Frozen Adventures: Season One

After the Great Frost that Elsa caused, she has finally managed to mend the relationship between her and Anna. The people look up to her as Queen, and she makes sure she puts the people first. When Elsa makes a mysterious discovery, her powers go haywire, putting tension between her and her sister. As evil rulers and dark forces threaten the Kingdom of Arendelle, Elsa and the gang must venture outside the kingdom, putting their trust in mysterious beings and secretive commoners. As secrets unfold, they must make daring decisions and life changing choices. This story is a bridge between Frozen and Frozen 2, taking place two years after Frozen and one year before Frozen 2. I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE FROZEN CHARACTERS!!! I ALSO ADDED SOME OF MY OWN THEORIES ALONG WITH ONES THAT HAVE ALREADY BEEN MADE. I ALSO ADDED SOME CROSSOVERS.

Last Updated






S.1 EP.5 Just More Time

Chapter 5

EPISODE SYNOPSIS: Hallory makes a startling discovery about Elsa's dark magic; Elsa tries to find out more about the Enchanted Forest and the Crystals origins; Anna and Kristoff have an argument; Anna decides to see a mystic

Kristoff walked upstairs to the study, gripping onto the railings. He knew Anna would be there. Anna cared about her sister more than anything else, and it wasn't that he had a problem with that, but just the fact that there never seemed to be time for just the two of them...alone... without Elsa.

Maybe that was selfish of him, to want time alone at a time like this. 

Sure enough, there was Anna, maps flying everywhere as she looked frantically for the correct history book. "C'mon! I just saw it!" Her hair was wild and full of dust due to the old study that had rarely been used.

Kristoff cleared his throat, "Anna?"

The princess swirled around, her skirts twirling gracefully around her. "Oh! Kristoff! I didn't know you were there!"

Kristoff laughed awkwardly. Just say what you came to say. She'll understand....right? "Anna-"

"Can you help me with this, please? I've been trying to help Elsa, and I've found a lot, but I can't seem to find the one book I really need. I swore I just saw it." She brushed some dust out of her hair with her hands before going back to searching the cabinets.

Kristoff sighed, "Sure I can help."

Anna smiled warmly as Kristoff began scrolling through books. He pulled out one that caught his eye. The cover was a mystifying purple, an image of wolf surrounded by what looked like wisps of magic. A memory resurfaced, giving Kristoff an idea. "Hey Anna?"

Anna looked up at Kristoff, "Yeah?"

"I think I know something that might help."

Anna gasped, "What is it? Did you find the book?"

Kristoff shook his head, "No. I know a mystic, named Sorenson. He works with all kinds of magic, and he might be able to help Elsa."

Anna hugged Kristoff tightly, "Thanks honey, I'll go get Elsa!"

Kristoff grabbed Anna's arm, "Well. I was thinking I could come. You know, Elsa probably needs to stay here so she can keep working in the library."

Anna chuckled, "Don't worry, Elsa and I can do this." She kissed his cheek before starting towards the door.

"It's always you and Elsa." Kristoff mumbled under his breath.

Anna frowned, swiftly turning to her lover. "Excuse me?"

Kristoff sighed, "I said it's always you and Elsa. I just feel like we aren't getting enough time together."

Anna's brows furrowed, "What's that supposed to mean? Elsa needs me right now."

Kristoff sighed, "Elsa doesn't need you, Anna!"

Anna flinched at his words.

Kristoff winced as what he said fully set in, "Anna, that's not what I meant. I mean, it is what I meant, but...not like that. I just-"

"I think you meant every word." Anna's tone stung like a wasp.

Kristoff frowned, "All I'm saying is that I want us to spend more time together. I mean, you're always with Elsa and I'm the background." He figured Anna would understand what he was saying.

Anna scoffed, "My sister needs me and you came up here to be selfish?"

Selfish? Anna wasn't being serious, was she? "How is me wanting to spend time with the woman I love selfish?! It's obvious that Elsa has something she needs to fix on her own, Anna. You're always there for her, which I don't mind, but I do mind when that means pushing me away, especially when it's clear Elsa doesn't want to accept your help! I just feel like I'm the only one who's trying here!

Anna slammed a book on the table. "How dare you! How dare you question my love for you!"

"Well I'm really starting to question some things, Anna, although I can't believe that you'd think our love would be one of them." Kristoff was angry. Angry that his girlfriend wouldn't understand that all he wanted was quality time. Angry that Elsa was taking all that precious time. He was angry that he was just the background picture. Even if it was just helping her help Elsa, he'd be content.

