The Unchosen One - A Harry Potter Story

When Marigold Lupin-Black, the daughter of Sirius Black and Remus Lupin, begins attending Hogwarts, she realises that pureblood supremacist ideologies still exist years after Lord Voldemort's defeat. The British wizarding world's fears come true once again when Delphini, the daughter of Lord Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange, seizes the position of Minister for Magic to "make the wizarding world great again" by expelling Muggles, Muggle-borns, squibs and werewolves, separating them from witches and wizards. Will Marigold be able to follow in her idol's footsteps, end Delphini's reign of terror and prove herself a true hero?

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8. Gryffindor vs Slytherin

Chapter 8

At first, Marigold didn't believe Dominique about Benjamin being strict. But since she began attending training sessions three times a week along with the rest of the players on the team, Marigold soon realised that Dominique was right. As if that wasn't enough, Benjamin increased it to five times a week as their first match approached.

Since Marigold became the new Seeker, Professor Slughorn made it a point to bring up her uncle every day whenever she had Potions and during the last Slug Club party; of course, he didn't forget to wish "Regulus's girl" good luck on the day before the match.

On the morning of the first Saturday of November, the day of her first match, everyone stared at Marigold as she made her way over to the Gryffindor table.

"Good luck, Marigold," David said as he passed by her.

"Thanks," she said.

"Looking good, Lupin-Black!"


"Go, Marigold!"

"Lupin-Black, you suck!"

Their comments followed Marigold until she sat down with Andrew and James at the Gryffindor table.

"I'm counting on you, Goldie," James said. "I have five Galleons on Gryffindor."

"This idiot made a bet with Perseus Greengrass," Andrew explained, rolling his eyes.

Marigold gave her friends a weak smile and stared down at her plate; her stomach was doing gymnastics and it felt like whatever she ate would immediately come right back up. How could she possibly eat when she was about to compete in her very first real Quidditch match, against Slytherin, in front of the entire school, including James Sirius Potter?

Marigold glanced over at Benjamin, who was sitting at the other side of the Gryffindor table a little further away. Although he had advised that everyone eats their breakfast before the match, Benjamin didn't touch anything on his plate either.

"Do eat, Marigold," Andrew said. "You'll feel better."

Although eating was the last thing on her mind, Marigold put some baked beans on her toast and took a bite; after all, she needed all the energy she could get to beat Slytherin.

"Why does our first match have to be against Slytherin, anyways?" she complained. "If I lose, the Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws are gonna hate me and the Slytherins are gonna laugh at me."

"We won't hate you," Andrew reassured her. "David wouldn't hate you either."

"I doubt that anyone would hate you even if you did lose," Dominique said. "Especially since you just got the position and Caspian Mirthblight, the Slytherin Seeker, is a fifth-year."

"So Mirthblight should be more worried about being laughed at. Imagine if he loses to a second-year," James chuckled.

"Don't be mean, James," Katie said. "Caspian's quite nice."

About the time they finished eating, Benjamin stood up and made his way over to the other Chaser, Chloe Wilson, and the two Beaters, Alan Suzuki and Malachi Lawrence; he said something to the three, who nodded and got up from the table.

"I'll meet the three of you at the Quidditch pitch in ten minutes." Benjamin gestured towards Marigold, Dominique and Katie.

"I'll see all of you later," Marigold said as she stood up from the table and joined the other two girls.

"Good luck, Marigold!" Andrew called out.

"Good luck!" David added.

"We believe in you!" James added.

Marigold smiled and waved at her friends as she and the other members of the team, with Benjamin leading them, headed to the Quidditch pitch.

* * *

A trumpet blared across the stadium as the entire Gryffindor team waited anxiously, eyeballing outside. At Benjamin's signal, they hopped on their broomsticks and kicked off, soaring into the sky and circling alongside the players from the Slytherin team.

"Hello, and welcome to Hogwarts' first Quidditch game of the season!" Andrew announced through the megaphone.

Marigold was pleasantly surprised to see Andrew as the commentator; she couldn't believe he had kept this a secret from her all this time. Andrew waved at Marigold, and she waved back at him. Marigold felt a lot more relieved knowing that her best friend would be commentating.

"Today's game, Slytherin vs Gryffindor!"

One side of the stadium waved scarlet and gold and the other side waved green and silver; cheers could be heard from both sides.

"Go Gryffindor!"

"Go Slytherin!"

As her Firebolt Supreme carried her, Marigold allowed herself to feel the air; she felt freedom unlike ever before. All fourteen players flew around like geese in circles over the stadium until they rounded up in a single circle in the centre of the stadium. Marigold anchored herself midair and looked down at the other players.

"The players take their positions as Madam Johnson steps out onto the field to begin the game!"

Madam Johnson kicked open the rattling trunk; the balls all shot up into the air.

"The Bludgers are up, followed by the Golden Snitch! Remember, the Snitch is worth 150 points. The Seeker who catches the Snitch ends the game."

As Andrew broadcasted across the stadium, the Golden Snitch fluttered around Marigold, then around Caspian, the Slytherin Seeker; both of them kept their gaze on the Snitch as it flittered away from them and out of their eyesight.

Madam Johnson grabbed the Quaffle from the trunk and released it into the air.

