Vampires And Their Ways: Written By A True Legit Vampire.

written by Harley Blu

This book is about the vampires in the school and what they are really like, their beliefs and laws, their nature and way of life. Come now and fly with me on a journey like no other, let no mortal or fledgling be left behind! Be you a mortal wanting to know about vamps or thinking of joining our ranks, a new born fledgling lost and alone seeking to know more about your noble kind or simply seeking compassion and companionship. This is the book for you! Warning: this is in the restricted section for a reason. Do not sue me. Read at your own innocents and risk!

Last Updated






Vampires: The Basics.

Chapter 1

Vampires are often feared, this is most probably due to their connection to the darkness and past evil deeds or past innocent slip ups. 

There are many different kind of vampires, be it from ones that hate the sun to those that love it, if you've a certain love for these intriguing creatures you'll never be bored that's for sure! There's always knoleage to learn when it comes to vampires and even some yet still to be discovered.

My name is Harley Blu, I am a second year Slytherin and yes, a vampire. I have chosen to write this book for all my brethren at this lovely school of witchcraft and wizardry, I will speak of our ways, behaviour and laws. Yes we have laws, though maybe not like yours. 

If you are reading this I can only assume that you are either a vampire, like myself, a mortal that is interested in learning more about us or some kind of person hoping to hurt us with the information in this book.  I know what your planning werewolf's! I see you hiding behind those shelves just waiting for me to be done so that you can learn our secrets and use them against us! Well bites to be you, cos I've enchanted this book to burn and go blank for all those who try to read it with bad intentions! Mawhahaha!

Anyways, swiftly flying on. Below you will find some basic info on us vampire here at the school.


Basic info:

1• Yes, we drink blood! Tho this is optional, we will look further into this later on in the book.

2• we are all different as any human is from another. Do not judge us all on ones behaviour! I know many that will never hurt a soul while others would. We do not look all the same though we are all the same breed as we were all turned by either the vamp that turned me and started this all or one of yourselves in our little group. This fact dose NOT mean we look the same though! Sure we will have a few simile ties here and there but like I've said, we are as different as any human is to another human. 

3• we all know vampires have power, let's not kid ourselves here. The amount of power each vamp has or doesn't again is dependant on the vamp. Again we will look further on the matter later in the book.

4• most vampires do tend to be drawn towards dark magic and evil, it's a simple fact and not one all vamps are proud of but it is what it is. In fact, we even have a law about this, but we are not talking about them yet so you'll have to wait. This does of course, not mean all vampires are evil, some can be very kind beings and even wish to help when they see someone hurt or dying. Others may not be so inclined.

5• All vampires can fly and change into a bat, though some vampire do have special unique gifts! Be it from the skill of reading minds to seeing the souls of others, no one gift is rarely the same! These gifts are more often then not, depending on who you were or what you were like in your past feeble mortal life. You don't have to be a strong vampire to be gifted, I've met many new borns with gifts as well, though depending on your gift it can help a lot when your new to the game.

6• vampire myths, some are true while others are not. We will talk more on the subject later on in the book. 

7• love thy enemy? Werewolf's are the vampires natural enemy! We have a long history of bad blood between us and some vampires today still hold that ancient grudge and beliefs that werewolf's are fowl loosen creatures that should be destroyed. Not all vamps think this way though, with the changing of ages and eras most have chosen to move on past our ancient hate red and even make friends with werewolf's, even claiming them to be true and very loyal friends to have. This is something we will also discuss further as the book goes on. 

8• can vampires and humans get on? This answer is very simple, yes they can get on! It just takes certain requirements, patients and understanding on both parts. Ok sure some may never truly get on but it is not impossible for us to live happily side by side. 

9• grudges, we all get them. It is common knoleage though that vampires emotions are more intense and tripled then that of a mere human or even any other mythical creature that we know of. (The werewolf being the one exception to this rule, as they are more similar to the vampire then we like to admit. [it really hurt to say that!]) you think your neighbours grudge against you is bad? Imagine if they were a vampire! Everything would be ten fold and make to be a VERY dangerous situation indeed.  It would be wise to not get on the bad side of any mythical creature no less a vampire. We are very strong, prideful, dangerous creatures and do not response well to being insulted, betrayed or attempting to kill us. We also do NOT forgive all that easily or at least most don't, so watch it ok? We will look more closely at this later in the book. 

10• last but not least, loyalty! Many will say vampires are not very loyal... And looking back on our history, I can't say I blame them! Betrayal is not an uncommon thing to us, nor is multiplication or double crossing. This dose not, in fact, mean we are not loyal though! If anything it simply means we are just mistrustful and do not give our loyalty easily. I can assure you though, that once loyalty is given, it is near impossible to break or lose. We see this kind of loyalty often with our soulmates, we will often kill whole villages for the ones we love or even do their bidding if the love is true and we believe it to be a fair asking. This being, doesn't mean we are a push over when it comes to our mate. We are naturally stubborn creatures that have a very defined sense of self. Loyalty between friends and love though is very different, we will look at this later. 


Well with that said and done, I think that's all for basic information. I may add more throughout the book though and of course as I said, I will dive deeper into certain subjects. I hope that you have all enjoyed this book so far, I look forward to exploring more with you all as the book continues. Till then my friends, happy hunting! 

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