Draco and y\n FanFic

written by Loona

When Hogwarts finds out what spell Voldermort is going to use in his next attack , Hogwarts starts preparing the students using subjects a magic school wouldnt teach..... rumours spread about 2 students in Hogwarts.... will Draco and y/n really fall in love? This book will have tragides and betrayal , love and friendship , some characters may even have to face their deepest darkest fears.... read on to find out what happens next... (this is my first book so plz understand if there is typos or if the story line isnt good , i will improve)

Last Updated






Hogwarts -

Chapter 2
Your now infront of Hogwarts

"Loona hurry up!" - Harry
"why are yall running?" - me
Harry , Hermione and Ron slow down


You head to your dorm (harry ron and hermione are in gryffindor , you and draco are in slytherin)
" Are you following me?" - Malfoy snaps
" No , im going to my dorm" - me
" are you in slytherin?" - malfoy
" yes" - me
" i have never seen you in slytherin before " - malfoy
" same here " - me


i immediately turn off my alarm clock and accidentally drift back to sleep


there is a call on the speaker telling all students and professors to head to the great hall


you quickly wake up and panick since your late
" gosh what am i going to do ?! i still have to get dressed and i will have to sneak in to the great hall i really dont want detention " - you say panicked

" oi hurry up" - malfoy
" what are you doing here ?" - me
" professor mad eye told me to come get you" - malfoy
" wait.....SO IM GETTING DETENTION??!! " - me
" no your not , professor mad eye is on your side " - malfoy
" ok imma quickly get dressed so can you exit the room please? " - me
" ok , hurry up " - malfoy


" hurry up ! " - malfoy
" 1 minute im still doing my makeup- " - me
" dont waste makeup , your ugly anyways " - malfoy
" eXcUsE mE ?? iM OfFeNdEd " - me
" just hurry up " - malfoy
" ok malfoy " - me
" dont call me malfoy , call me draco , i dont like the name malfoy it reminds me of tin foil " - Draco
" but malfoy is a nice name- " - me
" i said call me DRACO " - Draco
" sheesh ok draco "
draco smiles
" ok im done now " - me
" ok follow me dont make a sound , when i tell you to crouch or hide then that means you- " - draco
" ok ok i get it " me
" good " - me

we are now at the door of the great hall

" ok so we wont go through the door , we will go through a secret passage " - draco
" ok" - me
draco peformes some spell and swishes his wand , in the brick wall , a door had formed

"wow " - i whisper
" follow me " - draco

he leads me through the dark passage . We had finally reached the other end and draco slightly opens the door revealing the Great hall

" ok now we have to unfourtunately crawl " *draco sighs*
" ok " - me
" follow me " - draco
" dont make a sound"- draco
i nod my head
we are now currently crawling on the floor , trying to go to our seats .We succecfully reach our seats and take a seat
i atempt to catch my breath
" why are you catching your breath? its not like we ran " - draco whispered
" well i was nervous- just listen to the assembly " - me
" we now have a idea of what spells you-know-who is going to use in his next attack , therefore to be prepared we are putting new classes in place . " - Professor Dumbledore
" this includes physical education " - Professor Dumbledore
"it better not have anything to do with balls " - draco whispered under his breath
" what?" - me
" i have a fear of balls- wait why am i even telling you this- " - draco
" because we are friends " -me
" since when were we friends- " - draco
" since now " - me
" ok? " - draco
" i have a fear of water " - me
" well theres a activity with water and balls involved " - draco
" how do you know?" - me
" because Professor Dumbledore just said it " - draco
"oh RIP to both of us " - me
" yeah " - draco
" there will also be more study time where everyone will need to study and also we will have new students at Hogwarts so you will have to have roommates now , any questions ? " - professor dumbledore
Neville puts his hand up
" yes? " - professor Dumbledore
" when will we be assigned roommates ? " - Neville
" ah! good question , tomorrow afternoon we will have a assembly and we will tell you your assigned roommate , if you have any suggestions of who you want your roommate to be , there is a bowl in front of your room put your suggestion in before 12pm tomorrow and we will collect the bowls and consider your suggestion , have i answered your question Neville? " - professor dumbledore
" yes you have " - neville
" then i guess that concludes our assembly this evening have a lovely rest of the day , Loona and Draco come see me in my office...." Professor Dumbledore

To be continued.........

(i will upload the next chapter either today or tomorrow idk)
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