A girl wakes up in a white room and can't remember anything except that she has a brother. She's nameless, her memories gone, the only ones she can remember being the ones the men want her to, and she is forced to put her trust in the same people that brought her to the lab. The mysterious men tell her the her name is 007. Seven. They tell her that they are saving her from the "bad people", despite giving no other explanation, despite her not remembering or knowing anyone. She is surrounded by kids just like her, all given labels and names from 001 to 021. Seven decides to give in, believe what they tell her, but when bits and pieces of strange memories come back to her, she and the others plan their escape from their captors. But escaping is the easy part.

Last Updated







Chapter 3

I walk out the door and the men escort me down the hallway. Eight is in front of me with men escorting him as well, and there's a horrible knot in my gut.


This is it.


There going to slaughter us, probably.


I look and see a bunch of other kids in front of me and hear the sound of people screaming. I have no choice but to look ahead of me as we all stop in our tracks, the guards tensing up and clutching their weapons like they're afraid of us attacking. Or just waiting for us to attack, taunting us with their guns.


I see a girl, her hand extended towards her escorts, and thorny vines slowly wrapping around the soldier's necks. Beads of crimson red trickle from the soldier's hands as they clutch their throats. But the tides turn, and the freckled girl then screams out in pain and falls to the ground. Her wild red hair falls in her face as she slumps down, chest heaving rapidly.  Her screams fade, and I assume Morgan released the button. My eyes dart around the room in search of his cold, expressionless face.


If Morgan is just trying to help us, then he sure as hell doesn't know how to show it.


The girl, who looks around fourteen or fifteen, slowly begins to get up. I expect to see Morgan walk down the hallway, holding the remote, but instead I see a young woman dressed in a white lab coat. Her black hair is in a messy bun, and she pushes up her glasses. Her lips purse together and make her look somewhat intimidating.


She stares at the red-headed girl, and frowns. "I thought Morgan talked to you about this?" Her voice sounds rather sweet, to my surprise, yet her tone and stature makes me fell more afraid of her than I am of Morgan. She tilts her head, then grabs the girl by her hair, pulling her closer. "Don't test me, child. You try this again and there will be....severe consequences."


She looks at all of us with a cold glare. "That goes for all of you!" She scoffs, turns around, and leaves, her heels clicking as they make contact with the tile floor.


I turn around and notice that the two soldiers who are escorting me are now staring at me. I glare at them and smirk. "What? You want to say something?" My eyes flicker a bright blue for the briefest of moments, and I see them clutch tighter to their weapons.


One of them scoffs and shoves me forward. "Move it."


We begin to walk down the hallway, passing all sorts of rooms. The doors are sealed, but they all have windows, so you can see what's inside. One door makes me turn around to get a better look. I notice inside the room is an incredibly large tank filled with water. It looks like a huge aquarium tank without the fish. I try to get a better look inside the room, but the men push me forward, which only makes my curiosity grow.


Eight looks back at me, his eyes a bright, fiery red, and I know what he's about to do. I shake my head in desperation. I have a feeling that lady meant what she said, and although I'd love to see that bitch burn to a crisp, I don't want to see the consequences that come afterwards.


We walk down a stair case and I slide my hands across the smooth, intricate railings as I look at the almost transparent stairs. The stair case leads to two double doors. The entire lab seems to have the same silver, white, and blue color scheme. The doors automatically open and it turns out to be a cafeteria.


The setting had a futuristic and sleek look to it, and I begin to wonder what year it is as I look at all my surroundings. As I walk past a table, we all hear Morgan's voice.




I hear a click, and then Morgan's voice again.




Bound by chains? This is the second time he says this, it must be important. I sit at the first table we come up to. Eight and Six sit at my table, along with two other kids. One of them is a boy, dark brown hair falling in messy tufts, who looks about 8, and another girl. She looks about 16, with platinum blonde hair and dark mahogany skin. Her eyes are an old silvery grey.


Although I must say she looks beautiful, her glare at me gives me second thoughts.


Everything is quiet as people who I assume to be servants hand out our food. My eyes land on a redheaded woman who serves us. We get steak, salad, and fries with a drink. It looks like coke.


I must admit I'm starving, but I won't dare give Morgan the satisfaction of me giving into his games. While I contemplate on whether to eat, I notice the girl with the silver eyes keeps staring at me, and I can't help but respond.


