Frozen Adventures: Season One

After the Great Frost that Elsa caused, she has finally managed to mend the relationship between her and Anna. The people look up to her as Queen, and she makes sure she puts the people first. When Elsa makes a mysterious discovery, her powers go haywire, putting tension between her and her sister. As evil rulers and dark forces threaten the Kingdom of Arendelle, Elsa and the gang must venture outside the kingdom, putting their trust in mysterious beings and secretive commoners. As secrets unfold, they must make daring decisions and life changing choices. This story is a bridge between Frozen and Frozen 2, taking place two years after Frozen and one year before Frozen 2. I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE FROZEN CHARACTERS!!! I ALSO ADDED SOME OF MY OWN THEORIES ALONG WITH ONES THAT HAVE ALREADY BEEN MADE. I ALSO ADDED SOME CROSSOVERS.

Last Updated






S.1 EP.7: To Believe in a Myth- Part 1

Chapter 7

EPISODE SYNOPSIS: Elsa begins to get realistic dreams about the black ice, and Evil Elsa begins to appear more often; Anna tries to force Sorenson into telling her the truth; Kristoff decides to investigate Stefan; Hallory is torn between helping Elsa, or getting revenge

Darkness. Cold. Wet. As Elsa opened her eyes, she found herself in a dark and empty void. Nothing but black ice and evil surrounded her. She forced herself to move, and though it appeared that she was walking in pure darkness, her feet were freezing as if she was walking on invisible ice. As Elsa walked along, she saw something in the distance. It was the kingdom. It was her kingdom. 

Slowly walking forward, Elsa gasped as she noticed what was wrong. Her entire kingdom, from her people to their own homes, were all black ice. Everything was still and cold and dark.

Now, as the kingdom became clearer, a path appeared beneath her feet, frost covered like everything else around her. Elsa's bare feet scraped against the iced cobble path as she walked into the town. The world had seemed to stop. The once beautifully decorated houses with intricate, creative designs were now covered in a thick black frost. She could feel the tears begining to form in her eyes as she looked at her people, who were now ice statues, their faces covered in fear.

That's when she noticed each and every one of them were looking towards the castle. Elsa moved along. The closer she got to her castle, the colder it was. Normally, the cold wouldn't bother her, but for some reason, Elsa was freezing. Literally.

As she looked down at her hands, she noticed the her hand and cheeks were slowly being covered by a thin sheet of black frost. Elsa ignored the cold pain and kept going forward. She had to get to the kingdom. She had to get to Anna...

"Anna!" Elsa yelled out. But she got no response.

Fear and drenaline surged through Elsa's body and she began to run, ignoring the cold pain as the frost began to cover her arms and chest. Her lungs fought against herself, each breath smaller than the next. As she burst through the double doors that entered the throne room, Elsa saw Kristoff. He was chained to the wall, and he too was an ice statue. His eyes were glazed with fear and intense pain.

Elsa gasped, tears pouring down her eyes. "Oh, Kristoff....d-did I do this? No..." Elsa said, choking between sobs. She could only imagine what had happened.

Elsa followed Kristoff's gaze to the iced floor. That's when she saw her. Anna lying on the floor. Elsa rushed over to her, but it was too late. Anna was already frozen, her arm extended as if she was desperately reaching for something, fear in her eyes. That's when it hit Elsa.

They were all afraid of her. A light gust of wind blew around her, small flurries of black snow beginning to form.

", no, no! Anna, please! Please....please! I need you....please!" Elsa cupped her sisters cold face. The frost was up to Elsa's face now, and she could feel her body getting stiff.

The cold wind blew stronger, and the snow got thicker as Elsa knelt by her sister.

That's when she heard Evil Elsa's voice. "Elsa? Elsa....the Crystal....Elsa!"

Elsa shook her head and stood up, "No! I-I won't do it!"


The wind blew stronger than ever, the snow slapping Elsa in her face. She could barely see her hand out in front of her.

Elsa covered her ears as her vision blurred and the frost covered her entire body. Cold overtook her. "Anna...." Elsa said as she took her last breath.

