The Unchosen One - A Harry Potter Story

When Marigold Lupin-Black, the daughter of Sirius Black and Remus Lupin, begins attending Hogwarts, she realises that pureblood supremacist ideologies still exist years after Lord Voldemort's defeat. The British wizarding world's fears come true once again when Delphini, the daughter of Lord Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange, seizes the position of Minister for Magic to "make the wizarding world great again" by expelling Muggles, Muggle-borns, squibs and werewolves, separating them from witches and wizards. Will Marigold be able to follow in her idol's footsteps, end Delphini's reign of terror and prove herself a true hero?

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13. Hogsmeade

Chapter 13

 One winter day, the third-years were bustling with excitement about their first trip to Hogsmeade the next day. It was perhaps the other thing Marigold looked forward to the most since she started her third year.


 As usual, James wanted to join Marigold and her other friends.


 “James, you know it’s only for third-years and above,” David said.


 “Please?” he continued to beg. “I’m gonna be so bored by myself.”


 “Why don’t you hang out with Perseus, or your other second-year friends, then?” Andrew asked, a little annoyed.


 James pouted in response.


* * *


 “I’m still gonna follow you and Andrew and David to Hogsmeade tomorrow,” James told Marigold in the common room that night.


 “But how are you gonna go without getting caught?” she asked.


 “Do you remember the cloak I got from my dad last year?”


 “Of course,” Marigold said. “My dads always tell me stories about how much fun they had with your grandpa’s Invisibility Cloak while they were at Hogwarts. And I remember how excited you were when Uncle Harry gave it to you last year.”


 “That’s not all. Look what I found from my dad’s desk.” James pulled out an empty piece of folded parchment.


 “Isn’t that the Marauder’s Map?” she asked.


 “I think it’s time I use it, along with my dad’s cloak.” James nodded, smiling proudly.


* * *


 The next day, Marigold, Andrew and David had a great time at Hogsmeade. The three first stopped at the Three Broomsticks and ordered some butterbeer; Marigold then suggested that they visit Zonko's Joke Shop.


 “Marigold, no matter what you do, don’t let James get his hands on these,” Andrew commented as they left the shop with a Nose-Biting Teacup and some Dungbombs.


 “I won’t.” she chuckled. “But maybe we can use them on him?”


 Marigold, Andrew and David laughed their way to Honeydukes until they spotted Alyssa Parkinson’s gang.


 “Lupin-Black, his favourite student?” Avery scoffed. “Who in their right mind would think that?”


 The three perked up when they heard Avery bring up Marigold’s name; they started listening in on their conversation.


 “So what I’m saying is, that oaf should not be teaching that class.” Bulstrode declared. “You’ve seen him! He’s huge, practically a giant! And you know giants can’t be trusted!”


 “I wouldn’t be surprised if that oaf brought Lupin-Black’s werewolf dad to class.” Parkinson sneered. “That would be a lot worse than that ugly chicken from last time.”


 “Shut up, Parkinson!” Marigold bellowed. “Don’t you dare talk about my father like that!”


 “And I’ll be sure to tell Hagrid what you just said about him,” Andrew added.


 “Laird, I didn’t know you associated with werewolves and giants.” Rosier jeered.


 The five Slytherins started sniggering as Marigold and Andrew glared at them, ready to throw hands at any moment.


 “Should we teach them a lesson?” Flint reached into his robes to pull out his wand.


 “Leave my friends alone,” David said through gritted teeth, glaring right at Flint.


 “I wasn’t talking to you, you Muggle,” Parkinson said scornfully.


 Out of nowhere, a snowball flew into her face. Parkinson and her cronies froze. Even Marigold and Andrew, who were both reaching into their robes to pull out their wands, stopped in their tracks.


 “What was that?” Parkinson asked, her face pale with terror.


 It was completely still and silent until another snowball flew towards Parkinson, hitting her in the face. Parkinson and her cronies started backing away as they got pelted with snowballs. Marigold, Andrew and David stared at them, confused at what was happening.


 “Help!” Parkinson cried. “Do something!”


 Marigold and her friends started laughing as Rosier suddenly fell to the ground, screaming. Flint was grabbed by his scarf; he spun around until he fell.




 Parkinson, who was on the ground, was grabbed by the legs and dragged over a hill until she also fell.


 “Run!” Rosier called out to Parkinson and Flint as he got up and started running away; they followed him.


 “Alyssa! Wait!” Bulstrode called after Parkinson.


 “Flint! Rosier!” Avery called out after them. “Don’t ditch us!”


 Marigold, Andrew and David laughed at the Slytherins as they ran away. Andrew could feel something, or someone, tugging on the strings of his hat. When Marigold felt hands tugging on her hair, she immediately recognised who it was.


 “James!” she called out.


 James started laughing along with his friends as he removed his cloak.


 “That was brilliant!” Marigold said in between laughter.


 “You should’ve seen the look on their faces!” Andrew added.


 “How did you find us?” David asked.


 “I was able to sneak out of Hogwarts,” James replied. “I know that Marigold loves pranks as much as I do, so I guessed that she would’ve taken you and Andrew to Zonko’s. And I was right.”


 “You should see what we got from there,” Marigold said, showing him the stuff she and her friends got from Zonko’s.


 “Are we gonna use these to teach those gits a lesson?” James asked.


 “Of course, we will,” Andrew said.


 “Also, how were you able to sneak out of the castle?” David asked James.


 “We can explain on the way to Honeydukes.” Marigold chuckled as she and her friends headed on their way.

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