Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone... but not really

written by Jovana Gryles

"Slytherin... all dark witches and wizards were once Slytherins." "Yes... but that doesn't make every Slytherin evil. I can't explain it I just know that I wouldn't fit in any of the other houses." "I never told you that I'm expecting to be sorted into Slytherin." "Didn't have to. It's the house that suits you the most." "And that's a bad thing?" "No. It means I've never met anyone with so much drive, so hardworking, so ambitious. You'll make a fine Slytherin and an even finer witch." 'Or perhaps in Slytherin You'll make your real friends, Those cunning folks use any means To achieve their ends.'

Last Updated







Chapter 3
The Longest Car-ride Of The Shortest Life

We spent hours on studying, spent hours on memorizing facts about Hogwarts history, potions, spells, different magical beings.
First I really didn't understand why she was doing any of it, it was as if she was trying her hardest to be a know it all looking to brag with her knowledge but by now I understand why she does it.
It's fun. The second I get my own wand at I'm already going to know enough spells to get me through the first year at Hogwarts. Plus it was really calming to know so much about the school and the teachers. As someone who has never been involved with magic before it can only be frightening to suddenly have a change of life and start going to a wizarding school.
Who knows, maybe that's just me though. Fact is, I need a plan because right now, I am a nobody with no place to go, absolutely no money to even get a wand and not even a pair of fresh clothes. Furthermore I don't have a clue what day it is and how long I'm going to have to wait until I can finally dress in school attire and pretend like I'm just a normal person that didn't just fall out of the sky.
There is one thing I figure to be quite important. I need to meet Harry Potter. And Ron Weasley, maybe. Harry Potter is my plan. Finding him, talking to him, befriending him. Also, getting a job. That's another plan. It brings a small problem with it, being that I am a literal child and children aren't really the main demographic in the work environment. So job and meet Harry Potter... easy.
Also I need to leave Hermione's house before I make everybody uncomfortable or worse, they invite me to stay for dinner. I interrupt Hermione in her ongoing monologue about Jarleth Hobart, the creator of the levitation charm "Hey Hermione, do you think you could help me find someone? Like, in a phone book."
she looks confused "Who do you want to find?" good question.
I can't say Harry Potter, that's not how things work. I try my hardest to concentrate on him, I mean this vision thing has got to work somehow, right? I picture his face and try to look into his past and indeed I catch a glimpse on a street sign reading privet drive, I see a house number plate, a four. Then a name jumps into my head. Dursley. Dudley Dursley, a little fat boy who made my blood boil of rage.
"Er- Family name Dursley, Privet Drive, 4 but I don't know the postal code or anything" I expect an answer of Hermione but she just looks at me in shock. Her eyes are wide open and she moved away from me.
"What just happened?" she asks with a shaky voice.
"What do you mean?"
"Your eyes they just turned completely white."
"Like I rolled them back?"
"No! They just went white. I mean your iris. White. Gone! What was that about?" could I tell her that I was basically psychic?
Should I say it's a thing that happens when I try to remember something? I mean how do I explain this?
I just laugh it off "Oh it's like a tick you know it's a weird thing I've always been able to do, like with magic. Uhm it helps me remember things, I guess it like helps me focus."
I can see the gears rattling in her head as she tries to make sense of it. It's not the best explanation but I just figure magic is already weird enough for this to be a normal statement. "Okay... cool I guess. And yes we have a phonebook, we can look up who you're looking for. I bet my father would be more than willing to drive as well." she smiles.
She seems to take pride in the hospitality of her family and it is something I am genuinely grateful for. I follow her downstairs to where her parents are sitting on their sofa watching the news on a low volume. A familiar scene, not much different from the obliviate vision I had before. It just breaks my heart again.
Hermione taps her father on the shoulder and leans over into his face and gives him a grin "We need your help. We're looking for someone in the phonebook."
Her father get up and lifts a thick, heavy looking book from a shelf over their telephone. "Who is it we're looking for?" his voice is warm and gentle.
I am jealous. I wish I had a father just to hear him talk to me, read or sing me to sleep and tell terrible jokes.
I step a little closer "Family name is Dursley" I respond, "on Privet Drive 4. That's all I know. They have a son named Dudley, if that helps in any way."
"Family?" he asks.
"No just someone I know." I lie.
He nods softly and starts ruffling through the millions of pages, then smiles triumphantly "Vernon Dursley. Could that be who you're looking for?"
Ah uncle Vernon another person I felt repulsed by without having ever met him. Him and his wife Petunia. I would love to give them a piece of my mind, maybe cast a little curse, but that felt far less than inappropriate. I give Mr. Granger a forced smile and nod "Yes, Vernon Dursley, indeed." 
"Do you want me to drive you there? It's not that far."
I smile "If it's not too much trouble that would be a great help."
He gives me a pat on the back "Alright let me find my glasses and we are good to go."
I give Hermione a slightly awkward hug and smile "See you at Hogwarts. And thanks for today. It has been great, getting to study and all."
"It was great getting to know you. And maybe not all Slytherins are insufferable pricks. But if you turn out like you know who, I never knew you."