Anna sucked in her breath, her eyes beginning to water, "Well...if...if you're questioning things..." Anna choked on tears, "Maybe we should take a break. Perhaps you'll find your answers!" She snapped before rushing out of the study, tears pouring down her face.

Kristoff ran his hand through his hair, kicking a book shelf in frustration. This wasn't what he wanted. He just wanted time. That was it. He hated to see Anna cry, and even worse, he was the cause of it. He was the cause of it, wasn't he? Kristoff leaned on the shelf before he threw a book on the ground, the same one with the mystical cover. The book opened up to a page that had a sketch of the rock trolls on it.

Kristoff had an idea!

The trolls!


Elsa walked down the hall, thinking about the two Enchanted Forests.


As in more than one.

She was hungry and decided she couldn't retain information on an empty stomach, her head already pounding with confusion. Elsa recalled Anna packing some open sandwiches. There should be leftovers...

She entered the kitchen, and sure enough, on the counter, were a platter of open sandwiches. Elsa took one a bit into it, the flavors melting in her mouth. She scarfed it down quickly, and was about to reach for another when she heard sobs, and they were getting louder. Anna rushed past her sister, running to her room.

"Anna, what's wrong?" Elsa said, her mouth still full as she walked out into the hallway.

"Why don'tyou go ask Kristoff?!" And with that, Anna slammed her door.

Elsa was totally confused. Kristoff wouldn't have made Anna cry, at least not on purpose. She decided her sandwiches would have to wait, and went upstairs to the study.

Elsa burst through the door, looking for Kristoff. He had a pile of books in his arms.

"Oh. Hey Elsa, I was-"

Elsa slammed the door, and with a flick of her wrists, she sealed the door shut with a thick sheet of ice. She reached forward, gripping him by the collar of his shirt as she spoke. "What. Did. You. Do?!"

Kristoff gulped, "I didn't-"

Elsa glared, pulling him closer, "Kristoff, I love you dearly, so tell me what you did or so help me the next time Anna sees you, you'll be an ice statue."

"I didn't do anything! Or, I didn't mean what I said."

Elsa let go of him slowly, adjusting his collar. "What did you say?"

"I just wanted to spend more time with Anna, you know? I thought she'd understand that all I wanted was to spend more time with her, or at least try and help. I feel like I'm being left out here."

"And what did Anna say?"

Kristoff frowned, "She said I was being selfish!"

"And then you said...?"

Kristoff sighed, sitting down by the small desk in the corner, "I told her that you didn't need her."

Elsa gasped, her cold glare returning. "What?! Kristoff, how could you ever say that?!"

Kristoff frowned, "I didn't mean it! I'm not saying that I have a problem with Anna helping you, but I just feel like that she's using all of her time with you and I'm just...there. I feel like I'm only needed as some kind of knight in shining armor or something, if even that."

The Queen sighed, rubbing her temples. She extended an arm towards the door, the ice vanishing as if it were never there. "I'm sorry, Kristoff. I don't mean to take all of Anna's time, and I get what you mean. If you wanted more time with my sister, you could've just said so. I can handle this on my own."

Kristoff shook his head, "I don't want to make you feel bad, and you pushing her away will just make her upset. I know Anna just cares about you-"

Elsa held her head high, looking like the queen she was meant to be. Her voiced changed from calm and sisterly to fierce and regal. "Kristoff Bjorgman, I said that it's fine, and that I can handle this on my own. Go see Anna,"

Kristoff opened his mouth to speak, but Elsa glared.

"This isn't your future sister-in-law speaking, this is your queen. That's an order. Go get your girlfriend. "

Kristoff smiled weakly, rushing out the study. Elsa smiled brightly. She was glad that she could help Kristoff in any way possible. Elsa remembered when Anna had first started dating the Ice Deliverer. Anna was so worried that Elsa would hate him or go all I-am-your-queen on him.

"Kristoff is...amazing, and gorgeous, and caring. He's just...everything I could wish for in a man, you know?" Anna stared at Elsa.

Elsa stared at Anna blankly.

Anna cleared her throat, motioning for her sister to say something.

"Oh. You wanted my opinion? Well...he's nice."

Anna scoffed, "And...?"

Elsa smirked, "And blond."

"Nice and blond? That's all you have to say? C'mon, Elsa." Anna chuckled.

