Hearts in the Sand (An A Quiet Place Gay Fanfiction)

written by Benny

Marcus took a step closer. Their eyes met. “What're you doing?” Jay whispered softly enough that only the two of them could hear his voice. Marcus shook his head and motioned, “Nothing, I was just thinking.”

Last Updated






|| Day 110 ||

Chapter 5

Marcus was woken by the cold autumn draft seeping in through the cracks of the trapdoor. He sat up and squinted at the sudden light, his hazel brown eyes beginning to adjust. All was quiet. He looked around, not noticing until moments later that Jay was missing. His heart dropped. Marcus threw off the blanket and crawled out of the sleeping bag, finding himself soon outside, barefoot on the forest floor, panicking as his gaze darted every which way, hoping and praying Jay wasn't too far off. He checked the paths for footprints, but of course none led to the bunker. The earth was covered in leaves and muddy soil, and would hide one's footprints away perfectly. He rant through the brush and the shrubbery, twigs and branches tearing at his sweater and his jeans. He tried searching and scanning for signs of a path Jay might have gone on, but he couldn't find anything. “Jay…?“ he almost wanted to yell it. He found himself slowing down as he came to a clearing, tall, overgrown grass brushing up against his knees. The barn was in sight, and the house wasn't too far off. He took a few steps, pacing into a run again, sprinting now, wanting to scream- He was caught and brought pummeling to the ground, life almost flashing before his eyes as his eyes went painfully wide and his face flushed boiling hot red. The metal- the spring lock metal of the rusted bear trap cut deeply into his ankle. Excruciating pain tore through his body, almost as if he could feel nothing at all. The crunching snap.- He tried to hold in his cries. The thick, deep red blood that spurt from his deadly wound.- He could imagine it all. It felt like minutes now, years before a blood curdling scream poured from his throat and shredded his vocal cords. His face contorted with anguish as he was held there, trapped against the ground, spilling blood, a wave of tears pouring down his red cheeks and onto the dirt below him. He bit down hard on his bottom lip, screaming into his mouth as he waited, hopeful for some arrival. Marcus nearly blacked out when he heard urgent footsteps, getting ready to explode with a kill switch, glass shattering scream when he felt himself almost passing out in a familiar, warm pair of arms. Jay.- He had found him. Marcus went limp, squeezing his eyes shut as Jay held a firm hand over his mouth. His breathing was fast and nervously quavery. “Shh, shh, shhh. Please, Marcus. You gotta calm down. Shhh. Take deep breaths. Deep breaths, okay?“ his low whispering voice was ridden with anxiety and panic. Marcus groaned, and another strong wave of tears came flowing down his face and onto the grass. He opened his eyes, squinting as Jay pulled his hand away, a painfully worried look plastered to his face. Marcus groaned again, but Jay slapped a hand over his mouth, tightening it so as to not let any sound escape. Marcus’ heart was racing, nearly ready to shatter his ribcage, and he was hyperventilating, getting nauseous, and soon feeling sick from his own anxiety and hurt. He could read Jay perfectly. “What am I going to do?“ his expression asked. “I don’t know...“ Marcus whispered, almost inaudible as Jay’s hand fell away again. He shed a single tear and shut his eyes. The pain. The awful, awful hurt. It was all too much. Jay held his index finger over his mouth as Marcus peered up at him with squinted eyes. “I'm going to unlatch it, okay? You need to be-“ Marcus shook his head frantically and burst into tears again. “No no no...“ he groaned quietly. Jay grabbed his cheek gently and quieted him. “Shhh. It's only gonna hurt more if you leave it there.