Draco Malfoy and the Sleep of Fleeting Death

written by Leilani

Draco Malfoy: Proud, sophisticated pureblood, wizard, and potioneer; survivor of the War, ex-death-eater, sole heir to the Malfoy legacy, and sufferer of nightmares. He's tired of the nightmares that plague him; so he begins to create a potion to stop them. This is all very simple. So how in the name of Merlin did Potter get involved? Also on Wattpad (SatansIncarnation). The story is mine; credit for the characters and settings goes to JK Rowling.

Last Updated






Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Nicholas Flamel, and the Exchange

Chapter 9
When the sun's rays began to finally peak over the hills Draco and Potter had descended from, Draco decided enough was enough. He'd lost count of how many wards he'd cast; his eyes ached from observing the same landscape over and over. His skin prickled from the cold, his lips had long ago turned numb, and his fingers seemed frozen in a tight grip on his wand. Still, he hadn't left his position by Potter's side the entire night.

Now, he cast a Levicorpus, and had Potter's body follow him over to the plains and to Flamel's house.

By the time he and Potter's slow, heavy body had reached the small abode, the sun had risen considerably, its rays now warming the frozen ground, chasing away the coldness of the night. Flamel's windows were lit, curtains parted once more. Draco stepped through the wall.

"Ah, Mr. Malfoy," Flamel greeted him. "I presume you have the Stone?"

Skipping straight to the subject, then, and not one question asked about the unconscious, floating Chosen One behind Draco. "Yes."

Flamel clapped his hands and rose from his chair in front of the fireplace. "Lovely, just lovely. Yes, I have the recipe for my stone just over here-" he walked over to the mantelpiece and picked up a framed photo; he took out the photo and showed Draco the recipe on the back. It was a handwritten list of ingredients followed by a method; Draco stepped forwards to take a cursory glance over it and Flamel snatched it back. "The Resurrection Stone, please," he said, holding out his hand. Draco went to reach into his pocket and withdraw the Stone when he realised- he didn't have it. Potter did.

He turned back to Potter- still asleep, silent and still. The edges of the Resurrection stone were barely visible in his pocket. Draco could easily take it out and exchange it, but... This was Potter's stone. What if he wanted to use it one last time? Oh, dear Merlin, Draco was going soft.

Nonetheless, he turned back to Flamel and said, "No, thank you, I'll wait for my companion to awaken."

Flamel, looking slightly offended, withdrew his hand. "I see. When he wakes, come back."

Draco headed out, back through the wall, resigning himself to waiting out there until Potter woke up.

He didn't have to wake very long.

Potter- who he'd let down earlier, and had since slept still and rigid- started frowning, mumbling, and twisting in his sleep; then he started kicking and flailing, and his mumbles turned into incoherent shouts; Draco scrambled away so as not to be hit. Potter jerked awake very suddenly, eyes flying open. He looked around wildly for a few moments before he spotted Draco. He squinted and, hesitantly, asked, "Malfoy?"

"Obviously," Draco drawled. "Who else?"

Potter bristled, on-edge from what Draco deduced had been a nightmare. "Well, I don't have my glasses, and we'd been attacked by bloody werewolves last I remember. Are we still in Flamel's place?"

Draco fished Potter's glasses out of his pocket where he'd kept them while Potter rested, handing them over as he spoke. "Yeah. I couldn't very well leave here with you asleep; you have to be awake to leave here."

"Did you give Flamel the stone?" Potter asked, slipping on his glasses.

Draco shifted uncomfortably. "No, I- I didn't know if you were done with it, and I didn't want to give it over without your permission. After all, you have the dead family members, not me."

Potter blinked, then let out a quiet, "Oh." After a moment, he added, "Er- thanks, Malfoy. You didn't have to do that, but- thanks. I did talk to my parents and Sirius and everyone last night, though, but thank you."

Draco looked away. "Least I could do." Then he decided that he had been kind enough to Potter to make up for all his previous years of terribleness and threw up his usual Malfoy aristocratism. "In any case, now you're awake, let's go trade the Stone."

Flamel was still sat before the fireplace. When Draco walked in, he stood, picking up the photo and recipe. "Ready to exchange now, boy?"

"Yeah," Potter replied, holding out the stone for Flamel. Flamel went to inspect it and Potter snatched it back, the same way Flamel had with the Philosopher's stone earlier. "The recipe?"

"Right here," Flamel said irritably.

Potter stepped forwards, holding the stone in one hand, the other open for the recipe. Flamel passed the photo, eyes trained on the Resurrection stone. He took it from Potter's hand almost gingerly. "Alright," he said. "That's everything. Go on, now, off you go."

Potter turned, holding the recipe, and walked out the door without a backwards glance.

"Right. Thank you, Mr. Flamel," Draco said, but Flamel just waved him off.

The boys only walked a few steps outside the house before they returned to the real world in a beam of white light. Draco didn't quite know how it worked; he just willed to return home and he disappeared from this place, Potter beside him.

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