got back from McGonagall’s office and he’s waiting downstairs”

“Damn!” Charlie yelled, stuffing the rest of his clothes and belongings into his trunk, slamming it shut, “Where’s your bag?” He asked

“Downstairs,” Bill replied, “I packed yesterday night so I could sleep in” He laughed

Astrid smiled, grabbing her bag from the side of Charlie’s bed, “Let’s head out then”

“Excellent idea” Bill grinned, heading towards the door, “Y'know, Charlie” He started, “I thought you took Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them everywhere, can’t believe you’re leaving it on the table,” He said and descended down the stairs

“Dammit!” Charlie exclaimed, grabbing his book and the trunk, “He’s always so bloody smug!”

“But you love him” Astrid teased and Charlie huffed, “Come on, Charlie!” She grinned and held the door open for him

“I do, but he can be a real pain in the arse sometimes” He replied and walked down the stairs with Astrid in tow.

“We could’ve missed the train!” Percy exclaimed as he anxiously tapped his foot, “How would we have gotten home?”

“Calm down, Perce” Charlie responded with a smile, “maybe we could’ve walked?” He responded, clearly teasing his brother.

Percy huffed, the same way Charlie reacted to Bill earlier. Astrid laughed and Percy turned to grab his trunk, “Is she coming with us?” He asked and Charlie nodded in response, “Did you tell mum?”

Charlie let out a nervous chuckle, “Of course I did, Perce, I’m not mad” He stated, following Bill through the portrait hole. Percy sighed, going after his brother

“That’s not why I say it,” Percy said, “You know mum, she’ll go loony if she didn’t get a gift for her”

“She doesn’t have to get me a gift!” Astrid exclaimed, “Letting me stay is enough.”

Bill let out a laugh as they approached the exit, “You’re very humble, but considering the number of times Charlie’s mentioned you, you’re technically a part of the family”

“William!” Charlie yelled, slapping his brother across the head, but it only made Astrid laugh as a shade of red crept upon his cheeks.

“Ow!” Bill exclaimed, rubbing his head, “you’re gonna pay for that later” he grinned as they all boarded the Hogwarts Express.

About an hour later, they finally arrived at King’s Cross Station. Oliver Wood, a member of the Gryffindor Quidditch team had gone up to Charlie with a large smile

“Charlie!” He spoke, “I hope ya know I’ll be practising my Quidditch all break!” He stated proudly. Oliver admired Charlie’s skills in Quidditch and hoped to impress him.

“That’s brilliant, Oliver” Charlie replied, “I’ll make sure to come back stronger” He grinned and waved him off as the three Weasley’s and Astrid travelled back from Platform 9 ¾.

Outside the station, the three boys were met by an older redhead waiting near a blue car, “My boys!” He exclaimed, walking up to them and giving them each a hug, “Perce, I swear you keep growing!” He said and ruffled his hair to Percy’s annoyance

“Uh, Dad” Charlie spoke up nervously, “This is Astrid, the girl I told you about” Charlie gestured to her and their father walked over with a smile, giving her a firm handshake

“I’m Arthur Weasley” He grinned, “It’s great to finally meet you, Charlie mentions you all the time-”

“Dad!” Charlie exclaimed but she smiled at the encounter,

“It’s great to meet you too, Mr Weasley” She replied.

While Astrid was introduced, Bill had taken the trunks and put them in the boot of the car, “Let’s get going” He said, slamming the door down.

“Come on, everyone in!” Mr Weasley exclaimed, opening the car door, “Molly’s been going mad, cleaning up and down the house, so Astrid wouldn’t feel overwhelmed”

Bill jumped in the front seat and Percy took the seat behind his eldest brother. Charlie, however, held the door open for Astrid.

"Thank you, Charlie" She grinned, sliding into the middle seat as Charlie sheepishly sat down next to her.

Once Charlie shut the door, the car pulled out and they headed towards their destination. Astrid didn’t mind the rather tight fit, but she wondered how they all travelled together since they were such a big family.

“Anything exciting happen so far?” Mr Weasley asked and Bill let out a chuckle as he glanced at Charlie and Astrid through the mirror

“Nothing much, just some crazy adventures,” Bill started, “All related to the class courses, of course,” He winked at Astrid, making her glance over at Charlie with a grin. Their adventures were most definitely not class-related, but if it kept Mr Weasley calm, that’s the story they had to tell.