“ Marcus shook his head again and looked into Jay's eyes. The hand on his skin felt warm to the touch. He whimpered and sniffled as Jay slid his hand off and crawled over to where Marcus had caught his foot. Immediately as he saw it, Jay couldn't take his eyes off of the gory mess that laid bleeding and congealing in front of him. Marcus' bare foot was limp, and he could see the metal spring lock thorns jutting through each side of his ankle, crushing the bones inside. He almost heaved a gag, but forced himself to use both hands as he grabbed each side of the trap. It was clamped shut tight, but he used all his might to pry it open and pull it off. Marcus went boneless and groaned into his mouth, feeling nauseous and ill again as he felt the piercing metal thorns leave his body. Jay set the trap aside and wiped his fingers on the ground, staining the grass with more dark, glistening red blood. He could see the deep, messy holes the springlocks had inflicted on Marcus' ankle, and was concerned that the rusted metal might cause lockjaw. “I need to get you to your parents.“ Jay whispered to Marcus, his lips brushing up against his ear. Marcus shuddered as a cold chill ran down his spine. “But-“ Jay sighed. “Mom, dad, anyone. You need to be brought to someone who can actually help. I only got you this far, okay?“ he pulled Marcus into a seated position and hoisted him into the air, an arm supporting his legs, and the opposing arm supporting his back. Marcus furrowed his brow and choked back a sob, throwing his arms around Jay's neck to hold it all in. “Just to the porch, no further. Someone will find me soon enough.“ his voice was muffled and quiet enough, Jay had to bring his ear close enough to hear him. “Sorry, but I'm not going to do that. I will find someone whether you like it or not.“ Then what was he going to do? Leave him to his parents and run? It hurt Marcus to think of what might happen to him all alone. He had no control over what the boy did, and if he ran off, he may never get to see him again. He immediately wanted to rethink his steps and avoid frolicking unknowingly into the field of tall grass. Why would Jay go exploring a place like that? It suddenly hit him- where had Jay been? Like many things, he could have been on a voyage to the loft, or the stream, or the bridge. Question: had he wanted Marcus to find him? Jay wasn't the type of person to play hide and seek. “Where were you?“ he breathed his words out, growing weak to take in full breaths. They were headed towards the side of the house, a line of clothes strung between a pair of young trees brought into view in the overgrown backyard. Their old and rotting playset was blanketed in ivy and tall blades and chutes of wildflowers and green grass. The landscaping was not a sight to see. It was only a memory when he would run around with his sister and younger brother on freshly mowed grass, playing tag or throwing a frisbee. Hide and seek was also a very affordable game given their land of trees and shrubbery. They had the privilege of their own corn maze in the early fall, cut out by his dad. Jay took a few moments to reply, pausing his slow and steady walking pace. “I just got up to go down to the river. I'm sorry for not taking you with me, it's just that you were asleep and...Hey, it's okay. Shhh. Don't cry.“ Marcus looked up at him, his eyes welling up with tears as he tightened his arms around Jay's neck. He laid his head back onto his shoulder and began sobbing quietly. “I got so scared, Jay. I didn't know where to look for you and I panicked. I-'' Jay quieted him and carefully used one hand to stroke Marcus' cheek, soothing him with kind and quiet words. He set into a quicker walk and relocated his arm to underneath Marcus' legs. “Shhh. We're almost to the porch.“  their conversation died down to near silence. Only they could hear the soft words coming from their mouths. 