"Elsa! Queen Elsa, are you okay?"

Elsa shot up and looked around wildly. She was still in her room, safe under her covers. The dream felt real. Too real. She played with her hair, glancing quickly at the couple strands of hair that were now black instead of platinum blonde. Elsa noticed the strand of hair change the day after her return to the Enchanted Forest. She hadn't told Anna about it yet, since her sister didn't even know that Elsa had touched the Crystal. Luckily, the strand of black hair was hidden in the back beneath her normal hair. After all, it was just hair...right?

"Your Majesty?!" Kai cried out.

Elsa sighed, wrapping herself up in her heavy sheets. "I'm fine! What is it?"

"You're supposed to be visiting Helga this morning?"

Elsa slipped off her bed, straightening her pearl blue night gown. She walked toward her bedroom door and opened slightly. Kai was standing there, worry on his face.

"Queen Elsa, are you sure you're okay? I can just have Stefan and his guards to go if-"

"No," Elsa shook her head. "No. As Queen, I need to be there, no matter how much Helga aggravates me."

Kai nodded, "The servants are ready for you, Your Majesty."

Elsa nodded and opened the door all of the way. Kai moved out of the way and walked down the hallway with Elsa, heading towards the bath room. Normally, Elsa took bath's at night, but the game of charades kind of got in the way.

Elsa smiled warmly at Kai as they stopped at the door that entered the bath room. Kai bowed slightly and left as Elsa walked into the room. There were four maids waiting for her. The large tub was in the middle of the room, gold trimming its edges.

Towels were already set and Elsa was sure someone was picking out her clothes. Karalie was waiting for Elsa by the tub which already had steam rising from it.

"Your bath is ready, Your Majesty." Karalie said.

Elsa nodded politely and slipped out of her dress. She always felt weird having the maids bathe her, for Elsa figured she could do it herself, but that was just the way things were.

Elsa stepped into the hot water and allowed Karalie to wash her. 

The handmaid smirked, "I heard you are going to see Helga today?"

Elsa nodded, "Yes I am. I'm supposed to be checking in on the status of her crops."

Karalie sighed, "If I were God, I'd smite the fat witch."

Elsa gasped in surprise, 'Kara, that's rude!"

"Well, it's the truth." She said.

Elsa had to admit that she'd happily smite Helga, but she was still one of her people. "I'm also meeting Holmes to see what's going on with his water supply. I also have to make sure that Anneliese is working on the gate and-"

Karalie chuckled, "A queen's duties never end."

After her bath, Elsa got out of the tub, grabbing a towel. Two other maids quickly dried her off as another maid walked in with three dresses.

She held up the dresses so that Elsa could examine them.

Elsa eyed them all, choosing a soft purple dress the stopped just at her ankles. No need for something extra pretty if she was going to look at crops.

Elsa quickly put the dress on and thanked the maids as she always did. As she opened the door, she immediately smelled breakfast. The smell of crisp bacon filled the room. Elsa prayed they had pancakes.

She passed her room towards the dining room, the smell got stronger, and her belly growled. Elsa wondered where her sister was. Normally, Anna would be the one banging on her door.

You need to the Crystal. Just give in, unless, of course you want this pain. You think that first nightmare was bad? Keep ignoring me and see what happens.

Elsa groaned as her chest began to burn again. She crumbled to the ground as the pain got worse, spreading along her chest and down to her stomach, then slowly began to fade away. This seemed to be happening a lot now, at the randomest moments. 

Elsa sighed and slowly got up off the floor, still clutching her chest. She leaned on the wall and caught her breath for a moment. "I can do this. I won't let her win." Composing herself, Elsa entered the dining room and beautiful, delicious smells hit her in the face.

The Ice Queen sighed with delight as she sat down. She figured Anna must be getting Kristoff up for breakfast. Lady Eris walked in and she and the cooks began setting food out on the dinner table.



Kristoff woke up to his name being called and something heavy was thrown at him. He looked up and saw Anna dressed in a vibrant green dress, the different hues making her hair and eyes stand out. He looked down and noticed she'd thrown a pillow at him.

