The Hogwarts Daily News Issue #106

written by Lucy Peña

Read our new Interview with the famous HiH author Louisa S R W! Learn about a new HDN project, and news! Do a quiz to know in which house your pet is in! Read Part three of the Ticking Clock, a short story! We have Muggle and Wizarding news just for you! Make sure not to miss them! Find out the answer to Peeves Magical Halloween Mystery!

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Interview with Louisa SRW (interview)

Chapter 1

Interview with Louisa SRW

In today’s issue we have a special interview with no other than the great writer Louisa Snape Riddle Weasley (SRW)!

Lucy: Thank you so much Louisa for being here! It’s such an honor! I’m curious how did you find HiH?

Louisa: Oh, nice and easy to start with. I found it on instagram.

Lucy: Ah, okay! Very cool! What inspired you to start writing?

Louisa: Well, I'm afraid that's a darker story, that's a little harder to understand. One that I'm getting to, I promise. I've already written it, so I guess you just have to keep reading. I didn't start out to write. Not the way I am now. It's just once I started, I realised I couldn't stop. The pain left me. But I want people to understand my side. It's very different from this side of the looking glass.

Also the first one I wrote was about Tonks. It was for an astronomy project. I was asked to right about my hero. I wrote about Tonks, but my professor said "it's good but can you try writing it from a younger perspective." This kind of set me thinking. I did 2 and you can read them both. My hero - Tonks. Looking at it I can see what he means but I'm an adult. I managed to find the actual one from my second year. she had just left. I was devastated. All good things though

Lucy: That’s profound. I’m sure that is true. I’m sure that there were ups, and downs. I’m glad you overcame them. I will also read the one about Tonks it sounds great! What is your favorite thing you have written?

Louisa: Oooo tricky... well I think that would be my play "return home" that comes in four parts. It's hard to write something so long but that was good.

Lucy: Ah, yeah, that’s a good one. I really like it! What is your favorite thing about HiH?

Louisa: HIH... well it's easily said and worth remembering, that it fills a gap. One that perhaps I don't remember I had lost in the first place. I remember being told so much when I was at Hogwarts, but It really is true, education is wasted on the young, and sometimes I look at my answers for things and think... "my uncle would have killed me for saying that". I often hear his voice, because doing the lessons here brings back so much memory to me. Anyway I love doing the lessons. practicing, learning, trying to remember what it was really like.

Lucy: Yes, HiH really is the best. What people that are in HiH would you thank?

Louisa: Well I assume that's everyone excluding JKR, who I already thanked.
Probably the professors that are keeping up with the students and marking work when they don't have to, and everyone who is on that keeps it going, creating the network is important all the time.

Lucy: Of course, very true. What are some of your fondest memories in HiH?

Louisa: I started doing well in astronomy (after asking for extra math lessons) and I started taking initiative for myself. I may not have a telescope but I did things by hand, and then suddenly I was wanting to take down the degrees of a star that I had seen. From that one lesson, I proceeded to collect a mountain of information and it didn't stop.

Lucy: Wow! That’s really great! What is your favorite HiH book that you haven’t written?

Louisa: I have 2 in my bookcase.
1) Rune Dictionary - Professor Wessex.
2) Betrayed - Lucy Layton (work in progress)

Lucy: They look really great, I’d be sure to check them out. Who is your favorite Harry Potter character, who you aren’t related too.

Louisa: I'm afraid that there are few magical people that I am NOT related to. Somewhere along the line I have a link with the Black family, the Lestrange family, Peverells, Weasleys, Prewetts, one after another. I think my favourite would have to be Kingsley Shacklebolt.

Lucy: I didn’t know that! Live, and learn! How many books have you written in the HiH library?

Louisa: It's a lot of books and I think I've covered quite a few subjects. 247 is my number of books, (as of today) Some are really long and take time to go threw and some you need to keep track of. Don't forget there are also essays and assignments that I hand in too. so there is quite a lot that goes on. books, plays, 101 guides. You name it, chances are I've written it.

Lucy: Very impressive! What is some advice you’d give to new writers. You need

Louisa: To understand your characters inside out. What would they say, how would they react in a situation?Make it interesting. If you don't want to read it why would someone else.

Lucy: Excelente! Very good advice! Anything you might want to add to the interview?

Louisa: Oh! me? No I think that everything you need to know about me is written in what I write.

Lucy: Well, thank you so much, Louisa for being here! Everyone check out Louisa’s books in the library they are amazing! With that this interview ends. Have a great day!

Interviewer ~ Lucy Peña, manager of HDN

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