The place looked deserted. No one was walking in and out of the house, and as of now, it didn't look like they would have the company of anyone soon. Marcus waited to be brought inside, as he laid limply in Jay's arms, trying his best to ignore the pain coursing through his foot. “I'm going to lay you down while I peer around the property, okay?“ Marcus shook his head, eager to stay with him due to the incident that greeted him that morning. He completely gave up, his face contorting in pain and anguish as he was lowered to the concrete ground of the porch to lie there and wait. For how long? When did he expect Jay to be back? He wouldn't know. He was gone beyond the nearest corner of the house before he tried to stop him. The concrete was cold and hard, and Marcus lifted his head up to take a glance at his mauled foot and ankle. It was lying on its side, smearing rusty red blood onto the porch. He almost felt ill again, laying his head back down to take his eyes away from the horrific sight. Marcus almost shot himself into a seating position as he was greeted by Jay who was nervously fleeing from where he had been. He was frantic to pick him back up and leave on the spot, kneeling down to reach his arms under his body. He lifted him into the air again, not warning him about the creature that came crawling around the corner in desperate search for even the smallest sort of sound. Marcus brought both hands up to his mouth as his eyes widened, tightening his grip to hold in his quickening breath.m Jay held him close and gathered his strength to bring him quietly into the house. Marcus shook his head and pinched one of Jay's arms as a firm indicator not to enter the house. The creature took slow steps, coming to the very front, at the bottom step of the porch, pausing for a moment to listen closely, its head opening up to a large and slimy, fleshy inner ear. Marcus went boneless, almost giving up when he saw the monster inch closer and closer, its limbs scraping and skittering across the concrete. Jay pressed his back firmly to the brick of the house, stopping his breathing completely to seem invisible to the ear. The monster eventually gave up and disappeared into the distance, now buried and hidden in the darkness of the forest. They stayed quiet for a few more minutes to be perfectly sure no other looming beasts had been following the curious, observing one they had encountered. Jay let out his breath, and Marcus did too, relaxing and untensing his body. He lifted his arms up and grabbed Jay's face, bringing his lips close to his ear to speak. Jay was confused for a second, turning his head to look at Marcus, but both their eyes widened, noticing the close contact that lingered there for almost another few seconds. He pulled his face away and hesitated, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink. “What did you want to tell me?“ Jay asked, giving him a small glance to the side, feeling obligated to look directly at the boy. Marcus didn't speak for a moment, feeling awkwardly flustered at what had happened. “Um...well...what I was getting at was that there's strips of duct tape marking the spots that avoid creaking in the floor. I...didn't want you to walk into the house unknowingly. It's...it's a bit of an obstacle.“ Jay chuckled and gave him a small smile. “That's really smart. I like it.“ Marcus grinned and blinked a few times before glancing at Jay from a side angle. He liked the way Jay admired his and his family's ideas. “It is? I mean...it is.“ he was rather flattered, and it wasn't easy to hide the playful smile on his face. “It was my mom's idea, actually. She is fairly bright when it comes to strategy.“ Marcus informed as Jay took a few silent steps towards the empty door frame. “Just be careful. Oh, and follow the tape marks carefully.“ Jay nodded and set off through the doorway into the house, balancing with his arms full as he stretched his leg out to the very first strip of tape. No noise. He brought his other foot forward, nearly and completely missing the tape, but saving himself a few seconds later when he corrected himself, sliding his foot nervously over to the tape as his heart and mind raced. He shut his eyes tight and prayed for no response...He put his weight on his second foot. No sound. Jay made his way, carefully and cautiously monitoring his balance and footing, soon reaching the very next door frame. He picked up one foot and placed it inside. He leaned in to take a good look, but was startled backwards by the presence of a tall, bearded father figure. Without thinking, Marcus's father caught Jay's back before he stumbled and shuffled his feet onto a creaking floorboard and ushered him quickly through another dull,  creaky, tape lined  hallway, and brought him into their living room. The man anxiously bent down to push away a large twin mattress, and without a word, took Marcus into his own arms and motioned for Jay to climb down into the room first. Jay was immediately obedient and rushed himself quickly and quietly into wherever he was going. Marcus knew,  of course. It was the high-level safety precaution safety bunker. Otherwise known as the nursery.  His mother spent most of her alone time  and sleeping down there during the day and the night.  She Was a very strong and hard-working woman even with the given limits and boundaries of being pregnant.  