The Unchosen One - A Harry Potter Story

When Marigold Lupin-Black, the daughter of Sirius Black and Remus Lupin, begins attending Hogwarts, she realises that pureblood supremacist ideologies still exist years after Lord Voldemort's defeat. The British wizarding world's fears come true once again when Delphini, the daughter of Lord Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange, seizes the position of Minister for Magic to "make the wizarding world great again" by expelling Muggles, Muggle-borns, squibs and werewolves, separating them from witches and wizards. Will Marigold be able to follow in her idol's footsteps, end Delphini's reign of terror and prove herself a true hero?

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49. The New Dumbledore’s Army

Chapter 49

 Harry, Sirius, Andromeda, Lorenzo, Teddy, Victoire, Mrs Laird, Andrew, Celeste, Cosette, Fred, Roxanne, Georgina, Hercules, Louis, Noel, Lucy, William, Daisy, James, Patrick, Perseus, Albus, Rose, Scorpius, Lily, Hugo, Lorcan and Lysander were all gathered in the Room of Requirement.


 “What is this place?” Andrew asked.


 “The Room of Requirement,” Lorenzo replied. “It’s a secret room that only appears when one is desperately in need of something.”


 “So if I really need the lavatory….” James opened his mouth.


 Andrew and Rose rolled their eyes. Lily, Hugo, Lorcan and Lysander started giggling.


 “Pretty much,” Harry replied nonchalantly, forcing himself from twisting his mouth into a smile.


 “So is this where we’re gonna discuss everything from now on?” Albus asked.


 “Yes, and something else,” Sirius replied, before turning around. “Lorenzo, do you want to explain?”


 “Sure,” Lorenzo cleared his throat, before opening his mouth. “So Harry, Sirius, Teddy, Victoire and I have been thinking, it’s probably only a matter of time before Delphini starts another war, and we should be prepared. We decided that we would help all of you learn advanced Defence Against the Dark Arts so that we’re all fully trained when Delphini strikes.”


 “That’s brilliant,” Scorpius said.


 “But how can we know if Delphini really will start another war?” Louis asked.


 Teddy quietly nodded in agreement.


 “We’re not absolutely certain, of course, but we can’t say she would never start a war,” Victoire answered. “Now that she broke into Hogwarts, kidnapped James and tortured Marigold, she’s really capable of anything.”


 “I think it would be nice to be prepared just in case,” Rose agreed.


 “Yeah, a few lessons on advanced Defence Against the Dark Arts won’t hurt,” Celeste added.


 “We’ll first start out easy, with the Disarming Charm. It may seem simple, but it is important and can even save your life one day.” Harry said. “Now, I need a volunteer.”


 Lorenzo and Sirius raised their hands at the same time. Sirius put his hand down and gestured towards Lorenzo, who nodded and stepped up to Harry.


 Harry and Lorenzo pulled out their wands, held them in front of their faces, put it back down, and bowed at each other before turning around and taking a few steps forward before facing each other again, pointing their wands.


 “One, two, three….” Lorenzo counted.


 “Expelliarmus!” Harry called, pointing his wand at Lorenzo, whose wand flew out of his hand and dropped to the floor.


 The others stared, with their jaws on the floor. Harry picked up Lorenzo’s wand and handed it back to him before they shook hands.


 “Now, I want you all to split up into pairs and practise.” Harry declared. “Sirius, Lorenzo, Teddy, Victoire and I will be here to help you if you need it.”


 The others got to their feet and split up into pairs, except for Albus, who stood there, looking nervous.


 “Albus, do you want to be partners with me?” Scorpius asked.


 “Sure,” Albus said, smiling like never before.


 Scorpius smiled back at him.


 “Brilliant,” Harry said, glancing at Albus and Scorpius. “Now, on the count of three - one, two, three-”


 Shouts of Expelliarmus came from every direction, as some wands dropped to the floor while others went flying.




 James’s wand, which was aiming towards Andrew’s, went flying across the room.




 “You’re flourishing your wand too much,” Lorenzo advised. “Try it like this. Expelliarmus!”


 Lorenzo gave his wand a simple swish, pointing at a nearby statue, whose wand dropped to the floor.


 As Lorenzo walked away to retrieve Andrew’s wand, Albus had managed to successfully disarm Scorpius.


 “Brilliant, Albus!” Harry exclaimed.


 Albus beamed proudly, and Harry and Scorpius smiled back at him.


* * *


 A few days later, the new Dumbledore’s Army met at the Room of Requirement once again where Harry, Sirius, Lorenzo, Teddy and Victoire went over the Stunning Spell.


 “Let’s practise it all together - without wands, please,” Harry said. “Repeat after me - Stupefy!”




 “Stupid,” James whispered to Fred, who giggled.


 Harry pretended not to hear it, but Sirius, Lorenzo, Teddy and Victoire rolled their eyes.


 “Now, we’ll have a volunteer to show everyone how it’s done,” Lorenzo said. “James, why don’t you come up here?”


 James was startled.




 “Come on,”


 “Why?” James asked.


 “Just go, mate,” Fred said, nudging him.


 James hesitantly went up to the front of the room, facing Lorenzo; they both pulled out their wands.


 “Whenever you’re ready,” Lorenzo said.


 James stood frozen for a while until he finally waved his wand.




 Both James and Lorenzo went flying into the air, before landing on the floor with a large thump.


* * *


 The following week, Harry, Sirius, Lorenzo, Teddy and Victoire taught the others the Dangling Jinx before having them practise on their own.




 Scorpius’s wand was pointed at Rose, who was dangling midair as though she was hoisted by her ankles.


 Albus, who walked past with Celeste, watched Rose and Scorpius; he made eye contact with Scorpius, who smiled back at him.




 Rose fell to the floor with a large thump.




 “Sorry, Rose,” Scorpius said, helping her get back to her feet. “Albus was making me nervous.”


 “I didn’t do anything!” Albus said defensively; he couldn’t stop smiling.

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