Elsa cringed, watching Kristoff talk to his reindeer. "I dunno about him. He has a weird relationship with that reindeer of his. It's a bit against nature's laws don't you think?"

Anna lightly punched her sister in the shoulder, "Elsa!"

Kristoff walked up to Anna then bowed to Elsa. He laughed awkwardly as Anna went to get more drinks.

Elsa's smile quickly faded, "So...Kristopher..."

Kristoff sucked in his breath, "It's Kristoff."

"Right, Kristoffen, so what are you're intentions with my sister?"

Kristoff chocked on his drink, "I'm sorry, what? My intentions? Well, it's nothing frisky if that's what you mean. I assure you, Queen Elsa, I love Anna with everything in me, and whether she were a princess or not, I'd still love her. I promise I won't give you any reason to question my relationship with Anna."

Elsa kept her straight face, but deep inside she was smiling. Kristoff was a really nice man, and he and Anna deserved each other. Elsa whispered in Kristoff's ear, "You break my sisters heart, I turn yours to ice."

Kristoff nodded quickly as Anna walked back over. "Hey, Anna!"

Elsa smiled, "I was just talking to Kristoff over here, why don't you two go dance?"

Elsa stopped reminiscing and got back to work. She remembered that she had to see Hallory today. The girl should have some new information. It was weird, though. With Hallory's darker complexion and accent, Elsa knew she wasn't originally from Arendelle, though couldn't pinpoint it.

She looked in the small mirror on the wall as she walked through the corridor, and froze. She could've sworn she saw Evil Elsa in the reflection. No. No more of that for today.

Then, as she kept walking, her chest began to burn terribly, like someone was pouring acid down her throat. Elsa screamed, her surroundings swirling around her. She felt like she was falling down a spiral hole, slowly falling into a dark abyss. Someone was dragging her down. Evil Elsa was dragging her down.

It's only a matter of time, Elsa...

"NO! STOP IT!" Elsa yelled, watching in pure fear as her hands were slowly being covered with black frost, seeping up her shoulders and her neck. Elsa breathed heavily as the black frost covered her cheeks. This was how how was going to die? A statue of blackness? Then, just when the frost started to cover her lips, the ice vanished.

Don't worry, Elsa. I'm just playing...for now. The Frost is stronger than you think...

Elsa groaned as the ice vanished and the voice disappeared. She had to finish this, and soon. She had to find a way to control the dark side, or get it out completely.

"Elsa...are you okay?" A voice responded.

Elsa yelped in surprise as she swirled around to find Olaf standing there with a concerned look on his face. "Oh my goodness, Olaf! You scared me! Yes, I'm fine." Elsa sighed.

"Well...can I help with anything? I haven't seem to have been of much use." He sighed. 

Elsa smiled, "Actually, Olaf I could use your help. How'd you like to go with me to meet Hallory?"

Olaf looked confused, "Oh? Who's she? Is there some new human named Hallory that I should know about?"

Elsa walked out of the study, Olaf following behind, "Hallory is an alchemist. She took a sample of the ice that I created, and told me to meet her today. You can come if you'd like."

"Well, Elsa, you should know that I'd never turn an adventure down."

Elsa smiled as they walked outside of the castle gates, A servant saddled up her horse, and she mounted it, Olaf hopping on the horses back. Elsa looked back at Olaf. "Hold tight!"

Olaf nodded and they rode off.


Anna screamed into her pillow.

Nothing was going right. Elsa's dark magic was getting stronger, and Anna was beginning to get very worried that she'd go back for the Crystal. On top of it, Anna couldn't seem to find any answers. Now on top of all the stress, Kristoff just had to make things worse.

Anna sighed. She knew Kristoff wasn't the reason she was angry. To be honest, she was on the brink of crying her heart out before Kristoff even said anything. The real reason Anna was upset was because her sister was changing drastically, and Anna couldn't seem to help.

She looked up as she heard a knock on the door. "Yes?"

Kristoff cleared his throat, letting out a small sigh as he sung softly.

"Anna...I know you're in there

Please, just let me in

I want you to know I'm trying to

Make things right with you

Where do I begin?

We'll always have each other

Can't you see?

Anna, oh I love you

 Do you want to build a snowman?"

It got silent for a moment and Kristoff was about to leave, then Anna slightly opened the door, a smile across her face. "It doesn't have to be a snowman..."

