drarry oneshots: fluff

written by Erin J

this is a book with oneshots about draco malfoy and harry potter. the stories you'll find here are stories i've also published on wattpad, have fun reading them! xx *disclaimer: the cover and characters do not belong to me* as the title says, these oneshots will mostly be fluff :) enjoy!

Last Updated






from enemies to lovers; drarry gof

Chapter 1
"Harry Potter!"
Grumpily Harry opened his eyes, only to see a vague figure who looked a lot like Dobby standing next to his nightstand. He reached for his glasses and saw that he'd been right: it was Dobby. His eyes were even bigger as usual and his hands were shaking. "What is it, Dobby?", he asked, concerned about what was going on. "Harry Potter, sir, Dobby has to wake his master up! Dobby has to tell Harry Potter that the tournament is starting within 10 minutes!" A wave of panic shot through his veins as he glanced at the clock. Shit, Dobby was right! What was he going to do? He didn't even have a solution to the egg yet! How was he going to stay underwater for an hour? Harry jumped out of the bed and started looking for clothes, not caring whether they matched or not.

Dobby obviously saw the panic in his eyes, so he reached in the pockets of the Weasley sweater that he was wearing and showed what he was holding. It was a slimy, green plant that looked an awful lot like sauerkraut. Not exactly appetizing.
"Dobby found Gillyweed, sir, it lets you breath underwater! Harry Potter has to eat it, sir!" Dobby looked extremely proud of himself.
"Thank you Dobby!", Harry cried. He quickly snatched the weird plant from Dobby's hand. "I have to go now, thanks again!" He then sprinted down the stairs as quickly as he could, while he heard Dobby's "You're welcome, sir! Dobby does everything for his master! Dobby is a..." fade away. "I'll never be on time!", he thought while panicking. Then he got an idea, and decided to ignore the disadvantages of it.
He sprinted back to his room, threw the door open and grabbed his broom from under his bed. He unlocked the window, ignored Dobby's shocked cries "What are you doing sir, oh no, Dobby doesn't like this, oh no!" and flew out of the Gryffindor tower on his Firebolt. He already saw the Black Lake afar, and although he absolutely hated the dramatic entrance he was about to make (it quite reminded him of second year), he was happy he wouldn't be late. He decided to land close to the lake, since he had only a minute left or so.

With the Gillyweed clutched in his hand, he ran to the other Triwizard Tournament champions, who looked at him in bewilderment. He felt his cheeks go scarlet red and hated it. Oh, Rita Skeeter would surely have something to write an article about. Behind him, he heard the whispers and laughs of the people in the stands, who were naturally very surprised. Harry was surprised as well, since he only heard a few insults directed at him and none of them was spat out by Malfoy. He turned around shortly and looked for him, but there was no sign of the pale boy. Ron, however, was cheering in the stands: Neville, Dean, Seamus and Ginny sat next to him. He immediately noticed how Hermione missed as well, but oh well, perhaps he hadn't looked good enough. He didn't have the time to look around anymore, so he smiled quickly at them and then prepared himself for a lecture of Professor McGonagall. It didn't come, since Professor Dumbledore was looking very amused and according to Harry, told her to save it for later. It's not like she would've had the time anyway, since Ludo Bagman already started his commentary. "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the second task of the Triwizard Tournament!" Harry, however, didn't listen to anything he was saying. He was too busy trying to swallow that disgusting Gillyweed. "...the champions... find their most important treasure..." Ludo was already counting down when he finally managed to swallow, and then he jumped in the water together with the others.

The feeling of having gills was something he'd luckily never experienced before, and he wished he'd never had to experience it again. He decided to take his gaze away from the other champions and look for the treasure that he was apparently supposed to find. What did that even mean?
After swimming for twenty minutes, he started to get quite desperate. Where was this bloody treasure? He'd wasted almost a half of his time already! And right at that moment, he saw four people at the bottom of the lake, with merpeople around them. "That must be it!", he thought. "Maybe that's why Hermione's gone, she's my most prized possession! But why isn't it Ron, then? He's also my best friend.." When he got closer, his thoughts got confirmed. He swam towards Hermione and was about to untie her, when a merman held a lance in front of his neck.
"Not for you", he mouthed angrily. "Well, who am I supposed to take with me then?", Harry breathed. He looked between the bodies that lied on the floor. He saw Cho, and blushed from embarrassment, even though he was underwater. Was he supposed to pick her? Oh gosh, how was he supposed to tell her afterwards that he didn't really have feelings anymore for her? Feeling like he had a brick in his stomach, he reached out for her, but again the merman held his lance against his neck. He sighed of relief, and did it again when Krum swam over to Hermione and took her safely with him. He then looked at the two bodies that were left. One of them was a nine years old girl, and he felt the stress flowing through his veins again before realizing that Dumbledore probably knew he wasn't into little girls. He then looked at the last person, and he almost choked on his own spit.

