My diary

written by Florence Lea

this is a diary, just like any other diary. I write it about me. For me. But also for you! In here you will find all things I’m learning about. People who I come across. Experiences i have. And so much more. This is a little insight to my life in hogwarts. It will follow a real date/time schedule and things I mention will have some truth to them like things I have learned or how I feel. And some will be roleplay. Some might include picture references (if I can add images in- if not you will find them on my “wall” with a date with it that way you can link to the diary entry) I hope you enjoy reading it, as much as I enjoy writing it! See you around!!

Last Updated






Friday, September 10th

Chapter 1

WOW! Today has been such a whirlwind. I finally got to hogwarts for my first year. Admittedly I was very nervous. I've never spent a long time away from my family. And from what I knew magic only existed in fairy tales. Although deep down in me I always wanted to believe it was real. I mean, if it wasn't real, how is it that everyone  knew about it? Why is it that it exists in books. Surely if it exists in books it has to partly be real. Otherwise people are making up words left right and center. Things like dragons. I mean it was a big crocodile bird that breathed flames- if any kid who came across something like that would be terrifyed right? YES- so people had to hide them away, change the whole idea to make them make belief so that one day it would just be a myth. Well that's what I thought. But oh boy I was so wrong. I'll give you a little back story just so you're not confused as to what the heck I'm talking about. So I'm a muggle born. I grew up thinking that magic isn't real and for believing in it was stupid. I was always told to grow up and stop wishing on make belief stories to come true. One day I was sat in my kitchen at the dining table and my mum and dad were baking their signature scones(theyre so delicious you should try one- especially with jam and cream). We're a very close family as I'm an only child (meaning I don't have brothers or sisters)- well I do but they passed away before I was born. But anyway me and my parents are very close. And the both of them like to bake together and always have. I used to bake with them until I got to the age of school and then was ridden with homework and horrible classes. I was sat reading about uk history. but non of it made sense. No matter how many times I read it. I'd have to read it all over again. I just couldn't understand the work. And so I got angry with myself. I just felt so stupid and worthless. And the more this happened I noticed something. I looked up and there it was. My glass of water which was next to me. WAS BOILING? Like imagine you've put water in a pan. That's the bubbles it had. It was cold water like 2 seconds before that. But after a few seconds of staring at it being so scared it stopped. I reached my arm out to touch the glass to see if it was hot but it wasn't. Ice cold. The water was ice cold. (Also I do not recommend touching anything that is boiling) I immediately looked to my parents and they were white as snow, their jaws about at their feet. And looked at me as if I was a ghost. in all fairness I think they were more shocked than me. But then they almost sighed with relief... although that's what it appered to be. baring in mind my parents are muggles so surely if something that strange was to happen it wouldn't be a sight of RELIEF? They laughed it off. What my mother said to me next will always stick with me. "You're a witch just like her!" She said it with such admiration. It was like she wanted It to happen. I was still in shock. But after a good long conversation I learned all about my family history and things with the Wizarding world. The "her" my mother was refuring to was her sister. Her and my mother were both muggle born but my aunt a witch. She carried these magical properties but my mother didn't. I always knew my mother had a sister but she never spoke of her much. And any pictures was of them before my aunt turned 10, so it definitely was hard to distinguish what actually happened. Turns out my aunt joined the ministry and went off about her business around the world. Leaving her family back here. My mother and her used to write letters to eachother but of course I was never allowed to read them. I never really wanted to though, I knew it was important so I knew better than to meddle in other peoples life's. As my mother never mentioned her I grew up with the idea that magic isn't real. I guess my parents did it to protect me, or to make sure I didn't disappear one day like my aunt. I'm not angry that my parents didn't tell me. I'm actually quite thankfull. Maybe if I knew about it from a young age I'd want to have magical abilities, and if It turned out that I didn't I'd be very disappointed, so I definitely preferred not knowing. Anyways after learning about everything I could (family wise) it was time to go and get all the magical equipment. I managed to get my wand, it's maple wood, unicorn! I love it. It's gorgeous. Anyway then I picked up my books. But as I was looking at everything I was so overwhelmed. I knew nothing of magic except the party trick ones and the only spell I knew was "abra cadabra" or however you spell it. ITS NOT EVEN REAL!! But it's just I know nothing. I sorta felt a bit out of place. I saw people doing spells and toys. And things flying. Which a lot of the time did facinate me. And I did love it in diagon ally. But. I just really doubted myself. And I guess I still do. But I put on a brave face and the rest is history ahah! I did bump into a few people in flourish and blotts they were first years too! They were super sweet. They could definitely tell I was nervous. And they told me what books would be the best introduction books. Their names were Anne and Delilah! I hope I can see them around sometime, we all shared a train compartment on the way here and they explained a bit more to me about what to expect. Some rules. And just knowledge id need to know. We all got to know eachother quite well. They definitely made it a lot easier for me arriving. But sadly we were split up at the sorting seremony. Anne was sorted into Hufflepuff and Delilah into ravenclaw. I congratulated them but it was finally my time. Nerves hit me but I walked up to the stool. My legs shoock and knees Buckled when I sat down. I was so scared. I didn't care what I got. I just didn't want to be slytherin. I've heard some pretty bad stuff about that house. And it scared me. All the Slytherins I've met though are wonderful, and so incredible. It's only because of you know who. Anyway I was so relieved when the sorting had booomed "GRYFFINDOR" it echoed the halls. And everyone was cheering. Anne and Delilah gave me a  massive smile and congratulated me. I stood up and thanked the hat and mcgonagall and took my seat at the table. The feast was amazing. I was absolutely starving from the journey here. I crammed my plate absolutely full of stuff chicken, mashed potatoes, carrots, broccoli, gravy, and my personal favourite Yorkshire puddings! It was delicious and I ate it all up. The kitchen staff did incredible! I drank some orange juice then went to my the common room and read through some books. I had one lesson today but it was more of an introduction, type thing. It was charms. Which is spells. I learned a really simple spell which was a nice way to ease into it. It's called lumos. Oh and then we also learned the reverse of it which is nox. It actually went quite well. I did a little bit of reading and took some notes then we had a little quiz at the end, i got 100% which i was so shocked at. But I'm was unbelievably proud of myself! And still am! I got 10 house points too. So happy about it! I came back to the common room and that's where I am now. I'm at the desk in the main area looking out the window onto the scenery. There's not many people in here. Infact there's only me and one other person but they're sleeping. I'm trying to not be too loud when writing this I don't want to disturb them. I also can't find my notes from earlier. I know I wrote them in my note book but they've seemed to vanish. It's okay I can rewrite them again tomorrow! Over all its not been bad. I feel like I'm picking up on it all quickly. And I'm having so much fun. I'm loving every part of it. including lessons. It really feels like home. After all this writing I'm so incredibly tired. It's been a crazy day- and this journey only goes up from here! So ill be heading up to bed! Tomorrow will be a jam packed day- lots of reading- note taking, learning. The lot. Speak to you tomorrow! Good night! 

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