The Unchosen One - A Harry Potter Story

When Marigold Lupin-Black, the daughter of Sirius Black and Remus Lupin, begins attending Hogwarts, she realises that pureblood supremacist ideologies still exist years after Lord Voldemort's defeat. The British wizarding world's fears come true once again when Delphini, the daughter of Lord Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange, seizes the position of Minister for Magic to "make the wizarding world great again" by expelling Muggles, Muggle-borns, squibs and werewolves, separating them from witches and wizards. Will Marigold be able to follow in her idol's footsteps, end Delphini's reign of terror and prove herself a true hero?

Last Updated






53. Patronus Charm

Chapter 53

 A few weeks after the students returned to Hogwarts after the winter holidays, David sent his friends an owl.


Dear Andrew, James, Albus, Rose and Scorpius,


I hope you’ve all been alright. I haven’t been well, since I broke up with Madison a few days ago. I don’t harbour any hard feelings for her, though.


I turned eighteen yesterday, and I’ll be on my birthright trip to Israel, which I’m really looking forward to. By the time you receive this owl, I might already be there.


I really wish I could be there with you all, and attend the Dumbledore Army meetings. I’m glad you’re all being prepared.


I miss you all so much.




 “I didn’t know he broke up with Madison,” Rose said as she and her friends headed to the Room of Requirement.


 “I feel so bad for him,” Scorpius added.


 Andrew only nodded; he hated to admit it, but deep down, he felt somewhat relieved for some reason.


 When Andrew, Rose and Scorpius arrived at the Room of Requirement, they were quite surprised to see a few new members.


 “Dad?” Rose looked around at her father and grandparents. “Gran? Granddad?”


 “Hi, Rosie and Andrew,” Ron said, before turning to Scorpius somewhat stiffly. “Hi, Scorpius.”


 “Great to see you again,” Molly added, smiling kindly, especially towards Scorpius, who smiled back at her.


 “Hello, kids,” Arthur added goodheartedly.


 Just then, Lucius, Narcissa and Draco entered the room.


 “Dad!” Scorpius called out, waving excitedly. “Nan! Pa!”


 “Scorpius!” Draco embraced his son.


 “My baby,” Narcissa kissed Scorpius’s forehead.


 Lucius affectionately ruffled his grandson’s hair before shifting his gaze towards Arthur.


 “You!” Arthur snarled. “What are you doing here?!”


 “Malfoy, in case you forgot, this meeting is only for Dumbledore’s Army members, to fight AGAINST Delphini, not with her,” Ron said icily, glaring at Draco.


 “Dad! Granddad! Stop!” Rose pleaded.


 Draco pulled out his wand, his cold grey eyes shooting daggers at Ron.


 “Dad! No!” Scorpius tried to grab the wand from his father’s hand.


 Andrew stared at the Weasleys and Malfoys, wide-eyed, wishing desperately that his mother, who was writing a letter to Hermione, was there.


 “Get your arse out of here before I hex you,” Ron snarled at Draco, pulling out his wand, ignoring Harry, who was trying to stop him.


 “That’s enough!” Lorenzo shouted sternly, which made Arthur, Draco, Lucius and Ron all freeze at once.


 “Lorenzo, please, you have to believe them,” Scorpius begged. “My father and grandparents all came knowing what the meeting is about.”


 “I know, it’s alright,” Lorenzo assured him, before turning to Ron and Arthur. “I can’t believe you would treat Scorpius’s family like that; they have the right to be here as much as you.”


 “Do you know what kind of disgusting stuff their lot has done?” Ron shot back.


 “My son is right,” Arthur added. “Just because they’re here now, it doesn’t excuse the awful stuff they’ve done in the past.”


 “That doesn’t mean they can make the right choices in the future as they’re doing now,” Lorenzo stated. “And shouldn’t we be encouraging them to do so?”


 “But still!” Ron argued. “That doesn’t excuse what they’ve done before!”


 Lorenzo took a second to collect his thoughts before opening his mouth.


 “You’re right, nothing will erase the errors of their past,” he replied calmly. “But what matters is that now, they’re here with us, with the same goal as us. We can’t have any more division and hate amongst ourselves. Especially at a time like this, we need to stand together, united, not divided.”


 Sirius stared at Lorenzo in awe. Meanwhile, Ron and Arthur hung their heads in shame.


 “You’ve got a point….” Ron muttered.


 Arthur nodded politely, but his expression remained somewhat stiff.


 “Thank you,” Lorenzo said, before addressing the others. “First, I would like to welcome our new members: Arthur, Molly and Ron Weasley, and Lucius, Narcissa and Draco Malfoy.”


 Harry, Sirius, Andromeda, Teddy, Victoire, Andrew, Celeste, Cosette, Fred, Roxanne, Georgina, Hercules, Louis, Noel, Lucy, William, Daisy, James, Patrick, Perseus, Albus, Rose, Scorpius, Lily, Hugo, Lorcan, Lysander and Robert all clapped.


 “Today, you will learn the Patronus Charm,” Harry said.




 “No way!”


 “That’s advanced magic, isn’t it?”


 “It would be too hard!”


 Albus, Rose, Scorpius, Lily, Hugo, Lorcan, Lysander and Robert started whispering amongst themselves.


 “It is advanced magic that you will be learning in your fifth year, so you may find it difficult,” Harry replied. “But it’s alright, producing a corporeal Patronus is something that even grown wizards have trouble doing.”


 Victoire raised her hand.




 “Do you think Delphini will start using Dementors to attack us?” she asked.


 Sirius turned pale.


 “Although she hasn’t used them yet, I don’t see why she won’t use them in the future,” Harry replied. “Even if she doesn’t, it would still be quite helpful to learn. Lorenzo, would you like to demonstrate?”


 “Of course,” Lorenzo replied, stepping forward; he twirled his wand in a circle in midair. “Expecto Patronum!”


 Lorenzo beamed proudly as a great silver phoenix formed from the tip of his wand and soared in midair as the others stared in awe; some started clapping.


 “Brilliant, Lorenzo!” Harry exclaimed.


 Soon, the members started practising the Patronus Charm on their own as Harry and Lorenzo walked around to give advice to those who needed it.


 “Expecto Patronum!”


 Sirius high-fived Andromeda as the silvery figure of the large dog flew in the air, barking.


 “I did it!” he cheered. “For the first time! I can cast a Patronus now!”


 “Excellent, Sirius!” Lorenzo gave him a thumbs-up.


 The others had varying levels of success: some managed to cast only a silvery mist, while others became fully corporeal Patronuses.


 A lion with a luscious mane flew out of James’s wand, to no one’s surprise.


 “What you’re doing is very advanced magic,” Harry said. “You’re all doing great!”


 Andrew watched in joy as a beagle flew out of his wand that knocked Lysander down.


 “A Patronus will last only as long as you focus,” Harry said. “So focus!”


 “Expecto Patronum!”


 Albus looked at the stag that flew out of his wand, then back at his father, smiling proudly.


 “Brilliant, Albus!” Harry exclaimed.


 “Expecto Patronum!”


 Scorpius gasped as he watched the silver doe that flew out of his wand prance midair, following Albus’s stag; he looked at Albus, who smiled at him, blushing.

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