I'm a Lupin !?! (a Hogwarts story) CHAPTER 2

written by Julia Delacour

CHAPTER 2; Alexia is Sorted, Which house will she be in?

Last Updated






Chapter 2

Chapter 1
A couple mornings later I awoke to the gentle voice of Tonks. I shoot out of bed and hug her. “How was work?” I questioned, already knowing she won’t tell me much.
“Same old, same old,” she replies. “Come on, the Hogwarts Express won’t wait forever.” I throw on my favorite Muggle clothing before rushing down the stairs to eat a quick breakfast. Remus is toasting bread with his wand before having an enchanted butter knife spread marmalade on it.
“Thanks,” I mutter as I grab a piece out of mid-air and take a large bite. I lick the crumbs of my fingers before checking my trunk for everything. I bury my lunar calendar at the bottom next to a box of quills. With a quick glance to the side I see Teddy also checking his trunk. I take out my last bottle of wolfsbane and chug it down before leaving. Tonks grabs her wand off the kitchen table before magicking the trunks to float. She conducts them out the door and into our silver car. We follow behind her. Teddy and I clamber into the backseat, while Tonks sits in the passenger seat. Remus drives. I look out the window as London whizzes by. We park the car and navigate through the crowds of Muggles to reach platform nine.
I ask how we get to platform nine and three quarters but Remus merely laughs. I’ve never been because it just seems very hectic. Tonks grabs my trolley that I’m clinging to and steers it towards the brick wall. She pushes it, with me still attached. Nim hoots, but doesn’t look away. I brace for impact, but feel nothing. When I open my eyes I see the gleaming Hogwarts Express and that’s when it hits me. I’m finally going to Hogwarts. Teddy, Tonks, and Remus appear behind me. I look around the platform to see families all over hugging and kissing each other. We join the line of people putting our trunks away. Then Remus pulls me away from the line of people and into a secluded corner.
“If you need anything, owl me. If something happens during your *cough, cough* transformation, owl me. You can always go to Dumbledore. Snape is going to make the potion, but he’s a bit . . . mean.” I’m about to interrupt but he cuts me off. “Just don’t mention me to him. We hated each other in school and we still do. He’ll probably hate you too. Don’t expect much from him.” After this he pulls me into a hug and asks if I have any questions. I’ve got one. “You’ll probably go into the Shrieking Shack. Dumbledore said that he might talk to you when you get there.” Well, that answered it.
He walks me to Tonks who also hugs me. She whispers in my ear. “I’ll write. Teddy’s always there too you know.” I smile back. She motions for Teddy and me to get on the train. I follow Teddy onto the train. As I climb up the steps into the train, I turn around to see Tonks and Remus standing together smiling happily. The train lurches forward so I turn around and continue on.
I search through compartments until I find one that is empty. I take a seat, tuck up my legs and pull out Lupine Lawlessness: Why Lycanthropes Don’t Deserve to Live. I continue reading where I left off. A couple pages later I look up to see Lily, Scorpius and Rose enter. Rose shuts the compartment door and everyone takes a seat. I pick my head up from out of my book. “We’ve been looking for you all over!” Rose states.
“Sorry, I totally got lost in my book,” I gush.
“Is it any good?” Lily wondered.
“Not that great, it's about lycanthropes and this guy's view on the whole issue. Rose have you read it?” I inquire. She explains that her mum won’t let her get it. I remember Scorpius is in here and I tell him that I saw his parents at Madam Malkin’s. “Your father nearly dueled Remus,” I continue. Scorpius turns a shade of pink, mutters something about finding Albus and abruptly leaves.
“Really, what happened?” questions Lily. I tell them about Mr. Malfoy’s ‘choice words.’
“That’s terrible!” Rose cries.
“Just plain old mean,” Lily puts in. I stand up and look out the glass in the door, peering into the train’s hallway. Rose launches into a speech about anti-werewolf laws and how werewolves are ejected from society. She is just as passionate as her mum.
“I know, Rose. It’s just not right,” I interrupt, knowing where this is going. She just about continues but the Trolley Witch opens the door, startling me.
“Anything from the trolley dears?” she whispers. I turn out my robe pockets to find seven sickles. I hand them over and buy three chocolate frogs and a pumpkin pasty. Rose declines the offer of food and Lily buys one of everything. I open up my pumpkin past and wolf it down. Rose just kind of looks at me.
“What?” I ask, but it comes out muffled by food. Rose is about to ask a question but looks away and says, “Never mind.” We both look at Lily who is sampling every item she got.
