Marvel (FanFiction)

written by (: GONE !!

I'm Amber Rogers. This is my life with being an adventure with the Avengers. Let's just say this. I have no mother and just a dad. Who I found out was not what I thought he was.

Last Updated







Chapter 7
~Amber's pov.~

I wake up around 7:30 and get ready. I look around the hotel room and it looks like ur usual hotel room. I go to the bathroom and put on some leggings with a pink top. I comb my hair and brush my teeth. I grab my bag and head out. I run to the bus stop and see Peter there with Jacob. Then I see Barry. I smile and sprint over to him. He sees me coming and in the blink of an eye, I'm right next to him. "Hi," I say not even out of breath. Jacob blinks at me and CRAP I think. He saw me run!! I swish my hand out in front of me and his eyes go blank for one second then he looks normal. "I erased his memory of me running," I explain to Barry and Peter quietly. "Hey, Amber. I didn't see you come." Jacob rubs his eyes, confused.

"Amber, I came to pick you up at the tower but you weren't there. Where were you??" Peter asks me and I can tell he is hurt in some way. "I left early," I lie. "No, you didn't. Your dad told me you weren't there at all last night. You gave him a heart attack when he finally opened your door and see your window open. Amber, you have all of them worried even Thor!!" Peter throws his arms up in the air and I just roll my eyes. "They don't get it, Peter. Why live in a huge house if your own father doesn't understand you?? Explain that." Just then the bus pulls up and Barry and I sit up in the front.

"So...where did you go then??" Barry asks me while playing with my fingers. "Oh, you know around town." I laugh softly and my eyes turn a honey gold. I change them quickly back to hazel. "Amber. Tell me." I sigh. "Fine, I was in a hotel, on the other side of town. No biggy." Barry's eyes go wide. "Amber...they can see you chargering stuff and plus you need to go back. Your dad is all you have left and you can't give that up." My mood takes a tole. "Fine. I'll get my stuff after school and go back. Happy??" He nods. "Very much so." I smile and he grins at me. We get to school and just like last time Barry leads me away from Peter when he gets to close.

School ends and I say goodbye to Barry. "Don't forget tomorrow is Saturday. I'm picking you up around 5!!" He calls and walks the other direction. I walk away until I'm in the clear and sprint to my hotel room. I quickly pack my stuff and check out. They thank me for staying I just nod. My nerves get worse as I jog home. Finally half way I sprint. I get there in 30 seconds. New record!! I knock on the door and see that Tony was the one to open it. "Amber??" He asks astonised. I blush slightly. "Hey, Tony. Ummm...can I come back??" "O-of course. Welcome home." He moves out of the way and I set my stuff down on the floor. "Who was it, Tony??" I hear Thor ask from the living room. I walk over but hide behind the wall. "They all missed you. Don't worry," Tony whispers besides me. He goes in first. "Tony who was it??" My dad asks.

"You'll see. Come on in." I take one last deep breath and walk out from behind the wall. They all gasp then dad rushes forward and crushes me in his hug. "C-can't b-breath," I manage to say. He takes a step back but his hands rest on my shoulders. "Where were you?? Did you get kidnapped?? Did your powers act up again??" Dad asks all these answers but my mind couldn't process properly. "Steve," Nat says behind him. "I think she should get some sleep and let her mind process." Dad nods and lets Nat lead me to my room. It was just as I left it except with the window closed.

Nat leaves and I change into some pj's. Which is some spandex and a bagging T-shirt. I go under my covers and fall asleep right away. I wake up around 3 am. I groan and turn on the TV. I pick a random show on Netflix and it turns out to be Barbie. I let it play but on mute. I go on my phone and scroll through Facebook nad Instagram. I see a selfie of Barry and me on his wall. There are a tone of comments. Most of them say 'D*** who is that hot chick' or 'Barry is stepping up his game'. I laugh quietly at them then wonder what 'stepping up his game' means. Becuase it means different things for everyone. I start to worry but then Barry texts me.

