Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone... but not really

written by Jovana Gryles

"Slytherin... all dark witches and wizards were once Slytherins." "Yes... but that doesn't make every Slytherin evil. I can't explain it I just know that I wouldn't fit in any of the other houses." "I never told you that I'm expecting to be sorted into Slytherin." "Didn't have to. It's the house that suits you the most." "And that's a bad thing?" "No. It means I've never met anyone with so much drive, so hardworking, so ambitious. You'll make a fine Slytherin and an even finer witch." 'Or perhaps in Slytherin You'll make your real friends, Those cunning folks use any means To achieve their ends.'

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Chapter 9
Diagon Alley Part 2

We went through the other stores relatively quickly, buying the books in a shop called Flourish and Blotts where Harry had the bright idea to find a curse to use on Dudley which I supported wholeheartedly.
We went to a few second hand shops where Harry allowed me to buy some of my school supplies myself to spare a little of my dignity.
We collected our cauldrons, two sets of scales, some basic potion ingredients, telescopes. However Hagrid and Harry made sure, that I'd be left with enough Galleons to pay for my own wand.
I am very grateful for that. I wouldn't want someone else buying my wand. It would never really feel like mine. I am also grateful Harry is helping me out so kindly. I'd make sure to repay him for everything he's done for me as soon as I could.
"Just yer wands left," hagrid says to us "Oh yeah, an' I still haven't gotten yeh a birthday present." he says to Harry.
"You don't have to-" Harry says red in the face.
"I know I don't have to. Tell yeh what, I'll get yer animal. Not a toad, toads went outta fashion years ago, yeh'd be laughed at, an' I don't like cats, they make me sneeze. I'll get yer an owl. All the kids want owls, they're dead useful, carry yer mail an' everythin'."
Hagrid looks at me weirdly "Yeh kids go an' get your wands at Ollivanders. I'll meet yeh there." with these words he leaves Harry and me standing.
"That was odd, right?" I ask.
Harry shrugs "Not odder than anything else... do you know where Ollivanders is?"
I shake my head. I walk towards an older lady "Excuse me, ma'am, would you mind pointing us towards Ollivanders?"
She smiles "Of course dear, it's just down the street right there to the right." She points down the narrow street.
I smile "Thank you very much." I grab Harry by the arm and we walk towards Ollivanders. We are both excited. Our own wands. To make actual magic.
I've tried Hermione's wand before, of course, but that would be my own. I f I had been this good with Hermione's, who knows how good I would be at charms with my own wand.
We stop in front of the narrow and shabby shop. Peeling gold letters over the door read Ollivanders: Makers of Fine Wands since 382 B.C.
382 B.C.? Blimey... that's... a long time. As we step inside a bell rings somewhere in the shop. It is tiny, empty except for a chair.
Harry seems a little nervous as he looks around.
"You okay?" I ask.
He nods and says much quieter, almost whispering "It feels weird in here. Not bad... just weird."
I nod. It does feel weird. Every part of my body is tingling with magic in a way it never has before.
"Good afternoon." greets us a soft voice.
Harry jumps a little, I keep in a chuckle.
"Hello." I say politely and so does Harry.
He looks a little awkward.
The man standing in front of us examines Harry closely "Ah yes. Yes, yes. I thought I'd be seeing you soon. Harry Potter. You have your mother's eyes. It seems only yesterday she was in here herself buying her first wand. Ten and a quarter inches long, swishy, made of willow. Nice wand for charm work." his wide, pale eyes wander to me.
I take a deep breath. What if he knows me also. What if he knows my mother. What if he remembers my mother and her eyes and her first wand?
But he just looks... sad? as he asks "And your name is?"
I sigh "Haven Wilderwald." again, just sadness, as if he is holding something back.
Does he know my parents? Are they dead? Could he tell me anything please?
"Petty name." he says.
Then he focuses back on Harry "Your father, my boy, favoured a mahogany wand. Eleven inches. Pliable. A little more power and excellent for transfiguration." there's the anger and jealousy again.
If he knows so much, If he remembers so much and he clearly knows me then why the fuck doesn't he tell me about my parents? I puff angrily.
Ollivander looks at me for a second then continues talking to Harry "Well, I say your father favoured it, it's really the wand that chooses the wizard, of course." the old man is now standing very closely to Harry "And that's where..." he touches the scar on Harry's forehead "I'm sorry to say I sold the wand-" I blend him out as he keep talking about the next wand he had perfectly memorized.
Instead I look around a little more. Part of just wants to grab a wand and threaten him to tell me what he knows about me. I don't like the feeling of anger boiling inside me like this. It makes me irrational and dumb so I swallow it.
As I look around my eyes stop at one specific wand. It doesn't look very special except for the handle which is embraced by a golden snake-like detail. The wood of the handle is a lot lighter than the wood of the rest of the wand, which is basically black.
I can feel my neck tingling as I look at it. Unconsciously I walk closer towards it. My fingers tingle like insane as I reach my hand out towards it.
The tingle in my hand is almost unbearable as the old man grabs me by the wrist. "It seems this wand has chosen you."
"Sorry I didn't mean to touch it... I mean I did but not on purpose. It was weird."
"That's okay. This is the wand choosing it's owner. But let me give it to you. It's one of the stronger wands, wouldn't want anything to happen." he takes it from the shelve.