"Anna...?" Kristoff said drowsily.

Anna sighed, put her hand on her hips, and poked out her lips, something that Kristoff always thought was cute. "Breakfast is ready."

Kristoff sat up quickly, wiping off the hay that was on his clothes. He and Sven always slept in the royal stables. Even though both Elsa and Anna had offered him to sleep in the castle, he always refused. Sleeping in the stable always seemed more...natural.

Kristoff sighed and walked over to the stable where Sven was kept. "Hey buddy, time to get up."

Sven perked up a nudged Kristoff lightly. Kristoff smiled and walked up to Anna kissing her on the check quickly. He would've went ahead and fed Sven, but he was starving and figured that Johann, the stable boy, would feed Sven this morning.

Anna cringed as Kristoff kissed him, "You are in desperate need of a bath."

Kristoff sighed, "But-"

Anna held her head high, "A bath."

Kristoff nodded slowly and headed to the castle to take a bath. He hated to do so, but he had to admit that he did smell. Riding through the mountains wasn't exactly the cleanest thing.

Kristoff watched as Anna left back to the castle. As Kristoff walked out of the stables, he squinted in the bright light, the sun spreading its warmth on his body. These were the kind of days that he loved. 

Johann, the stable boy, walked past Kristoff into the stables, two bags of oats and a bag of carrots in his hand.

"Hey Johann?" Kristoff turned to the stable boy, "Can you give Sven extra carrots? He's had a rough night."

Johann nodded and began feeding the horses. Kristoff walked down the small hallway that led to the back of the castle and into the kitchen. It was much easier to get to the bath room through this way. Kristoff opened the door and entered the kitchen, he immediately smelled fresh bacon and what smelled like pancakes. Golden, fluffy pancakes.

The cooks were working fast to prepare breakfast, and Gerda was giving out orders as usual.

It wouldn't hurt if I just.... Kristoff reached for a piece of bacon, but as he did so, Gerda quickly slapped his hand away.

"Don't you even think about it." Gerda said, glaring at Kristoff.

Kristoff smiled weakly. "What?! I...I'm..just checking to see...if the bacon looks cooked. And... yup... I'mma go now." Kristoff quickly left the kitchen, yet the smells still lingered.

As he walked down the hallway, Stefan passed him quickly, a large satchel wrapped across his shoulder. Kristoff glared. He hadn't forgotten about last night and what he saw. He would've told Elsa, but she had enough going on already. Besides, why would Elsa believe him over Stefan, the Captain of the Arendellian Guard?

As Kristoff walked past Anna's bedroom, he thought for a moment. Anna's room was on the West Wing. As Captain of the Guard, Stefan had no business being on the West Wing at this hour. He should, in fact, be by Elsa's side. Kristoff turned around quickly. "Hey, Stefan!" He yelled.

Kristoff could tell Stefan's body grew tense as he turned around, walking towards him. 

Stefan cleared his throat, pulling up his satchel. "Yes?"

"I was just wondering why you were in the West Wing? I thought you're supposed to guard Elsa?" Kristoff waited for Stefan's answer.

Stefan looked surprised for a moment, but then smiled. "I'm headed to the kitchen, actually. I'm starving."

Kristoff frowned. He had hoped his question would've slipped Stefan up. Then, he had an idea. "So... what's in the bag?"

Stefan immediately frowned. "Nothing that should concern you."

Kristoff scoffed, "What's. In. The. Bag." He held out his hand, motioning for Stefan to give the bag to him.

Stefan cleared his throat. "I should-"

"Give me the bag, Stefan." Kristoff said in a threatening tone.

Stefan held his head high. "I don't take orders from a low-life, peasant boy that smells like pig."

Kristoff felt his anger boiling, and he clenched his fists. "You want to refrain from calling me 'peasant boy'."

Just as Stefan opened his mouth a familiar voice called his name.

"Stefan! I've been looking everywhere for you!" Kai yelled, rushing over to Stefan and Kristoff. He noticed the tension and frowned as he began to catch his breath. He turned to Stefan. "Where were you yesterday?" He asked.

