Terrible Day

written by Aquarius Black

Tonks is having a terrible day but can Remus make it better? For Marley_Malfoy's Ship Writing Challenge!! Note: This story is also Available on HarryPotterFanFiction

Last Updated






Tonks is being Tonks

Chapter 1
Nymphadora Tonks was having a TERRIBLE DAY, She kept tripping over things.

Oh... wait... That's normal.

On Christmas Eve she had gone to Number 12 and idiotically let Sirius pour glass after glass of Firewhiskey. She and Sirius had gotten themselves in a drunken superior and had sung Wizarding and Muggle carols. Both Extremely Off tune.

Finally, at 11:30 Pm she had said goodbye to Sirius and went through the Floo Network. All was well until she had hit her head on the side of the Fireplace, which only added to her major headache.

She was so tired that she didn't change out of her only Auror Robes and collapsed on her bed. When she woke up the next day, she had a massive hangover. The only thing that registered to her was that her Robes smelled like Firewhiskey. And that she needed a hangover potion, NOW.

Tonks stumbled over to her potions cabinet and got out her last bottle of Hangover Potion. Nymphadora tried to remove the cap without breaking the bottle but the blasted potion wouldn't open. Tonks bit her cheek and threw all caution to the wind, breaking the bottle and as a bonus, getting tiny pieces of glass stuck in her palm. Great Nymphadora, she thought, what will you do now? She bloody did not want to see her ex-professor at 7:00 in the morning, not even to cure her growing headache. If it was her choice, all jobs would start at noon and have off days on Mondays, just so Tonks could have some extra hours of sleep.

Nymphadora winced as she walked over to her bed. She still had tiny pieces of glass integrated into her hand and a headache that made her want to pull her teeth out, just so she could concentrate on something else. She picked up her robes and sniffed them, they still smelled like Firewhiskey. The pink-haired witch ran into her Wardrobe, only to find that all her clothes were on the floor and used.

She growled, What was she supposed to wear now? Tonks walked into her formal wear category. She picked up a Pale yellow and Green dressing Robes. Ewww.... why does it have to be Yellow and green? She thought disgustingly. Pale yellow and green were her least favourite colours. She grudgingly pulled on the robes and disapparated to the Auror Office.

Or well... she tried to.

She splinched herself because of that bloody headache and now...half of her right middle finger was gone. Tonks Drew up her nose at the gruesome sight and did something that her stomach wanted to do ever since she got up. She got sick all over her floor. Sadly, her head didn't agree with her and now...she was 20 minutes late. Oh, Merlin, Mad-Eye was gonna kill her. Couldn't I just stay home? she thought desperately. Perhaps If I just stay inside my Flat I won't get murdered in the next HOUR. Tonks got up and slammed the door to her flat none too gently and walked out because no matter what they say, she was STILL a Black, and Blacks DON'T gives up.

Tonks started to run to the telephone booth, forgetting that she was the clumsiest person in London and tripped over a groove in the pavement and fell into some old man's lap. She pushed herself up and blushed beat-red before apologizing to the elder man. But the man was having none of it and started YELLING at her. She Sprinted away quickly, taking care that she put each foot in front of the other.

She hurried into the Vistors Entrance and dialled, M-A-G-I-C. Soon she got to the main hall and rushed into the elevator, only to slam into her advisor, Kingsley Shacklebolt. Fate, who seemed to HATE Tonks, made sure Kingsley's Tea spilt all over her, drenching her dressing robes in a wet sticky substance. She then took off her Robe, leaving her in a pair of jeans, a dressing shirt, and a fleece sweater.

Tonks Scrunched up her nose, "Mate...Do you KNOW how to brew tea?" she said disgustedly as she touched the lumpy tea with her bad finger, making it feel like it was bursting into flames.

Before Kingsley could answer the elevator jerked back and Tonks fell into Kingsley, AGAIN. Except now, the rest of the tea fell on her BARE arms, giving her a 1st-degree burn.

"Tonks? Are you alright?" Kingsley said alarmed.

"I'm fine mate" Nymphadora replied with gritted teeth.

Kingsley seemed to buy it and stepped out of the elevator. Tonks waited until she got on her floor and walked towards her desk, hoping that Mad-Eye wouldn't see her. Well... Too bad Tonks.

Mad-Eye Moody hobbled towards her, Oh Great, Tonks thought, just what I needed, to be lectured by Mad-Eye. As Mad-Eye yelled at her, she went away with the fairies, thinking about all the things she could have done had she not gotten drunk with Sirius, Tonks' eyes got distant when she thought about it that she didn't even hear,

"Nymphadora! Nymphadora!" Tonks was brought back to reality with a sudden lurch. Mad-Eye was now waving papers in her face.