It was Malfoy. His blonde hair was slicked back by the water, just like he'd done it with hair gel in his first year. His skin was even paler then usual, which was normal, Harry thought, since he'd been underwater for a long time. Despite Malfoy being his enemy, he knew that he was supposed to pick Malfoy and save him. But why did Dumbledore pick him, out of all people? Did he think that Harry was in love with the platinum blonde boy? Because he wasn't. Right? Harry wasn't so sure anymore, looking at the handsome boy in front of him and he was so lost in his thoughts, that he didn't notice Cedric who took Cho with him. Cedric poked him at his flank, which caused Harry to finally rip away his gaze from Malfoy. Cedric pointed at his wrist, trying to say that they didn't have much more time left. Harry nodded and mouthed "thank you" and he started to untie Malfoy. While doing so, he noticed that Fleur wasn't there yet, and the little girl who probably was her sister was still unconscious, at the bottom of the lake. He made a final decision and started to untie the girl as well. He felt the cold metal of the lance at his neck again, but ignored it and started to swim back to the surface of the lake. The merpeople surrounded him and blocked the way: they did not look very happy. Harry tried not to panic. He got an idea and since he didn't have much time to think about the consequences, he just decided to do it. He let go of Malfoy's and the girl's arm and let them float and make their way to the surface.

He then casted the first spell that came to mind.
He felt an enormous force under his feet and felt himself jump out of the water: three, six, twelve foot high! He landed with a big smack next to Malfoy. He barely noticed Fleur who thanked him a thousand times for saving her sister, or Ron and Hermione, who were now reunited again, cheering for him. He felt pain everywhere, his glasses had broken and the glass stuck in his cheek. He felt like he'd broken all his ribs and he kept choking on dry air. He kept gasping for air, but got overwhelmed by all the people that tried to touch him. He panicked, feeling like he was about to pass out. Suddenly he heard Draco, um, Malfoy voice: "Get away from him, you dumb fucks! Give him space!" He felt too much pain to be surprised about the fact that his enemy was defending him, too much pain. He lied down on the grass, closed his eyes and tried to control his breathing, while he slowly felt the pain fade away as he heard Draco cast repeatedly: "Oculum Reparo! Episkey!" His panic also faded away when he heard Draco's calming voice speak to him: "Calm down, it's alright. You're okay. Let me fix this cut for you." Harry opened his eyes and smiled up at Draco, who looked quite worried. "Thank you...Draco." The blonde boy smiled as well, relief visible on his face. "You alright Potter?", he asked. Harry nodded. "Yeah, thanks to your healing magic. Didn't know you were so good at that." Draco simply grinned, sticking his hand out to help Harry up. "Yeah, lets say it's my specialty. Madam Pomfrey should still check on you though, your ribs seem a little bruised." Harry hissed in pain when he got up; only to receive a worried glance from Draco again. "I'll be alright, I've looked worse than this. How are you feeling by the way? You've just lied at the bottom of a lake for an hour."
"Oh, I'm fine. Don't worry about me. You should probably go to the other champions now, they're waiting for their score."
"Oh right." Harry hesitated for a moment, then decided to ask it anyway. "Meet me here tonight at 8, okay? I'd like to catch up with you.." Draco nodded. "Sure, 8 it is. Now you should really go." He touched Harry's back to guide him to the other champions, and oh Merlin, if only he knew the effect it had on Harry. It felt like an electric shock went through his body: Harry blushed scarlet red, said a quick goodbye to Draco and went to hear the points he'd gotten, although it didn't really matter to him anymore.