Stefan sighed, "I was on patrol. Ask the Queen for my forgiveness."

Kai nodded, looked at Kristoff, then glared at Stefan. "Why are you in the West Wing?"

Kristoff smirked, "I was asking him the same question."

Stefan cleared his throat and tensed up. "I was headed to the kitchen."

Kristoff wanted to protest, but Stefan was of much higher power than he was. He watched as Kai and Stefan walked down the hallway. As Kristoff entered the bath room, he decided that he'd have to do some digging on Stefan.




Anna walked into the dining room and saw Elsa was already there. Not that she was surprised, for Elsa was always an early bird. Anna smiled as she pulled out a chair. "Good morning, Elsa."

Elsa didn't answer. She seemed distracted and worried as she looked down at the floor.

"Good morning, Elsa!" Anna yelled out. Still, Elsa didn't answer. Anna grumbled, "Elsa, the castle is on fire!"

Elsa still didn't even notice Anna was there.

Anna stood up swiftly. "ELSA!"

Elsa immediately perked up. "Oh, Anna!" Elsa got up and quickly embraced her sister. 

Anna gasped for air as Elsa hugged her tightly. This was... random. Anna raised her eyebrows in confusion as Elsa wiped a tear from her eye and looked up at Anna.

"Elsa...are you okay?" Anna asked with concern.

Elsa nodded and sat back down, smiling. "Yeah, yeah, I'm great."

It didn't take long till Kristoff walked in and sat beside Anna. The cooks plated the food.

Anna and Elsa gasped, "Pancakes!"

Kristoff smirked, "You two seem to like just about everything."

Anna smiled as she looked at her plate. It was a traditional Scandinavian breakfast. Bacon, a biscuit, ham, cheese, liver pate, and some potato soup, with a side of fluffy pancakes and a fried egg. Anna dug into the pancakes first, drenching it in syrup. Elsa, on the other hand, always dipped her pancakes in syrup rather than pouring it on the pancakes. Anna never understood why.

Anna let the flavors of the rich syrup and soft pancake rest in her mouth as she slowly chewed. She loved pancakes almost as much as she loved chocolate. 

Anna looked at Elsa expectantly. "So...Elsa, any queenly duties today?"

Elsa sighed as she swallowed her piece of bacon. "More than I can handle. I'm supposed to be meeting with Helga," Elsa said with a disappointed tone.

Anna grumbled, "You're meeting with that hag?" She had always hated Helga anyway. Anna heard Kristoff let out a small chuckle. 

Elsa gasped, "Anna of Arendelle, you take that back! Helga is still an Arednellian!"

Anna rolled her eyes as bit off a piece of liver. "Well, it's still true. Helga's hated you ever since you revealed your powers." She said matter-of-factly.

"Nevertheless, I have to meet with her. I also have to see Holmes, but I can't seem to find Stefan. I could've gotten that out of the way yesterday if he were in the throne room." Elsa sighed. She always seemed to have so much to do.

Anna noticed a change in Kristoff's demeanor. He has stopped eating and was staring into the distance. "Is something wrong, honey?" Anna asked.

Kristoff perked up, "I didn't say anything!" He immediately began to blush.

Anna and her sister shared a look. Kristoff was sometimes awkward, but not this awkward. Anna raised an eyebrow. "I...didn't say you said anything...."

Kristoff sighed, "Oh. Uh, sorry. Hey Elsa?"

Elsa looked up from her plate, "Yes?"

Kristoff paused for a moment. "Could I go with you when you go to meet Holmes?"

Elsa stared at Kristoff for a moment. "Well, I've never known you to be interested in my queenly duties, but I suppose so."

Kristoff nodded, got up from the table, and rushed out the room. Anna chuckled to herself as she ate her egg, the yolk running down her lip. Kristoff was never this awkward. Maybe he was just jumpy after meeting Sorenson. 


Anna remembered how he refused to tell her about her parents. She still couldn't figure out what he was going to say before they left.

