Hogwarts: Foundation and History

About Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

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Chapter 8
Subjects and teachers
Hogwarts had in its faculty an abundance of wise and talented professors. Each specialised in a specific subject. Other staff positions included that of a school nurse, caretaker, librarian, and Keeper of the Keys and Grounds of Hogwarts. There were a variety of classes taught at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. These included both the core curriculum and the electives, available from third year forward. Some classes could be dropped in the sixth year. Numerous lessons were described, instructing the students in various branches of magic. Transfiguration, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Charms, Potions, Astronomy, History of Magic, and Herbology were compulsory subjects for the first five years. At the end of their second year, students were required to add at least two optional subjects to their syllabus for the start of the third year. Five of the choices were Arithmancy, Study of Ancient Runes, Divination, Care of Magical Creatures, and Muggle Studies.
In addition, Horcruxes were a banned subject at Hogwarts, due to their extremely dark and inhumane nature.
Core classes

A first year Charms class
 Astronomy
 Professor: Aurora Sinistra (c. 1991–?)
 Charms
 Professor: Filius Flitwick (c. 1976–?)[48]
 Dark Arts (1997–1998 school year only)
 Professor: Amycus Carrow (1997–1998)[34]
 Defence Against the Dark Arts (discontinued for the 1997–1998 school year)
 Professors:
 Galatea Merrythought (c. 1895–1945)[17]
 Patricia Rakepick (1988–1989)[18]
 Quirinus Quirrell (1991–1992)[1]
 Gilderoy Lockhart (1992–1993)[16]
 Remus Lupin (1993–1994)[32]
 Barty Crouch Jnr (impersonating Alastor Moody) (1994–1995)[12]
 Dolores Umbridge (1995–1996)[33]
 Severus Snape (1996–1997)[17]
 Flying (first years only, optional for older students)}
 Instructor: Rolanda Hooch[54]
 Herbology
 Professors:
 Herbert Beery (?–early 20th century)[55]
 Pomona Sprout (early 20th century–early 21st century)[48]
 Neville Longbottom (early 21st century–?)[56]
 History of Magic
 Professor: Cuthbert Binns (17th or 18th century–?)
 Muggle Studies (1997–1998 school year only)
 Professor: Alecto Carrow (1997–1998)

A first year Potions class
 Potions
 Professors:
 Horace Slughorn (?–1981) (1996–?)
 Severus Snape (1981–1996)
 Transfiguration
 Professors:
 Albus Dumbledore (?–1957)
 Minerva McGonagall (1957–1998)
Electives (third year and up)
Third year on:
 Arithmancy
 Professor: Septima Vector (c. 1991–?)

A third year Care of Magical Creatures class
 Care of Magical Creatures
 Professors:
 Silvanus Kettleburn (early 20th century–1992)
 Rubeus Hagrid (1993–?)
 Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank (1995) (temporarily)

A third year Divination class
1 Divination
2 Professors:
3 Sybill Trelawney (1980–1995) (1996–?)
4 Firenze (1996–1998)
4 Muggle Studies (Core class in the 1997–1998 school year)
1 Quirinus Quirrell (?–1990)
2 Male Professor (1990–1993)
3 Charity Burbage (1993–1997)
4 Study of Ancient Runes
5 Professor: Bathsheda Babbling (c. 1991–?)
Sixth and seventh year (with sufficient demand):

1997 Sixth year lesson on Apparition, taught by Wilkie Twycross
1 Advanced Arithmancy Studies
2 Alchemy
3 Ancient Studies
4 Apparition
Instructor: Wilkie Twycross (Ministry personel)
Extra-curricular subjects
1 Art
2 Ghoul Studies
3 Magical Theory
4 Muggle Art
5 Muggle Music
6 Music
7 Xylomancy
Extra-curricular activity
1 Art Club for Gryffindor
2 Astronomy Club
3 Charms Club
4 Duelling Club
5 Frog Choir
6 Conductor: Filius Flitwick
7 Hogwarts Ancient Runes Club
8 Hogwarts Gobstone Club
9 Hogwarts orchestra
10 Magical Creatures (club)
11 Potions Club Rat Race Club
12 Slugs and Bugs Club
13 Slug Club
14 Wizard Card Collectors' Club

Grading System

Grading on routine homework seemed to be along the same lines as that for Muggle students. Hogwarts students also had more difficult exams as they progressed higher in the system. O.W.L.s (Ordinary Wizarding Levels) were a set of standardised tests for fifth year students, which determined what courses a student could continue to study in their final years at Hogwarts. They were the wizarding equivalent of Muggle O-levels.

N.E.W.T.s (Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests) were optional levels of education for exceptional students, much like A-levels for Muggle students. To progress to N.E.W.T.-level, students had to receive certain high marks on O.W.L. exams, otherwise the student would not be able to cope with the increasingly difficult subject matter. N.E.W.T. tests occurred at the end of the seventh year and could not be retaken.

