
written by Harley Blu

Once upon a time there was a huge magical hedge that divided the world of demons and humans..... Know, it was a well known fact amongst both the demons and the humans that it was strictly forbidden to ever cross the magical hedge..... It was said that who ever did would be forever cursed and would be banished forever..... This is a tale of two young children, both desperate for a friend.... Rules are broken and a deadly vow is made...

Last Updated






Chapter One: Decisions.

Chapter 1

Our story starts with a young demon with the name of Zero. Hair as white as snow and ever changing eyes, Zero was burdened with glorious purpose. He was a only child from a family made up of some of the most powerful demons there was, his being mother a vampiric demon that has the ability to take the form of a cat and his being farther a spirit associated with nightmares, Zero was expected to be the most powerful demon there was yet. Unfortunately, much to the disappointment of his parents, Zero was yet to fully develop his powers. Due to this, he was often teased by the other changeling's in the domain.

It was a rainy day in summer as I sat day dreaming instead of paying attention to Mrs.Kappa, I didn't have much time for the matters of demon importance, what do I care if some so and so did this or that back in the day? To busy was I with my dreams of freedom, and the longing to find someone who would truly understand me only growing stronger as time paced. I sign softly and think to myself 'I can't wait to get out of here'


I jumped in my seat as a ruler hits my desk. Mrs.Kappa was giving me a star that I am 99.5 sure could boil you alive and kill you all at once, her blood red eyes seeming to glow with anger and cruelty. "Young master Flauros, as much as I love to stand here all day repeating myself and teaching all you Lothian brats the history of our monstrously noble kind. I have better things to do and wish to get out of all your presence as quick as demoniacally possible... So pay attention!" Mrs.Kappa sneers at me once more before turning away and continuing her lecture, my only response to her little rant a smirk. 

I signed once more before focusing on my work, it was a simple quiz on demon importance. On the up side, this would be a piece of cake! Down side, also terribly boring...

Question 1: How is the status of rank made up by, starting with the highest held demons and ending the the lowest ranking demons.

I yawn and lazily write down my answer.

Our society is made up of a very simple (not to mention corrupt!) system. With the demons who hold the most powers and capable of the most destruction at the top and those of us lacking powers or never truly coming into their powers at the bottom. From the moment we a new demon is born, they are judged on not only their parents standing but their changeling classification. The breed of what kind of demon you are is highly important as it will tell you where you stand for pretty much the rest of your life. This is determined with a simple test after a week as past from first giving birth. The baby changeling is cut and bled at the stroke of midnight, a certain element placed around the child which will then glow dark blue when the baby's green blood droplets fall to the ground. From that moment on, you are part of the demon ranks.

I quickly write a few more answers down until finally coming to the last question on the sheet. I stared at it for a while, lost deep in thought. The way it was just sitting there on the white paper, seemed to taunt me... reminding me of the price of my freedom...

Question 12: What is the punishment for breaking our laws? example, if one was to climb the forbidden hedge, what would happen?

I'm jolted out of my thoughts as the school bell rings signalling home time. I quickly scribbled down the answer I know to be right and what they all expect to hear. I grab my stuff, shoved it into my bag and Hosted it onto my shoulder before making my way to the cold empty mansion that my parents call home. The sky once a bright purple now a dark gloomy black, sprinkled with white shining stars from above that too seemed to only mock me... I could never touch something so pure... so beautiful as they were... I was nothing but a foul evil creature, a plague set on this earth to hate and destroy.... I was nothing. Here in the demonic realms the days were short and the nights were long, there were no birds like over the hedge, so singing or love. Nothing but coldness, hate, sorrow, responsibilities, duty and rank. I dreamed of the other did.... when I was small I loved to climb, for when I climbed I could see over the great hedge that split our world from the humans... I would watch as they laughed and played, how their parents cared for them and helped them back up when they fell down. I would look at mine and think... this isn't right?... Where's the smiling faces?... The laughter and joyful pride that filled every parents eye?... once when I was five I even tried to hug my mother, I had seen the humans do it to show how they loved one other and wanted to do the same, I loved my mother and farther so much.... They were so disappointed. It was safe to say that once they found out where I had gotten such a disgusting idea they had cut down all the tree's near to the hedge so that I could never do it again. I never did lose my fascination of the hedge though, never did the dreams of warm sunlight and sky pale blue like the water from the streams ever truly go away, I just learnt to hide it. And hide it well I did. 

I came to a stop as I passed the great hedge half way home, there was no rush as my parents wouldn't be there any way. I grin impishly and laugh with self-loathing, I bet they wouldn't even notice if I never came home! They would just have another changeling, maybe this one wouldn't be such a disappointment and would be the cold hearted evil killing machine that they always wanted. In fact, I could climb that stupid hedge right now and never come back. No one would even care! ha! It was at this moment that a small voice in the back of my head said it, the voice that would evidently win and make me climb the forbidden hedge, exiling myself from this world. "Do it. I dare you." it said.

A few moments passed by while I fought with what I knew what right and what I knew was wrong, conflict and struggle seemed to posses my body and mind. In the end I gave in and found a small dead tree that my parents had forgotten about, it was just big enough to help me up most of the way. Finally I made it to the top.

I took one last glance at what I called home, dark colours blending and shifting into one other, the many creatures going about their day having no idea that a crime was being committed under their ever watchful scheming eyes. I smirk and say My final goodbyes, secretly wishing my parent all the best and love I had. After all, they are still my parents, even if they can't show that they lose me or accept me for who I am. And that is how I left my home, with nothing more then my back pack full of demonic book, my untouched lunch and a photo of my family. 

I jumped and landed onto the soft damp grass and turned into a small baby snow leopard with now bright purple eyes. My last thoughts as I walked on into the shadows of night in this odd new little world being 'What could possibly go wrong?'

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