Frozen Adventures: Season One

After the Great Frost that Elsa caused, she has finally managed to mend the relationship between her and Anna. The people look up to her as Queen, and she makes sure she puts the people first. When Elsa makes a mysterious discovery, her powers go haywire, putting tension between her and her sister. As evil rulers and dark forces threaten the Kingdom of Arendelle, Elsa and the gang must venture outside the kingdom, putting their trust in mysterious beings and secretive commoners. As secrets unfold, they must make daring decisions and life changing choices. This story is a bridge between Frozen and Frozen 2, taking place two years after Frozen and one year before Frozen 2. I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE FROZEN CHARACTERS!!! I ALSO ADDED SOME OF MY OWN THEORIES ALONG WITH ONES THAT HAVE ALREADY BEEN MADE. I ALSO ADDED SOME CROSSOVERS.

Last Updated






S.1 EP.3 The Crystal of Ezarite: Part 3

Chapter 3

EPISODE SYNOPSIS: Desperate to get rid of the voice, Elsa decides to go after the Crystal; Anna worries that something evil is overtaking Elsa

Anna rushed to her door, but when she tried to open it, the door didn't budge. She shifted her weight and slammed her shoulder on the door, but it didn't move. "No...c'mon, Anna!" She yelled to herself as she knelt down and peeked under the small crack in her door, only to find it sealed with a thick sheet of ice. Her door must be frozen shut.

Anna backed up a few feet away from the door. Her sister wasn't leaving her again, was she? She kicked the door.

It moved.

She kicked it again.

The door began to budge.

Anna kicked it two more times before the ice broke, and she was able to open it. She assumed her sister must be far away by now if her ice magic was fading.

The princess burst out her room and, not noticing the trail of ice on the floor, slipped and fell face first. Anna groaned as the ice quickly numbed her nose and lips, feeling her bottom lip swell up slightly. She got up slowly, not wanting to trip again, her feet sliding on the ice as she regained her balance. Whispering soft reassurances, Anna steadied herself on the floor that was now covered in a thin sheet of frost.

"No...." She gasped, trying to push away tears. This was all a nightmare. She'd wake up and be laying in her bed, staring at the wall, realizing she had been dreaming and that she hadn't taken Elsa to the forest yet. She'd wake up and the day would just be starting. But Anna knew this was no nightmare, no dream. It was real.

The pain she felt in her chest was real. The numbness of her lips was real. Her nails digging into the palms of her clenched fists were real.

She turned around to find the door to her sisters room also covered in ice, the cold patterns overlapping and connecting like pieces of a puzzle. The frost trail led down the hallway and around the corner to the other corridors. Anna stood there, hurt and angry, and even more so confused. Suddenly, a burst of energy filled Anna's body, the adrenaline pumping through her veins. She ran down the hall, not caring if she slipped anymore. Anna ran and ran, not even following the ice trail anymore. She was too much. She felt too many emotions at once. 

"Elsa!" Anna cried out. She got no response, but she didn't expect one. Hell, it was a miracle she hadn't tripped by now. She didn't know where she was headed, and frankly she didn't care, her eyes watering and stinging with tears.

 Then she stopped.

She froze.

She had to find her sister. Even Elsa- strong, brave, Elsa- yes, even she needed someone to be there for her. Anna did a 360 turn and went to find Kristoff, hoping he wasn't upset for him pushing her away. As she turned around the corner, she noticed the great pictures on the walls. Those paintings used to be the only "family" Anna felt she had. After her parents' death, nothing was the same. Elsa became even more reclusive, and the only thing Anna had to feel wanted, to feel loved, and to keep herself sane, was to talk to the paintings. At least they listened.

At least they didn't shut me out. Anna thought to herself. 

But the princess thought all that had changed. Apparently, it hadn't. As Anna ran down the halls, she bumped right into Kristoff, making her fall backwards. Kristoff caught her by the arm and raised an eyebrow. "Anna, wha-"

"We have to go after her!" Anna yelled out. She turned around back in the direction of the ice trail, dragging Kristoff with her.

Kristoff stopped to a halt and placed a hand on Anna's shoulder. "Whoa! Whoa! What's wrong? Just breathe."

"I....Elsa-and she-and then the ice!"

"English, please?"

Anna took a deep breath. "Elsa's gone. I don't know where." That was all she said before she dragged Kristoff with her and pointed to the trail of ice down the hall.

Kristoff's expression quickly changed, her hazel brown eyes widening. "Wha-this isn't Elsa. She was acting weird at dinner too. What do you think happened?"

"I wish I knew. Ever since the enchanted forest....." Anna's eyes widened. The enchanted forest.

Kristoff half nodded and half shook his head. "The enchanted forest....?"

