Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone... but not really

written by Jovana Gryles

"Slytherin... all dark witches and wizards were once Slytherins." "Yes... but that doesn't make every Slytherin evil. I can't explain it I just know that I wouldn't fit in any of the other houses." "I never told you that I'm expecting to be sorted into Slytherin." "Didn't have to. It's the house that suits you the most." "And that's a bad thing?" "No. It means I've never met anyone with so much drive, so hardworking, so ambitious. You'll make a fine Slytherin and an even finer witch." 'Or perhaps in Slytherin You'll make your real friends, Those cunning folks use any means To achieve their ends.'

Last Updated







Chapter 6
Harry And Hagrid

The next days were hell. I was a homeless eleven year old roaming the streets of London with  £100 in my pocket I couldn't spend, my Hogwarts papers in the other pocket I mustn't lose and a really empty stomach.
I had found a park with a water dispenser which saved me from dehydration but the rest was hell. At night I would sneak behind restaurants and search through their trash like a fucking raccoon on the desperate hunt for something to eat. Most of it was too disgusting to even consider.
Another problem was the smell. Not the food's though, but my own. No shower, no clothes to change.
I suppose I am lucky to be stranded in England where the summers aren't that painfully hot but still... hot enough to drench my clothes in sweat.
I hated those 5 days with a burning passion.
At midnight July 31st I moved under the Big Ben circling around it. Sadly none of my visions told me whether Hagrid was gonna pick Harry up at the beginning of his birthday or at the end so I prepared for a long night and day and more night of waiting.
But my luck continues. I wait maybe an hour before I hear a familiar voice "she's quite short, pale and has really big hair white, odd looking hair." gee thanks.
I run towards the voices and what I see no vision could've prepared me for. I knew Hagrid was a giant but holy shit.
He's a giant. "So yeh are the girl we are looking fer?"
I swallow down the surprise and nod.
"An' yeh need our help?" I nod again.
"An' yeh are a witch?" my third nod.
Still unable to speak I hand him my Hogwarts letter. It looks tiny in his massive hands. "Haven Wilderwald. How can I help yeh?"
I take a deep breath "First thing I don't have an owl. The letter says they expect my owl until tomorrow. I don't have one and I don't know what to do."
"Gallopin' Gorgons, that reminds me," he says, looking down at Harry and clapping a hand to his forehead with enough force to break down a wall. From a pocket inside his overcoat he pulls an owl. Just like that, an entire living owl, from a pocket, a long quill, and a roll of paper. With his tongue between his teeth he scribbles a note.
Dear Professor Dumbledore,
Giving Harry his letter, found another witch too, Haven Wilderwald.
Taking him to buy his things tomorrow.
Weather's horrible. Hope you're well.
He rolls the note up, gives it to the owl and throws it toward the sky. Yeah everyday things. I do it all the time. Harry looks rather confused himself. Poor boy. It appears that he really opened my note the second he first met Hagrid and just rolled with everything that happened up to this point.
"I suppose you have some explaining to do." I say to Hagrid "I'll leave you to it. Pick me up when Harry understands what's going on." and with these words I strut towards the next bench.
I watch closely as Harry opens his letter. He reads it closely then looks up to Hagrid. They talk for a while. I see Harry's face slowly lighten up and it warms my heart. He's about to go through so much shit at Hogwarts but it will be better than the life he's living right now.
Eventually they approach me "Yeh have some explaining ter do as well", Hagrid says to me.
I nod "I suppose I do. There's not a lot I can explain though."
"Yeh better tell me summat though. How did yeh even know ter give harry this note?"
Harry seems to want to know the answer to that as well. I suppose he had assumed Hagrid had told me.
"Can I tell you in private?" I as, giving Harry a quick glance. I didn't want him believing I was insane before school even started. But maybe Hagrid could help me. Harry doesn't look to thrilled. He probably thinks I don't trust him. Also not ideal, I really hope to have some friends.
Hagrid nods and wanders of to the side "Come on then" he signals me to follow him. He gives me an expecting look "Go on" alright then "Basically, I have no idea who I am or where I'm from. I have no idea, whether I've got a home, or parents. All I've got is my name and... these visions. I don't-"
"Visions?" Hagrid interrupts.
I nod "It's weird I can't really control them, unless I concentrate really hard." truth be told, I had spent the past days trying my hardest to find out anything new but I got nothing except for a closer look on the Hogwarts express. And definitely nothing on my past.
"I found out about Harry Potter through the visions. I also saw that you were gonna pick him up today I knew this was my only shot to get to Hogwarts." I fish the list of necessities out of my pocket "I don't know how to get to Diagon Alley either, nor if this-" I show him my stolen collection of  £167 "will be enough to get everything I need." I feel ashamed. Ashamed and disgusted for exposing myself as somebody who needed so much help.