Everything is tingling.
"Sycamore and dragon heartstring core, 12 ¾ inches and unyielding flexibility. This kind of wands tend to be the ones with the most power, and which are capable of the most flamboyant spells. It learns more quickly than other types. But beware, it gets bored easily. If your spells are too mundane it might just break. And the flexibility... you must be a stubborn child, just like your wand." he laughs.
"Here, give it a flick." as I finally take it in my hand I feel so complete everything else seems meaningless.
I decide to try a simple spell as I whisper lumos. One of the spells Hermione made me try with her wand but this time my wand lights up the entire shop. It's so bright in fact, that we cover our eyes.
"Nox" I whisper and the light goes out.
"Impressive." The man whispers "I feel you might offer the other kids at Hogwarts quite a challenge."
I smile softly.
"Now back to you" the man turns back to Harry "where were we?"
"You wanted me to try that wand" Harry points at the wand the man was still holding in his hand.
"Oh yes, indeed. Right then, Mr. Potter. Beechwood and dragon heartstring- like hers," he points the wand at me "nine inches. Nice and flexible. Just take it and give it a wave."
Harry takes the wand and waves it around but Mr. Ollivander snatches it back immediately "Maple and phoenix feather. Seven inches. Quite whippy. Try."
Harry waves it again and Ollivander takes it back again
"No, no. Here, ebony and unicorn hair, eight and a half inches, springy. Go on, go on, try it out." Harry does as he's told.
I laugh as Ollivander takes that one back and reaches him the next one. And the next one, and the next one.
I sit down in the chair as I watch Harry grow more desperate with each wand.
I spot a feather sitting on the counter next to Ollivander and Harry. "Wingardium Leviosa." I whisper to not disturb Harry, and give my new wand a little swish and flick.
The feather floats at my command and I move it a little closer to me and just watch it bounce around at the movement of my wand.
What was the story behind this spell? The levitation spell. Hermione and I had studied it.
Developed in the sixteenth century by a warlock named Jarleth Hobart. During a demonstration of the charm he had attempted to make himself float but when he couldn't get as high as he wanted he thought his clothes were too heavy and holding him down.
He took them off and fell to the floor because his clothes were actually what was floating and not him.
Turns out you can't levitate people. At least not with this spell.
You would want to use the Levicorpus charm for that but that on levitates the target by the ankle... I guess if you want to fly you should just use your broom... I am distracted from my floating feather as a stream of red and gold sparks shoot from Harry's wand like a firework.
Finally. They talk a little more and then it's finally time to get up, pay for our wands and leave.
"Merlin's beard Potter, you are exhausting." I laugh as I take his hand in which he holds his wand to examine it closer.
"Nice one" I say "But-" I show him my wand "Mines bigger." I laugh.
He seems distraught but lets out a little laugh.
"So, you and Voldemort are like, wand brothers, hm?"
He gives me a shocked look.
I raise my hands in defence "Just trying to diffuse the tension."
He smiles "I'm just a little surprised to hear someone say his name. Today is the first time I've hear of him and everybody keeps talking about him but only as you know who or he who must not be named."
I shrug "I'm not really scared of a name.
"Yeh should be." says a voice behind us and we both turn around in shock only to look at Hagrid's giant figure standing right there. He's carrying two owls, one birdcage on each hand. A snow white one and a jet-black one.
"I figured, it was your birthday as well, jus a few days ago, so yeh deserved a present as well." he says directly to me as he hands me the cage with the black owl in it.
I feel myself turn just as red as Harry did before "Oh Hagrid really, you didn't have to-"
"Again, I know. But I wanted ter." the giant smiles kindly at me.
I hug him, well I put my arms as far as around him as I can.
"Thank you so much Hagrid. This means the world to me." I can feel a few stupid tears filling my eyes as he pats my back softly.
Then he gives Harry the birdcage with the white owl "Happy Birthday, Harry." he starts stammering a few thanks.
"Don't mention it" Hagrid says gruffly. "Yeh kids get your wands?" we both nod.
"It was crazy. We walked in and Haven found hers in like seconds. Didn't even need Mr. Ollivander to help her." Harry tells Hagrid excitedly.
"He on the other hand-" I point at Harry "went through probably fifty different wands until he found the right one. But it's a good one..."
Harry smiles at me for not telling Hagrid what made the wand so special. We make our way all the way back down the Alley, the afternoon sun hanging low in the sky.
"Notice something, Potter?" I ask and point at our owls.
"What?" he asks "Mine has jet-black feathers like certain someone-" I ruffle through his hair "And yours, white feathers.." I add.
He smiles. "I hadn't noticed. Should we name them after each other?"
I laugh "No I think you already have the perfect name for yours, don't you."
He smiles softly "I was thinking Hedwig."
I nod "That's a lot better."
"What are you gonna name yours?" He asks.
I lift the birdcage looking at my calmly sleeping owl. "Salem." I smile.
"Salem? That's a little demonic don't you think?"
I laugh "I am a witch with a black pet. Nothing would be more fitting."
We leave the Alley, make our way back through the Leaky Cauldron, where I am a little scared to run into Quirrell but luckily he is nowhere to be seen.
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