“Mom doesn’t approve of sweets,” she explains. Rose and I giggle.
“I bet the Minister of Magic doesn’t approve of candy too,” I joke.
Rose smiles more, “Mum doesn’t approve but Dad urged me to try some.” I toss her a chocolate frog which she catches with her Quidditch skills.
“Any openings on the Gryffindor Quidditch team?” Lily asks, eager to learn more about the wizarding sport. Rose talks about tryouts and the players, but I half-heartedly listen as I stare out the window. Why didn’t Remus want me to go? What was Dumbledore talking about?
“Alexia, earth to Alexia,” Rose calls, waking me from my daze.
“Sorry,” I apologize, “I didn’t mean to drift off. I am a bit preoccupied.” Rose and Lily accept the apology but exchange worried looks. I ignore the looks and ask about the teachers.
“McGonagall teaches Transfiguration and is head of my house. Snape still teaches Potions and is head of Slytherin. Longbottom teaches Herbology, Finnigan teaches Defense, Flitwick teaches Charms and is head of Ravenclaw, and Binns teaches History of Magic. Astronomy is taught by Flamel, who is very distantly related to Nicholas Flamel,” Rose explains. She looks out the window and adds that we’re nearly there, so we should get changed.
I grab my school robes from my trunk. Lily closes the compartment blinds before grabbing her robes. Rose is already changed so she grabs a Quidditch book from her trunk. I shrug off my clothing and quickly throw on my school robes but I’m not quick enough.
Rose gasps. Her book drops to the floor with a heavy thud. I turn around to see what Lily is doing, but she has her robe stuck over her head. Rose and I assist Lily in navigating through her robes. Rose gives me a look that asks about the scars but I don’t meet her gaze. Lily pokes her head through the robes and asks Rose if she’s okay. Rose nods but I can see her wheels of thought moving. Lily pesters Rose about what she saw but Rose refuses to answer. Lily stops bothering her and picks up her book. After giving it back, Lily turns to me. I turn to face the window, watching Hogwarts come into view. She asks what Rose saw but I ignore her and say, “Nothing. It doesn’t matter anyway.” I feel my face grow hot. I turn my body from everyone else and put my Lupine Lawlessness book back into my trunk.
The train slows to a stop. Outside my window you can see the village of Hogsmeade. I’ve been there before one time with Tonks to visit Honeydukes. If you have an illness like me, you can practically always get what you want from pity. We stand up. Rose wishes us good luck with the Sorting before leaving. Lily and I walk out of the compartment and join the crowd of students walking down the train’s hallway. We emerge into the crisp autumn air, soaking it in.
“Firs’ years! Firs’ years!” a tall person shouts. Lily and I nervously walk up to him. “You t’o firs’ years?” he asks. We both nod. “I’m Rubeus Hagrid, keeper of keys, game keeper, and teacher at ‘ogwarts.” Lily smiles and introduces herself. “Anot’er Potter, eh. I still reme’ber your father.”
I take a deep breath and begin. “Hi, I’m Alexia Lupin.”
Hagrid looks at me, searching for a hint of Remus or Tonks in my face. “Blimey, Lupin!” Hagrid exclaims. “I thought Teddy was ‘n only child!”
“He is,” I respond.
Hagrid looks confused. “So you’re not re’ated to Remus Lupin?”
“Not technically speaking. I just live with them. I was taken in when I was seven.” Hagrid’s eyes glow with understanding before clapping a large hand to my back, hitting my scars. I wince. He removes his hand and continues calling out. A small group forms. Hagrid tells us to follow him down to the lake.
At the edge of the water are small boats with lanterns in the front. Lily and I climb into one. Another student, a girl with fluffy brown curls, climbs in. The girl takes a seat in the back, Lily sits in the front with the lantern, leaving me in the middle row. Hagrid pushes the boats off before getting into his own. He tells us about the giant squid, the merpeople and everything else that lives in the lake. I look up into the cloudless night sky, staring at the stars. The moon is more than a waning gibbous, reminding me that the full moon is in four days. I feel the gentle thud of the boat hitting land. All the students climb out and follow Hagrid up the stone path to the castle. He hurries us into the courtyard and outside the doors of the Great Hall. Hagrid says goodbye and walks inside.
A small, elderly woman walks out whom I assume is Professor McGonagall. “Good evening students. In a few moments you will walk into the Great Hall. You will stand quietly in a line waiting for your name to be called. When you are called, step forward and take a seat on the stool. I will place the Sorting Hat on your head. Whatever house it calls out will be the table you walk to. Everyone understand?” Her eyes sweep the crowd of students. There are murmurs of yes and head nods. “Well then, follow me.” She opens the doors and the hall silences. I look over at the Gryffindor table and I see Teddy smile at me. McGonagall leads us to the front. On a stool sits a beat up hat with a wide brim. Suddenly, it bursts into song,
