The Unchosen One - A Harry Potter Story

When Marigold Lupin-Black, the daughter of Sirius Black and Remus Lupin, begins attending Hogwarts, she realises that pureblood supremacist ideologies still exist years after Lord Voldemort's defeat. The British wizarding world's fears come true once again when Delphini, the daughter of Lord Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange, seizes the position of Minister for Magic to "make the wizarding world great again" by expelling Muggles, Muggle-borns, squibs and werewolves, separating them from witches and wizards. Will Marigold be able to follow in her idol's footsteps, end Delphini's reign of terror and prove herself a true hero?

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9. At the Potters

Chapter 9

 When Marigold, Sirius, Remus, Andromeda and Teddy arrived at the Potters' home, the Potters were waiting for them outside the house.

"Goldie!" James called out.

"James!" Marigold waved and ran over to him.

"Harry, it's so good to see you again." Sirius embraced his godson.

"It's great to see you again, Sirius," Harry said.

Harry and Ginny carried their luggage into the house. Marigold grabbed her trunk and Clover's cage to carry it upstairs.

"Let me help you," James said, trying to take them from Marigold.

"You don't have to," she said, turning red.

"I insist,"

"Thanks," Marigold handed him her trunk and the cage.

James carried Marigold's trunk and Clover's cage into one of the guest rooms. Since the Potters lived in a big house, Marigold, Teddy and Andromeda were able to get separate rooms; Sirius and Remus shared a room.

Before Marigold had a chance to thank him again, James disappeared out of the room. While he was gone, Marigold opened the window to let Clover out; she then began organising her stuff. James came back about a minute later.

"Mum and Dad said that lunch is ready,"

When James and Marigold headed downstairs, the table was full of food. Marigold's mouth started watering as she sat down next to James. Everyone soon started digging in.

"Oh, and Marigold, congratulations on winning the Quidditch match," Ginny said.

"How did you know?" Marigold asked, taking a bite of her bacon sandwich.

"James sent us an owl right after the game," Harry swallowed his food and explained. "He sounded so happy. You would've thought he was the one who caught the Snitch."

"He must've been as proud of Marigold as we were," Remus said. "She also wrote to us that day, and I remember, we were all very glad to hear that."

In the previous month, when they received an owl from Marigold after she had won the match for the Gryffindors, Sirius and Remus could not express enough how proud they were of their daughter. At the same time, they felt a certain emptiness inside when they thought of how happy their best friend would have been if he were still alive.

"I wasn't even in Gryffindor back when I was at Hogwarts," Andromeda added. "But even I was very happy when I heard that."

"James brought it up more times than you could ever imagine," Ginny said. "It was all he talked about since then."

"And I remember how happy he was when we told him that Marigold would be coming over for the holidays. He really is his father's son; he likes his Quidditch players." Harry slightly smirked towards James, who scowled and hung his head.

"Did you bring your broomstick?" James asked Marigold, still flustered at his father's comment.

"I did. I thought I might want to practise Quidditch during the holidays," she replied.

"Can I take a ride on it after lunch?"


"Can I try it too, Goldie?" Lily asked.

Before Marigold could say yes, Ginny chimed in.

"No, Lily," Ginny said. "A Firebolt Supreme is very fast. It's too dangerous for a child your age."

"No fair," she pouted.

After lunch, Teddy excused himself to go upstairs; Marigold supposed that he was going to either read a book or write a letter to Victoire. James started begging Marigold to bring her Firebolt Supreme; she ran upstairs to her room, grabbed her broomstick and came back downstairs with it.

"Let's go outside," Marigold told James and Lily. "Albus, do you want to join us?"

Albus shook his head.

"Don't go too far," Ginny warned.

"We won't," Marigold called out as she brought James and Lily outside.

When Marigold handed him her broomstick, James kicked off on it and flew into the air.

"Goldie, can I try it after James?" Lily asked as her brother almost bumped into Clover, who was flying his way back into Marigold's room.

"Lily, you heard what your mum said,"


"I'm sorry," Marigold said. "I would love to let you, but I don't want to get in trouble with your mum."

"Woo-hoo!" James shouted as he soared midair on the Firebolt Supreme.

Harry, Ginny, Sirius, Remus and Andromeda looked out the window, watching James enjoy himself on Marigold's broomstick.

