Frozen Adventures: Season One

After the Great Frost that Elsa caused, she has finally managed to mend the relationship between her and Anna. The people look up to her as Queen, and she makes sure she puts the people first. When Elsa makes a mysterious discovery, her powers go haywire, putting tension between her and her sister. As evil rulers and dark forces threaten the Kingdom of Arendelle, Elsa and the gang must venture outside the kingdom, putting their trust in mysterious beings and secretive commoners. As secrets unfold, they must make daring decisions and life changing choices. This story is a bridge between Frozen and Frozen 2, taking place two years after Frozen and one year before Frozen 2. I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE FROZEN CHARACTERS!!! I ALSO ADDED SOME OF MY OWN THEORIES ALONG WITH ONES THAT HAVE ALREADY BEEN MADE. I ALSO ADDED SOME CROSSOVERS.

Last Updated






S.1 EP.6 The Price We Pay

Chapter 6

EPISODE SYNOPSIS: Anna begins to wonder if their parents weren't telling the whole truth; Elsa worries that she's letting her evil side get to her; Kristoff begins to be suspicious of Stefan; Sorenson worries that Anna and Elsa are going too deep into the past.

Elsa has a song(cuz it's Frozen and I felt like it)


A million thoughts raced through Anna's mind. Her parents couldn't have been here. They didn't believe in spirits like Sorenson...did they? Surely not her father, who seemed to get upset at even the slightest mention of magic or spells.

Sorenson walked to his desk, reading a book. "Yes, your parents were most definitely here." 

Kristoff and Anna shared a look. "Why were they here? What did they ask for?" The princess asked quickly.

Sorenson frowned heavily as he turned to face the young princess. He paused for a moment, "I... can't tell you that."

Anna frowned, "What do you mean you can't tell me?! I need to know!" She slammed her fist on the table, flinching at her sudden outburst. She hated the way her voice broke when she yelled.

Sorenson shook his head, and Anna could see him take a step back. "I promised your parents that I'd never tell, and I plan on keeping that promise."

Anna wanted to say that her parents weren't the secretive type, but she'd just be lying to herself. More secrets. Always secrets. From the day she was six, her family kept secrets from her, from Elsa, in the hopes of keep them safe but not knowing how much it damaged them. Anna sighed, walking towards Sorenson's desk. He had books piled up everywhere, and some almost touched the ceiling. As she scanned over the books quickly, she noticed a book labeled: The Crystal of Ezarite.

Could this be the same crystal that Elsa found in the forest? Anna thought to herself. She picked the book up, showing it to Kristoff for a moment.

Kristoff took the book and skimmed through the pages then turned to Sorenson. "A bunch of pages are ripped out. What happened?"

The old mystic merely shrugged. "I don't know. I found that book years ago, from an old....acquaintance, you could say."

Anna scoffed marching up to Sorenson, "Listen up mister, I don't know who you think you are, but I refuse to leave this house with no answers. I'm sick and tired of unnecessary secrets, so either you tell me what you know, or so help me I will shove this book up your-"

"What she means is that we really need you to give us answers," Kristoff said, pulling Anna back.

Sorenson kept a straight face. "Well, if your girlfriend will keep quiet, I might just be able to tell you what I know about that crystal."

Anna frowned, mumbling under her breath. If there was one thing Anna didn't like, it was getting her name mispronounced and people keeping secrets. Her whole life had been full of secrets and lies, especially from Elsa, and she was going to do everything in her power to keep those things out of her life for good.

Sorenson walked across the room towards the staircase that led upstairs. He turned to Anna and Kristoff, "Follow me, and bring the book with you."

Anna shared a look with her lover as they reluctantly followed the mystic upstairs. The princess looked at the paintings on the walls as they neared the study. They were all paintings of magical creatures and nature, all which seemed familiar to her, like she'd seen it or heard of it, but didn't know where.

"Did you paint these?" Anna asked gently.

Sorenson nodded, "Yes, I did. Of course, with some help from a friend." He smiled, and color flooded to his cheeks.

As they made it upstairs, they entered the study. The room was rounded, with the dome being made out of beautiful red wood which opened up to a glass dome ceiling. Anna looked in awe at the beautiful full ceiling painting on the red wood dome.

She could hear Kristoff gasp as he touched the paintings. There was a large painting of a horse which seemed to be made of water. The water horse's eyes were dark and had depth in them, mesmerizingand almost...almost swallowing Anna into the depths of the painted sea. The horse was connected the ocean, and whoever did such beautiful work knew how to perfectly capture the menacing likeness of the creature.