He lost anyway, the others had all been faster than him. He stood there with Ron and Hermione who were still very proud of him. He'd expected questions about Malfoy, but they didn't come: even Ron had noticed the sexual tension between the two, and although he didn't like Malfoy, if he made Harry happy, then he was happy as well. So was Hermione. The whole school gossiped about the new soon-to-be-couple. Some people hated the idea, others kept sighing "Finally!" but the most people just didn't see it coming but were really okay with it. Harry, however, didn't notice the commotion: he was used to it anyway, and didn't listen to what the people had to say about him this time. He rather focused on the points he got, and Merlins beard, he got many! He was first place tied with Cedric now! He smiled happily at Ron and Mione, and turned around to smile at Draco as well. He had already turned around when Draco's cheeks flushed.
Luckily no one noticed, because Malfoys don't blush. "But perhaps Draco's do", he thought by himself.

The rest of the day crept by for both of them... Hundreds of students came to congratulate Harry, up to the point where Ron and Hermione decided to take him to Hagrid to get away from the hysteric crowd that tried to get his attention. It bothered Harry even more than it would usually have, because it made time go ten times slower. But he was glad to have his best friends with him to distract him: they chatted happily with Hagrid, helped in his garden for a bit and (on Hermione's request, of course) they studied for a bit. They decided not to go to dinner, it'd be too crowded for Harry. But they ate in the Gryffindor Common Room, together with Dean, Seamus, Neville, Parvati, Lavender, Ginny and the Weasley twins. Time flew by as they talked and Harry almost jumped when he saw that it was seven o' clock already. He ran upstairs and began pacing in his room, looking for clothes to put on. He was a little embarrassed but also thankful when Hermione helped him pick an outfit. "Oh, and have fun", she grinned. Harry felt his cheeks redden. "I... I really don't know what you're talking about."
"Harry, the entire school is talking about you and Malfoy. Don't even try to lie."
Harry looked at her, confused about how the entire school could know. "Fine." He was about to open his mouth, when Ron stormed into the room. "Harry, mate, dont you think tomorrow is a great day to confess stuff? Yeah, right?" Hermione gave him a death glare. "Actually, Ron, I think today is perfect for such things. Right, Harry?"
Harry looked from Ron to Hermione, and back from Hermione to Ron. "Did you two seriously bet on me and Draco? Really?" It was silent for a few seconds and then they burst out laughing.
"Well", he smirked, after wiping his tears of laughter away, I won't ever confess, so none of you will win."
They both looked at him, fake disappointed. Then Ron patted his shoulder.
"You should go mate, don't want to keep him waiting." Harry left with a big smile on his face, glad that his friends accepted him.

When he arrived at the Black Lake, Draco was already there. He looked absolutely stunning: his hair was styled in a natural messy way, he wore a white shirt, a jacket and baggy black trousers and around his neck a silver necklace shone in the weak light that came from the moon, it was very dark but that didn't bother Harry, he could still see Draco very clearly but it was to dark to see the faint blush on his cheeks. He sat down next to him.
"Hey, do you feel better already?", Draco asked. He was mesmerized by the way Harry looked: his hair was as messy as always which made him look really cute, he wore a black hoodie and jeans. Simple, but it looked amazing on him.
"Yeah, I do. Madam Pomfrey said my ribs are alright, she gave me some potions I have to take and that's it, basically. I've had to hide all day, though. Some people are like hyenas: almost impossible to shake them off. And what about you?"
"It was a boring day, waiting for this", Draco grinned. Harry's cheeks turned so red that it was visible in the dark. "Yeah, it was", he smiled. "Oh yeah, I wanted to ask you something."
"Go on."
"Can we forget the entire enemies thing? I mean, its petty, you know, we don't really have a lot of reasons to fight, and I think that you are really nice if you're not acting to please your father, and if you think that about me too, then well, we could, um, be friends? Unless you don't want to of course, then-"
" Harry, you're rambling. Of course I want to be friends with you. Our rivalry was stupid anyway." They looked each other in the eye.
"Great", Harry smiled. "Friends."
"Friends." Had Harry's eyes always looked so emerald green?
"Cool." Had Draco's eyes always looked so icy grey?
"Cool-" Draco was cut off by Harry's lips touching his. They moved their lips against each other and Merlin, a firework of butterflies exploded in both their stomachs. Draco couldn't believe it: he was kissing Harry Potter! This couldn't be real!
When they finally parted, they kept holding each other. Harry grabbed Draco's hand and snuggled onto his shoulder.
"I'm in love with you, Draco."
"I'm in love with you too."

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