The Unchosen One - A Harry Potter Story

When Marigold Lupin-Black, the daughter of Sirius Black and Remus Lupin, begins attending Hogwarts, she realises that pureblood supremacist ideologies still exist years after Lord Voldemort's defeat. The British wizarding world's fears come true once again when Delphini, the daughter of Lord Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange, seizes the position of Minister for Magic to "make the wizarding world great again" by expelling Muggles, Muggle-borns, squibs and werewolves, separating them from witches and wizards. Will Marigold be able to follow in her idol's footsteps, end Delphini's reign of terror and prove herself a true hero?

Last Updated






32. The Resurrection Stone

Chapter 32

 Marigold accidentally woke up at the crack of dawn; she slumped back into her bed with her covers over her head, trying to go back to sleep to not relive the worst day of her life.


 It happened a few days ago, after the discussion with Andrew, Albus and Scorpius in the library. During supper, James brought Marigold outside of the Great Hall.


 “Goldie, we need to talk,” he said in an uncharacteristically serious tone.


 Marigold could still remember how she was worried about whether James could hear her heart pounding with anticipation as she hopefully waited for his response.


 “You’re really nice,” he said. “But I’m not sure if we should be more than friends,”


 Marigold felt as though the world came crumbling down towards her, but she tried not to let it show.


 “It’s alright, I completely understand that,” she said, forcing a smile, before turning around to walk away.


 Tears started streaming down Marigold’s face again. It couldn’t be true. Marigold was positive that James felt the same way about her.


 The faces of Teddy and Victoire, then the letter from David, danced around her mind. Marigold hated to admit it, but she felt awfully jealous of them. It seemed as though everyone except for her was in loving relationships, what she thought she could have with James.


 It was just too difficult for her to continue living. It just wasn’t worth reliving the pain over and over again.


 Marigold looked over her sleeping roommates as she changed into her clothes; she wiped her tears before leaving the room.


* * *


 The fresh morning air didn’t make Marigold feel any better; she wandered around the grounds without a destination in mind. Before she knew it, Marigold stumbled into the Forbidden Forest.


 It was dark and scary in the forest. Marigold hoped that something would jump at her and maul her to death.


 As she mindlessly wandered, Marigold nearly tripped over something that caught her foot. Luckily, she managed to catch her balance in time.


 “What the-?” she checked the ground, annoyed.


 Marigold picked up the strange black object that had the Deathly Hallows symbol engraved onto it, which she immediately recognised as the Resurrection Stone. As she examined the stone, six translucent figures started emerging from behind the trees.


 Marigold’s heart skipped a beat when she saw a woman with long dark curls and the blond man next to her; they both had sparkling blue eyes much like her own.


 “Mum,” Marigold whispered. “Dad.”


 Catherine and Alistair smiled at her kindly. Catherine stretched her arm out towards Marigold, who reached over to feel the warmth of her mother’s hand as she looked around the other figures one by one.


 Next to her birth parents was a boy who couldn’t have been older than eighteen; he had curly dark hair and an aristocratic beauty much like Sirius in his youth.


 “Uncle Regulus?”


 Regulus smiled at his niece in response.


 Next to him was a vibrant young woman with purple hair.


 “You’re Tonks, aren’t you?” Marigold asked. “My brother Teddy’s mother,”


 “It’s a pleasure meeting you,” Tonks smiled brightly.


 Marigold smiled back at her as her eyes travelled to the two other figures: Godric Gryffindor and Albus Dumbledore. Marigold’s jaw dropped as the two men smiled at her warmly; she couldn’t believe the great people she saw only in photos or books were standing in front of her.


 “We missed you so much, Marigold,” Catherine said.


 “We’re proud of how far you’ve come,” Alistair added.


 Marigold felt her eyes starting to sting with tears.


 “Mum, Dad, I haven’t come far at all,” she wiped her tears, before looking over at the others. “The wizarding world isn’t much different than before and there’s nothing I can do to make it better. I couldn’t do anything but watch as Delphini took my dad away from me.”


 “Delphini isn’t as strong as she seems,” Regulus said. “I want you to remember that there are more people who are on our side than hers. Once we unite, you’ll realise she’s no match against our strong bond of unity.”


 “And the one who has the power to unite all of us is you, Marigold,” Tonks added.


 “You’re the biggest hope we have,” Catherine added.


 “Me?” Marigold asked, confused. “How?”


 “The power comes from your heart. The strength of your love,” Dumbledore said.


 “And your courage and determination,” Godric added. “The Sorting Hat placed you in Gryffindor for a reason, Marigold. Because deep inside, you’re a true Gryffindor, much more than anyone else can be.”


 “You think so?” she asked, feeling proud to hear those words.


 “I don’t think so, I know so,” he replied. “But before you can prove yourself a true hero, you must go on a quest.”


 “What’s the quest?” Marigold asked as her mind began drifting off to herself saving James from a sea monster.


 “It will come when you least expect it,” Dumbledore said.


 “And you’ll stay with me?” Marigold asked.


 “Until the very end,” Alistair assured.


 A beautiful phoenix came gliding towards Marigold, who felt a rush of confidence wash over her as her heart swelled with determination.


 “I’ll go on the quest and become a true hero!”


 “That’s the spirit!” Godric exclaimed proudly.


 “I won’t let you down!” Marigold waved at them as Fawkes scooped her up, taking off into the air.


 “Good luck, Marigold,” Dumbledore smiled; he and the others waved back at her.


 Fawkes soared across the sky, holding onto Marigold tightly in his talons. Marigold felt the rush of cool air, feeling her heart soar into the sunrise.

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