Even though it was only a painting, Anna could smell the salty, sharp scent of the water, splashing hard on the rocks. The painting was so real, Anna could feel the water splashing in her face.

The ocean painting slowly faded into a painting of four stones in front of thick fog. Anna narrowed her eyes at the painting. Each stone had a different marking on them and she could've sworn the stones were familiar somehow.

Kristoff turned to Sorenson. "Did you paint all of this?" He asked, his fingers sliding over the paintings, feeling the indents of the individual strokes made so delicately.

Sorenson's eyes darkened and he looked away. " didn't do this. A...a friend of mine did this."

Anna narrowed her eyes. "You seem to talk about this friend a lot."

Sorenson nodded slowly, "Yes...she was a very good friend."

Anna smiled warmly, "Maybe she was...more than just a good friend?" Anna noticed the change in Sorenson's demeanor. He seemed on guard and secretive. But then again, he was a mystic after all.

Sorenson then perked up and smiled, "So...about the Crystal. Not many know its origins," He walked across the room to a shelf full of potions and jars that contained unidentifiable animal body parts along with other things.

Sorenson grabbed a bowl, a jar that contained purple dust, and another jar that contained lizard tounges. Kristoff cringed and Anna gagged as Sorenson dropped the still-moving lizard tounge in the small bowl. He then got a pinch of the purple dust and dropped it in the bowl as well.

It didn't take long for steam to rise from the bowl. Sorenson grabbed a small handful of whatever was in the bowl and threw it up in the air.. A thick fog appeared, and Anna jumped back, holding on tighter to Kristoff.

"For a long time, the Crystal was said to be a myth," Sorenson said as the purple fog arranged into an outline of the Crystal. "It is said that years ago, a woman yielded the power of the Ezarite Crystal. This Crystal was said to have the dark power of all four magical spirits."

"What could the crystal do?" Kristoff asked, amazed at how Sorenson seemed to be controlling the magical purple fog.

Sorenson smiled as he twirled his fingers and the fog turned to an outline of a young woman holding the Crystal. "It gave great power to those who were worthy to wield it. Unfortunately, it had it's downsides. Although it gives great power, it also reveals the darkest side of yourself."

The fog turned bright red and arranged into an image of the woman destroying an entire kingdom. "The woman let the Crystal take control of her, and she became almost unstoppable," The fog turned black and the woman grew bigger, black fog devouring the kingdom before her. "She grew dark and evil, and it became apparent that she had to be killed." Sorenson frowned.

" does one stop the Crystal?" Anna asked.

"The Crystal reveals your darkest side. Only the person who has absorbed the Crystal can stop it from controlling them. Only the person can control the crystal."

Kristoff nodded, "So, if the person touched the Crystal, what would happen?"

"If they only touched the Crystal, then it wouldn't be as hard to keep it from taking control, but you must understand...the Crystal only shows you what's already inside of you."

Anna touched the fog and it vanished into thin air. "So, how'd the Crystal survive?"

"It didn't. It was destroyed along with the woman." Sorenson said, a bit confused.

"Are you sure?" Kristoff mumbled.

"Why are you asking about the Crystal anyway?" Sorenson asked, "Even if it did still exist, which it doesn't, the Crystal would only work with someone of North- I doesn't matter." He quickly shut himself up, turning away from Anna and Kristoff.

Anna noticed how Sorenson cut himself off in the middle of his sentence, but she decided not to question him. "Right...well, we best get going. It's getting late. Can I keep the book?"

Sorenson nodded.

Kristoff turned to Anna as they walked out of the house, "I hope Elsa has made some progress."

Anna nodded slowly, even though she half heard what Kristoff said. She was till thinking about Sorenson. "Even if it did still exist, which it doesn't, the Crystal would only work with someone of North- " Someone of North? North what?


"So provide me a moment of clarity," Olaf said, "But you're saying that Elsa's ice isn't ice, but dark magic?"

Hallory nodded slowly, still afraid of Olaf. When the Queen and her talking snowman friend arrived, she'd been so scared that shed kicked his head off. "Only her black ice is dark magic. This alter ego thing is really changing you, Your Majesty."

Elsa groaned, pacing around the room, "How can I stop this? Is there any way to destroy the black ice?"

Hallory frowned, "You don't think I've tried every method already? I've tried crushing it, dissolving it, dunking it it acid, smashing it, burning it-"

"Wait a minute," Elsa said as she stopped pacing, "The ice won't melt?!"