"Do you need something?"


She stares some more, and it begins to piss me off. That's when I realise she's not looking at me. I turn around and see a boy, around 18, staring at us. His swamp green eyes send shivers down my spine. He has very pale, almost ghostly white skin, and his jet black hairstyle gives me Eren Jaeger vibes.


I quickly get back to my food, staring at the plate before I  hear harsh, staggered breaths. I notice that Six is hyperventilating, and I put a hand on her shoulder. She flinches and turns to look at me.


"Don't worry, I won't let Morgan hurt you." I would've said that everything is going to be okay, but that would be a lie. Maybe promising that I wouldn't let Morgan hurt her was a lit too.


The girl across from me scoffs, "You can't protect anyone from Morgan."


I'm about to protest, when the creepy lady walks in. She walks at a fast pace and stops in front of the anime boy. Her posture is tense, and although she looks very intimidating, Eren Jaeger doesn't even acknowledge her existence.


"Eat your food."


The boy says nothing.


"I said, eat."


The boy looks up, and glares. "Didn't your mommy teach you to say please?"


She simply purses her lips. "I don't have time for your back talk, boy. Please, don't be a bad influence."


The boy only smirks.


"Very well." She snaps her fingers and the boy screams out in pain. I chew on the inside of my lip as the boy slumps to the ground, screaming in agony. That's when I notice the change.


The lady's eyes have changed from dark brown to silvery white.


Six closes her eyes tightly, and the young boy across from me holds back tears. Other kids either cover their ears or look away.


I can't look away as the boy continues to scream. His veins buldge out from his arms and neck, and I can only imagine the pain he's in. Suddenly, he stops screaming and his body goes limp. Fear rushes through me and I think he's dead until I hear his deep groan. The scary lady then turns to face all of us.


"Allow me to properly introduce myself. My name is Dr. Ryker," she lightly touches the boy with her heel, "This is what happens when you disobey orders. I hate that Twenty has forced me to make an example out of him. Hopefully, I don't need to make an example out of anyone else."


Dr. Ryker pushes up her thin glasses and slowly walks towards our table, her heels clicking as she walks. She stops at the little boy sitting across from me. His curly dirty blonde hair falls in messy tufts, and his small bangs fall in front of his wild green eyes.


"You all haven't touched your food." She says.


Eight touches his steak with his finger. "Happy now?" What the fuck is he doing? Is he trying to get punished?


Dr. Ryker glares and Eight groans in pain. I notice her eyes are silvery white again. Eight bends over and gasps for air. He claws at the table as he struggles to breathe, his pupils wide with a mix of fear and pain.


"Stop it! You're hurting him!" Six frantically screams.


Dr. Ryker smiles. "I'll stop once you eat!"


It doesn't take long for everyone to start eating. Everyone except for that girl with the platinum blonde hair. She just grins. "You can stop now! Stop it!" I say. I don't want anyone getting hurt, and Eight begins to turn blue.


She looks at the girl with the white hair. "I'll stop when everyone eats."


Eight's breaths begin to slow down and become raspy. I turn to the girl. "Eat! Go on and eat!"


She slowly puts the fork in her salad and sits it there for a moment, prolonging the process. If this bitch didn't eat, then I'd force her. I think about just shoving the fork down her throat..


The little boy looks at her. " it...."


She slowly raises the fork.


Eight's breathing begins to slow.


The fork touches her lips.


Eight slumps on the table.


She puts the food in her mouth and chews. Dr. Ryker's eyes go back to normal, and Eight gasps for air. I glare at the girl who slowly chews on her food, wearing that smug grin. It takes everything in me not to bitch slap her. The bright blue tattoo on her arm catches my attention. It reads 013. I turn to look at Eight, who is drinking his coke. "Are you ok?"


He nods, then speaks. His voice still sounds raspy. "I'm fine." He wheezes.


I start on my steak, realizing my hand is trembling as I grab the knife. The young boy struggles to cut the steak and I smile warmly as I take the fork and knife out his hand. "Here, buddy."


He quickly snatches his hand away. "I can do it by myself. I'm not a baby, you know."


We all laugh at his determination. "Okay, buddy. I'll let you handle it."


Instead of cutting his steak, he begins to eat his fries.