"Maybe I should get James a broomstick for Christmas," Sirius said.

"Sirius, first-years aren't allowed broomsticks, remember?" Andromeda reminded him.

"You and Remus remember how his grandfather was like, don't you?" Ginny asked.

"I remember, alright," Remus said.

Remus and Sirius fondly looked back on their time at Hogwarts. They felt a deep sense of nostalgia as they recalled James Potter, who, like Marigold, was a talented Quidditch player who made the Gryffindors proud.

"Ginny, has it ever occurred to you that my father might be the reason why they don't allow first-years to have broomsticks?" Harry commented.

Sirius and Remus couldn't help but remember James showing off, messing up his hair and playing with the Golden Snitch to impress Lily, who couldn't hide her smile even as she rolled her eyes at him. The two burst into laughter as they pictured Marigold, upon noticing the younger James just after catching the Golden Snitch, tousling her blonde curls and showing off the Snitch in front of him.

* * *

On Christmas morning, James woke up early. After he got dressed, James went to find Marigold, who was still sleeping. Marigold grunted in her sleep when she heard someone coming into her room.

"Goldie, wake up," James tapped on her shoulder.

Marigold tossed and turned; she took a quick peek to see James standing by her bed.

"Merlin!" she jumped a little. "You scared me."

"Sorry," he said.

Marigold rubbed her eyes; the first thing she saw was the pile of presents on the floor. Marigold got out of bed and started looking through the pile.

"Why don't you check out this one first?" James said, picking up a small box.

"Sure," Marigold said. "Let me guess: is it from Uncle Harry and Aunt Ginny?"

"Maybe," he smiled.

Marigold eagerly opened the box; inside, there was a pair of Dirigible Plum earrings.

"Blimey!" she exclaimed. "I've always wanted these! How did you know?"

"Well," James said shyly. "I noticed you staring at them when we visited the Lovegoods last summer. That's why I suggested them when Mum and Dad were thinking about what to get you for Christmas."

"I love them so much." Marigold gave him a big hug.

James blushed a deep red and handed her the present from Sirius, Remus and Andromeda. It was a black leather case with silver lettering on the cover.

"What's that for?" he asked.

"It's a Broomstick Servicing Kit," Marigold said as she examined it. "Thank Merlin, I really needed to polish my broomstick."

"I can do it for you while you open your other presents,"

"Please," she said, handing him the kit.

There were two more presents. Marigold grabbed one and opened it; inside, there was an ornament shaped like a Golden Snitch and a photo.

"Is that from Andrew or David?" James asked as he polished Marigold's broomstick.

"It's from Andrew," she showed him the picture.

The photo didn't move, which was a little weird for Marigold, who was used to seeing them moving. In the picture, Andrew and his parents were smiling in front of a dome in George Street, clearly having a good time.

Marigold's thoughts drifted away as she remembered hearing from Sirius and Remus that her birth father, Alistair, was from Scotland. If Alistair was still alive, he would've taken Marigold and her birth mother, Catherine, to the part of Edinburgh where Muggles lived; they would've had a great time enjoying the holidays there. Marigold started feeling a little sad when she thought about what could have been, had her birth parents still been alive.

"Goldie," James called.

Marigold continued staring in front of her, visibly spaced out.

"Goldie," he tapped on her this time.

"Huh? What?" she came back to reality.

"Aren't you gonna open the last one?"

"What? Yes, I should."

Marigold picked up the last present and opened it; the box was full of gelts.

"Are those from David?" James asked. "He also got you those last year, didn't he?"

"He did," Marigold said. "He promised me and Andrew that he would send us leftover sweets from Hanukkah every winter holiday. I wish he would invite us for a proper Hanukkah dinner someday."

"You should ask him. And Uncle Moony, too. He's from the same hometown as David, isn't he?"

"Yeah, they're both from Cardiff."

"Speaking of Uncle Moony, did he ever take any gelts from you last year?" James asked, knowing Remus's affinity for chocolate.

"He didn't," Marigold chuckled. "I hid them, and I guess he wasn't able to smell them."

"Breakfast is ready," Ginny called from downstairs.

"Coming, Mum," James called out. "Can I have some of yours?"

"Maybe," Marigold said, playfully rolling her eyes at him.

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