"Even if it did still exist, which it doesn't, the Crystal would only work with someone of North- "

Anna scarfed down the rest of her soup, quickly getting up from the table.

Elsa stared, eating the last of her cheese and eggs. "Where are you going?"

"I have to go meet someone. I'll tell you later!" Anna said, rushing out the door. She figured if Sorenson wouldn't tell her himself, she'd make him tell her.



Elsa sighed as Gerda took her empty plate. She nodded and thanked Gerda for the breakfast, then stood up slowly. Everyone seemed to be acting weird today. It would have to wait for later. As Elsa was about to walk out of the room, she was practically trampled by Stefan as he burst through the doors.

The queen yelled as Stefan opened the double doors, one of them hitting her. She stumbled back and groaned, lightly touching her now sore forehead.

Stefan gasped, "Your Majesty! Are you okay?"

Elsa winced, " careful next time." Elsa noticed Stefan as he stared at her. "Do you need something?"

Stefan smiled, "Just you. I mean, NO! need to be going. Yeah."

Elsa laughed awkwardly, "Okay..." she then glared at Stefan, "Where were you yesterday?" Elsa noticed Stefan shifted his body, leaning on the door, his shoulders tensing up.

"I had been given news that someone was caught sneaking around the castle." Stefan said.

Elsa grumbled. "Well, tell me next time." She walked past Stefan out of the dining room and down the hall. As she passed the small mirror on the wall, she saw her reflection change for a split second. It was Evil Elsa....again. Elsa froze as she stared into the mirror, looking at her evil self. Her breath caught in her throat, hands trembling.

Evil Elsa said nothing, but she didn't need to. Elsa's hands shook as she closed her eyes, and after a moment, when she opened her eyes, Evil Elsa was gone.

"Is something wrong, Queen Elsa?" Stefan asked.

Elsa sighed, turning to face him "It's nothing. I just need to get more sleep." The two walked down the hallways and opened the door to the throne room. Surprisingly, it was empty, and even though Stefan was there, Elsa felt alone and anxious as she opened the two large double doors that lead outside the castle gates.

The gates were open, as they should be. Guards were already waiting for her, mounted on their horses. Kristoff was there as well, in an Arendellian outfit, riding one of the royal horses. 

One of the female guards came up to Elsa."Your horse is in the stables, Your Majesty."

Elsa nodded as she went into the stables. She smiled as she stroked Sindra's black mane. "Sorry, girl. I need someone who can handle a long ride." She walked to the third stable, smiling as Karai neighed at her. Elsa opened the stall, letting Karai slowly walk out. She carefully prepared her horse for riding, quickly mounting Karai as they trotted out the stables. Stefan had already mounted his horse, nodding at her, signaling he was ready.

Elsa took a deep breath and trotted off, Stefan and Kristoff on either of her side as they walked through the gates.


The ride took longer than expected. Elsa couldn't help but frown as they neared Helga's home. Everything was quiet except for the soft sounds of the fall leaves crunching under the horses hooves.

Helga's home seemed to match the fall season. Her roof was a beautiful reddish-brown with white rims, and she had a distinct, bright red door. The rims of the windows were painted a faint orange and the rest of her house was beautiful, smooth oak.

Elsa looked at Kristoff, then at Stefan, and sighed as she slowly unmounted her horse. Kristoff followed along with Stefan. Elsa was about to knock on Helga's door when she heard the sounds of yelling inside.

The queen flinched as she heard glass shatter and she quickly opened the door. The scattered remains of a vase were on the floor, and Helga and Anneliese were clearly arguing.

"What's going on here?" Elsa yelled out, walking inside the house. She turned to Anneliese, who was furious.

Anneliese screamed out in anger, "She took another of my sheep! I saw her, and I want to know where my lamb is now!" She rushed out of the living room, disappearing as she stormed into Helga's kitchen, "I will tear this place apart if I have to, Helga!"

As Stefan went into the kitchen to calm Anneliese down, Elsa stayed to talked to Helga. Elsa noticed that Helga was peeking into the kitchen every few seconds. "What are you doing?"