Percy rolled his eyes at the obviously made-up story but decided to keep quiet, knowing how his father would react if he found out. He wouldn’t necessarily get mad, but he blurts it out in front of their mother and that’s where the real trouble could be found.

Once at the Weasley home, Bill opened up the back and took out all the trunks. Percy had grabbed his and was inside the house in a matter of minutes. Arthur Weasley sighed, grabbing Bill’s trunk, “I sure hope he opens up more,” He said to no one in particular, but it reminded Astrid of what Charlie had said earlier.

Charlie smiled and grabbed his trunk, but when Astrid reached for her own, Bill had already taken it and began walking towards their tall home.

“Bill!” Astrid exclaimed as she and Charlie followed after him, “I can’t take it myself, you don’t have to!”

Bill laughed in return, “Can’t let the lady do everything herself” He replied, opening the door with a small smirk. Charlie walked in followed by Astrid who was still trying to get her trunk back.

“I’ve done it plenty of times, it’s not an issue” She reassured, but his smile only grew,

“I’m just trying to show Charles how to treat a lady” Bill winked and Charlie huffed, setting his trunk down.

“I know how to treat a lady!” Charlie yelled, grabbing Astrid and pulling her in for a kiss. In reality, this wasn’t how she envisioned their first kiss going, but she let herself enjoy the moment.

But it was a very short moment, because seconds after, two identical red-haired boys were at the doorway with large smiles, “Look, Georgie!” One of them said, “Charlie’s got himself a girlfriend!” He exclaimed and they both laughed.

Charlie pulled away, his face as red as ever as he glared at his younger brothers, “Astrid, these are Fred and George” He sighed, “Ten-year-old menaces”

Fred and George looked at each other with knowing smiles. The two boys walked up to her, grabbing her by the hands and pulling her away from Charlie

“Y'know, he talks about you all the time” George stated raising his eyebrows with a grin

“Never stops talking about you,” Fred added on, “Seriously, all summer he was asking Bill what he thought you were up to and if you missed him-”

“That’s enough, you nosy boys!” Bill exclaimed, grabbing George and throwing him over his shoulder, laughing as he ran off with him.

“Fred!” George exclaimed, reaching out for his brother, Fred bolted after Bill, trying to rescue his twin brother.

“I’m sorry about those two” Charlie muttered nervously. Before Astrid could say anything, he remembered what he had done and began to panic, “I’m sorry for kissing you out of the blue! I just,” He blurted out, “Bill makes me so mad sometimes! Acting like he’s a know-it-all because he’s the eldest-”

Astrid had placed her hands on Charlie’s face and pulled him in for another kiss, cutting off his rambling. Once she finally broke the kiss, Charlie shot her a sheepish smile, “If that’s the case, can I kiss you again?” He asked quietly, but then a loud crash rang through the house.

Although they were used to those types of sounds, Charlie ran in the direction of the crash, tugging Astrid along with him. Once in the kitchen, they noticed Bill on the floor, rubbing his sides as Fred and George jumped over and around him, screaming victory cheers.

The loud noise had been the metal pots and pans that came crashing down once Bill hit the table.

“I’m safe!” George exclaimed as he hugged Fred proudly. Their moment of triumph was quickly shut down as Molly Weasley rushed into the kitchen and laid eyes on the mess her boys had made.

“Boys!” She yelled and the twins looked at each other in panic, simultaneously saying “uh oh” as they attempted to run, but their mother had grabbed onto them first

“Remember what I said about roughhousing?!” Mrs Weasley yelled and the two boys nodded, “Now poor Billy is hurt and you two could’ve gotten hurt as well!”

“I’m fine,” Bill stated,  getting up from the ground, “I’ve dealt with a lot worse” He shrugged, placing a kiss on top of his mother’s head then plopped down on the couch with a small sigh.

The two boys nodded in acknowledgement as their mother spoke to them and began picking up the mess they had made. Although Mrs Weasley was reprimanding them, it wasn’t anything too harsh, there was a lot going on in their household and it wasn’t unnatural for someone to get hurt.

“Mum?” Charlie called and Mrs Weasley turned to face him but noticed Astrid standing next to him with a small smile.

“Goodness!” She exclaimed, brushing herself off and approaching her, “I’m sorry you had to see me like that, dear,” She said and gave her a hug as a greeting, “I’m Molly Weasley, Charlie’s told me so much about you”

Astrid felt right at home as she talked to her, “That’s what I’ve been told” she replied and the twins snickered as they placed the pots and pans into the sink. There, an enchanted brush began washing them, all enchanted items were there to make their lives easier since they already had so much to do.