Kristoff smiled as Anna opened the door to let him in. "Anna I'm so-" His words were cut off as Anna's soft lips pressed against his. She smelled like oak and cinnamon, a mix of fall smells that made everything connect. Kristoff moaned softly as he went deeper into the kiss, cupping Anna's face. Anna wrapped her arms around him. Suddenly, everything blurred. It was just him and Anna...alone... without Elsa. The kiss seemed to last forever, but neither of them cared.

Kristoff got lost in Anna's lips as he ran his fingers through Anna's red hair. He then pulled away from the kiss as hisind clouded with other thoughts. Save it for later Kristoff. He reminded himself.

He smiled, looking into Anna's green eyes. "I understand that you want to help Elsa, and I was wondering if I could help."

Anna nooded, "Yes. Yes you can help. Kristoff I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to call you selfish. It's just...with Elsa and-"

Kristoff shook his head, "Stop. It's okay. I know you're stressed out." Still, a part of him knew the conversation would be brought back up again. But...he figured he should settle for the happiness he felt right now. "I know a mystic, named Sorenson."

Anna's eyes widened, "Is Elsa?"

Kristoff shrugged, "I dunno. I guess we'll have to find out." He prayed that his idea would not only help Elsa, but give him some time with Anna. "Put on some warm clothes. We're going to the mountains."


It wasn't long till they had made it to the North Mountains. Kristoff motioned for Sven to move a little faster as they approached the house of the mysterious Sorenson. Kristoff had heard many stories about him during his life with the trolls, and some of the stories he heard were...concerning. Tales of a fire breathing beast, a wolf-like man, a man who could use dark magic. None of them seemed to be factual, at least Kristoff hoped for their sake they weren't.

He slowed down as he noticed the door to the large house was open. It was a beautiful cabin on the outside, decorated with herbs and purple lights, and shakras, as well as crystals and omens. 

Sven stopped to a halt and Kristoff helped Anna down. He knocked on the door even though it was already open. You have to be precautious right?

Anna bit her lip, praying that this would help. To be seeking help from a mystic was a last resort.

As the two walked in the house, Anna was shoved to the ground with incredible force, knocking the wind from her lungs and leaving her gasping for air. A scream caught in her throat as she saw who the strange figure was. He had wild yellow eyes and sharp fangs that glistened in the moonlight. His fur brushed up against Anna's skin, and she finally manage to let the scream out.

His breath smelled like spearmint. Funny, Anna thought his breath would've reeked of flesh. His horns were sharp and his eyes were fixed on her.

Kristoff rammed into the wolf-human, knocking him over. Anna got up quickly. It was dark, and she couldn't see anything, desperatelytrying to make out the dark figures before her. "KRISTOFF!" Anna could hear the deep growls coming from the wolf-like man. The clanking of pots and pans rang in Anna's ear as Kristoff and the wolf-man struggled with each other.

Suddenly, the house lit up, and Anna could see clearly. Kristoff was on the ground, groaning as he began to get back up. The wolf-man turned to Anna, snarling at her, saliva dripping down his fangs..

She slowly backed away till she hit the wall, letting out a whimper. "Please..." She whispered.

Kristoff jumped in front of Anna, holding out his hands to protect her. "Wait! Wait!"

The wolf-man stopped.

Kristoff gulped, "The trolls sent me."

The wolf-man's eyes turned from a bright yellow to a soft pink. "The trolls?" His voice sounded...old yet young at the same time. Rich and wise yet smooth like butter.

Anna let out a breath pf relief, the fear went away as she loosened up. "You were....a wolf...but not a wolf...? Um...I'm... Anna of Arendelle, and this is-

"Kristoff Bjorgman. Yes I know," The wolf-man bowed, "Forgive me, Princess Anna."

Anna nooded her head, though she didn't move. "I'm sorry, you just tried to kill us?!"

The wolf-man then changed. His fur disappeared and his horns got shorter. He still had his scary fangs though.

Kristoff glared, his hand reaching for his pickaxe, "What did you do to Sorenson?"

The man laughed, "I am Sorenson."

"Wait, what?" Anna said.

Sorenson grinned, showing his fangs, "My name is Sorenson. The Mystic of the North, the Dark Mage of Arendelle."

Anna nodded, "Well, Sorenson, we're here because of my sister, Elsa."

Sorenson looked surprised, "I haven't heard the name Elsa in almost 6 years. Interesting, a young man and woman came here years ago for the same person."

Anna and Kristoff shared a confused look. "Are you parents were here?!"

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