Ordinary Wizarding Level Grading System:

O - Outstanding (Pass, always continue to N.E.W.T.)
E - Exceeds Expectations (Pass, usually continues to N.E.W.T.)
A - Acceptable (Pass, rarely continues to N.E.W.T)
P - Poor (Fail, may repeat subject)
D - Dreadful (Fail, may not receive O.W.L. credit)
T - Troll (Fail, with distinction. More than one T may mean refusal into other N.E.W.T.s)
This grading system was also used on W.O.M.B.A.T.s (optional tests taken outside Hogwarts), and was most likely used on N.E.W.T.s also, making this the universal exam grading system in wizarding Britain.

All students at Hogwarts were required to complete a set of examinations to get into the next year of schooling. There was one exam for each subject. In fifth year, instead of end of the year exams, students sat their O.W.L.s (Ordinary Wizarding Levels); the score they achieved on these was what allowed them to progress to N.E.W.T.-level. In order to progress to N.E.W.T., a student had to score either an 'Outstanding' or an 'Exceeds Expectations' on their O.W.L.[33]

1992 first year exams
The Charms exam consisted of attributing animation to an otherwise inanimate object. In 1992, the students had to make a pineapple dance across Filius Flitwick's desk.[1]

The Transfiguration exam consisted of transfiguring a being into an object. In 1992, the students had to turn a mouse into a snuff box. Extra points were given for how pretty the snuffbox was, while points were taken off if it still had whiskers.[1]

The Potions exam consisted of brewing a potion from memory. In 1992, and in keeping with Severus Snape's unpleasant sense of humour, the students had to produce a Forgetfulness Potion.[1]

In the 1992 History of Magic exam, the test lasted for one hour and the students were required to answer questions about the invention of the Self-Stirring Cauldron by Gaspard Shingleton.[1]

1993 second year exams
These exams were not set in place due to Dumbledore's decision to cancel them due to the events in the Chamber of Secrets that year.

1994 third year exams
The Charms exam required students to perform the Cheering Charm, Freezing Spell, and others. A separate room stood at the ready, if a student overdid their Cheering Charm.

The Transfiguration exam was said to contain difficult tasks, as when finished students emerged "limp and ashen-faced." The exam included turning a teapot into a tortoise. Some students' tortoises still had tails, could breathe steam, and had willow-patterned shells.

The Potions exam was to brew a Confusing Concoction. Points were taken off if students could not get their batch to thicken, as was required.

The History of Magic exam may have included questions on Witch Hunts, as students were required to complete homework on the subject.

The Defence Against the Dark Arts exam consisted of an obstacle course. It contained dark creatures, which included wading across a deep paddling pool containing a Grindylow, a series of potholes full of Red Caps, squishing your way across a patch of marsh while ignoring the misleading directions of a Hinkypunk, then climbing into an old trunk in order to battle a Boggart.

The Divination exam included looking into a crystal ball and being able to distinguish what could be seen. Both Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley chose to simply make something up. Harry's prediction, of a hippogriff flying away, turned out to be accurate. As nobody was mentioned as having failed the exam despite several students admitting they were just making things up, it is likely that anyone who at least pretended to see something would have been given a pass.[32]

1995 fourth year exams
The History of Magic exam involved testing the students on their knowledge of Goblin rebellions.

Ordinary Wizarding Level (O.W.L)

A Theory of Charms O.W.L. exam paper

An Ordinary Wizarding Level (often abbreviated O.W.L.) was a subject-specific test taken during Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry students' fifth year. These exams were administrated by the Wizarding Examinations Authority. The score made by a student on a particular O.W.L. determined whether or not he or she would be allowed to continue taking that subject in subsequent school years, and whether they might be successful in obtaining a particular job.

Each exam had a written and practical assessment, so students could demonstrate both their practical and theoretical knowledge. The exams were taken over a two week period.

Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test (N.E.W.T.)

A Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test (often abbreviated N.E.W.T.) was a subject-specific exam that seventh year witches and wizards at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry took to help them pursue certain careers after their graduation. For instance, the Ministry of Magic only accepted Auror applicants with at least five N.E.W.T.s with top grades of either 'Outstanding' or 'Exceeds Expectations'.
Not much was known about these exams. Some students did not take these exams at all, as some careers in the Wizarding World did not require N.E.W.T.s.

Student years:

First Year

A first year was a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry who was new to Hogwarts and in their first year of magical education. First years were typically eleven to twelve years of age. First years arrived at the castle by crossing the lake with the Keeper of the Keys in boats separate from the older students. They were not allowed to own a broomstick or be on one unless they were attending Flying class. An exception had been made for Harry because he joined the Gryffindor house team due to his exceptional skills with a broomstick. First year classes consisted of: Potions, Herbology, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, History of Magic, Astronomy, Charms, and Flying.