Hallory shook her head, "Fire only makes it grow. And the ice spreads very fast." The alchemist shuddered as she recalled how the black ice almost froze her arm.

The Ice Queen sighed, flipping her braid off her shoulder. This couldn't be happening. She'd thought all her problems had ended after she had fixed the Great Frost. But everything was much worse. "So, there's nothing we can do to stop this?"

"Well, I didn't say that. You could just go and get the Crystal." 

"NO!" Elsa and Olaf yelled in unision.

Hallory flinched, a bit startled at Elsa and Olaf's reaction. "Well, what's the problem?!"

Elsa scoffed, "That Crystal got me in this mess! I can't go back and get it. If I do," She stared at her hands, noticing that they still trembled, "I might hurt someone...again."

The alchemist frowned, crossing her arms, "Well I think you should bring the Crystal back. After all, you did come here for my advice."

Elsa glared at Hallory, "I didn't say I would take your advice."

Hallory stood up quickly, "I'm trying to help you, and you're being selfish and scared?"

 "Yes, I am scared!" Elsa snapped, "Maybe if you cared about anyone and viewed this as more than just some experiment, then you'd feel the same way!"

Olaf gasped as he noticed the change in Elsa's eyes, "Um, Elsa?"

"Shut up, Olaf!" Elsa yelled, turning back to Hallory, "I'm not hurting my people because you want to make some new scientific discovery!"

"That's not fair! All I'm saying is that the Crystal might be your only option!"

Elsa could feel herself changing. She tried to fight it, but her chest burned and her eyes turned black.

Hallory took a step back as the Queen's eyes turned and small flurries of black snow surrounded Elsa. Elsa raised her arms as sharp icicles rose up from the ground.

Hallory screamed, putting her arms out in front of her, as the shard of I've grew closer, exploding through the ground. She squeezed her eyes shut, preparing to die, but nothing happened. When she looked up, Elsa's eyes were back to blue, and she was kneeling on the floor, looking down at her trembling hands. Olaf ran to Elsa, putting his hand on her shoulder.

"Did...did I hurt anyone?" Elsa asked, looking up at Olaf and Hallory.

Olaf shook is head, "No one was hurt, but-"

"No one was hurt?!" Hallory stood up, "You nearly killed me with your...your black ice stuff!"

Elsa sighed, taking a moment to catch her breath. "This is exactly why I can't go back for that Crystal. If I almost killed you this time, it'll just get worse." Elsa paused for a moment, then narrowed her eyes, "Why do you want the Crystal so badly anyway?"

Hallory frowned and leaned on her desk, "No reason. I....I think you should go. You probably have queenly duties to attend to." Her voice was tauting and harsh, and the teen turned back around, tucking her hair behind her ear.

Elsa felt a slight pang in her chest as she walked out of the small cabin, her horse waiting patiently. Elsa mounted her horse slowly, staring off into the distance.

Elsa....Elsa....I know you want to give in. You've seen what I'm capable of...

"SHUT UP!" Elsa screamed.

Olaf frowned, "Elsa, who are you talking to?" He asked, mounting Elsa's horse.

The Queen turned to look at Olaf, " one. We should...we should get going."

Elsa snapped the reigns and rode off back to the kingdom. The wind blew in her face and Elsa used her free hand to wrap herself up in her cloak. The ride back home was quiet. Even Olaf didn't make a peep.

As they approached Arendelle, Elsa looked up at the sky. It was beginning to get dark, and Elsa knew she probably had a long line of villagers waiting to complain to her in the throne room. She hopped off her horse, helping Olaf off. "Hey Olaf, why don't you go find Sven and hang out with him? I'd love to spend more time with you, but-"

"Actually, I was wondering if....well, could I go with you? To the throne room, I mean." The snowman asked expectantly.

Elsa smiled warmily as she thought for a moment. Everything was going horribly, from her powers to running her kingdom. Maybe having Olaf with her would be good for the both of them. "Of course, Olaf. I'd love if you came with me."

Olaf smiled as they headed into the castle. Kai was waiting for her Elsa at the front of the castle, dressed in his usual black uniform, gold Arendellian pins ornamenting his uniform and signifying his rank.

"We've been waiting, Youir Majesty." He replied gently, bowing in respect.

"Forgive me, Kai. I was...busy." Elsa turned down the hallway and faced the double doors that opened to the throne room. She sucked in her breath and opened the doors. A long line of tired and expectant people were waiting in front of the throne. As soon as they saw the Queen, their complaints filled the room. Among the crowd was Ergarr Wess, a journalist of sorts. He was often around, waiting for Elsa to make a mistake.