"What's your name, buddy?"


He stares at his fork, as if he's in deep concentration. "I'm Four. At least that's what they tell me." The fork levitates and then turns into liquid, just floating in the air. The liquefied metal floats around, then bends and twists till it forms a small ball. The ball then drops in Four's hand, and he begins to play with it.

Ferrokinesis. The ability to manipulate all metal.


"That's pretty cool." Six responds.


"I know!" says Four, "I'm just like Magneto!"


Except for the evil part." I add.


He smiles and concentrates on the ball. It liquefies, bends, twists, then forms back into a fork. "Yeah, except for the evil part."


Thirteen scoffs. "Who the fuck cares? It's just a power and we all have them. Now we're all gonna die because of them."


I roll my eyes. "Could you just shut up? What's your problem?"


"You. You all are my problem. They're gonna kill us off one by one, and I plan to keep myself alive as long as possible. You all are just in my way. It's called survival of the fittest."


"I'd like to see things from you're point of view, but I can't seem to get my head that far up my ass."


"You're a real bitch."


"In order to insult me, I have to value your opinion. Nice try though."


She frowns and gets back to eating. Four leans over and whispers to all of us, "How do we get out of here?"


Thirteen sighs. "Don't you understand? We can't get out. It's no use."


Eight shakes his head. "No. If there's a way in, then there's a way out. Let me see your arms." We all extend our arms, showing our tattoos. 004, 006, 007, 008, and 013. He studies them, and then thinks for a moment. "They all have us names, and they all gave us rooms and tattoos. I'm sure if they planned to kill us, they wouldn't be going through all of this trouble."


I nod in agreement. "Although I don't fully trust him, Morgan told me that he wasn't planning on killing us. He seemed sincere about that at least."


Thirteen rolls her eyes. "So you're with Morgan now?"


I ignore her as we hear a loud buzz, then Morgan's voice.




Dr. Ryker motions of us to stand at the double doors. We stand in a straight line as she walks towards us, passing slowly by each of us. She stops in front of Eight. His tall and lean stature make him look even more intimidating as he stares at her. She stares back with a strong glare.


"Take him."


The two soldiers grab Eight by the arms and drag him off. Don't do it. Don't do it, Seven. Dr. Ryker opens the double doors as they lead Eight out of the room. Don't you...fuck it.


My conscience gets the best of me, and I yell out, "NO!" I grab Dr. Ryker's arm, accidentally shocking her as sparks of blue flow through my hand. She yelps and snatches her hand back.


She raises her hand back and slaps me.




I fall backwards and hit the floor, dazed at first as my hand tentativelytouches my stinging cheek. I flinch as Dr. Ryker grabs me by the collar, her voice menacing. "Actually. Take this one instead." 


The soldiers drop Eight and grab me instead. Dr. Ryker leans over and looks me in the eye as she speaks. "Take her to.....the Water Box."


The soldiers drag me down the room, my legs flailing in the air. I scream as Dr. Ryker walks behind me, spitting out swears.


They drag me down the hallway and stop an a door labeled: AREA 1859. There's a padlock on the door, and Dr. Ryker presses the code. She places her hand on the small screen, and it scans her hand and unlocks the door.


The soldiers shove me inside, and when I look up, I notice the huge water tank. What are they gonna do? Drown me? Are they gonna kill me?!


The soldiers follow me as I walk up the stair case, and my whole body shakes as I start to accept the fact that I'm going to drown. The stairs leads to a transparent platform that is directly above the water tank, allowing me to see the water below.


 Suddenly, I feel something poke my side. I look and see it's an electric shock rod. I immediately absorb the energy, causing my body to turn into electricity. It doesn't hurt, it's just something involuntary.


My body turns into electricity, the energy pulsing through my body. Then, the platform folds, and I fall in the tank. I'm sure it's obvious that water and electricity don't mix. A sharp, stinging, terrible pain shoots through my entire body. I scream out in pain, but all I get in return is a mouthful of water. This could easily kill any normal human, but then again I'm not exactly normal.


I begin to choke on the water as the pain shoots through my body. Something straps to my waist so tight I know it'll leave a bruise, and pulls me out of the tank. I cough up water as I'm pulled out of the tank and thrown onto the platform.


Dr. Ryker stands over my drenched body. She glares, pushes up her glasses, then speaks, "Again."