A second year was a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry who was in their second year of magical education. Second years were typically twelve to thirteen years of age unless a student had to repeat the second form. The second year was the first year in which students were allowed to go with the rest of the school in the school carriages pulled by Thestrals up to the castle. Second year classes consisted of: Potions, Herbology, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, History of Magic, Astronomy, and Charms. Unlike first years, the second-years' timetable did not include Flying class, although they were allowed to bring their own broomsticks. At the end of the year, second-year students chose two or more classes they wished to study as electives the following year.

Year in which students visit Hogsmeade

A third year was a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry who was in their third year of magical education. Third years were typically thirteen to fourteen years of age. The third year was an important one for students, as it was the first year that they are permitted to sit elective courses. Third year classes consisted of: Potions, Herbology, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, History of Magic, Astronomy, Charms, and the two or more electives the student chose the previous year. Third years were permitted to go to Hogsmeade during certain weekends if they had a signed permission form from their parent/guardian.
Fourth year
A fourth year was a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry who was in their fourth year of magical education. Fourth years were typically fourteen to fifteen years of age. The fourth form was almost identical in its structure to the third; students sat two or more elective courses in addition to the core classes, and were allowed into Hogsmeade during selected weekends. Fourth year classes consisted of: Potions, Herbology, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, History of Magic, Astronomy, Charms, and two or more electives. However, fourth years typically got more work than third years, so as to prepare for their O.W.L.s.
Fifth year

O.W.L. examination
A fifth year was a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry who was in their fifth year of magical education. Fifth years were typically fifteen to sixteen years of age. The fifth year was enormously important for students, due to the fact that it was the year in which they must sit their O.W.L. exams, which would determine what N.E.W.T. courses they would be permitted to take later on in their education. O.W.L.s determine what jobs they could apply for in their future careers.
The fifth year was also the year in which students received career counselling from their Heads of House. It was during this meeting that they would be advised as to what N.E.W.T.-level classes they should take in order to qualify for their desired career. Fifth year classes consisted of: Potions, Herbology, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, History of Magic, Astronomy, Charms, and two or more electives. Before the beginning of the year, one boy and one girl were selected by the Headmaster from each house to become Prefects.[33]

Sixth year

N.E.W.T-level Potions lesson

A sixth year was a student who was in his or her sixth year of magical education at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Sixth years were typically sixteen to seventeen years of age, although some could be older, if they have had to repeat a year like Marcus Flint did. The sixth year was the first year in which students sat N.E.W.T.-level classes. Sixth years could also elect to take part in Apparition lessons for a fee of twelve Galleons.
Based on students' O.W.L. scores, and depending on the minimum requirements of the professor teaching the subject at the time, students were allowed to sit any number of classes as long as they met said requirements. If the student didn't meet those requirements, they could not attend the N.E.W.T.-level classes, having to repeat the O.W.L.-level classes and the fifth year exams. While students did have the opportunity to choose whether they wished to continue in particular subjects, those who began studying N.E.W.T.-level subjects in their sixth year were expected to carry on with the subject into the seventh year and sit the N.E.W.T. exam in that subject. Sixth year students were initially excited to have more free time, but this extra time was intended to help them study and do homework, as many, if not all, teachers assigned more homework and gave more difficult lessons in their N.E.W.T.-level classes.

Seventh year

A seventh year was a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry who was in their seventh and final year of formal magical education. Seventh years were typically seventeen to eighteen years of age, although some may be older if they have had to repeat a year. The seventh year contained the most important exams given at Hogwarts — the N.E.W.T.s.
Students concluded their N.E.W.T.-level studies in the seventh year, at the end of which they sat the N.E.W.T. exam pertaining to each of their subjects. A student in the seventh year would have the same schedule he or she had in the sixth year, and would sit only those classes in which they received O.W.L.s meeting the minimum requirement of the professor for that subject. However, not all students would take N.E.W.T.s, as some occupations required only O.W.L.s.Every year, a male and female seventh year were appointed Head Boy and Head Girl. In most cases, the Headmaster selected the Head students from the seventh year Prefects. However, students that had never been prefects, for example Harry's dad James Potter, could still be selected.

Hogwarts daily routine

The day would begin at 7:30 a.m. with breakfast in the Great Hall. During breakfast, the mail arrived in a flurry of hundreds of owls. A bell chime signalled the start of the first class at 9 a.m. The bell chimed again in one hour to signal the start of the next class.
There were two class periods before lunch, scheduled according to house, though N.E.W.T. students could have breaks during some of these. After lunch, there was another break and two more classes. If there was a heavy snowstorm in between periods, certain lessons that took place outside (such as Care of Magical Creatures) could be cancelled, since it would be difficult for students to traverse from the castle to the outside.

Dinner was served in the Great Hall towards the evening, after which the students were expected to be in their house common rooms for studying and socializing.
There were Astronomy classes at night on Wednesdays every week (usually midnight).
The students had to be in bed or in the common rooms by a certain time, after which was called 'after hours'. The times were different for different years (for example, fifth years were allowed to be in the halls until 9:00 p.m.

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