Elsa walked up to her throne, sitting down gracefully, her legs crossed. Olaf stood beside her, smiling. The first to step up to the throne were two young women. One young woman, Helga Gustason , was heavy-weight and short, her short brown hair resting at her jawline. The other woman, Anneliese Bergh, was on the taller side. Her thick black hair was in a small fro and freckles covered her brown skin. Anneliese was Helga's neighbor, and they often bickered. Not that Elsa could blame Anneliese, for she too had to admit that Helga was a true witch, but never the less, she was still a villager.

Helga stood proudly, her hands on her hips. Elsa could tell the two women were both upset, more than they usually were with each other. The Ice Queen cleared her throat and nodded in Anneliese's direction, allowing her to speak first.

The young woman sighed before she spoke. "Queen Elsa, this...this bitch tried to slaughter my sheep and use them for blankets!"

"Mind your words in this castle." Elsa demanded, before allowing her to continue.

Helga scoffed, turning to Anneliese. "Well, I wouldn't have to kill your sheep if they weren't on my land!"

"They're still my sheep!"

"They aren't yours if they're on my property! If you don't want your sheep to be skinned, I suggest you keep your own animals on your own damn farm!"

Elsa cleared her throat loudly, sitting up tall. She looked at the two women, who stared at her expectantly. "Anneliese, is there not a gate to keep your animals on your own farm?"

Helga yelled out, "If she had a gate, we wouldn't be here!"

Elsa glared at Helga for a split second, then turned back to Anneliese, clearly waiting for a response.

"No, Your Majesty, there is no gate. I haven't been able to make one since Mr. Nord began using the trees in my property to build his houses." She pointed the man out and he came forward.

Jenson's face told his old age as he walked forward, with his long gray hair and honey beige skin, a large frown on his face. Even for his old age, his body was well built and muscular due to years of cutting, hauling and carving wood. Jenson Nord was an immigrant, from the southern kingdom of Corinth, and did fine work in carpentry, owning a small shop in town where kids flocked to.

Elsa kept a straight face, not showing her emotions. That was something her father taught her years ago. That way, no one can see what you're thinking. But in the past she'd applied her father's rule to her life outside of the throne room. She loved her father, and his sayings always came in handy, but his ways also had led her to believe that she had to push others away put of fear from herself.

"Jenson, Miss Bergh has informed me that you've been cutting the trees on her land?"

He nodded quietly.

"You do understand that those trees are not for you to cut, since they aren't on your property?"

Jenson sighed, "I had no choice, Queen Elsa. Winter is coming in so fast, and business is high. I'm running out of wood, and her trees were the easiest to get to. I know it was wrong and against the law even, but I have nothing left. The wood I do have is rotted."

"Rotted? For how long?"

The old carpenter through a moment. " week go."

Elsa paused to think for a moment, when Olaf began to speak.

"Well, I'm sure the Queen can supply you with the wood you need. As for you...Helga, I'm sure the castle has enough spare blankets to pass around."

Elsa looked at Olaf with surprise. She looked at Kai, and he nodded, indicating that Olaf's request could be done. Elsa turned back to Helga, Anneliese, and Jenson. "There you have it. And Mr. Nord, I won't punish you severely for using Anneliese's trees, but I expect you to give her all the wood that she needs to build a proper fence, and pay her back the cost of every tree you cut. Am I heard?"

"HOLD ON A MINUTE!" Ergarr Wess yelled out, his pen and notebook in hand, "That's it? You're just going to let him go so easily? A ruler must know when to punish her people for their crimes!"

Elsa glared, "Then maybe when you become ruler, you keep that in mind." She said sarcastically. "Paying Miss Bergh her dues is a rightful consequence."

Jenson nodded slowly and he walked away along with Anneliese. Helga, on the other hand stood there, angry. "I'm not taking advice from a snowman and an irresponsible queen."

"Exactly! Are we taking orders from a snowman now?" Ergarr yelled.

Elsa could feel her anger rising just a bit, and Olaf saw a hint of black flash in her eyes for a moment.

Helga scoffed and walked off, mumbling under her breath, "Some queen."

"Stop." Elsa hissed, getting to her feet as her eyes narrowed. "I am not some queen, I am your queen, and as such you will face me! You forget during my grandfather's rule, what you've done is punishable by death according his old laws, but I've seen it as unnecessary. Do not make me change my mind, Helga." Elsa sucked in her breath as she and Kai shared a look, watching Helga scurry away.