Hagrid examines the money in my hand. "Your muggle money won' get yeh far. But those are at least 50 galleons yeh got there. We have ter go ter Gringotts bank anyways, can covert it there. Maybe we can leave some o' the things away. Important are wand an' robes."
I can feel myself giving him a bitter smile "What about tuition? What about the books and all the other things?" I hate this. This entire being poor bullshit is rubbish.
"Don' worry. Hogwarts is a public wizarding school, not a private one. There is a special fund at hogwarts fer poor students. Yeh may have ter buy your robes an' books second-hand, but  your tuition in covered." it's bittersweet. I am relieved but I still feel pathetic.
"Wha''s interesting ter me is the vision thing" he mumbles under his thought analysing me from head to toe.
I shrug "I've told you all I know." I'm prepared to go back to Harry but Hagrid grabs my shoulder
"D'you know when your birthday is?" why is he even asking this.
I shake my head ready to let it go.
"Well, when did yeh get your letter?"
"Hogwarts students receive their letters on their eleventh birthday."
That would put my birthday on July, 26th... "Are you sure? I got the letter on July 26th. But that's the first day I remember."
"Hogwarts don' make mistakes with this. So now yeh know. Can have a party nex' year." he gives me a pat on the back which pushes me at least a meter forwards.
I can't help but smile. Haven Wilderwald, eleven years old, born July 26th, 1980. That's a whole lot of information.
We go back to Potter who had patiently waited where we left him. He gives us a curious look, hoping we'd let him in on the mystery but Hagrid just says "Change o' plans, the girl is comin' with us tomorrow. But now we gotta find a place ter sleep."
I chuckle. At this point finding a place to sleep is a ridiculous concept to me. I tiredly eye the bench but Hagrid takes Harry and me to a hotel nearby. The Rising Sun. I never even noticed it before.
Before he can enter into the lobby I grab him by the end of his coat "Hagrid, with all due respect, don't you think muggles would be a little out of by a giant entering the lobby? I mean you are a little taller than people are familiar with.
He raises his eyebrows but then just laughs. "Wizards need a place ter sleep too. There's always places fer people like us. Yeh jus need ter know how ter find 'em." with these words he opens the door for us and we enter.
Hagrid approaches the registry and leaves Harry and I to ourselves.The entrance hall has to be one of the most beautiful places I could imagine.
High ceilings, golden chandeliers, pillars of marble accentuated with more gold. The walls are decorated with paintings of witches and wizards, mythical creatures and some still lives, all framed in the same shade of gold as the other decorations. 
Every image appears to magically be alive in its own way. The subjects is moving around, doing it's own thing. Some of the wizards seem to be communicating with each other. 
This imagery offers me a first look into Hogwarts. For a second I see moving staircases and more of those peculiar artworks before I snap back into reality.
"Wow..." whispers Harry next to me. He eyes each painting with fascination. I envy him for the amazement he must be feeling right now.
I'm afraid that nothing's going to surprise me because whenever I see something amazing happen my brain automatically connects it to my future, as if I'd seen it happen a thousand times.
I try to block out everything my brain is telling me as I examine the room further but eventually I settle on watching Harry's eyes glistening with excitement as they wander. Eventually he catches me staring and looks to the ground in what seems to be embarrassment.
I step closer to him "Quite a wonderous place, don't you think?" I whisper. He glances at me with surprise and then nods. "Wait until you see Hogwarts though. It'll nock you right out your socks."
"Not to be rude, but why are you talking to me? You don't seem to like me a lot." He responds to my attempt at making conversation.
I tilt my head "What makes you think that?"
"You seemed annoyed at me when we first talked. You always look at me like you hate me..."
I raise my eyebrows. That's something to look out for. I had noticed in mirrors that I was quite mean looking. But I didn't expect it to rest whilst talking to others.
"Besides. You don't even trust me enough to tell Hagrid what you had to tell him in front of me. Do you expect me to share it with the rest of the school the second we arrive?"
I smile "Don't be ridiculous. Truth be told, I am embarrassed. You'll find out soon enough, I simply hoped for one night of dignity."
"What could be so embarrassing? You don't really expect me to be judgemental, do you?" I shake my head.
"It's not about that. I just don't want people to know."
"Know what?"
"My circumstances are just... a little weird. Quite frankly the lesser people know, the better. I just hope that someone at Hogwarts can help me with it."
He raises his eyebrows "You can trust me with whatever it is you know, if you wanna talk about it."
I nod and he begins to wander off.
"That reminds me." It's his birthday today. I had stolen a pack of Nut Crisps earlier that night for him. "Happy Birthday, Harry." I say as I give it to him.
He knows we're both poor as it comes so he takes it with great appreciation "Thanks, Haven." He smiles. 
"I don't hate you. Not at all. I hope we can be friends, actually."
He grins "I'd like that a lot."
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