Charlie blushed at Astrid’s response and gave his mother a small hug, “Yes, Fred and George her told an incredibly embarrassing story” Charlie muttered and Mrs Weasley patted him on the head as reassurance

“It’s a true story, though” Fred shouted and Bill shot them a playful look. The twins looked at each other and ran out before their older brother could get to them.

Molly Weasley began checking on the meal in the oven, “Bill, can you go check on your sister?” She asked, “She’s upstairs separating Christmas ornaments, but you know how she gets when we have visitors”

Bill nodded and pushed himself off the couch, climbing up to find his sister. Charlie moved to help his mother with the cooking and Astrid began picking up stray items from the floor, but Molly Weasley smiled in response, “Dear, you’re a guest” She began, “Please don’t worry about all this, you just make sure you’re comfortable”

Astrid shook her head and continued to organize some items, “Mrs Weasley, you letting me stay is marvellous, but I must help out in some way” She grinned, giving Mrs Weasley a hug.

Charlie smiled softly, his mind drifting off, thinking about how close Astrid and his family would be if she kept coming over. Their heartwarming moment, however, was cut short as a blood-curdling scream shot through the house.

“RON?!” Charlie yelled and raced towards the stairs, calling Astrid along with him. The pair ran up two flights of stairs to find yet another freckled redheaded boy pressed up against the corner with an expression full of pure panic.

Near him, stood Percy with a shoe, creeping up on the scurrying animal that had frightened his brother.

“Get it, Percy!” The eight-year-old yelled, standing as far away as possible. Percy finally caught up to the spider and slammed his shoe down, “Is it dead?” Ron asked quietly

Percy grimaced as he saw the remains of the obviously dead spider at the bottom of his shoe. Ron was frightened yet again and ran to Charlie, hugging his leg tightly. Charlie was much taller than Ron, but that was because Ron was still very young.

Charlie patted his brother soothingly, “I’d be surprised if it wasn’t,” Charlie laughed, “You really hit it hard, I didn’t know you had it in you, Perce” Charlie said and Astrid laughed with him.

“Yes, haha, but when you got Ronnie yelling in your ear, you want to get rid of these quickly” Percy replied sarcastically, referring to the spider. “Y'know, just because I’m not built like you or William, doesn’t mean I’m not strong” Percy stated, crossing his arms as an attempt to subtly impress his brothers and Astrid.

Ron looked back at Percy and let out a small laugh, “Percy, you fell carrying a stack of books just a minute ago” He whispered and Percy pointed his shoe at Ron which made him retreat behind his brother. Charlie patted Ron’s head, attempting to calm him down again

“I’m always killing spiders for you, Ron” Percy grinned, “You might not want to get on my bad side” he joked and threw the shoe into his room before heading towards the stairs, “William asked me to come help with Ginny and he wants all of us there too, including Astrid” With that, Percy head up the stairs, leaving Charlie dumbfounded.

“Ronnie, I think Perce made a joke just a second ago” Charlie grinned and Ron shook his head

“It was an awful one” Ron stated, pointing up at his older brother, finally releasing his leg. Ron shuffled over to the girl that stood next to Charlie, extending his arm politely, like his father had taught him, “I’m Ronald Weasley, the youngest Weasley boy!” He stated proudly, “But you can call me Ron”

Astrid smiled and took his much smaller hand in hers, “I’m Astrid Blackwood, I’m also the youngest” She said and Ron smiled. Even though he wasn’t necessarily the youngest in the family, he felt like he had something in common with her.

“You’re Astrid?” Ron beamed, “Charlie told me you’re the coolest girl he’s ever met!” He exclaimed, jumping in her arms to give her a hug, “You look cool so you really must be brilliant!”

Astrid laughed as she returned his sudden hug, out of all the boys she had met today, he seemed to be the most innocent and it made her happy to see how excited he was to meet her.

“Come with me! We’re going to help Ginny” He grinned and began pulling her up the stairs with a little difficulty since she was much bigger than him. Charlie sighed as he watched his youngest brother pull Astrid up the stairs, Ron always got excited when they brought friends over.

“Ginny’s a little shy” Charlie stated as they walked up the stairs, “Don’t startle her with a new person, Ronnie. You know what happened last time” He warned and Ron gave a proud nod

“I’m her big brother! I can keep her safe!” He exclaimed proudly, opening the door to Ginny’s room. Bill was on the floor with Ginny on his lap who was playing with some ornaments she had found.

