A girl wakes up in a white room and can't remember anything except that she has a brother. She's nameless, her memories gone, the only ones she can remember being the ones the men want her to, and she is forced to put her trust in the same people that brought her to the lab. The mysterious men tell her the her name is 007. Seven. They tell her that they are saving her from the "bad people", despite giving no other explanation, despite her not remembering or knowing anyone. She is surrounded by kids just like her, all given labels and names from 001 to 021. Seven decides to give in, believe what they tell her, but when bits and pieces of strange memories come back to her, she and the others plan their escape from their captors. But escaping is the easy part.

Last Updated







Chapter 2

My brief rest is cut off when I hear a door open. I'm so exhausted that I'm about to close my eyes again, when I see the boy who I was just talking to walk up to the window and point to the room the girl was in.

I run up anxiously to the opposite window that connects to the girls room and watch as the girl's door opens. Three men in lab coats drag the girl in. She kicks and screams, her legs thrashing in the air as they throw her on her bed. Her chest heaves, and I'm not sure if she's crying or not, but I can see her red puffy eyes as the man in the white suit walks in, grabbing her by her chin. He leans down slowly and whispers something in the girl's ear, then stands up straight. Whatever he said made the girl freeze in fear, her eyes wide and her chest heaving up and down rapidly.

I want to scream, to ask if she's ok, but I'm far too afraid to make a sound as the man in the suit motions for his men to leave. The scientists walk out the room, and the man in the suit follows, however, he hesitates as he meets my gaze. 

His dark eyes seem to stare into my soul and they won't let go, sending shivers down my spin. He smirks and calmly walks towards the window I was looking through. My heart races, and I struggle not to take a step back away from the window. Even though I am protected by the wall and the window, I'm sure that he can still hurt me somehow.

His eyes stare daggers at me, but I know there's no way I'm going to let him see fear, so I stare right back at him. I narrow my eyes and give him the coldest stare I possibly can. Then, just to show I wasn't afraid, I decide to get a little cocky. I smirk, slowly raising my middle finger and flipping him off. I can't hear him, but I'm sure he chuckled. He doesn't seem to be moved by my actions and simply walks out of the young girl's room.

I blink a few times.

I don't know what scared me worse: the fact that I could be an experiment, or the fact that he didn't seem to acknowledge my cockiness. He didn't seem to care that I wasn't afraid of him, and that scared me. I knew he had something planned. He probably brain-washed us to make us forget everything. I pace back and forth as I try my hardest to remember. Nothing comes to my head.

I pull a curly strand of black hair behind my ear as I try to think. Suddenly, the sound of someone banging on the window startles me and makes me jump. I turn around and see the girl knocking on the window. I suck my breath in as I walk up to her and notice she looks even more scared than she was when she woke up. She looks...weak, or maybe just terrified. 

I bite my lower lip and speak, "A-are you....ok?"

She simply nods, saying absolutely nothing. Her eyes flicker to her feet as she avoids my gaze. 

"They didn't hurt you, did they?" I swear if they hurt her, I'm going to kill that man, along with his fucking scientists. I don't know why I care so much, given the fact I still don't know her.

She rubs the back of her neck. "That....that man...he did something...."

"I don't understand."

"He...he had some remote or something, you saw it right? When I tried to fight back, he did something with the remote and it gave me this terrible pain through my body." She shivered, obviously recalling the event.

I sigh and pull that same annoying strand of hair behind my ear. That remote must control something in us, it has to be. I look back up at the young girl. "What'd they do to you when they took you out the room?"

She blinks a few times and shakes her head. "Nothing."

"Please, it's ok. You can tell-"

"No, I mean they really didn't do anything to me. The man just talked to me."

I stare at her in confusion. "He...he just...talked to you? That's...that's it?"

The girl nodded. "He took me in this dark red room. It made me feel a bit weird, like I was weak or something. I couldn't use my powers in there. When I tried, it just made me feel worse. He sat down and told me that my name was Six."

 I give a long pause as I process her words. "Six?" 

The girl nodded as she showed me her arm, and sure enough, was an electric blue tattoo with the number 006 on it. "He said what happened before I woke up doesn't matter, because it's all bad memories. He said he brought us here to protect us from the bad people. I don't know what bad people he was talking about, but he doesn't seem any better than them. He also said that if we don't try to attack him or his men, then he won't have to hurt us, he wasn't our enemy, and that the people outside this place can't be trusted."

I scoff. He's not a very convincing man. "Did he tell you where this place is?"

"No. He can't tell us just incase we're captured and the bad people try to force us into telling them anything."

"Bullshit." I pause before my eyes narrow. "Wait, you don't actually believe him do you?" I ask warily as I finally process the hopeful tone of her voice.

The girl is about to say something else, when I hear the sound of my door being unlocked. I hear a few clicks, two beeps, and then a loud pop sound, and the door opens. I quickly turn around as the man in the white suit, along with five of his men, walk through the door. One man in a lab coat is holding cuffs, while the other have long rods, sparking with electricity.

 And he says he's not our enemy?

I slowly back away till I hit the wall, feeling the surface as I search for something to fight with. I see the boy out of the corner of my eye, his face pressed against the window and his hand banging on the wall. He's saying something, but I'm too far away to hear. My heart pounds in my chest as the man in the white suit snaps his fingers, ordering his men to cuff me.

"Get away from me!" I yell. Sparks of blue flicker around my fingertips, forming a ball of electricity that hurls towards two of his men. Almost immediately, I feel a terrible pain in my neck that shoots through my entire body, rendering me speechless. I scream and crumble to the ground, my legs giving in as I grip the back of my neck. The pain lingers for a moment as the man in the white suit releases the button and one of the scientists cuff me, dragging me out of the room.