"The enchanted forest!"

"Because.....the enchanted forest.....means something?" Kristoff's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

Anna shook Kristoff lightly. "She went back to the enchanted forest!" 



Elsa ran.

And she ran.

And she ran.

She couldn't stop. She wouldn't stop. The voice inside her wouldn't get out. It pulled and tugged at her soul, and she had to listen to it. The closer she got to the forest, the stronger that magnetic pull grew again. She didn't really remember exactly where the Crystal was, and was confused as to where she was running. 

Get the Crystal, need it....

The familiar voice- her mothers voice- was right. Elsa knew this was the only way to get the voice out of her head. The only way to find the answers she needed. Fall met Winter as the red and orange leaves faded and she was now running in thick snow. 

Elsa stopped in her tracks, her low heeled shoes digging in the snow. The cold wind meant nothing to her as she stared at the woods in front of her. Deep in those woods was the solution to end all of this. Snow began to fall, and Elsa didn't know whether it was the mysterious woods, or her own magic. The Ice Queen took a step towards the woods. Her shoes planted in the soft snow and she walked into the forest. 

Suddenly, her mother's voice filled Elsa's mind. Her voice sounded normal this time, unlike the eerie evil tone she had before.

"Elsa, there are answers out there, in that forest. Answers to some very big questions. But sometimes, you have to decide if the answers you want are worth what you might go through." Iduna whispered. "You understand?"

Elsa nodded her head, even if she didn't quite know what answers her mother was referring to. "Yes, Mama."

"That's my little frost flower." Iduna leaned forward, planting a kiss on her daughter's forehead, and Elsa took in her mother's sweet cinnamon smell.

Elsa shook the thought out of her head, stopping to abruptly as she noticed her foot had vanished. She was sure her foot was still attached to her body, but she didn't see it. Elsa stepped back, and her foot appeared. This time, she took a big leap forward, and the forest in front of her rippled like water as if it were just a thin sheet of paper.  So she had found the barrier.

Her leg then disappeared as it went through the invisible barrier. Elsa slowly put her hand through, and watched it vanish in thin air. As she took a deep breath and walked through, she was in a different world. She was no longer in the forest. Well, she was in a forest, but not the beautiful enchanted one she had just left.

Funny, Elsa thought. She could've sworn the woods were the same, except the trees were black and the forest floor was nothing but dead plants. Everything looked dead and....cold. Blackness creeped everywhere Elsa looked, but what got the Queen's attention first were the huge spiky rocks that were coming out of the ground. As they rose up, breaking the earth beneath them, Elsa noticed that the rocks weren't rocks at all. It was ice.

Black ice.

It was then that Elsa noticed it, the tiny spikes or ice on the trees, the thins sheet of black ice that covered the ground, the beautiful but dark patterns the ice made as it covered everything. The large icicles burst out of the ground on each side of Elsa, spreading in a straight line all pointing in the same direction. Suddenly, Elsa heard a familiar song.

Pain and Heartbreak come to me.
Make them go away.
Let them wither all in fear.
They shall know my name.

Death and Horror come to me.
Please, oh let them see.
The never-ending Frost is near
The Crystal is in me.

The Frost shall set me free.....

Elsa began to sing with it as she followed the large crystals towards the shining object. The crystal no longer had the beautiful blue hue that it once did, but instead it was black, the dark shade beaming and glowing still. The glowing crystal called out to her.

Elsa reached out her hand, fingertips only centimeters from the Crystal when she heard her sister's shape voice, calling out her name. She turned to face the barrier, only staring at more black forest. She reached out, yelling Anna's name. Could her sister not see her? Of course, the barrier covered the black forest, Anna wouldn't know where she was.

But she still needed answers, whether Anna was calling her name or not. The tip of Elsa's finger touched the Crystal, sending a sharp pain through Elsa's body, and she let out a loud yelp. The last thing Elsa saw was black turn to white as she was pushed out of the barrier and back into the regular forest. Everything swirled black as she hit the thick snow.

Anna was only a few feet away from the barrier, and the force of whatever had just happened blew her back as well. She groaned as she rolled over on her back, Elsa lying a few feet away from her. "Elsa...?" Anna whispered, rubbing her head as she slowly got to her feet.

The Ice Queen's eyes fluttered open after a moment, and she found herself staring up at her extremely concerned sister. "Anna, what are you doing?!"

Anna stared into her sister's wild blue eyes. There was something different about them. They no longer had the calm, collected, warming look anymore. They looked ice cold, piercing through Anna's soul. "I can't let you do this!" The ground began to rumble, and the sharp rocks turned toward the two sisters. More rocks shot out of the ground, making a straight path towards them. Elsa just stared, watching as the snow turned black, the darkness expanding through the forest. "Stop, Anna, it doesn't want you here!"

