How It all began
written by I'm Sorry
"Not.... not" her voice faltered, it just couldn't be. (just a line from the book!) By: Ginny S.
Last Updated
How It Started
Chapter 1
This is how it had all begun, over the summer holidays, and I was having a sleepover with my friends. I had sat down at breakfast and my friends had arrived at 8:00 in the morning. I was very exited for the events I had planned for later. But first our stomachs needed filling and our mouths needed to talk. Of course, as always Errol (#worstowlever) ran into the window and embarrassed me and my family, as usual.
That day was usual. Until the floods broke lose.
Ginny was surrounded by her friends in her room when the initial explosion came. There was a bomb noise and the whole house shuddered. "What was that?!?!?!" Cried Ginny, "RUN" yelled Luna, but it was to late. A loud Boom echoed around the house and it shuddered and swayed. "Run! Its going to fall! They must want us out! Go go go!" Screeched Hermione. They ran down the steps along with many members of the Weasly clan. Ginny and her friends Ran outside and put there hands up. In front of them stood twenty death eaters, who where clearly pleased to see they had come out.
Hermione, Ginny, Luna, Angulina, and the rest of the Weasley's (excluding Bill, Charlie, and Percy) where surrounded. Suddenly Harry Potter ran out of the woods and stopped then yelled " Hey! Leave them alone!" "Now he's done it!" Whisper yelled Ron. Harry turned and ran back into the forest with the death-eaters in hot pursuit.
That day was usual. Until the floods broke lose.
Ginny was surrounded by her friends in her room when the initial explosion came. There was a bomb noise and the whole house shuddered. "What was that?!?!?!" Cried Ginny, "RUN" yelled Luna, but it was to late. A loud Boom echoed around the house and it shuddered and swayed. "Run! Its going to fall! They must want us out! Go go go!" Screeched Hermione. They ran down the steps along with many members of the Weasly clan. Ginny and her friends Ran outside and put there hands up. In front of them stood twenty death eaters, who where clearly pleased to see they had come out.
Hermione, Ginny, Luna, Angulina, and the rest of the Weasley's (excluding Bill, Charlie, and Percy) where surrounded. Suddenly Harry Potter ran out of the woods and stopped then yelled " Hey! Leave them alone!" "Now he's done it!" Whisper yelled Ron. Harry turned and ran back into the forest with the death-eaters in hot pursuit.