I chuckle "If I turn out like you know who I'll spare your life and pretend it's from the goodness of my heart."
"Deal" she gives me a wide grin revealing her rather front tooth.
"Alright we can go" interrupts us Mr. Granger.
"Alright, thank you very much for your hospitality. It was very nice to meet you Mrs. Granger." I smile at Hermione's mom and then follow her Dad through the door.
He unlocks the car and as I'm about to get in I catch a glimpse of my reflection in the car's window. As I already noticed I have wild, long, white, curly hair that's surrounding my tiny face. I also have rather unfortunate looking bangs, they have been annoying me all day, constantly falling in my eyes.
Blue eyes. A really light blue. It's almost a surprise that Hermione could even tell the difference between my eye colour and the white colour she claimed they turned into. I have a few freckles on the tip of my nose my huge nose! By Merlin's beard that is the fattest fucking nose I have ever seen. I'll pray that my face will grow into it because otherwise I am going to need a really good plastical surgericalus spell.
Alright now the name has a face. I also realize that I've been staring at myself a little too long and that Mr. Granger who has already started the car is giving me an impatient look.
Quickly I get in the car with an apologetic face and put my seatbelt on. He hands me a map. A big fucking map.
He points at a random spot "We're here." he continues to drag his finger over the map "We have to get here. You navigate." I give him a shocked look.
How am I supposed to find anything in this maze of streets?
He laughs "I'm just kidding. We have one of those new navigation systems. It's crazy what you can do with technology, isn't it?" He gives me a bright smile, then enters the address into his navigation system. Odd thing.
I may not know a lot about myself but during this painfully quiet car ride I realized that I am utterly incapable of making proper conversation. My conversation with Mr. Granger consisted of him trying to bring up topics, telling jokes, asking me about myself and me giving short answers and awkward laughs and smiles. I am almost relieved when we arrive on the Privet Drive.
Mr. Granger raises his eyebrows at the strange sight outside of the window. The entire Privet Drive is 4 is surrounded by owls, just sitting. On the roof, on the lawn, on the street sign, just sitting and staring through the windows.
"My god. They've got an entire postal office sitting in their front lawn, don't they." Mr Granger breaks the silence once again with a smirk.
I laugh politely, still uncertain how to respond to his remarks. I am also have absolutely no idea what to do now. I haven't thought anything through and quite frankly, I am not looking forward to meeting any of the Dursleys. I thank Mr. Granger and he immediately drives of.
Great... What I need now, is a date. I need to know what year it is, what month and what day. The year is pretty clear to me. It has to be 1991. I know that because Harry, Hermione and Ron start school in 1991. I know botch Dudley's and Harry's Birthday. So I'm hoping that maybe it's a few days after Dudley's birthday. I could pretend to congratulate him but the letters arrive later don't they.
Oh the letters! I got one. I pull it out of my back pocket. No date on the envelope, not a good start. Haven Wilderwald. It reminds me of another name it also sounds like a wizard name. Maybe I'm not muggleborn after all. Hilariously enough it is addressed to Hermione's address and even her room.
I guess that's more than enough proof for me being definitely homeless. I open it praying that it's actually an acceptance letter and not a please stop pretending to be a witch and stop claiming to be a Hogwarts student, you will answer for this behaviour by death kind of letter.
(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)
Dear Mrs. Wilderwald,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later that July 31.
Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall
Minerva McGonagall,
Deputy Headmistress
Alright good news, I actually got accepted. Bad news, what owl are they awaiting?
What is it supposed to say? How am I going to get an owl? How does one send an owl?
I fidget to the other papers in the envelope. I can feel tears running into my eyes. It all went quite smoothly until now but now I have to find a fucking owl and send it to them?
Why couldn't they just leave a phone number? I could pickpocket a few pounds from someone running by and talk to them over payphone.
An owl on the other hand isn't something I just have. Even if I could steal one, I suppose it has to be a specially trained or magical one.
In the envelope I also find a train ticket London to Hogwarts, Platform  9 ¾. So I don't have to buy one of those. That's also good news. And luckily enough I knew in my gut how I could find Platform 9 ¾. Also good.
I start skimming through the list of necessities only to slowly feel my heart sinking into my guts. That's not pickpocketing a few pounds. That sounds more like robbing an entire bank.
Three sets of plain work robes, one plain pointed hat, one pair of protective gloves, one winter cloak, it's not even winter.
Then a bunch of books. I suppose you don't get these for free either.
But now the really fun stuff. A wand, a cauldron. A set of glass or crystal phials sounds like shit a school should provide, like in the class it's necessary for. A TELESCOPE! What? Now I'm not mathmatologist but from what I have an understanding for, these things are already expensive enough in the muggle world.
Also gotta buy a set of brass scales? Again, why don't they have that kind of stuff in the Hogwarts classrooms? Am I really expected to carry a scale with me at all time?
Also can't forget that I can bring an owl OR a cat OR a toad. I let out the heaviest breath of my admittedly so far very short life and sit down on the curb. I am exhausted. Who would've guessed that a shopping spree would be the hardest part of being accepted into a wizarding school.
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