I kick and scream as they drag me down the long hallway, tempted to bite one of the scientists' hands. The man in the white suit walks right behind me with the most content smirk on his face, and it makes me want to slap it right off him. The man then walks in front of me and opens the door to a room, ordering the scientists let me go and take off my cuffs.

The man in the suit motions for me to go inside. "Please, go on."

I narrow my eyes at him, but I know there's no point for me to struggle as long as he has that remote in his hand, so I reluctantly walk inside. The room is a dark red, and even the lights give off a red shine. The girl was right, I already feel weaker. The room is empty except for a table and two chairs in the middle.

The man sits in one chair, then motions me to sit in the chair across from him, although my gaze doesn't move as I sit down.

He leans over a bit, clasping his hands together as gives a smile that would be convincing if I hadn't of watched him hurt the girl in the other room. "Now, I know you might be scared and-"

"Get to the  fucking point." I snap back, irritated but also terrified. Can he see my fear? Can he sense it?

He pauses for a moment. "You have no reason to be afraid of me or my workers. We aren't the ones you should be attacking."

I give him a hard eye roll. "Oh, yeah, because you definitely made me feel at home," I say sarcastically.

"I'm sorry I had to do that, but that won't be necessary if you just listen to what we tell you."

"I'm not making any promises."

He narrows his eyes. "We are here to keep you safe. I know you may not feel that way, but we have you here for a reason. There are people out there that want to kill you, torture you, take advantage of your powers."

"How do I know you all aren't those people?" I lean over and look him dead in the eyes, praying he can't see the fear hidden behind my anger. "You just hurt me with your remote device thing!"

"You'll just have to trust me. Besides, if I wanted you dead or if I wanted to torture you, I'd have done it by now, don't you think?"

I pause for a moment, "Maybe." I lean forward, and one of his men reach for me to push me back in my seat. I grab the soldiers hand, sinking my teeth into his fingers and his screams ring in my ears. The soldier yanks his hand away before backhanding me hard in the face. So hard that I nearly fall over as I touch my stinging cheek.

The man in the white suit just laughs as he snaps his fingers, the one of the other soldiers in the room escorting the wounded one out, who looks back at me with a glare before he leaves. "You are one evil girl." The man replied calmly. Stop being so damn calm...

"And you're one evil man, your point was?"

The man smiles, then continues to give me information. "Your name is Seven. It's also on your tattoo."

I rub my arm, glancing at the electric blue number for a moment. "I thought that was only done to prisoners. To animals."

"You're no prisoner here. You'll learn that soon. You're only here to be kept safe." He pauses for a minute, then continues, "My name is Morgan, by the way. That is what you'll call me."

I scoff. "Why can't any of us remember? I mean, I know I have family, I know what my powers are, I know how old I am, but nothing else. Nothing else."

"What happened to you before then doesn't matter." Morgan says quietly, leaning back in his chair. "We didn't want you to have any bad memories, so we took them away. We found you and your brother, Twelve, in a terrible state. You, along with the other kids here, were captured by the people we're trying to protect you from. That's all I shall tell you about that."

"How many of us are there?"


I bite my lower lip as I think. He's hiding something. He's lying. I stand up and suck in my breath, noticing the soldiers reach for their guns as I move. "Can I go now?"

Morgan nods, but stops me before I leave. "Don't you think you owe me and my men an apology? What do you have to say for yourself?"

I narrow my eyes, smirk, and lean toward him. I make sure my words are loud and clear. "Fuck. You."

With that, the scientists grab me and take me back to my room. Morgan holds the door open and they shove me in. He smiles at me, and all too perfect smile that I'msure he spent time perfecting. "I know you're hungry, so you'll all be fed after I finish talking with the others. Please, don't be frightened. We are only here to help you. We aren't your enemies." He then closes the door and it clicks as it locks.

After a few minutes, the door to the boy's room opens. I watch as fire shoots from his hands and disintegrated three of the men in lab coats. He aims for Morgan, who quickly pressed the button on the remote, causing the boy to scream and crumble to the ground.

This time, flames shoot from his hand and barley misses Morgan's ear. It hits the wall and burns a hole in it, leaving behind a black mark. Morgan, however- completely unfazed by the flames- just smirks and presses the button again. The boy screams and curls in a ball, thrashing and kicking.

Morgan grabs the boy by his shirt and pulls him up, says something to him, and then punches the boy in the stomach, making me flinch as I run over to the window. But what good does that do? I have no power of Morgan and can do nothing but watch as the boy groans and doubles over. The surviving men drag him out the room.

The boy looks at me, and I can tell he's thinking about fighting back, so I shake my head as a warning. No telling what Morgan might do to him if he tries fighting again. Thankfully, the boy's head drops as they take him out the room and the door closes and locks, leaving me with a mixture of emotions.

After about thirty minutes- though it feels like an hour- Morgan is finished with the boy- or should I just call him Eight- and the men shove him back in the room. He stands up and swears at the door in some other language. 

I jump back as I hear a loud beeping sound, and yelp, thinking that the soldiers have come back for me. I turn and see that my door has swung open, and see that the doors are open in both Six and Eight's room as well.

Then I hear a booming voice. Morgan's voice.


I stare at the men who are waiting for me at the door, a knot forming in my stomach as I try to convince myself that I'm not hungry. Suddenly, Morgan's voice appears again.

"AND REMEMBER," He adds softly, "BOUND BY CHAINS..."


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