Marcus squeezed his eyes shut and gritted his teeth as he buried his face in his father's warm sweater,  feeling the pained urge  to burst into more frightened tears. Soon, The mattress slid the hole in the floor closed, trapping in any source of sound and Marcus was laid out on his bed.  urgency filled the room as Jay backed to the corner of the room and stood watching, Marcus's mother rushed from her bed, and his sister dismissed a book to come and crowd themselves around Marcus, who, from where she could see it, had his arms now wrapped tightly around he's loving mother's neck. Jay was sure he had played some significance in this, but his friend's family wasn't noticing that very well. He wanted to be there too  to comfort Marcus  as to be a part of something, but…  Now what role did he play in all of this?  He heard whispering,  sob's,  quiet whimpers.  Jay let out a sigh and lowered his head,  running one of his  hands along the wall to feel some sort of material he identified as newspaper as soon as he turned to look at the wall.  It was covered in newspapers. Endless articles.  He was stumped as to why but gave himself a small smile and slid his hand off, noticing its soundproof use.  "Clever family. " he whispered quietly and laid his arms at his sides. his eyes widened and he felt the sudden warmth of exception as he felt a pair of arms wrapped around his body to hug him tight. They were unfamiliar, but when they left to return to the owners' sides,  he turned around and looked into the eyes of a teary-eyed woman whose brow was furrowed with anguish and almost complete loss. "Thank you. " she said quietly and wiped the tears from her eyes.  Her eyes. He saw so much of them in Marcus.  "My son, I- he'll be okay. Just- thank you so much." Jay nodded and lowered his eyes to his feet, biting his lip to keep from crying himself. He looked up to find Marcus' father standing tall beside his wife, staring down at him. He nodded. "We are very grateful." his voice was low, and it comforted him. He found himself confronted by the girl he had seen. Her face too was painfully worried. She had beautiful eyes that gave him the feeling she too had inherited them from her mother. He looked at her for a moment, accepting the nod and gentle smile she gave. She crossed both arms over her chest and motioned to him a grateful thanks to helping bring her younger brother to safety. He pushed himself through and approached the bed where Marcus laid silently, his stomach rising and falling as he breathed slowly and deeply, in and out as he kept his eyes closed. Jay sat on the edge of the bed and startled Marcus' eyes open.  He sat up, wincing as he blinked a few times to adjust to the light and peer thoughtful into Jay's deep brown eyes. Marcus didn't need to say it. "I wouldn't be here if you hadn't found me." Jay could read him perfectly. He placed a hand on Marcus' warm cheek and moved in a bit closer. "I wouldnt be here if you hadn't quieted me." It was all there. In his worried and hurt expression. Just as Jay was bringing him closer, he could feel his warm breath on his neck as he brought him into a comforting embrace. He could feel Marcus' heartbeat slowing down to its steady and rhythmic pulse, no longer worried or feeling anxious. Jay pulled his arms away and slid his hand up to his chin, tilting his head up just in the slightest way to meet his eyes again. There was a pause. He was close enough that he could feel the warmth of his breath on his lips.- No. He blinked and slid his hand off, getting to his feet to approach the exit. Regan ran to grab his shoulder and he looked back once to see his face, the face of a true friend become confused and let down. Why was he doing this? Why was he leaving? One tear fell from his eye as Jay trapsed quickly up the set of stairs and slid away the mattress with both hands. He climbed out, and slid it back into place without one word of goodbye. He was gone.


The night wore on. Marcus wouldn't dare leave his bed for anything, and he also wouldn't dare get any sleep. He was on pressing edge about Jay getting along on his own out there in the silent darkness. He held in his deep sobs as he bundled up under his warm blankets. His sister sat on the edge of her bed and watched as he trembled and cried quietly underneath the covers of his bed. Their father had wrapped Marcus' ankle in a thick white bandage and fastened it with a tight knot after disinfecting it. It tingled with occasional twinges of sudden pain, and kept him up without choice. The least Marcus could have said was thank you. He could still feel the gentle hand on his cheek. The soft embrace. He could clearly feel himself melting into his arms, his loving touch, it all too true. He liked, even loved Jay as simply a person, and all he had to do was leave to make Marcus realise it. It was all too late now. He was gone. He was gone before he even had the chance to- His lips as soft as velvet. He could only imagine it. There was a faint voice in his ear and it told him he needed to make that move. It was only a moving picture that floated to the surface of his mind's eye. He couldn't. Marcus, trembling and whimpering in his bed, soon found that same voice hushing and quieting him, carrying him into a deep and dreamless sleep.

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