Barry: Hey, pretty lady. Y up so early??
Me: Nothing much couldn't fall back asleep so I'm watching Barbie. Hbu??
Barry: Chilling with the boys and their sisters. Excited for tonight?? I know I am.
Me: Of course. Where we going??
Barry: My friend is throwing a party and it's a pool party so I was wondering if you would like to come. Don't worry this isn't going to be our first date. This is our first half-date. Our first date will be better.
Me: Ok. Sure what swimsuit should I wear?? I have a black no strap one or a blue off the shoulders.
Barry: Hmmm the black one. Either way you will look amazing.
Me: Aww thx. Anyway see you later.
Barry: Cya

I turn my phone off but leave the TV running and fall asleep. I wake up to someone banging on my door. I groan. "Coming!!" I get to my door fast enough and open on their mide knock. "How can I help you, Thor??" "Your dad what's me to get you because breakfast is ready." I go down the stairs with him. I smell pancakes when we walk into the kitchen. "Perfect timing. Here you go, honey." Dad hands me a plate with chocolate chip pancakes and surup. I get orange juice from the fridge and sit at the table. I finish my food and head back upstairs. "Barry is coming around 5 so dad and everyone else pls be nice." I sprint up the stairs on run to my closet. I find the black swimsuit and put it on with jean shorts and a zip up hoodie. I watch TV until 4. I go to the bathroom and grab a towel and put my hair in a ponytail.

Just as I finish I hear a knock on the door from downstairs. "I got it!!" I yell and sprint down the stiars. I get to the door before anyone reacts. I open it and see Barry standing there with a button up shirt and swimtrunks on. "Bye guys!!" I say as I close the door behind me. "Ready for our half date??" Barry asks me and takes my hand. "Yep." We run to the party in record time. We go around back and it's crowded a bit more then I like. Barry leaves to get us drinks when he comes back someone is with him. "Amber meet Ryan. Ryan this is Amber." Ryan is a tall muscular dude. With brown hair and green eyes. He is cute but I like Barry better. "Hi, Ryan." Just then I see a beautiful brown hair girl. Who looks like a model coming towards us.

"Hello, I'm Rachel. Ryan's twin sister." She interdouces herself and eyes Barry's and my hands which are still intertwined. "I'm Amber. It's nice to meet you." "Aren't you going to swim??" She asks me. "Sure," I says and she grabs my hand. We jump into the pool together and I just swim around. After a while I get out and look for Barry. I walk over to Ryan. "Have you seen, Barry??" "Yeah he went with my sister to get something from inside." "Ok thx." I head inside and hear someone talking and it sounds like it's coming fro the kitchen.

"She isn't right for you." I hear Rachel say. "I know but she is hot and boy can she swim. Her body is amazing even tho I haven't fully seen it." "Don't you see. Your trying to make your ex jealous again and you don't even like her I bet." "Your right. I kinda don't. It was a stupid feeling." Then they stop but when I look aroundthe corner I see them making out. Tears well up in my eyes and stream down my face. I sprint out and quickly grab my stuff. "Amber you ok??" I hear Ryan call but I sprint away and sprint home. I get home and run up to my room. "Amber??" I hear Nat call from the kitchen but I don't respond instead I fall on my bed and cry.I get a message from Barry 10 minutes later.

Barry: Hey where are you??
Me: Oh now you care
Barry: Amber I'm confused. What did I do??
Me: U don't actually like me so stop pretending.
Barry: ??
Me: I heard everything you said to Rachel and I saw you make out with her. Apparently you just wanted my body.
Barry: Amber it's not what you think
Me: WE are done!!

I block him form my contacts and take a shower. I put on my pj's from last night and head downstairs. Nat is in the kitchen cooking dinner. "Amber?? Why back so soon??" I start to cry in the middle of the kitchen. She comes over and hugs me. She puts me in a chair and she sits in the one next to me. "What happened??" "Barry doesn't actually like me he just liked my body." I cry harder and she waits till I calm down enough to speak. "I heard him talk to this girl who looked like a frickin model!! When they stopped talking I peered around the corner and see them making out!! I should've listened to you." She nods. "Yeah you should've but you also need to learn this stuff on your own. Go back upstairs till dinner and you need to tell your dad when your ready. Bc I'm not." I nod and head upstairs.

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