The Unchosen One - A Harry Potter Story

When Marigold Lupin-Black, the daughter of Sirius Black and Remus Lupin, begins attending Hogwarts, she realises that pureblood supremacist ideologies still exist years after Lord Voldemort's defeat. The British wizarding world's fears come true once again when Delphini, the daughter of Lord Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange, seizes the position of Minister for Magic to "make the wizarding world great again" by expelling Muggles, Muggle-borns, squibs and werewolves, separating them from witches and wizards. Will Marigold be able to follow in her idol's footsteps, end Delphini's reign of terror and prove herself a true hero?

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27. The Malfoys

Chapter 27

 “Congratulations, Teddy!” Harry exclaimed.


 “An Auror!” Ginny added. “After three years of hard work!”


 “We’re all so proud of him,” Remus said, patting Teddy on the shoulder. “Your mum would be very proud of you as well.”


 “And remember, Teddy’s also getting married next month,” Sirius added. “We’re so happy for him.”


 “Teddy really does have everything: a good job, true love and a brilliant sister.” James chimed in. “Mum and Dad, I don’t believe I’ve mentioned that Goldie got nine O.W.L.s?”


 “No way!” Harry exclaimed.


 “That’s brilliant, Goldie!” Ginny added.


 “What classes are you taking?” Lily asked.


 “Potions, Charms, Transfiguration, Herbology, Care of Magical Creatures, History of Magic, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Astronomy and Muggle Studies,” Marigold replied, counting on her fingers.


 “That’s all of your classes then!” Albus exclaimed.


 “I got Exceeds Expectations for Potions and Herbology - those are quite hard - and Outstanding for everything else,” Marigold explained. “I was quite surprised since I did a lot better than I expected. I’m not exactly top of the class.”


 “It’s alright,” Andromeda said. “What matters is that you did great.”


 “Let’s make a toast,” Sirius said, raising his glass. “To Teddy and Marigold,”


 “To Teddy and Marigold,” everyone else repeated.


* * *


 “Andromeda, are you sure you don’t want to come with us?” Sirius asked.


 “I’m sure,” she replied.


 “Alright, then,” he replied.


 “We’ll be back soon,” Remus added.


 “See you, Gran,” Teddy added.


 “I’ll see you next week,” Marigold added.


 Marigold held onto Sirius’s arm as the four vanished into thin air.


 When they landed, Marigold’s jaw dropped in wonder as she gazed at the Malfoy Manor. It looked like a castle behind a large yew hedge with albino peacocks along the top.


 “Are you sure you’ll be fine alone, Marigold?” Sirius asked.


 “I promise you, I’ll be fine,” she assured him.


 Sirius and Remus each took turns hugging Marigold.


 “Remember, you can always come home early if you want,” Remus whispered, kissing her head.


 “See you soon, sis,” Teddy waved.


 “I’ll miss all of you so much,” Marigold waved back at them. “I’ll send owls while I’m away.”


 When Sirius, Remus and Teddy Apparated back home, Marigold realised how nervous she felt as she made her way to the gates, which opened as if they sensed her presence.


* * *


 “Mum and Dad, this is Marigold,” Scorpius explained. “Marigold, they’re my parents,”


 “It’s nice to meet you, Mr and Mrs Malfoy,” Marigold said as she politely shook each of their hands.


 “It’s nice to finally meet you,” Mr Malfoy said; he looked very much like his son.


 “Scorpius has told us a lot about you,” Mrs Malfoy smiled warmly; she appeared around the same age as her husband but looked quite frail.


 Just then, an older man with white hair and an older woman with silver-blonde hair walked into the drawing-room. The man took one glance at Marigold, then turned to Mr Malfoy.


 “Draco? Who is this girl?”


 “Father, I told you already,” Draco sighed annoyedly. “Scorpius is having a friend over. Her name is Marigold Lupin-Black.”


 “Lupin-Black?” the man’s grey eyes looked down at her with contempt.


 “Hmph,” the woman next to him scoffed.


 The older couple walked out, leaving Marigold stunned and confused.


 “That was so rude,” Draco rolled his eyes in embarrassment. “I owe you an apology on behalf of my parents.”


 “What was that about?” Marigold asked, perplexed. “What did I do?”


 “They’re pureblood supremacists,” Draco replied. “My father was a Death Eater. I was also.”


 “But you changed.” Mrs Malfoy said, placing a hand over her husband’s shoulder. “You learned from your mistakes.”


 “Astoria’s right,” he said. “I realised I was wrong, and I stopped being a pureblood supremacist. But my parents never ditched their old ways.”


 “They’ll come around, Marigold,” Astoria assured her. “Trust me.”


* * *


 The next day, Lucius woke up from his nap to the sound of laughing coming from the library across from his bedroom.


 Lucius peeked inside the library to see his grandson and Marigold surrounded by a pile of books, laughing at something as if it was the funniest thing ever. Next to them, Draco, the ferret, was curled up in a chair, sleeping through the noise.


 “You were thinking about James when you were reading that part, weren’t you?” Scorpius teased.


 “Shut up, Scorpius!” Marigold laughed as she pretended to smack his head with the book. “You’re the one who’s obsessed with Rose!”


 “No, I’m not!” he yelled, laughing.


 Lucius couldn’t help but smile to see his grandson so happy.


 “Marigold, can I see you for a second?” he asked. “It’s about one of my peacocks.”


 “Of course,” she said, then turned to Scorpius. “I’ll be back.”




* * *


 “Scorpius told me that you like animals,” Lucius said. “I hope you wouldn’t mind mending on this poor chap’s wing?”


 “Sure,” Marigold slowly began undoing the bandage; she then examined the peacock’s wing, carefully touching it.


 “It looks like her wing is healed now,” Lucius said, taking a look.


 Marigold picked up the peacock and held her against her chest. The peacock leaned against her.


 “It seems like she likes you,” Lucius told Marigold.


 They were quiet for a while. Marigold continued to caress the peacock while Lucius stood behind her in deep thought; he then opened his mouth.


 “Marigold,” he said, somewhat hesitantly. “I would like to apologise for the way I treated you. I let my prejudice judge you unfairly before I got to know you.”


 “I appreciate you saying that Mr Malfoy.” she smiled in response.


 Lucius smiled back at her as he undid the black ribbon from his hair.


 “I’m really happy that Scorpius became friends with you,” he said as he began tying Marigold’s hair into a half-up ponytail. “You’re welcome to come over at any time.”

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