Helga scoffed, "I'm watching Anneliese, that's what! You always have to be careful with her kind."

Elsa felt something rise in her. Maybe it was Evil Elsa, but she felt pure anger. "What do you mean, her kind ?" Elsa could see Kristoff tense up as well, and she was sure he was feeling the same kind of anger that she was.

Helga laughed, "Well, you know what I mean, Your Majesty. I mean, look at is kind of obvious. And then she's engaged to this…a woman . Can't be trusted I say."

Kristoff scoffed, "Are you serious?!"

Elsa snapped, standing tall, "How dare you stand in front of me and say such things! If there is one thing I don't tolerate in my kingdom, it's discrimination!"

Helga frowned, "But-"

Elsa raised her hand, silencing Helga, "No! If you go anywhere near Anneliese's home, I will send guards, and if I hear of you killing another sheep, I will sentence you to prison. Am I clear?"

Helga scoffed loudly, "Your Majesty-"

"The lamb? Where. Is. It." Elsa yelled.

Helga nodded, "Yes Queen Elsa. The...the lamb's in the basement. She's unharmed."

Elsa stormed into the kitchen where Stefan and Anneliese were. "Check the basement." Elsa waited as Stefan and Anneliese rushed downstairs to the basement. After a moment, they returned and Anneliese carried her young lamb in her arms. Like Helga said, she was unharmed.

"I'm so sorry, Anneliese." Elsa said. "I assure you, it won't happen again."

Anneliese nodded as they all walked out of the house, leaving Helga to stew in her anger. "I hope not. These sheep are me and my fiancés lifeline. I've started working on the gate, by the way."

Elsa nodded, "Good. I have to go see Holmes now. We'll talk later." As Elsa started to mount her horse, Helga rushed down the steps.

"You're no Queen! King Agnarr would be ashamed of the monster you are!"

Elsa winced at those words, then something changed inside her. It wasn't the anger she felt when Helga insulted Anneliese. This time, it was Evil Elsa. Even though Elsa tried to block it out, Helga's words added fuel to the fire, boiling inside her. Her eyes turned black, and she hopped off her horse, walking towards Helga with rage.




Kristoff was taken aback. He knew Elsa had struggled hard to control her powers over the years, and anger filled his mind at Helga's words.

He then noticed the change in Elsa's demeanor. He figured that she was just hurt and upset, which she should be, but then he noticed the black gloss over Elsa's eyes. 

"Elsa, no!" He yelled, as Elsa raised her hand in a swift motion, shards of black ice rising from the ground, headed in Helga's direction. He rushed towards Helga, shoving her out the way, causing them both to tumble to the ground.

Kristoff groaned as he got off of Helga, them both gasping for air. He didn't have time to settle down, though. As he looked up, 7 foot shards of black ice rose from the ground, and he moved in the nick of time before they impaled him.

Some of the guards, Stefan included, struggled to hold Elsa down as black ice shot from her hand. Kristoff stood up quickly, "Elsa, stop it! You don't need to do this! You aren't a monster!"

For a moment, Kristoff swore he saw Elsa's eyes turn blue again, but they turned black as Helga spoke.

"Look at her! She is a monster! She's gonna kill us!" Helga yelled.

"SHUT. UP!" Kristoff yelled, and he quickly dodged a blast of black ice that came between him and Helga. He slowly got up. The guards were pinning Elsa to the ground. He had an idea. "Let her go!" He yelled.

The guards looked at Kristoff in confusion. 

"LET. HER. GO." He said, and the guards reluctantly did as he ordered. Elsa stood up quickly, her black eyes expressing her deep anger. Kristoff prayed that somewhere in those eyes was the real Elsa.

He watched as Helga tried desperately to run away, but walls of ice came up, blocking both of Helga's paths. He rushed to her, standing in between Helga and Elsa. If Elsa wanted to kill, it would have to be him.

His heart raced as Elsa raised her arms slowly, flurries of black snow circling her hand. He closed his eyes, and waited, but nothing happened. 