“I was created by Gryffindor
Which house will you be in?
Hufflepuff who always wears a humble grin,
Or Ravenclaw smart beyond wit
Gryffindor, braver than most bit
Or Slytherin devious and clever
These houses will be forever
Or I’m not the Sorting Hat!”
The hall erupts into thundering applause. McGonagall grabs a piece of parchment off the table before proceeding to stand behind the Sorting Hat. She unrolles the parchment and announces, “Anthony, Federick!” A lanky boy with flat brown hair steps out of line and sits on the stool.
“RAVENCLAW!” the Sorting Hat shouts. McGonagall picks up the hat as Anthony walks away.
“Caterwall, Sherman!” she announces. A short boy with curly blond hair sits on the stool.
The Sorting Hat arely touched his head before shouting, “HUFFLEPUFF!”
A few names later, after a couple more Raveclaws, Slytherins, and Hufflepuffs, McGonagall shouts, “Lupin, Alexia!” The hall breaks out into whispers. I step out of line and hear the girl Lily and I rowed with snicker. I step up and sit on the wooden stool. McGonagall places the hat on my head. Instantly, I hear the Hat’s thoughts, “Maybe Slytherin; a bit of Ravenclaw there though.”
I interject its thoughts with, “Not Slytherin. Anything else.”
It takes this into consideration before thinking, “Hmm. You are a very brave person.”
“GRYFFINDOR!” the Sorting Hats shouts. McGonagall lifts the hat off before I walk down to Gryffindor table. Several older students pat my back and congratulate me. Teddy beams at me and I smile back. The ceremony finishes several names later. (Potter, Lily! “GRYFFINDOR” and Umbridge, Stephanie! “SLYTHERIN!”)
Dumbledore stands up, “There is a time for words. This is not the time. Let’s eat!” Suddenly food appears along with goblets full of pumpkin juice. I pick up some rarely done pieces of beef roast, boiled potatoes and salad that I plop on my plate. I take a bite and nearly choke. Food back home wasn’t anywhere near this good! All around me I hear the clink and clank of silverware. After a couple minutes, dessert appears out of thin air. A bowl of maple bacon ice cream appears where my plate was. Silently thanking the house-elves, I take a large bite. Conversations begin to start and become louder. Gryffindors around me ask if I’m related to Teddy.
“I’m not technically related. I just live with the Lupins,” I explain. This brings me more questions like when did I start living with them and how is it living with a werewolf. I answer, “Seven, but I don’t remember much about my previous family. As for Remus, he’s fine.” I deflect other questions about my parentage and lifestyle until Dumbledore stands up. The hall immediately quiets.
“Some notices for the term. Curfew is at ten pm for all students. The Forbidden Forest is off limits to first years but some older students should take notice of this too. Mr. Filch would like me to remind you that any Weasley Wizard Wheezes’ merchandise is prohibited. One last notice, avoid going near the Whomping Willow, it is currently sick and in bad health. This is a new year. Make the most of it. Study well and go great.” Dumbledore finishes.
Teddy stands up and shouts, “Gryffindor first years, this way!” He leads us up enchanted staircases that move and have trick steps. We stop at a portrait of a fat lady, ironically called the Fat Lady. Tedy gives her the password, Ibblediums. The Fat Lady swings her canvas open to reveal a warm looking room.
“This is the common room,” Teddy explains. I look around the red and gold room. There are several comfortable looking armchairs around a fireplace. On both sides there staircases spiraling up. “Girls on the right, boys to the left,” Teddy announces.
I march up the spiral staircase to the second floor. Inside I find my trunk at the foot of a bed. I dig in it for a nightshirt, hurrying to get changed. Two girls I don’t know walk in and introduce themselves as Michelle and Penny Gissenburg as I pull my arms into their sleeves. Lily walks in the room with another girl who introduces herself as Violet. Violet remembers my last name from the Sorting and asks if I’m a werewolf. I sigh before telling her that I’m adopted. I undo the sheets before climbing into bed. Violet keeps pestering me about my backstory so I tell her to talk to Lily.
“Goodnight,” I say to nobody in particular. Before falling asleep I shoot out of bed and release Nim. “Goodnight girl,” I whisper to her. Climbing back into bed, I fall into a deep sleep instantly.
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