Tess Falcon; First Year At Hogwarts {Finished Book}

written by Faye Chuchoter

Nonoahohay Falcon was not a normal person. Normal people aren't born with a wizard for a dad and a mermaid for a mum, witches that get invited to a magical school, get a wand at a wizarding shop, have a godmother that can change her looks at will, can't talk to snakes or are related to the greatest known Dark wizard of all time. Nonoahohay (or Tess) has no idea of the challenges and hardships she will face as she goes through her first year at Hogwarts.

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The Malfoys Meet Me

Chapter 10

On Sunday I went out again to the lake.  When I reached the front doors, Dracine stepped out from a statue behind me.  "What are you doing?"  I responded, "Swimming.  What else?  It is a Sunday.  Duh."  Dracine looked embarrassed, and quickly changed the subject.  "Who are you anyways?  I know you were with the blood-traitor's friend before we got sorted.  Are you still with her?  If you are, then I obviously DON'T like you.  What's your name, anyways?  And are you a blood-traitor, too?"  

As soon as I could comprehend what she said (which took a while, she talks so fast), I answered, "I'm Tess Falcon.   And yes, Ginny's still my friend.  I'm a pureblood, but I'm adopted."  Dracine sneered.  "Adopted by the Weasley's or muggles, or purebloods?  What's your surname?  Why swimming, anyways?"  I answered, again as soon as I could comprehend what she said.  

"I'm adopted by muggles.  I'm swimming because I feel like it.  It is a really nice day."  I started to back away slowly.  "Oh.  You're as good as the Weasel.  I- wait, you still didn't tell me what your surname is."  I backed away faster.  "Why should I?"  "Because, I asked."  I backed away even faster.  "Why'd you ask?"  "Because I'm curious."  

I started to run.  She chased after me, yelling louder and louder.  "What's your surname?!"  "WHAT IS IT??!!!!  TELL ME NOW!"  I hid in a small chamber where I stayed until she was well gone.  Peeking out, I saw the same black-haired boy from the platform and Nearly Headless Nick, the Gryffindor Ghost.  

They passed by, and I heard snatches of their conversation.  "-Headless Horse Hunt."  "-Halloween-"  "Deathday Party-"  Then there was a shout.  Filch, the ugly caretaker, must have noticed the mud the boy was tracking.  I ran away until I got to the Hufflepuff common room.  I saw Mrs. Norris, Filch's cat by the chamber when I left.  Then I fell into my bed and told Abigail all I saw and heard.

The next morning, Monday, I went to the Owlery (where the owls are) early, to send a letter to mum.  I had just remembered that she told me to write her one right when I got to Hogwarts.  To bad I didn't, but I will now.  I read over the letter.

Dear Mum, 

    I am so sorry I didn't contact you right when I got here!  We went right to a big feast.  The food appeared out of thin air right in front of me!  I know you're worried because I was home-schooled, and now I'm going to a boarding school!  But you don't have to worry.  I've made a lot of new friends.  I also am learning a lot from all of my classes.  I know you want to know what I'm learning, so I'll tell you.  I've been learning spells, charms, transfiguration, history (of magic), plants and their uses and hazards, potions, defense, and the stars and planets.  It's really fun.  On Saturday I went swimming in the lake.  I have made an archenemy, but I'm okay.  She isn't a big deal.  I rarely see her.  Just wondering, how do you know Tonks?  I mean, Tonks said she knew you.  Oh, that just reminded me, I have to write a letter to Tonks!  Love ya!

                                                                                                                          Your daughter, Tess

I gave the letter to my owl, and she flew away into the distance.  I thought of what to write to Tonks.  I finally decided to write:

To Tonks,  

     Something really strange happened on Saturday.  I was swimming, and my legs seized up.  At first I thought it was just a cramp.  But it wasn't.  I turned into a mermaid like in muggle fairy tales, but my toes and fingers were a bit webbed, and I had blue-grey skin.  Is that normal?  Am I part mermaid?  If I am part mermaid, then that means my mum or dad was one. I met one in the lake.  They seemed to be afraid of me.  I don't know what to do!  Please help me!  Anyways, how do you know my parents?  I know you did, otherwise you wouldn't be my godmother.  Thanks!

                                                                                                   From Tess

I didn't know what owl to use.  The boy that looked like Dracine came in.  He said, "If you want, you can use my eagle owl."  He pointed to a handsome owl in the corner.  "Thanks, I guess."  I said.  How awkward!  He spoke.  "I'm Draco Malfoy by the way.  Who are you?"  I answered, "Oh.  Hi.  I'm, um, Tess.  Tess Falcon.  Do you know Dracine Malfoy?  Is she related to you?"  Draco stepped back at the sound of my name.  "You're Tess?  Dracine's my sister.  Aren't you with Ginny?"  I said, "Does it matter?"  

He said, "Um, maybe.  If you are."  I watched Draco's owl fly away with my letter on his leg.  Then I turned and left, accidentally brushing against his shoulder.  When I looked back, I noticed that he was grinning a bit and trying to flatten his hair.  Whatever.

Later on, I told Ginny about him, and said, "Well, he's not that bad.  I mean, not as bad as Dracine.  He's actually pretty nice.  Well, to me."  Ginny smiled behind her hand.  I turned red.  "I'm not saying I like him!  I'm just saying he's nice."  She just smiled even bigger.  I stalked off.  I really didn't like as in love/like him.  I mean, he'd be a good friend, but never that insanely close!

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