The Unchosen One - A Harry Potter Story

When Marigold Lupin-Black, the daughter of Sirius Black and Remus Lupin, begins attending Hogwarts, she realises that pureblood supremacist ideologies still exist years after Lord Voldemort's defeat. The British wizarding world's fears come true once again when Delphini, the daughter of Lord Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange, seizes the position of Minister for Magic to "make the wizarding world great again" by expelling Muggles, Muggle-borns, squibs and werewolves, separating them from witches and wizards. Will Marigold be able to follow in her idol's footsteps, end Delphini's reign of terror and prove herself a true hero?

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2. Off to Hogwarts

Chapter 2

 King's Cross Station was bustling with students heading to Hogwarts and parents waving their children off. Teddy ran through Platform Nine and Three-Quarters, pushing his trolley, and vanished out of sight. Marigold followed, pushing her trolley, where she carried her suitcase and the cage with her owl, Clover, through the barrier. Sirius, Remus and Andromeda soon caught up with them.

"Are you nervous?" Remus asked Marigold.

"A little," she replied.

"You'll be fine," he reassured her.

Sirius, Remus and Andromeda took turns hugging Marigold and Teddy before they boarded the Hogwarts Express. Marigold tried her best to blink back her tears; she was already starting to miss them.

"We'll miss you so much," Sirius said.

"Don't forget to write to us," Remus added.

"Let us know if you need anything," Andromeda added.

After they exchanged goodbyes, Marigold and Teddy grabbed their luggage and got on the train. Teddy led Marigold into an empty compartment, and they sat down; she placed Clover's cage next to her seat. When the train began to leave the station, Marigold and Teddy waved at Sirius, Remus and Andromeda until they were out of sight.

* * *

Teddy grabbed his robes from his trunk; he pulled them over his head and pinned his Prefect badge to his chest. Then, he pulled out a book from his bag and started reading it. Marigold also pulled her robes out of her trunk and changed into them.

Marigold looked outside the window, where everything outside flashed before her eyes. She could feel her stomach doing somersaults, but couldn't tell whether it was because she was nervous or excited. Marigold had never been to a real school before; until then, Remus had been teaching her at home. At the same time, she has always envied Teddy, who seemed to enjoy Hogwarts. Now that she would be going there herself, Marigold's train of thoughts wondering what her time at Hogwarts would be like went on and on.

Her daydreams were interrupted when a beautiful girl with long blonde hair knocked on the compartment door. Marigold recognised her at once; she was Victoire Weasley, Teddy's girlfriend.

"Hey," Teddy's face lit up when he saw his girlfriend and opened the door. They embraced each other and exchanged kisses.

"Hi, Marigold," Victoire, who was now a fourth-year, sat down next to Teddy. "Today's your first day at Hogwarts, isn't it?"

"Hi, Victoire. And yes, it is." Marigold replied.

"Are you ready?" Victoire asked.

"I guess so," Marigold answered.

"You'll be fine," Teddy said. "At least Voldemort was gone years ago, so our time at Hogwarts is much more peaceful than it was for our dads, Gran, Harry and everyone else before us. I couldn't possibly imagine going to school at a time like that."

"I wouldn't mind," Marigold said. "I mean, of course, I'm glad that no one would be harming Muggles and Muggle-borns now. But the idea of fighting sounds kind of exciting."

"How?" Teddy asked, astonished.

"Think about it. Everyone, including people from our family, fought to risk their lives for a cause they believed in. I think the idea of that is so noble." Marigold said, only to remember that Tonks, Teddy's mother, had died while fighting in the Second Wizarding War. "But it is really sad how so many people died."

Just then, a witch pushing a trolley full of sweets stopped in front of their compartment.

"Anything off the trolley, dears?"

Marigold, Teddy and Victoire purchased a little bit of everything: iced pumpkin juice, Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans, Cauldron Cakes, Chocolate Frogs, Drooble's Best Blowing Gum, Jelly Slugs, Liquorice wands and Pumpkin Pasties.

Victoire opened a pack of Chocolate Frogs. Knowing that Marigold collected Chocolate Frog Cards, Victoire handed her the card that was inside the container, which had a picture of Harry Potter on it.

"Is James starting Hogwarts this year?" Victoire asked, biting into the Chocolate Frog.

"No, he'll start next year," Marigold swallowed her Cauldron Cake and replied. "I guess it's gonna be really interesting next year."

"It will be." Teddy agreed, popping a Bertie Bott bean in his mouth. "Everyone at Hogwarts will be talking about him."

There was another knock on the compartment door. It was the boy whom Marigold met in Diagon Alley.

"Come in," Marigold said, opening the door.

"All the compartments were full and I don't know anyone else, so I decided to just come here," he said, squeezing in between Marigold and Clover. "I'm David, by the way."

"I'm Marigold."

"Can I have some of these?" David asked, gesturing towards the sweets.

"Of course," Marigold said. She took a sip of pumpkin juice.

"It's great that you already made a friend," Victoire told her, then turned to David. "Do you know what house you want to be in? Hopefully you two can be in the same house."

"House?" David asked, grabbing a Pumpkin Pasty.

"Hogwarts has four houses: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin," Marigold explained, remembering that he was Muggle-born and thus knew nothing about the wizarding world.

"Which ones are you in?" David asked Teddy and Victoire.

"I'm in Hufflepuff," Teddy replied.

"And I'm a Ravenclaw," Victoire added.

"Where do you want to go?" David asked Marigold.

"Gryffindor!" she replied as if the answer was obvious. "Both of my dads were in Gryffindor and it's where all the heroes went, like Harry Potter and Albus Dumbledore."

"I think I've heard of them. I don't know them that well, but from what I've heard, they sound like great people." David said. "And what's the last one?"

"Slytherin," Marigold said, making a face. "A lot of them were evil."

"That's not true." Teddy protested. "Gran is a Slytherin and she's lovely."

"She's the only good one. Well, maybe her and Uncle Regulus." Marigold replied, then turned back to David. "A lot of people from one of my dad's and Andromeda's family were in Slytherin, and they treated those two horribly. I would hate to be sorted there and be associated with all the bad things about Slytherin."

David nodded, hoping that he would be sorted anywhere but Slytherin.

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