My eyes widen as the shock me again, and I can't help but absorb the energy. I'm dunked in the water again and pain surges through my body. The lack of air burns my lungs as I'm pulled up again, coughing up the water I inhaled.


I gasp for air as I shiver violently, the cold air numbing my body. My teeth chatter as I look up at Dr. Ryker. If only I could electrocute that bitch.


She crouches down and looks at me, silence filling the room. Then, she smirks. "Again."


Before I have time to say anything, I'm dropped in the water tank again. I can't help but scream as water fills my lungs. My eyes burn due to the salty water, and pain fills my body and my every thought. It seems to last forever, and time slows. As my visions blurs, my body goes numb from the pain. I'm going to die. I'm going to drown. Water takes over my breath, my thoughts, and I stop struggling against the water.


Then- just as I start to lose consciousness- I'm pulled up out of the tank and back onto the platform.


Dr. Ryker stares, opens her mouth to speak, when the door buzzes, and Morgan bursts through the door. He stops in his tracks as he looks up at me, then at Dr. Ryker, then back at me.


He looks angry. Really angry. "What the hell is going on here?!" He quickly walks up the stair case and crouches down to look at me.


Dr. Ryker quickly stands up and pushes up her glasses. All of a sudden, she doesn't seem so intimidating. "Morgan, I-"


He turns to look at her. "That's Dr. Morgan. Who gave you the authority to do this?!" His voice is so strong and powerful, it makes me shudder. Or maybe that's just the cold.


She sucks in her breath. "I...sir, you don't understand..."


He slowly stands up, walking towards her. "Who the hell gave you the authority to do this?" This time, his voice isn't loud. It's quiet. Eerily quiet and calm, and that terrifies me.


She backs up a little, holding onto the railings. "N-no one...sir."


He cocks his head. "Louder." He growls.


"Pardon?" Her voice squeaks.


"LOUDER!" His abrupt booming voice makes me flinch.


"No one sir!"


"Exactly. No one gave you the authority to even lay a hand on her! You don't even look at her without my permission! Understand?"


She nods.


"Leave. Now."


Dr. Ryker rushes down the stairs, her heels clicking as she leaves the room. I try to stand, but am too weak and end up crumbling to the floor as my legs give in.


Morgan picks up my drenched body and walks down the stairs. I shiver in his arms, still coughing up water. I don't know if I should feel comfortable in his arms, but I'm to weak to even give it a second thought. I feel so dizzy, so I just clutch onto his uniform.


"I'm sorry about this. I know Dr. Ryker has made it harder for you to trust me, but I would've never let this happen if I knew about it." He sounds sincere, but even a serial killer can fake.


I'm too weak and cold to respond, so I just shiver in his arms. He walks down the hallway, and unlocks the door to my room. I cough as he opens the door. He slowly lies me on the bed, pulling the soft sheets over me.


"Your bed will warm you up." With that he walks out.


I shiver under my sheets as I slowly begin to warm up, my teeth still chattering. The cold is unbearable. My vision gets blurry and everything goes black.




When I open my eyes, I see Eight kneeling at my side. I still feel a lingering cold, but smile as he places a hand on my trembling body. "What did he do?" He asked gently.


I see Thirteen leaning on the doorway. She scoffs. "Who cares? It's your fault anyway."


Eight turns around and stands up, his eyes turning bright red. He takes a deep breath and rethinks the situation, then kneels back down to look at me.


I swallow hard. "M-Morgan. H-h-he didn't...he didn't hurt me. Dr. R-Ryker..."


He swears under his breath. He grabs my arm tightly. His eyes turn bright red, and my body gets warm. I smile as the soothing warmth flows through my body, and I just want to drift off to sleep again.


"" I say, sitting up slowly. My strength has come back enough to at least sit up.


Eight nods. I look and notice my door is open. "Who let you in?"


"Morgan. He says we're free to roam around. Of course, there are plenty of restricted areas around here."


"Did you find a way out?"


Thirteen groans, "If we found a way out, we'd be out already."


Eight stands up. "Someone's here to see you."


A boy walks in my room. His skin is the color of oak and his hair is in twist outs. His dark brown eyes give off a concerned look. I notice the blue tattoo on his arm, and my eyes widen a bit. 




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