The Unchosen One - A Harry Potter Story

When Marigold Lupin-Black, the daughter of Sirius Black and Remus Lupin, begins attending Hogwarts, she realises that pureblood supremacist ideologies still exist years after Lord Voldemort's defeat. The British wizarding world's fears come true once again when Delphini, the daughter of Lord Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange, seizes the position of Minister for Magic to "make the wizarding world great again" by expelling Muggles, Muggle-borns, squibs and werewolves, separating them from witches and wizards. Will Marigold be able to follow in her idol's footsteps, end Delphini's reign of terror and prove herself a true hero?

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7. The New Seeker

Chapter 7

On the day of Quidditch tryouts, Marigold showed up to breakfast wearing a Quidditch uniform, with a broomstick in her hand.

"You look great, Goldie!" James said.


"Is that a Firebolt Supreme?" Andrew asked.

"It is," Marigold said, showing him her broomstick.

"Is it the one your dads got you for your birthday?"

"Yep," she said.

Back in late May, Marigold received a package along with a letter from home. In the letter, Sirius, Remus and Andromeda explained to Marigold that for her birthday, they bought her a Firebolt Supreme, the best broomstick since the original Firebolt. But since they couldn't send it immediately as first-years weren't allowed to have their broomsticks, they asked Marigold to wait until she returned home and settled for homemade sweets and cakes to send her instead. When Marigold returned about a month later, she saw the Firebolt Supreme sitting on her bed in all its glory.

"Can I try your broomstick, Goldie?" James asked.

"Can I try it after him?" Andrew asked.

"Of course, both of you can try it," Marigold said, handing James her broomstick.

James grabbed the Firebolt Supreme from Marigold and hopped on it; he circled in the air a few times before handing it to Andrew. While Andrew was hovering midair, James whipped out his wand and aimed it at his head.

"Crinus Muto!" James shouted.

Andrew's hair turned into hot pink. James and the rest of the Gryffindor table, and even some of the Hufflepuffs who were sitting nearby, started laughing.

"Andrew, your hair is pink!" Marigold shouted, pointing at his hair; she couldn't hold in her laughter either.

"James!" Andrew shrieked, although Marigold could tell that he wasn't actually angry at all.

"You look ridiculous!" James was grabbing his stomach and wheezing with laughter; he looked like he was going to wet himself from laughing.

"Change me back!" Andrew yelled, flushing from embarrassment.

"Fine," James said. "Revelio!"

Andrew's hair returned to his usual sandy brown.

"Did you also swap my broomstick with a fake one?" Marigold jokingly asked James. "If you did, you better tell me now."

"Don't give him ideas!" Andrew said.

"I didn't, I swear to Merlin," James said, despite his mischievous expression. "You saw it working earlier."

"Alright, I'll trust you," Marigold got up from the table. "I'm heading to tryouts."

"Good luck, Marigold!" Andrew called out.

"Good luck!" James added.

"Thanks!" she called out and waved at her friends as she headed out of the Great Hall.

* * *

When Marigold arrived on the Quidditch pitch, around fifteen people were already there; she joined the other wide-eyed Gryffindors who were all gathered in hopes of gaining a position on their house team.

"Remember, just because you were on the team last year doesn't guarantee you a spot this year." a fifth-year who was standing in the centre of the pitch stated.

"Is he the Captain?" Marigold asked Dominique, a fourth-year with strawberry blonde hair who was a Chaser on the team.

"Yes, that's Benjamin Parker. He's the Captain and Keeper of our team," she explained. "He's okay, but he can be quite strict sometimes."

"Alright, who's trying out for Seeker?" Benjamin asked.

A few Gryffindors, including Marigold, stepped forward. When Benjamin took one glance at Marigold's Firebolt Supreme, his eyes popped out; he gestured for her to come over. Marigold went up as nonchalantly and confidently as possible.

"What's your name?" Benjamin asked.

"Marigold Lupin-Black," she replied.

"Lupin-Black, I'm gonna put you through a simple drill to test your skills," he said. "It's nothing difficult, I'm just gonna see how fast you can catch the Snitch."

Marigold nodded; her heart was practically bursting out of her chest. Benjamin opened a trunk that contained an assortment of balls; he then pulled out a tiny golden ball: the Golden Snitch. It started fluttering in Benjamin's hand; he let go, and it quickly went midair.

"Wait," Benjamin put a hand in front of Marigold as she got on her broomstick. "Go!"

Marigold kicked off from the ground and rose into the air; she glanced around until she spotted the tiny Snitch fluttering around like a hummingbird. Marigold flew as fast as her Firebolt Supreme carried her; her eyes were glued only on the Golden Snitch.

At last, Marigold was only about twenty inches from the Snitch; she spread out her hand, waiting to catch it at any moment. When her hand touched the Snitch, Marigold grasped it; grabbing it tightly, she then landed on the ground smoothly. The entire Quidditch pitch burst into applause.

"Well done, Lupin-Black!" even Benjamin couldn't conceal his astonishment.

Andrew, David and James ran up to Marigold as she joined the other Gryffindors who were still clapping for her.

"You did great, Marigold!" Andrew said.

"We were watching you from the sidelines," David added. "You were brilliant!"

"Thanks!" Marigold smiled proudly.

"You're definitely gonna be the next Seeker!" James added.

"There are still a few more people left." someone wearing a Quidditch uniform pointed out.

"Hopefully they won't do as good as you did," James said.

"James!" Marigold nudged him, although she secretly hoped the same thing so that the position would be hers.

They watched the others who were trying out for the Seeker position. Although they all performed quite well, none of them was as quick as Marigold.

* * *

"Great job to everyone who tried out," Benjamin said when the tryouts finally ended. "It was difficult to choose, but I've made my decisions."

"The new Seeker of the Gryffindor team would be..."

When those words came out of Benjamin's mouth, Marigold, her friends and those who tried out for the Seeker position all held their breaths.

"... Marigold Lupin-Black."

Marigold couldn't believe her ears; she let out a gasp of pleasant surprise as her friends started clapping and cheering.

"Congratulations, Marigold!" David said.

"I knew you were gonna get the position!" Andrew added.

"I told you!" James added.

A big smile spread across Marigold's face as some of the other Gryffindors congratulated her, gave her high-fives and pat her on the back. The few who also tried out also clapped, albeit somewhat reluctantly.

* * *

By lunchtime, the story about the new Seeker of the Gryffindor team had spread like wildfire across Hogwarts.

"Make way for Marigold Lupin-Black, the new Seeker of the Gryffindor team!" James announced as Marigold made her way to join her friends at the Gryffindor table. Some laughed, and others looked at James as though he was cuckoo.

While Marigold was having her lunch, Celeste and Louis Weasley, a Ravenclaw from the same year, came to the Gryffindor table to congratulate her.

"You were a lot quicker than our last Seeker," Katie Leandros, a third-year who had just gained the position as one of the Chasers, said.

"And you immediately got into the team as a second-year," Dominique added.

"My father got into the team when he was a first-year." James, who was listening to their conversation, chimed in.

"It can happen, but it isn't very common," Dominique said.

"Anyways, who are we competing against in the first match?" Marigold asked.

"Slytherin," Katie replied.

"That sounds exciting," Andrew said.

"When is it?" Marigold asked.

"After Hallowe'en."

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