"The Quaffle is released," Andrew stated as it soared into the air and then back down. "and the game begins!"

From then on, it was complete chaos as the players on each team flew into each other; it was a tangle of red and green. A group of audience members ducked their heads as Marigold bumped into a Slytherin player a few inches above them.

"There goes Marigold Lupin-Black on her Firebolt Supreme, the best broomstick since the original Firebolt!" Andrew announced for the entire stadium to hear. "As all of you may remember, these world-class broomsticks brought the Bulgarians their victory last year in the 2014 Quidditch World Cup. Let's hope that Marigold's Firebolt Supreme will also bring the Gryffindors glory."

Marigold became temporarily distracted from the game from snickering at Andrew's advertisement of her broomstick over the megaphone.

"Mr Laird, would you keep your mind on the game, please." Professor Longbottom gently warned him.

"Sorry Professor," Andrew said. "Dominique Weasley from Gryffindor has caught the Quaffle."

Dominique, who was carrying the Quaffle under her arm, was being tailed by two Slytherin Chasers as she zoomed to one of the Slytherin goalposts. When Dominique successfully hurled the Quaffle into the hoop, a bell rang and the crowd started cheering.

"Dominique Weasley scores ten points for Gryffindor!" Andrew called out as Dominique high-fived Malachi as she flew by him.

"Yes!" Marigold cheered as the audience continued to clap for Dominique.

Eponine Roseguard, the Slytherin Keeper, groaned.

"Slytherin takes possession of the Quaffle," Andrew announced as Aurelius Elfsworn, one of the Slytherin Chasers, grabbed it.

Aurelius passed the Quaffle to Engel Rainwater, another Slytherin Chaser. Alan noticed the Quaffle before it reached Engel and hit it towards Katie, only for Engel to catch it and throw it at one of the Gryffindor team's goalposts; Benjamin blocked it in the nick of time.

Olenna Damaris, a different Slytherin Chaser, caught the Quaffle and threw it towards one of the Gryffindors' hoops. This time, Benjamin caught it in his hands and passed it to Katie, who caught the Quaffle; Aurelius, Engel and Olenna trailed behind her. Katie hurled the Quaffle, which flew into the Slytherins' goalpost; the crowd erupted into cheers and applause once again.

"Another ten points to Gryffindor!" Andrew hollered.

Adrian Rosier, one of the Slytherin Beaters, swung the Quaffle towards one of the Gryffindors' goalposts. Unfortunately, it hit Benjamin, who fell to the ground, leading to gasps from the Gryffindor players and the audience.

Callum Pridecreek, a Slytherin Beater, took advantage of Benjamin's fall to swing the Quaffle towards Olenna, who successfully threw it into a hoop this time. The Slytherins cheered at their first goal of the match.

"Take that side!" Aurelius called out at Engel, pointing to a Gryffindor goalpost that was a little further away.

"Marigold, watch out!" Dominique warned as a Quaffle that Adrian swung came flying towards Marigold, who quickly flew away to avoid it.

Chloe zoomed after the Quaffle; Engel and Olenna chased after her. Chloe flew ahead, trying her best to shake them off. Olenna elbowed her, knocking Chloe off of her route.

Adrian swung the Quaffle towards Olenna, who passed it to Aurelius, who threw it into the Gryffindors' goalpost. The Slytherins cheered; they were now tied with Gryffindor.

Marigold groaned until she heard a buzzing nearby that grabbed her attention; she immediately turned and went after the Golden Snitch.

When Caspian noticed Marigold's eyes fixated on the tiny object fluttering ahead of her, he started following her right away. Like two hawks going after the same rabbit, Marigold and Caspian soared after the Snitch; tension filled the atmosphere as they occasionally threw glances towards each other.

"Lu-pin! Lu-pin! Lu-pin! Lu-pin!"

"Mirth-blight! Mirth-blight! Mirth-blight! Mirth-blight!"

As the Snitch flew downwards as if it was trying to escape Marigold and Caspian, they chased after it with their hands spread out in front of them. Unfortunately for Caspian, he couldn't withstand the air pressure and parachuted back up into the air.

However, Marigold successfully turned upright when she was inches from the ground. The Snitch went a few inches upwards; Marigold stood up, balancing herself on top of her broomstick. The Snitch fluttered away from her; Marigold spread out both of her hands, ready to catch it at any moment.

When her fingertips touched the Snitch, Marigold jumped off of her broomstick and tumbled on the ground, followed by gasps from the crowd.

Marigold sat up. The Snitch remained tightly secured in her hands.

"She's got the Snitch! Marigold Lupin-Black receives 150 points for catching the Snitch!" Andrew announced as Marigold's mouth gaped open in surprise.

Madam Johnson blew her whistle.

"Gryffindor wins!" she called out.

The entire stadium erupted into cheers and applause. The other Gryffindor players circled Marigold as she held up her left hand, showing everyone the Golden Snitch that was in her hand.

"Go go, Gryffindor! Go go, Gryffindor!"

"Lu-pin! Lu-pin! Lu-pin!"

Marigold beamed proudly as she looked up at the crowds, who were cheering for her; she felt as though she was going to cry tears of happiness. If she could, Marigold would've asked to relive this moment every day for the rest of her life.

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