Tess Falcon; First Year At Hogwarts {Finished Book}

written by Faye Chuchoter

Nonoahohay Falcon was not a normal person. Normal people aren't born with a wizard for a dad and a mermaid for a mum, witches that get invited to a magical school, get a wand at a wizarding shop, have a godmother that can change her looks at will, can't talk to snakes or are related to the greatest known Dark wizard of all time. Nonoahohay (or Tess) has no idea of the challenges and hardships she will face as she goes through her first year at Hogwarts.

Last Updated






Horrid News

Chapter 30

That night, Abigail ran up to me.  "Didn't you hear?
 Dumbledore has been suspended!"  I gaped.  "No."
 She nodded.  "Hagrid was sent to Azkaban."  She saw
my puzzled expression.  "You know, the wizarding prison!  Now
there'll be an attack a day with him gone!  And we aren't allowed to visit
the Hospital Wing anymore, because there could be any chance the heir will
finish him off..."  I gasped.  "No way.  This must be
some bizarre dream!  Dumbledore, gone?  And Hagrid, a prisoner?
 No."  She nodded again sadly.  "Yes."

With Dumbledore suspended, the castle seemed gloomy.  No one
laughed, and if they did laugh, it was fake and quickly silenced.  I had
to talk to Ginny, but she was pale and seemed very 'possessed'.  She
wouldn't raise her hand or even speak in class.  Everyone thought she was
nervous, but I knew otherwise.  She acted as if no one existed and
completely ignored everyone, even me.  Everyone was shepherded to classes
by teachers.  It was very dull.  

I work very hard, preparing for the exams coming up.  It was
simply outrageous that I still had to take exams with so much on my mind.
 Three days before the exams, Professor McGonagall said during a meal in
the Great Hall, "I have good news."  Everyone shouted out at the
same time different things.  "Dumbledore's back!"
 "You've caught the Heir of Slytherin!"  "Quidditch
matches are back on!"  I looked up from my breakfast.  

Professor McGonagall said, "Professor Sprout has informed me
that the Mandrakes are ready for cutting at last. Tonight, we will be able to
revive those people who have been Petrified. I need hardly remind you all that
one of them may well be able to tell us who, or what, attacked them. I am
hopeful that this dreadful year will end with our catching the culprit."
 There was an explosion of cheering.  I clapped along.
 "Hip, hip, Hooray!"  I shouted.  Draco saw me
clapping and started to clap.  Sure, fine, whatever.  

Later that day, during classes, an announcement rang the
corridors.  "All students to return to their House dormitories at
once. All teachers return to the staff room. Immediately, please."
 Everyone around me panicked, and no one noticed me slip into the staff
room.  I heard the teachers shepherding everyone to the house dorms.
 I quickly looked around and saw a wardrobe to hide in.  I entered
and stepped on something squishy.  "OUCH!!!"  I could see
Ron's pained face and whispered, "Sorry 'bout that."  Harry's
voice whispered, "Who are you?"  I whispered back, "Tess
Falcon, Ginny's BFF.  I wanted to see what's going on."

All of the teachers filed in, and McGonagall said, "It has happened.
 A student has been taken by the monster. Right into the Chamber
itself."  Professor Flitwick let out a squeal. Professor Sprout
clapped her hands over her mouth. Snape gripped the back of a chair hard and
said, "How can you be sure?"  Professor McGonagall said,
"The Heir of Slytherin left another message. Right underneath the first
one. 'Her skeleton will lie in the Chamber forever'."'  "Who is
it?  Which student?"  Madam Hooch asked, terrified.
 "Ginny Weasley." said Professor McGonagall.

I gasped.  No longer paying attention to what they were saying, I fell
to the floor.  My heart thumped loudly.  "No."  I
whispered.  "No."  The world spun around me, and before I
knew it, the teachers had left.  Harry shook me, saying, "Come
on."  I stumbled as I got up.  "No.  No.  No!"
 I murmured.  

After I got to my dormitory, I ran to my bed and cried.  Abigail came
in and sat on my bed with me, rubbing my back nervously.  I pulled myself
together and said, "I have to go.  I'll be back."  What I
was going to do, I didn't know.  I stepped out of the common room.
 No one stopped me, for they were all sad and knew how sad I was.
 Wandering the halls aimlessly and avoiding teachers was what I was doing
when Harry and Ron came across my path.  

They were whispering urgently to each other, and they never noticed me.
 Having nothing better to do, I followed them.  They entered
Lockhart's office, and he looked up and saw them.  Trunks, books, and
robes were scattered throughout the room.  "Oh.  Mr. Potter-Mr.
Weasley.  Ah, er..."  Harry sneered.  "Going

As they talked, I listened and found out that every single little thing he
wrote in his books were fake and he just wanted to take all of the credit for
him.  He was running away.  I was shaking and seething with anger
when Lockhart pointed his wand at the two of them, claiming he'd told them too
much and he's putting a Memory Charm on them.  Before they even raised
their wands, I shouted, "Expelliaramus!"  I said the spell with
such force, Lockhart was blasted against the wall and his wand snapped in half.
 Harry and Ron stared.  I blushed.  "What?"

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