Oh, come on! Now I need to do Paperwork, JUST for being late! Tonks grouched as she took the papers with a huff and went to her desk. It was already Half-past eleven and she was HUNGRY. Which was not unordinary because A, She was always Hungry and B, she didn't even have any Breakfast! She narrowed her eyes and got set to her paperwork.

Tonks got out of her office and went into the courtyard. She had just gotten a letter from her best friend, Charles Weasley. Tonks grabbed the letter out of her pocket and read it again,

Dear Tonks,

I know you'll be upset when you read this, but I can't come over for The holidays. My team in Romania is making me stay until January 2nd. But don't get your knickers in a twist Nymphy! I got a girlfriend! That's Right, I Charles Weasley have gotten a Girlfriend. Though you and I know that it won't last very long. I already wrote to Mum, she is upset that I won't be able to come, as it is the holidays and all. But maybe I'll see you Later? Maria says hello,(That's my girlfriend's name) and that she can't wait to meet you!


Charlie Weasley

Tonks was upset, Charlie wasn't coming over for dinner now, but that was no reason to 'Get her knickers in a twist' as Charlie had put it. She could always go to the Orders HeadQuarters to eat. She shivered, maybe it WASN'T a good idea of going to Number 12. She remembered what happened last night and shuddered again. The one part of Charlie's letter that didn't make sense, (Apart from the girlfriend part, there was no way in Hell that Charles Weasley could get a Girlfriend) was the holidays part. No holidays were coming up, as far as she could tell. And Tonks was the QUEEN of holidays.

Finally, from what seemed like forever, but what was only 20 minutes, Tonks took her eyes off the parchment and looked up. Bad Idea.

A droplet of water fell from the sky and on Tonks' orb. She blinked furiously and soon, Nymphadora Tonks was once again drenched. Though this time it wasn't tea, it was water. Cold Wet Rainwater.

Tonks put her head in-between her knees to stop her headache. This day was no going well for her, not only did she have an extensive hangover, but now she was immersed in water. Tonks' HATED getting wet, it was not pleasant, and the way the weather was going, it was probably going to snow.

Then, as if Fate had heard her, it started to Snow. Nymphadora moaned and ran back into the Office Building, where a Handsome Owl was awaiting her return.

Tonks eagerly reached for the letter and opened it, oh please let it tell me I can go home, Tonks hoped, please tell me I can take a break, Though the more rational side of Nymphadora's brain told her, wouldn't Mad-eye or Kingsley tell me or perhaps a note? Nevertheless, she wished for it. The first thing she noticed was the letter had a protective enchantment that allowed the reader and the reader only to view the letter.

Dear Nymphadora Tonks,

You are urgently needed at You-Know-Where. You are going on a mission, sorry I can't say anymore. But get here ASAP.


Albus Dumbledore

Nymphadora's eyes opened wide and she dashed for the door, neglecting to remember that Albus Dumbledore would never use the phrase ASAP.

Oh... Tonks' was pissed. When she arrived at Number 12, no one was there, save Sirius, who was still in the same position she had left him in last night. She had walked and waited until a quarter to 5 when she had finally given up and woken up Sirius.

She could still remember THAT conversation.

Sirius yawned and opened his eyes finding Tonks, he greeted, "Hey Cousin"

Nymphadora had smiled at him and said with a regular, "Wotcher Sirius"

She then had continued the conversation, as there was no need to delay and the faster she could get away from a Drunk Sirius, the better.

When their conversation had droned on for an insane amount of time, Tonks had finally questioned "Do you know what Mission Dumbledore had given me Sirius? I got this letter from him, 2 hours ago" now it was 5:30 and nearly all of Tonks' patience was gone.

"Oh" Sirius started casually "I sent that letter"

Tonks' was shocked, she blinked once, "Pardon?"

Sirius repeated what he said and Tonks' let all her fury out of her.

"WHAT THE BLOODY DAMN HELL SIRIUS BLACK!" She screeched, rivalling Mrs Black. "I WAITED FOR AN HOUR FOR HIM TO COME, I TALKED WITH YOU FOR ANOTHER BLOODY 45 MINUTES! YOU IDIOT SIRIUS BLACK, MY DAY SO FAR HAS BEEN SHITE AND YOU'VE DONE NOTHING TO HELP IT!" And with a final scream, she got up and slammed the door to Number 12, leaving Mrs Black in her wake.