Fred and George were jumping up and down her bed while Percy attempted to calm them down, but was obviously getting frustrated. Ron sat down in front of his sister who was happy to see him.

Ginny handed him the red ‘R’ ornament she was playing with and Ron grinned. Astrid stood nervously by the door, not wanting to frighten the young girl. Charlie noticed her nervousness and pulled her to the side, his hands on her waist.

“What’s wrong?” He asked with a small smile, “She’s just shy with new people, but I’m sure she’ll love you” Charlie whispered, pressing a kiss against the tip of her nose.

Astrid still felt a bit worried, but Charlie’s reassurance had calmed her down significantly. As they were about to go in, Ginny peaked her head out to see where her brother was. But when she noticed there was another person, her face turned red and she ran back into the room.

“Ginny” Charlie called, grabbing Astrid’s hand and pulling her into his sister’s room. Ginny had run back to Bill and was hiding in his arms.

“Ginny, she’s our friend” Bill whispered, “She said she wanted to help you organize these” Bill winked at you and Charlie nodded, walking over to her.

“Ginny,” Charlie called but Ginny held on tighter to Bill. Charlie sighed at her nervousness and sat in front of Bill, “Hand her over” Charlie said, reaching out as Bill pried Ginny off him

“Gin,” Charlie muttered as the girl hugged him, “This is the girl I told you about” He whispered in order to not embarrass himself any further. Ginny peeked up over Charlie’s shoulder to look at Astrid who returned her gaze with a small wave.

Ginny’s eyes widened and she cupped Charlie’s ear so no one else could hear, “The one you fancy?” She whispered with a giggle and Charlie gave a subtle nod. With that, Ginny jumped out of Charlie’s lap and ran to the box which had all the Christmas ornaments.

Ginny began separating all the different coloured ornaments with all the initials of the Weasley family and found a green one with Astrid’s initial on it. Ginny walked up to Astrid with a shy smile and lifted up the ornament with her initial in sparkly white paint.

Ginny smiled and Astrid noticed she was missing her two front teeth, “I’m Ginny” she said, “Charlie told me to make this for you because he said you were coming”

Astrid took the ornament from the seven-year-old’s hands and admired it with a grin, “Thank you, Ginny” she stated, “It’s lovely”

Ginny grinned, reaching up to give Astrid a hug, “My daddy talks about my mummy the same way Charlie talks about you” Ginny blurted out as Astrid leaned down to give her a hug.

Charlie covered his face with his hands as his twin brothers began to laugh at him, “Everyone jump on Charlie!” Fred shouted and bounced off the bed onto his brother’s back.

“Hey!” Charlie yelled but then realized George was about to jump. George jumped into Charlie’s arms and as Ron was about to take his turn, Bill had caught him by the waist and pulled him back into his arms.

Ginny shook her head, “Leave Charlie alone!” She yelled, trying to pull Fred off Charlie’s back, but Fred held on tightly. Percy let out an exasperated sigh as he organized the ornaments by colour.

Bill was holding off Ron who was trying to break out of Bill’s grip and Charlie shook around trying to get his cheering brothers off him. Astrid smiled at the siblings, enjoying the first time she’s seen them all together.

Fred grabbed Charlie’s hair tie and pulled it out of his pony-tail, “Let’s go!” He yelled out and jumped off his brother, running out of the room as George followed suit. The soft curls that had been held in place by the ponytail came undone and fell right above his shoulders

“Fred!” Charlie yelled, but Ginny had already run after him which was punishment enough. Ginny loved all her siblings but when it came to Bill and Charlie, she’d do anything for them since they were always the ones watching over her.

Charlie moved to follow his sister, but Astrid grabbed him as he was passing by. He turned to face her and she smiled in return, running her fingers through his hair.

“You should leave it down more often,” Astrid said and Charlie blushed, “I didn’t realize how long it was”

Charlie smiled sheepishly and laced his fingers with her’s, “It gets in my face when I’m in Care of Magical Creatures so I pull it back” He said, blowing a strand out of his face

“I like it” Astrid whispered, leaning in which made Charlie gulp subtly. Even though they had kissed before, he was quite nervous. Percy looked up and saw how close they were, rolling his eyes, he grabbed the ornament boxes and exited the room.

