The Unchosen One - A Harry Potter Story

When Marigold Lupin-Black, the daughter of Sirius Black and Remus Lupin, begins attending Hogwarts, she realises that pureblood supremacist ideologies still exist years after Lord Voldemort's defeat. The British wizarding world's fears come true once again when Delphini, the daughter of Lord Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange, seizes the position of Minister for Magic to "make the wizarding world great again" by expelling Muggles, Muggle-borns, squibs and werewolves, separating them from witches and wizards. Will Marigold be able to follow in her idol's footsteps, end Delphini's reign of terror and prove herself a true hero?

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6. Harry Potter's son

Chapter 6

 Before she knew it, Marigold was back at Platform Nine and Three-Quarters, about to begin her second year at Hogwarts. Teddy, who was now Head Boy, seemed to be glad that he had only one more year to go.

"Harry!" Sirius called out.

Marigold looked over to see Harry Potter, the man she admired most, with his wife and their three children: James, Albus and Lily. When she noticed the Potters, Marigold took off the tartan Alice band she was wearing and fluffed her blonde curls before putting it back on.

They were talking to a blond muscular man, who was with a beautiful woman with shiny black hair and two girls. One of the girls, who had her light brown hair in two plaits, appeared around the same age as James. The other girl, who had darker hair than her sister, looked about a year older than Marigold.

"Sirius!" Harry embraced his godfather.

"It's great to see you again, Harry," Remus said. Marigold, Sirius, Remus, Teddy and Andromeda exchanged warm greetings with the Potters.

"I don't think I've introduced you to my cousin Dudley yet," Harry said. "This is his wife, Cho, and their daughters, Poppy and Daisy."

Sirius, who remembered Harry being so eager to spend summers with him or the Weasleys to escape the Dursleys, shook Dudley's hand somewhat reluctantly. Remus shot Sirius a dirty look, but Marigold could see that Remus was forcing a smile as he shook Dudley's hand.

"I don't remember seeing Poppy at Hogwarts," Teddy said. Marigold didn't recognise the older girl either.

"Poppy's a squib, so she attends Muggle school," Dudley explained, fluffing Poppy's hair. "But Daisy's a witch, like her mum. This year is her first year at Hogwarts."

"James is starting Hogwarts this year as well," Ginny said.

"Are you ready to start your first year?" Andromeda asked James, who was visibly thrilled. On the other hand, Daisy seemed nervous about going to Hogwarts for the first time.

"If you need anything while you're there, you can always ask Marigold or Teddy," Remus said.

Marigold and Teddy exchanged hugs with Sirius, Remus and Andromeda. James and Daisy also hugged their parents and exchanged goodbyes before they joined the older kids on the Hogwarts Express.

Victoire was sitting in a compartment with her sister Dominique and their brother Louis; she looked graceful as always. When Victoire saw Teddy, she waved at him, smiling brightly.

"I think I'll sit with Victoire," Teddy told Marigold. "Can you take them into an empty compartment?"

"Sure," Marigold said as she glanced through the train, searching for an empty compartment.

"Why?" James asked, with a mischievous grin.

"Let's just go, James, alright?" Marigold rolled her eyes and led him and Daisy into an empty compartment. James sat down next to Marigold and Daisy sat across from them.

"Is it okay if I put this here?" Marigold asked Daisy, who nodded in response. Marigold set Clover's cage down next to Daisy. The three waved at the adults as the train left the station.

Marigold spaced out, gazing mindlessly in front of her when David knocked on their compartment door; she opened the door to let him in.

"Hi, David," Marigold said.

"Hi, Marigold," David said as he sat down next to his friend. "I thought that Andrew would be with you."

"No, he lives in Scotland, so it makes sense for him to not travel all the way to England just to take the Hogwarts Express," Marigold said.

"Who's Andrew?" James asked.

"He's one of our friends," Marigold replied.

"And who are you?" David asked the younger boy.

"I'm James. James Sirius Potter. Harry Potter's son." he said.

"And what about you? What's your name?" David asked the girl sitting across from him.

"Daisy," she replied.

"Are you really Harry Potter's son?" David asked James.

"I look just like my father, so I would assume so," he replied.

"Except for the eyes," Marigold commented. "And you don't wear glasses, but your dad does."

"Anyways, good luck. Harry Potter is famous. Even Marigold is obsessed with him." David said; Marigold nudged him with her elbow. "And if people find out that Harry Potter's son is at Hogwarts, they're not gonna leave you alone. People are gonna stare at you wherever you go."

"I don't care," James said nonchalantly. "Let them stare."

* * *

Every Hogwarts student congregated in the Great Hall for the Sorting Ceremony. As Professor Longbottom called out the names of the first-years, Marigold listened in for James's name, hoping that he would get sorted into Gryffindor.

"Is Harry Potter's son actually here?" Andrew whispered to Marigold.

"He is. I sat next to him on the way to Hogwarts," she whispered back.

"Dursley, Daisy!"

When Professor Longbottom called Daisy's name, she walked up tentatively, sat on the stool and put the Sorting Hat on her head.

"I'm joining you on the Hogwarts Express next time," Andrew said; he and Marigold silently laughed amongst themselves.

Marigold could understand; she knew, perhaps much more than anyone else, how much of an honour it would be to sit next to the son of one of the greatest wizards in history.


As Daisy walked up to the Hufflepuffs' table, Marigold hoped that Teddy and David would take good care of her.

Throughout the ceremony, Marigold mainly spent the time quietly having a conversation with the other Gryffindors instead of keeping track of which house every first-year got sorted into; however, there were some names that made her ears perk up.

"Finnigan-Thomas, Patrick!"

Based on his surname and red hair, it was obvious that Patrick was Cosette's younger brother.


"Greengrass, Perseus!"

Marigold immediately recognised Perseus as the son of her favourite professor, Daphne Greengrass, and the brother of Celeste and her twin brother Hercules.


The Slytherins, especially Celeste and Professor Greengrass, started cheering and clapping. On the other hand, Hercules, the only Gryffindor from the Greengrass family, seemed a little disappointed.

"Potter, James!"

When Professor Longbottom called out the name Marigold has been anticipating, Professor McGonagall's eyes widened, and Marigold noticed her muttering "Oh, Merlin."


As James took a seat next to Marigold, the entire Gryffindor table erupted in applause and shouts of joy.

"We got Potter! We got Potter! We got Potter!"

The Sorting Ceremony continued as the Gryffindors all started talking to James at once, bombarding him with questions.

At last, there was only one student left to be sorted.

"Weasley, Molly!"


Although the Gryffindors still cheered and clapped as Molly sat down at their table, their response wasn't nearly as enthusiastic as when James joined them.

* * *

During the feast, James felt as though someone was staring at him from a distance; he turned around to see an older girl with silvery-blue hair who was sitting at the Slytherins' table. James tapped at Marigold, who was busy stuffing her face with food.

"Do you know who that is?" he asked, pointing at the Slytherin girl.

"That's Delphini Diggory. Teddy told me that she's the current Head Girl," Marigold explained.

"What's her problem? She's looking at you like she wants to kill you," Andrew commented, clearly disturbed.

"I heard that she's Voldemort and Bellatrix's daughter," Marigold whispered to her friends.

"No way," Andrew said.

James stuck his tongue out at Delphini, who continued to glare at him the way a wolf looked at its prey.

"Don't bother, James. I wish I could tell her to cut it out. It's disgusting." Marigold made a face and turned away from Delphini's gaze.

Disclaimer: I got the names Poppy and Daisy from a headcanon. All credits to the original creator of the headcanon.


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