Nymphadora was furious, how DARE Sirius trick her like that, she was already having a shite day and Sirius just made it a whole lot worse. Nymphadora walked briskly to her Flat and opened her door. She sighed, she was looking forward to spending the day with herself and no one else.

That's when she saw it, a Brown Owl that looked a lot like Remus' was waiting for her. She grinned and petted the owl, along with some owl treats for the road. The owl hooted twice and took off. Tonks' who was not paying attention to the owl, opened up the letter and read,

Dear Nymphadora,

I have formally have invited you to dinner at my cottage. I understand if you can't make it as many shall have plans with the Family. Dinner is at 7:00 tonight.


Remus Lupin

Nymphadora laughed, of course, she'd want to spend today with Remus, though she had no idea why Remus would think she would have plans with her parents on a MONDAY. Her smile suddenly fell, she had nothing to wear, she obviously couldn't go to the love of her life's house without the proper attire.

Suddenly Fate called, an owl landed on the table and held out a letter. Tonks' took a closer look at the red letter and its carrier and saw that the owl was the same one who delivered the 'Dumbledore' Mission earlier today. She crossed her arms stubbornly and glared at the owl. The owl jumped back and smirked (If owls could smirk that was) and flew away.

Suddenly the letter exploded

"TONKS'" The letter boomed out, "DEAR OLD MOONY TOLD ME ABOUT A LITTLE DATE YOU AND HIM ARE GOING TO HAVE AT 7:00!!! WHEN YOU CAME OVER I SAW THAT YOU LOOKED HORRIBLE!! SOOOOO TO MAKE IT UP FOR THIS AFTERNOONS EPISODE, I HAVE A PRESENT FOR YOU!!" The letter then burst into flames revealing chocolate brown robes. Tonks' grinned, she would have to thank Sirius one-day, this probably was the best way he could make it up to her. She tried them on with her Black lace-up boots and flooded to Remus' house.

Remus was sitting on a chair in his sitting room when Nymphadora had stepped out of the floo. Tonks eyed him up and down, liking what she saw. Remus was dressed in his least shabby robes and a Dark blue cloak. Remus got up to greet her, and to catch her when she tripped over her new robes. Now Tonks was in Remus' arms, blushed red and her hair turned pinker than normal.

Remus was sitting on his armchair, while Tonks neglected to use her own, but instead used Remus' armrest. Remus finally started the conversation,

"Nymphadora" Remus started hoarsely, Normally if anyone, apart from her mother, had called her by her 1st name, they would have been hexed to heaven and back. But when Remus' said it, she felt a leap of joy in her chest. She liked the way he said her name, it felt RIGHT if he said it.

"I've been thinking about what you said yesterday and I think your right, it's only a matter until the War starts and I want to make the most of it" Nymphadora grinned, this is all she ever wanted.

"But" Nymphadora smiled dropped.

Remus sighed, "I'm a monster Nymphadora"

Tonks snorted, "You? A monster Remus? Forgive me if I don't cower at the sight of you." Tonks said with a straight face.

Remus, who was normally a shy and quiet person, gave out a full laugh. Soon, Tonks was joining in and the only sound in the dark quiet forest was two people laughing.

"So how was your day Remus?" Tonks said still giggling.

Remus smirked, "It was fine Tonks, I did lots of reading and relaxing, and Sirius got me a new scarf"

Tonks' mouth fell open and she got up, turned right and started kicking the stone wall.

"Nymphadora! What the BLOODY HELL are you doing?" Remus stated quietly and dragged her on to his lap.

Tonks huffed, "I just don't think it's fair that you get the best day ever and I have the worst."

Remus had enough sense not to ask what had happened that day. He took off one her boots and started to massage her foot.

Tonks eased into Remus' grip and laid her head on Remus' shoulder, sighing in bliss. Then she shot up like a bullet and looked Remus in the eye,

"Why did Sirius give you a Scarf" Tonks questioned

Remus looked at her incredulously, "Nymphadora, its Christmas Day!"

Tonks was shocked, "I'm SOOO sorry Remus! I didn't get you a gift!"

Remus hurriedly replied, "That's alright, You didn't need to" Then he smiled mischievously, "Though there is ONE thing you could do..."

Nymphadora smiled and pulled Remus closer to her, and they kissed, which eventually turned into a full-out snogging session.

Nymphadora Tonks' day had started worse than usual, but now, she was thrilled.

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