The next person to approach was a young man, Holmes Friberg. He looked worried and stressed, almost shaped eyes nearly covered by his messy mop of brown hair. "Your Majesty, as you know, ever since the rat infestation, our crops have been low, but we've managed to revive most of them."

Elsa nodded, "Go on."

He shuffled a bit, scuffling up his curly hair, "Well, I looked this morning, and all of my crops are gone. My family from Ardenberg is coming soon, and someone has stolen my crops. On top of that, the river that flows through my land has stopped flowing. It's all dried out. I think someone has blocked it off somehow."

Elsa nodded, "I'm very sorry, Holmes. We will provide you with extra food and I will have Stefan and his guards investigate your stolen crops and the river." She turned to look at Stefan, but he wasn't there.

Odd. Stefan was always by her side during her meetings. He was Captian of the Royal Guard, after all, her second and her protection. Elsa leaned over and whispered in Kai's ear, "Where is Stefan?"

Kai shrugged, "I'm not sure. I haven't seen him since you left to see the alchemist, Your Majesty."

Elsa sighed then turned to her people, "It seems as though Stefan isn't here, but when he returns, I will see to it that your problems are solved."

Ergarr scoffed, "It seems as though our Queen can't even keep up with her Captian of the Guard!"

Elsa stood up swiftly. This time, their was no Evil Elsa. There was no shift in her eyes, but she was truly mad this time. Still, her voice was calm, but sharp. "Might I remind you who you're talking to, Ergarr. Perhaps you think you could do a better job of ruling than I could, but you don't hold a crown nor any authority so I suggest you leave. Now."

Ergarr frowned, keeping his glare as he and quickly left. Elsa sighed as she looked at the long line of people. She was going to be very busy....


Elsa sighed as she leaned on the door off the balcony, quickly undoing her briad and letting her hair fall on her shoulders. She rubbed her temples, looking up at the beautiful moonlight above her. She had only just finished talking with the last of the villagers and felt exhausted. Elsa recalled how she almost let he darker self get to her while in the throne room. What if she controls me? 

Ice Queen ¤ Elsa

《In tune of Lost Boy ¤ Ruth B》

There was a time, when I was afraid
I didn't think that my powers were safe
Thought that if I pushed everyone away
Maybe my fear and my pain would change 

Now I just feel, I'm back in that place
Lonliness, fear and dark empty space
This is not how it should be
Why can't I ever truly be free?

Elsa turned away from the moon, pacing around the balcony as wisps of snow formed at her fingertips. She smiled a bit, though it fades the mintued blackness took over the wisps of snow.

She says, Evil Elsa, that's what they call me
I promise that I'll never let you control me
Why do I feel this way?

The Queen shut her eyes, clutching onto the balcony once more. She only opened them when she felt a cold sensation over her fingers and saw the black frost slowly covering the balcony railing. Some patches of it were white like her usual magic.

"I am the Ice Queen
Can't you see?
This Crystal is growing inside of me
I worry that I can't be strong
What if I do something wrong?"

"Run, run Ice Queen, she says to me
Far away so, I can be free," 
Elsa pulled away from the balcony as the whispers filled her mind, watching frost vanish as if it had never appeared. Her gaze shifted to the town of Arendelle. Her kingdom.

"But Arendelle is home.
A home just for me
A home that I feel so free"

"Arendelle is home
A home just for me
A home that I'll never leave" 
Elsa left her room, walking briskly down the corridors to her throne room. In every mirror she passed she could've sword she saw Evil Elsa.

"I don't know why this darkness is still inside of me
I thought this was over, that I could be free
Anna, Kristoff, Olaf, Sven
They are my family and friends
I won't hurt them again"

She stopped at the double doors of the throne room, the one's that held her throne right behind them. She hesitated before opening them, finding herself in silence."I feel like I'm letting this ice control me
Don't have anyone to console me
Why am I going through this again?
Don't know how, don't know when
Why do I feel this way?"

"I am the Ice Queen
Born and raised
Yet I'm still so afraid
Now I am trembling, but not from the cold
Like a perfect picture with a broken mold" 

"Run, run Ice Queen, she says to me
Far away so I can be free
But Arendelle is home.
A home just for me
A home where I can be free"

"Arendelle is home
A home just for me
A home where I'll never leave"

"I am lost in this frost please come help me
A never-ending force that only I see
Anna, Kristoff, Olaf, Sven
They are my family and friends
I won't hurt them again"

"I am lost in this frost please come help me
Why do I feel like I'm letting this control me?
Anna, Kristoff, Olaf, Sven
They are my family and friends
I won't hurt them again"

Why do I feel this pain?

