Tess Falcon; First Year At Hogwarts {Finished Book}

written by Faye Chuchoter

Nonoahohay Falcon was not a normal person. Normal people aren't born with a wizard for a dad and a mermaid for a mum, witches that get invited to a magical school, get a wand at a wizarding shop, have a godmother that can change her looks at will, can't talk to snakes or are related to the greatest known Dark wizard of all time. Nonoahohay (or Tess) has no idea of the challenges and hardships she will face as she goes through her first year at Hogwarts.

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Chapter 12

Everyone stopped talking and laughing as soon as they saw the stiff, frozen Mrs Norris.  Then a boy somewhere in the crowd said, "Enemies of the Heir, beware.  You'll be next, Mudbloods!"  I scowled at the place where it was coming from.  A Slytherin group.  Of course.  I looked back at the cat, and I noticed writing in what looked like blood that said ""The chamber of secrets have been opened.  Enemies of the Heir, beware."  I murmured, "Sickening."   From what seemed from far away I saw Filch yell at us, "My cat!  My cat!  What happened to Mrs. Norris?"  He saw us.  "You!  You have murdered my cat!  I'll get you back for this!  I'll, I'll murder you!"

Then Professor Dumbledore and the other teachers made their way to the front and stared at the terrible scene that lay before them.  Professor McGonagall gasped; Madam Pomfrey (the school nurse) stumbled backwards; Professor Snape's face darkened; yet Professor Dumbledore (the headmaster) stayed perfectly calm, swept forward, and detatched Mrs. Norris from the torch.  "Come with me."  He told Filch, then gestured to the four of us.  "You, too, Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley, Miss Granger, Miss. Falcon."  Professor Lockhart, the clumsy Defense Against the Dart Arts teacher, said, "My office is nearest, Professor, feel free."  

"Thank you, Gilderoy."  We followed Dumbledore to the office.  As we entered, I saw a few of the pictures on the walls duck out of sight, their hair in rollers.  I would have laughed if I weren't most likely going to be expelled any minute.  Dumbledore set Mrs. Norris down and examined her.  Filch gave us looks of deepest loathing.  I saw "Miss. Granger" "Mr. Weasley" and "Mr. Potter" sit down, so I did too.  

I remembered hearing those names somewhere.  Then I remembered a conversation me and Ginny had the other day.  "I have four brothers at Hogwarts; Ron, Fred, George, and Percy.  Percy is a prefect, and he acts so perfect.  Fred and George are identical, mischievous twins.  Then there's Ron.  He's always with Harry Potter.  Harry's so cute!  He's a real life LEGEND!  There's also another one in their group.  Hermione Granger is the total teacher's pet..."  

Harry, I assumed, was the black-haired boy people pointed at in the halls.  He had a lightening-shaped scar on his forehead.  Ron was most likely the redhead.  He resembled Ginny greatly.  That left Hermione, the bushy haired brunette.  Filch now sat in the corner, his hands covering his face, and his shoulders shaking.  I felt sorry for him.  I imagined what it would be like if Gimima died.  My eyes filled up with tears just thinking about it.  Filch must feel the same.  Wait, was his cat dead?

As if answering my question, Dumbledore said, "She's not dead, Argus."  Filch looked up.  "Not dead?  Why's she all stiff and frozen then?"  "She has been Petrified  But how, I cannot say."  Filch pointed at Harry.  "Ask him!"  Harry Potter flinched.  "None of the students could have done this.  This is very Dark Magic indeed."  Filch glared at Dumbledore.  "He did it!  He knows I'm a- a Squib!"  I asked as politely as I could, "What's a Squib?"  Filch snarled at me.  "Never you mind." 

  Harry stood up, saying loudly, "I never touched Mrs. Norris!  And I don't know what a Squib is either."  

"He lies!  He saw my Kwikspell letter!"  Filch loudly said.  Snape stepped forwards.  "Potter and his friends may have simply been in the wrong place at the wrong time.  But we do have a set of suspicious circumstances here. Why were they in the upstairs corridor at all? Why weren't they at the Halloween feast?"  Harry, Ron and Hermione all started to talk about a "Deathday Party"  I told everyone when I finished about how full I was, and Dumbledore said with a twinkle in his eye, "Understandable."  Snape's eyes glittered when I finished.  He was staring at Ron, Harry, and Hermione.  

"But why not join the feast afterward?  Why go up to that corridor?"  Harry spoke.  "Because - because - because we were tired and wanted to go to bed," he said.  "Without any supper? I didn't think ghosts provided food fit for living people at their parties."  Snape asked.  "We weren't hungry," said Ron as his stomach grumbled.  "I suggest that Potter is not being entirely truthful," Snape said. "It might be a good idea if he were deprived of certain privileges until he is ready to tell us the whole story. I  think he should be taken off the Gryffindor Quidditch team until he is ready to tell us."  "Really, I see no reason to stop the boy playing Quidditch. Mrs. Norris wasn't hit over the head with a broomstick. There is no evidence at all that Potter has done anything wrong."  Professor McGonagall snapped.  

"Innocent until proven guilty." Dumbledore said.  "My cat has been Petrified!  I want to see some punishment!"  Filch glared at Dumbledore once more.  "We will be able to cure her, Argus.  Professer Sprout recently managed to procure some Mandrakes. As soon as they have reached their full size, I will have a potion made that will revive Mrs. Norris." Lockhart butted in, "I'll make it."  "Excuse me, but I believe I am the Potions master at this school."  snarled Snape.  There was a pause.  Dumbledore said to Harry, Hermione, Ron, and I, "You can go now."  

I stood up and left immediately, Harry, Ron, and Hermione at my heels.  I ran all the way to the common room, where everyone stopped what they were doing and pelted me with questions.  "What happened?"  "Why was Harry there?"  "Did Mrs. Norris die?!"  "What happened to Harry?"  "What happened with Filch?"  "Oh, I wish I saw Filch's face!  Did you take a picture of him?"  "WHERE'S HARRY???!!!!!"  I yelled so I could be heard, "I'M TIRED AND SO I'M GOING TO BED!"  

I pushed through the crowd, one certain girl following me, sobbing while screaming at me, asking me about Harry Potter.  I could only find peace in my dorm, where I told the girls the whole story.  They gasped at the right moments, and giggled at the funny ones.  Finally I could get to bed and sleep.  Instead of sleeping, I pondered everything that had happened in the past three hours.  I dreamed of Mrs. Norris petrifying me.  When I woke up, I couldn't even remember the dream.

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