As soon as they were about to kiss, Molly Weasley’s voice rang through the house, “Dinner, you lot!” She yelled and before Charlie could get his lips against her’s, Bill had tugged him by the collar, pulling him out of the room in a fit of laughter.

Ron grabbed Astrid’s hand and began pulling her along as well, “My mum makes the best meals” He grinned, “but Fred and George always try to take mine,” He said with a somewhat disappointed tone.

Once they reached the dining room, everyone had already arrived. Arthur Weasley sat at the head of the table and Molly Weasley was still setting down plates. Bill had taken a seat next to his father while Percy sat next to the empty chair that belonged to his mother.

The twins sat beside each other and were on the other side of Percy.

Ginny ran up to Astrid with a smile, “I want to sit next to you!” She announced and Ron shook his head

“She’s sitting next to me!” He shouted, holding her hand tighter.

“She’s not, Ron! I want to sit next to her” Ginny cried, but Charlie stepped in, grabbing her away from his two quarrelling younger siblings.

“I’m sitting next to her” He stated, wrapping an arm around her waist. Ron and Ginny looked at each other and began to giggle, running off to their seats. Charlie took a seat beside Bill and Astrid took the seat on Charlie’s right.

In the end, Ginny had gotten to sit on the other side of Astrid which left Ron pouting next to George, “I get to sit by her tomorrow” Ron muttered and Ginny nodded in agreement.

“Alright!” Molly exclaimed, pulling out her wand, “Your father brought the tree in” She stated, pointing at the tree in the corner of the room, “But since Bill just turned seventeen, I thought he should do the honours” Molly smiled, putting her wand away in her apron.

Bill stood up proudly, aiming his wand at the tree and with a flick of his wand all the ornaments, minus the initialled ones, flew to it into their respective spots. The lights on the tree flickered on and the entire table clapped. It was a Weasley tradition to set up the tree the day they returned from Hogwarts.

“Let’s eat!” Molly announced happily taking her seat beside Percy. Underneath the table, Charlie had reached over to hold Astrid’s hand which made her smile. Fred and George looked at each other from underneath the table in amusement

“He’s holding her hand!” George exclaimed, pointing at Charlie and Mrs Weasley hushed them.

“We all know Charlie fancies Astrid” Molly exclaimed with a smile on her face, making Bill cover his mouth to keep his laughter in.

“Mum” Charlie pleaded, his family had embarrassed him numerous times today, but that’s just who they were.

Astrid laughed, enjoying the company Charlie’s family provided, which made her miss spending the holidays with her older brother. Watching them talk and enjoy their time with each other made her tear up at the dinner table

Charlie noticed this and immediately grew worried, holding her hand tightly, “Are you okay?” He asked, running his thumb over her hand soothingly

“It’s just you all are so wonderful,” Astrid started, “My parents were never really around so it was always Jacob and I, but now that he’s gone I haven’t felt at home in ages,” She said, wiping the tears from her eyes and Molly gave a soft smile

“You’re always welcome here, dear” She stated, grabbing the box of initialled ornaments and pulling out Astrid’s, “Please be the first one to put it on the tree,” She said handing her the green ornament.

Astrid smiled softly, taking the ornament from her hands and walking over to the tree. Finding the perfect spot, she placed it next to an ornament which contained a moving picture of the Weasley family.

The rest of the family followed suit, placing their ornaments in their desired places then turning back to their dinner.

Mrs Weasley, however, had disappeared momentarily, but once she returned holding a stack of neatly folded jumpers, and while wearing one with an M herself, the family lit up.

She handed each of her children their knitted jumpers and also handed one to her husband with the letter A on it. Mrs After she had handed out all the jumpers, Astrid noticed there was one more

“Mrs Weasley,” she shook her head, “You shouldn’t have gone through all that trouble!” She exclaimed, but Mrs Weasley only laughed.

“It was no trouble at all, dear” She stated, holding out the green jumper, “Charlie told me your favourite colour and I sent the needles to work, it was done in no time” She grinned, handing Astrid her jumper.

Astrid felt like crying yet again, Charlie’s family was so heartwarming and caring it overwhelmed her with emotion. Pulling the jumper over her head, she smiled at how comfortable the red article of clothing was and understood why Charlie wore his own so often.

The Weasley family always cared for each other and had no objections adding Astrid in. They truly wanted to make her feel at home and Charlie wanted nothing more for her to get along with his loud, energetic, yet caring family.

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