I'm a Lupin !?! (a Hogwarts story) CHAPTER 4

written by Julia Delacour

Alexia ends up in the hospital wing in the middle of the night. She awoke with the same nightmare, that get's her scared every time. Chapter 4 (Previous Chapters are available, either flip back in the library or message me)

Last Updated






Chapter 4

Chapter 1
“No don’t,” I mumble, tossing and turning in the armchair.
“Alexia, Alexia!” Rose harshly whispers. I wake up, blinking away my nightmare. “You were mumbling something in your sleep,” she says worriedly.
“I’m fine,” I try to say but it comes out gargled. I hold my hand to my mouth, trying to keep my potion down. I swallow forcefully and wipe the beads of sweat from my forehead.
“Should we go see Madam Pomfrey?” Rose asks, concerned.
“No, it’s fine,” I muster, “She can’t do anything about it.”
“You look terrible,” she adds. “Come on, let’s go.” Just then Teddy comes down the boy’s staircase.
“I’m fine Teddy, really,” I say weakly.
“No,” he says firmly, “let’s go to Madam Pomfrey’s. Rose,” he adds, “stay here.” Rose solemnly nods. Teddy and I climb out of the portrait. He leads me to Madam Pomfrey’s office, one arm wrapped around my shoulder, supporting me. “Does she know?” he asks with a concerned look in his eyes. I nod weakly.
“She figured it out. I knew she would,” I explain. Teddy frowns and knocks on a door. An older, kind looking woman opens the door. Teddy explains that I’m not feeling well and that I don’t look well either. She nods and opens the doors into the hospital wing.
“Come sit on a bed,” she says as she guides us inside. I take a seat on the side of bed with my legs hanging over and clamp a hand to my mouth. “I’ll grab a bucket,” she suggests. Madam Pomfrey hurries away. She quickly comes back with a white bucket. I take it and toss my cookies. Teddy stands a small distance away. “I’ll call your parents,” Madam Pomfrey says.
“No, I’m good,” I say unconvincingly.
“Alexia. . .” Teddy growls.
“Fine,” I give in.
“What did you take? Dragon claw? Some kind of study boosting drink?” she interrogates.
I respond, “I’m just having a . . ,” I throw up again into the bucket before continuing, “a reaction to a wolfsbane potion.”
“Ahh. . .” she hurries into her office. I try to lay down, but I become too nauseous. Teddy steps closer and sits on the edge of the bed, his feet on the floor. He gently rubs my back as I try not to bring more up. Madam Pomfrey comes out of her office and busies herself in a medicine cabinet. After a couple of minutes, the doors into the wing open. Remus and Tonks walk through, practically running over. Remus takes a seat on the bed next to me while Tonks takes Teddy’s place.
Remus begins, “Poppy told me. This is new.” I nod, still dizzy, not caring who Poppy is and thinking that she’s Madam Pomfrey. I scan Remus and see that he looks even shabbier than usual and is extremely pale.
“We both look terrible,” I joke. Tonks nervously laughs. She holds my hair back as I throw-up again. Remus runs his hand through his hair, contemplating. The doors open again with Dumbledore and Snape entering. Yeah, I think, Snape. Remus stands up to greet Dumbledore and then turns to Snape.
“You better not have poisoned her!” Remus accuses.
Snape counters, “Trust me, I didn’t. I made the potion perfectly.”
Remus looks like he could murder Snape but Dumbledore adds, “Now let’s be civil.” Remus turns away from Snape and sits at the bottom of the bed. Snape walks over to where Remus was sitting before. He takes my arm with one hand, holding his wand in the other. I look at Remus but he is glaring at Snape. Snape mutters some indistinct words and moves his wand above my arm, slightly above it. My arms tingles, and then it feels like it is being poked by needles. I close my eyes as the needles continue. After a moment Snape puts his wand away and the tingling ceases.
“Ah. . .” he says quietly.
Remus snaps, “Ah what?”
“She’s allergic to wolfsbane,” Snape answers smuggly. I open my eyes.
“What?” Remus asks, not even trying to hide his confusion. “Is that even possible?”
Dumbledore is the next one to answer. “It’s not unheard of, but it is rare.” I glance at Dumbledore, avoiding his gaze.
“So what do we do?” Tonks questions, concerned.
“Sadly, there’s not much you can do. The reactions change each time. She can take the aconite poison antidote, but that’s about it,” Dumbledore answers. “But taking the antidote would cancel out the effects of wolfsbane in the potion.” Everyone quiets, silently thinking. I retch into the bucket. Tonks pats my back, holding back my long hair.
After a couple minutes, Snape speaks. “I suggest she takes the potion in here or at my office, that way she can be monitored while taking. She would be able to leave after, let’s say fifteen minutes to a half hour.” I silently gasp in my head. I can’t believe that I would have to spend more time with him.
“That’s a good idea, Severus,” Dumbledore pushes. Remus looks between me and Snape, wondering if he should give me more time with the man he hates.
Remus looks torn before succumbing, “Fine. Alexia could stay somewhere when taking it.” Tonks nods in agreement. My fate is decided I think. But I can barely keep down supper so I just have to go along with it. I vomit in the bucket yet again.
“I suggest bed rest until it stops, or until Alexia feels better. She might be able to go to classes if she wants to,” Madam Pomfrey concludes, looking over at me.
“You may stay as long as needed,” Dumbledore adds, directed towards Tonks and Remus. Snape turns, whispers something to Dumbledore and abruptly leaves. Dumbledore wishes me a speedy recovery before leaving. He closes the hospital wing doors behind him softly. Remus stands up and paces back and forth in front of my bed.
“Teddy go to bed, it’s past midnight,” Tonks calmly persusades. He looks at me.
“Yes, Teddy. I’m fine,” I add. Teddy kisses his mother on the cheek and hugs Remus, who stops pacing for a moment. He continues pacing the floor after Teddy leaves. I move back and try to sit back against the frame. I do it this time, but I throw up again. Remus stops pacing for a moment to look at me before continuing. Tonks gives me a motherly, tender look.
“I think that’s it,” I softly say after a couple of minutes. After placing the bucket on the floor, I pull up the covers on the bed. Remus stops pacing and comes to sit at my side. He squishes into the bed so I am in between him and Tonks.
“Are you sure you’re alright?” he asks after shifting to lay in the bed comfortably.
“I think so,” I answer, unsure.
“I have to go,” Tonks says sadly. “I have work soon.” Tonks give me a gentle hug before standing up. She walks around the bed and asks for Remus to stand up. She pulls him to a spot in the middle of the hospital wing, away from me. They discuss quietly for a minute. Tonks pulls him into a kiss and I look away. I move around, trying to get comfortable in the cold hospital bed. Tonks waves goodbye to me before leaving. I roll over, facing the spot where Remus just was. Remus climbs on top of the sheets and faces my back, stroking my hair. I fall asleep, warm and safe in his arms.
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