"What doesn't want me here?!"

"I have to get answers, now let me go!" Elsa screamed, getting to her feet as she tried to push her sister away.

Anna then did something she never would've done: she slapped Elsa. Raising her arm, the sound of her hand hitting her sister's face made even Anna flinch, though Elsa looked more startled then hurt. 

"D...Did you...did you just-"

Anna spoke firmly. "Elsa, we have to go now!" The rocks were getting closer. "Please...we can figure this out together."

Elsa stared into her sisters eyes. She looked down at her hand that she'd touched the Crystal with, which was still stinging slightly. She knew her sister wasn't going to leave the forest without her, so, Elsa nodded slowly in agreement.

Anna quickly grabbed Elsa's hand and dragged her along with her. She started into a sprint, Elsa running behinf her as they grew closer and closer to where the forest opened up. Kristoff was waiting with his sleigh as the two sisters ran out of the woods.

"Get in!" Kristoof yelled, watching as the rocks stopped the minute Anna left the dense woods.

Elsa hopped in first. "Anna...I'm-"

"It's okay. But from now on, we do this together, ok?" Anna squeezed her sister's hand. There was a time when Elsa would've said no, but maybe, just maybe, she'd have a different answer....

Elsa paused, looking back at the icicles that slowly disappeared back into the earth as Kristoff clicked his tounge and Sven started off. There were answers, there, but maybe her mother was right. Maybe she wasn't ready for them.

"Okay." Elsa responded.


The darkness swirled around her. There was nothing but a cold, dark void. The ice nipped at her nose as the black frost surrounded her.

Elsa watched as Anna appeared, her hand extended towards her. But it was too late. As Elsa touched her sister's hand, Anna slowly turned to black ice. Elsa watched in horror as Anna became a stiff, lifeless ice figure.

Suddenly, Anna vanished, and Elsa's mother appeared. Her body became black ice, and Elsa gasped as she looked into her mother's eyes. As her mother took her last breath, her soft, calm face turned into horror, as if she was afraid of Elsa.

Then, the ice turned to Elsa. It swirled around her, consuming her body....

"NO!" Elsa sat up quickly. Sweat dampened her pillow and dripped down her forehead and chest. She looked around her room, but nothing out of the ordinary was there. She slipped out of bed, her bare feet making contact with her wood floor. Elsa remembered everything that had happened last night, although she had tried to forget, tried to hope and pray to the Saints that none of it was real.

Elsa walked to her mirror, looking at herself. Her hair was let down, flowing down her back and falling down her shoulder, the moonlight seeping in through her balcony doors. She tugged at the hem of her purple night gown, reaching for the deep purple cloak that her mother once wore.

Suddenly, Elsa no longer saw herself in the mirror as she looked back at it. It was still her in the mirror, but she was different. It was still Elsa, but her hair was in her signature braid, and it was no longer platinum blonde, but black. Her dress had changed as well. Whoever was in the mirror had a long, black gown, similar to the one she had made from ice, with intricate designs and sequins. This Elsa had dark cold eyes, and her skin was pale and almost grey, black frost covering her cheeks and chest and arms. This Elsa had an evil, sinister grin on her face.

Elsa gasped, stepping back a few feet. The Evil Elsa stared back at her, her dark cold eyes piercing into the Queen's soul.

"Hello, Elsa."

The Queen flinched, looking around to see if anyone else was there before shook her head, "Stop it. Get out of my head!"

The reflection frowned, "Aww, really? I thought we could be friends. "

"Quit playing with me! Go away!"

"You and I aren't that different you know." Evil Elsa crossed her arms, the same evil grin on her face.

"I will never be like you." Elsa's voice was harsh and cold, like the black ice that 

"That's what they all say. It's only a matter of time before you give in, and then I shall take full control of you. You shall become me. I'm already a part of you, Elsa. I'm inside of you, deep down in your soul. Let the Frost set you free, Elsa."

"NO!" Elsa spun around and with a flick of her wrists, ice shot out from her hands and hit the mirror, thick frost covering the glass. The frost spread, covering the gold rim on the mirror. Suddenly, the white frost turned black, dark ice consuming the glass. Elsa gasped as the frost vanished, leaving a normal mirror behind as if nothing had happened. The Queen slowly walked back to her bed, sitting on the edge as she stared down at her hands that were now trembling. She prayed this would be fixed soon.

"It will be fixed soon..." Elsa pulled back the sheets and lay back down, her hands still shaking in fear as she closed her eyes. It took her another hour to fall back asleep, that was, before the sun began to rise a few hours later and Elsa was awakened by a firm voice in her ear.

"We need an alchemist."

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