When he opened his eyes, Elsa was on her knees, her entire body trembling. The shards of ice were only inches from his face.. He noticed the fear in her eyes as she looked at the damage she had done. Luckily, Helga's house wasn't damaged. The black ice turned white, then slowly vanished.

Kristoff sighed of relief, rushing to Elsa's side. He noticed the way her hands shook. "Elsa..."

Elsa looked up at him, "I...I almost killed you..."

"You almost killed all of us!" Helga yelled out.

Stefan ordered Helga back in her house, as he turned to Kristoff. Kristoff glared back, hoping that Stefan didn't think he'd forgotten about last night. He then turned back to Elsa.

"Elsa, it's not-"

He was cut off with a tight hug from Elsa. "I'm so sorry." 

Kristoff sighed. "It's okay. If you don't feel well, the guards and I can go to meet Holmes ourselves." He hoped Elsa would say yes. Maybe then he'd be able to keep a better eye on Stefan.

Elsa shook her head, "I'm fine." She mounted her horse again, looking sorrowful. Without saying anything, she rode off, her guards following behind her.


It didn't take long as they approached Holmes' house. A small stream curved around his home, a bridge over the water. The stream led to a larger lake. Kristoff noticed that the water was no longer flowing in the stream, and was full of dirt. 

"There's no way this water is drinkable, or even able to use for crops." Kristoff whispered in Elsa's ear as he slowed his horse down. 

Elsa nodded quietly. Kristoff could tell that the incident a couple of minutes ago was still on her mind. He shuddered as he realized Elsa was right. She did almost kill him. He shook the thought away as Stefan trotted up to him on his horse.

Kristoff gave Stefan a cold glare. Somehow, he had to tell Elsa that Stefan was up to something. Unfortunately, he still had no idea what Stefan was up to, and he had no proof, other than his own words.

He unmounted his horse as he and the guards followed Elsa towards Holme's cabin. Elsa knocked on the door, sucking in her breath as he opened the door. Holmes looked like he hadn't slept in days, with dark circles around his eyes.

"Your Majesty," Holmes said, bowing as they walked in. He sighed as he motioned to the large couch. "Please, sit."

Elsa smiled and she and Kristoff sat down. Stefan stood up, leaning on the doorway. 

Elsa sighed, "Tell us what's happening."

Holmes nodded. "A few days ago, I noticed my crops were wilting. Nothing was growing. Not long after, I noticed that the stream was drying out and had stopped flowing completely. It doesn't help that those crops were my lifeline! I have no food and no drinking water."

Elsa frowned. "I see..." Kristoff could tell she was thinking. "Tomorrow, I'll send guards to follow the stream, and see where it's being blocked."

Holmes nodded, "Yeah. It's crazy, because one of my good friends lives near the stream. I pray that he isn't the one who did this, but I don't know whether to trust him."

Kristoff scoffed, "Well, you know what they say. Sometimes it's those closest to you that take advantage of your trust." He glared at Stefan.

Stefan cleared his throat for a moment. "Kristoff, a word?" He motioned to him as they both walked outside to the back of Holmes house. Stefan quickly spun around. "What's your problem?"

Kristoff raised an eyebrow, "Excuse me?"

"What's up with these glares you're giving me?"

"You act like I didn't see what you did last night." Kristoff said angrily.

Stefan rolled his eyes, "I was looking for a book, okay? It was to help the Queen."

"I'm sure it was," Kristoff said, giving Stefan a cold glare. He knew he was up to something.

Stefan put a hand on Kristoff's shoulder, his grip tightening, "Listen, peasant boy. You're just the princesses pet. You know nothing about me, so unless you're as stupid as I think you are, you best leave yourself out of it." He then smirked, "It'd be a shame if something were to happen to you and the little "friend" of yours."

Kristoff shook Stefan of him, clenching his fists. "It's one thing to betray Elsa, but if you ever threaten me again, you'll see what this weak peasant boy can do." He watched as Stefan grumbled and walked away. He took in a deep breath. 

"It'd be a shame if something were to happen to you and the little "friend" of yours." Could he have meant him and Anna? Was Stefan, Captain of the Guard, really threatening him and Anna?

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