The Unchosen One - A Harry Potter Story

When Marigold Lupin-Black, the daughter of Sirius Black and Remus Lupin, begins attending Hogwarts, she realises that pureblood supremacist ideologies still exist years after Lord Voldemort's defeat. The British wizarding world's fears come true once again when Delphini, the daughter of Lord Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange, seizes the position of Minister for Magic to "make the wizarding world great again" by expelling Muggles, Muggle-borns, squibs and werewolves, separating them from witches and wizards. Will Marigold be able to follow in her idol's footsteps, end Delphini's reign of terror and prove herself a true hero?

Last Updated






51. The Third Wizarding War Begins

Chapter 51

 A few days later, Clover flew over the Gryffindor table, carrying a newspaper from the Daily Prophet; he landed in between Andrew and James, where Marigold used to sit.


 “He’s been coming over every day,” Andrew said as he untied it. “Even after….”


 Rose glanced at the front page and gasped.


 “What is it?” James asked. “What does it say?”


 Andrew flipped the newspaper over to its front page, where the headlines read, “Attack on the Ministry of Magic.” Below the headlines were photos of riots causing explosions and Delphini’s supporters holding signs that read, “Make the Wizarding World Great Again.”


 “This is disgusting,”


 Mrs Laird snatched the newspaper from her son’s hands.


 “Five dead, fifteen hospitalised, at least one hundred injured,” she read, turning pale.


 Mrs Laird, Sirius, Lorenzo, Andrew, James, Rose, Lily and Hugo exchanged looks of anger and disgust.


* * *


 “For the third time in the history of the wizarding world, we are at war.”


 Hermione’s voice could be heard from radios across the British wizarding world. Even at Hogwarts, the professors all paused in the middle of their lessons to listen to the broadcast.


 “Since when did we have a radio?” Robert, a Hufflepuff, whispered during Defence Against the Dark Arts.


 “Lorenzo put it there a few weeks ago,” Lorcan replied, whispering back.


 “Isn’t he one of the Aurors who teaches DA?”


 “He is,” Lysander replied. “You should start joining us at those meetings.”


 “My brother and mum said they teach advanced spells though,” Robert said. “Is it really that difficult?”


 “It is, but with some practice, you’ll be alright,” Lorcan replied.


 “Boys,” Harry said. “No talking.”


 Lorcan, Lysander and Robert all nodded and fell silent, listening to the radio.


 “There will be dark days ahead, but we must stand together to do what is right. In the words of Albus Dumbledore, we are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.”


* * *


 “Did you hear Hermione Granger’s broadcast on Potterwatch?”


 “Of course, Professor Flitwick played the radio in the middle of lessons,”


 “A war? Again? Can you believe it?”


 “It’s only been twenty-two years since the last one ended.”


 “Well, it is what it is. There’s nothing we can do about it.”


 Hogwarts was bustling with everyone, students and teachers alike, discussing the declaration of war against Delphini.


 “Do you think Teddy’s heard of it by now?” Albus asked as he and Scorpius headed to the library.


 “He probably would’ve by now,” Scorpius replied, his grey eyes looking around until he spotted the back of someone’s bright blue head.


 “There he is,” Albus said, before grabbing Scorpius’s hand.


 “What are you doing?” Scorpius whispered, blushing furiously.


 “Why not?” Albus smirked. “Come on, let’s go.”


 Scorpius giggled; he couldn’t hide his smile as he followed Albus, who winked at him.


 “Hey, Teddy,” Albus called.


 Teddy turned around and smiled at them, before looking down at their hands.


 “Hello, lovebirds,” he said, smirking at them. “What brings you here?”


 Albus and Scorpius blushed before Scorpius opened his mouth.


 “Aunt Andromeda is looking for you,” he said. “I think Sirius and Victoire are with her.”


 “They’re in the Great Hall,” Albus added.


 “Alright,” Teddy said, standing up. “Are you two coming or will you be having some romantic quality time?”


 “We’ll be doing our homework, thank you very much,” Albus snapped, averting his eyes.


 “Anyways, I better be going. Have fun, you two.” Teddy smirked before turning around to leave.


 “Ugh!” Albus huffed his face as red as a tomato.


 Scorpius whimpered, covering his face with his hands.


* * *


 “I know, everyone’s been talking about it,” Teddy said. “I believe it, of course.”


 There was a collective sigh of relief from Victoire, Andromeda and Sirius.


 “We’re glad you came around, honey,” Victoire said.


 Teddy smiled weakly.


 “To be honest, I believed Lorenzo when he first said Delphini would start another war,” he said sheepishly. “I know Lorenzo, he would never say that kind of thing unless he was sure. If he says it’s happening, then it’s happening. I just hated to admit it because….well, you know….”


 “We understand,” Andromeda said. “It must’ve been very hard for you to lose your mother at such a young age,”


 “That’s what I’ve been worried about, and as for Marigold - well, she luckily managed to survive, but -”


 Teddy couldn’t dare say the words out loud.


 ‘What if she wakes up and she’s a vegetable? What if she’s not a vegetable but doesn’t remember us?’


 “Teddy,” Sirius said gently, looking into his eyes. “I understand you’re worried about us but we’ll be alright. It won’t be easy, but it will be worth fighting for. We’re all in this together.”


 Teddy quietly nodded, taking in his words.


 “Besides,” Sirius continued. “Your mother remained strong and brave in the face of war. And Marigold would want us to continue her fight. We’re fighting in their name.”


 Teddy thought for a moment, before opening his mouth.


 “Do you think Lorenzo would forgive me?”


 Sirius nodded.


 “Lorenzo would forgive you,” he replied sincerely.

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