"I am the Ice Queen
Yes indeed
Yet I feel this evil inside of me
What if I make a big mistake?
don't know how much more I can take"

"Run, run Ice Queen, she says to me
Far away so I can be free
But Arendelle is home.
A home just for me
A home where I can be free"

"Arendelle is home
A home just for me
A home where I'll never leave"


Anna walked down the hallway looking around wildly, when she bumped into Olaf. She and Kristoff had just returned from Sorenson.

"Olaf, have you seen Elsa?" Anna asked.

Olaf nodded, "Yeah, she's on the balcony in the throne room. She seems stressed."

Anna sighed and walked into the throne room. She could see Elsa through the thin curtains that blocked the balcony. As she walked up to her sister, Elsa turned around and gasped, wiping what seemed to be a tear off her cheek.

"Hey, Anna..." Elsa sniffled.

Anna grabbed Elsa's hand. She could tell how stressed out her sister was, and complaining villagers wasn't helping at all. "Elsa, you need a break. You can't keep doing this."

Elsa sighed, "I know, but...I just feel like I'm failing! I've failed my people. I've failed you-"

Anna shook her head, "No. No, Elsa. You haven't failed anyone. You don't think other rulers haven't had the same problems? I mean, obviously they don't have ice powers, but you're still a queen nonetheless. Every ruler has gone through the same stress, and every ruler as pushed through that. I know you can too."

Elsa smiled warmly, embracing Anna in a tight hug. "Thank you. I needed that." But her smile faded when she pulled her sister into a hug. If Anna thought she was doing better, perhaps she'd stop worrying.

Anna smiled, "I know what else you need. I found an old game that we used to play when we were kids. Maybe a game of charades might just do all of us some good?"


Anna punched the air. She was trying to get Elsa, Kristoff and Olaf to say fight, but they couldn't get it. Time was running out.

"War!" Kristoff shouted.

Anna pointed at Kristoff signifying that he was close. She stomped the ground and kicked the air wildly.

"Battle!" Yelled Olaf.

"Killing!" Kristoff screamed.

Elsa shot up quickly, "Fighting! A fight!"

Anna smiled, "Yes! It was fight." Anna sat back down on the couch, letting out an exasperated huff. "I'm hungry, anyone else?"

They all raised their hands.

Anna began to get up. "I think Gerda made some jelly tarts. I'll go check."

Kristoff quickly got up, "I'll do it." As he walked out of the room and down the hallway, he passed Elsa's room. As he did so, he heard a loud bang as if something dropped.

Odd. Not even the maids should be in Elsa's room at this hour. Kristoff turned and peeked in Elsa's room. There was Stefan, looking through Elsa's drawers.

"What are you doing?" Kristoff asked suspiciously.

Stefan jumped and spun around. "Oh... Kristoff....I was just...making sure...that no one had stolen anything. People tend to steal nowadays."

Kristoff glared, "I think you should leave now." He watched as Stefan left. Kristoff knew that Stefan had no business in Elsa's room, but he couldn't exactly prove that the guard was doing something wrong. With a shrug and a glance back at Elsa's room, Kristoff left to get the jelly tarts.


Hallory turned out the last light. It was late and she was going to bed. Rubbing her eyes, she let her black hair fall loosely down her back.

"Hello, Hallory."

Hallory gasped as she turned around. She saw a tall, broad mysterious man standing in the shadows. He hovered over her, at least 7 feet tall, having to bend down slightly to keep his head from touching the ceiling. "Who..who are you?" The alchemist croaked out.

"A friend in need," The man said. "I need something from you, and you need something from me."

Hallory glared, "What do you want from me?" She was already reaching up to pull the alarm when she remembered Elsa broke it. She quickly grabbed a wrench instead.

"The same thing you want: revenge on the Queen and the kingdom of Arendelle."

Hallory paused for a moment, then thought. She did want revenge. Revenge for everything that the former King and Queen had done to her family. Revenge on the Queen. Revenge on that stupid red-headed princess. "I'm not afraid to harm you!"

"So it is what you want then?" The man smirked, and only then did Hallory realise how close the man was to her as he reached over and grabbed the wrench from her hand. "You get back what is owed to you."

Hallory looked back up, eyes narrowing slighty before she spoke. "What do I need to do?"

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