Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone... but not really

written by Jovana Gryles

"Slytherin... all dark witches and wizards were once Slytherins." "Yes... but that doesn't make every Slytherin evil. I can't explain it I just know that I wouldn't fit in any of the other houses." "I never told you that I'm expecting to be sorted into Slytherin." "Didn't have to. It's the house that suits you the most." "And that's a bad thing?" "No. It means I've never met anyone with so much drive, so hardworking, so ambitious. You'll make a fine Slytherin and an even finer witch." 'Or perhaps in Slytherin You'll make your real friends, Those cunning folks use any means To achieve their ends.'

Last Updated







Chapter 28

I storm down the corridors, out of the secret door. I turn into a black dog and just start running towards Hogsmeade. I could tell Harry, Snape is the one keeping Voldemort from getting the stone. I could tell Harry, that if he just didn't go down to save it, it would never be found and Voldemort would simply fade away after a while.
Instead I'm stuck, being able to help but can't because Harry has to learn. What a bullshit excuse. I could keep so many from dying and for some reason I'm not supposed to.
Instead I'm stuck wasting my time learning for finals and doing Homework as if any of that is ever going to matter. Right before entering Hogsmeade I turn into Diana.
I sit down in the Three Broomsticks which is crowded with older witches and wizards singing along to the music playing and drinking exzessive amounts of Butterbeer and fire whiskey. I order a iced tea and lemonade mix and just gloom in my corner for a while.
I notice an older guy staring at me and quickly look away. Once my drink is placed in front of me he sits down next to me "You come here often?" he asks me.
I shake my head, carefully drinking nipping on my glass. He reaches his hand out "I'm Jonathan Hyde. And you are?"
I ignore his hand "Jane."
"Jane what?"
I glare at him. He's at least thirty. He's got sandblonde hair and dark eyes, his face is covered in small scars and a stubbly beard. "Just Jane."
"Really?" he grins "Well, just Jane, may I just say that you are incredibly beautiful."
Ugh, I'm going to vomit. "Okay."
He laughs, trying to touch my arm but I quickly pull back "Look dude, not interested."
"I'm just trying to make conversation." he purrs.
"Well, I've had enough conversation for a day so you can keep that to yourself."
His expression doesn't change the slightest "You're a feisty one, eh? I knew a girl once, just as feisty. You look an awful lot like her."
"She kept running from me." he shakes his head.
"Can't imagine why."
"Always putting up a fight. But I haven't given up on her yet. I just know, I'll get her one day."
I try to ignore him but he goes to grab my arm again. "Can you fucking stop that?" I shout at him and notice Diana's black hair turn red for a slit second.
He licks his lip and smiles "A metamorphmagus. Just like her."
"I don't care, now leave." I mutter and down the rest of my drink at once to get up. But this time he manages to grab my arm. A sharp pain runs through it and then he immediately lets go of it and disappears. I stare at my arm. A small, round metal plate, with it's teeth deep in my skin shines back at me. "What the hell?" I try to find him, but whoever he was, where ever he went, he's gone.
I run outside and turn back into the black dog, but the metal plate is still sitting deep in my skin. I run back towards the castle, sneak back in and run into my dorm. I grab the plate and try to rip it off but it sends me falling to my knees, crying out from the pain. My fingers are twitching uncontrollably and my legs grow weaker.
"You okay?" asks Lorinda bursting in "We heard you scream."
I shake my head "Everything's okay."
But nothing's okay. I can't fall asleep, no matter the tossing and turning. That little thing on my arm seems to be inflicting an awful amount of damage on my body. No matter how tightly I wrap the blanket around me I just keep freezing and my muscles keep twitching uncontrollably.
I sigh and quietly go to the bathroom to wash my face, which by now feels uncomfortably sweaty.
Looking in the mirror I hold my breath for a second. My skin is so white, its almost see-through. Black circles sit under my eyes and my entire skin is covered in little drops of sweat. I twitch again. It has no point, I have to go to the hospital wing and get that thing removed before I get any worse. No matter the punishment. I take my wand and slip into my shoes.
By now, absolutely freezing, and breathing heavily I drag myself across the corridors towards the hospital wings.
"Oh sweetheart, it is so good to see you again." Says a deep voice and a tall, and Jonathan Hyde steps out of an alcove.
"What is this?" I ask with a weak voice, pointing at the thing on my arm.
"Oh that?" he grins proudly "It's a little invention of mine. A tracker, if you will. It allows me to follow you anywhere, even into Hogwarts, as you see."
"And why would you want that?" I ask, leaning against the wall, catching my breath after each word.
"I think you know why." He laughs.
"Who are you?"
"Jonathan Hyde. I told you. Even though it breaks my heart you don't remember me." He smiles.
"Sorry, never heard of you." I point my wand at him "Now if you dont mind getting out of the way, so I can get rid of your stupid little tracker."
He laughs and in the next second he points his wand at me "Crucio!" he yells and I quickly dodge his curse and start running into the other direction, sending stupefys behind me. The twitching of my legs, and the overall feeling of weakness make it hard to focus on anything.
I try to focus again and again on getting anywhere but here. I read about the apparition spell before, getting a person from one point to another in no time, but no matter how hard I focus I just keep running through Hogwarts. At a corner I run into someones arms. I look up "Fred?" but his look quickly proves me wrong. "George." I sigh "Get lost. Now." The next second the wall next to me explodes.
"What is going on?" asks George as I hide around the corner.
"Stupefy!" I try to stun Hyde again but he blocks it. "Fuck, run George, now!"
"What is going on?" he repeats himself running next to me.
"Get lost George, now!" I send another spell after Hyde.
"Who is that guy?"
I pant heavily "This is not the time. I need to focus."
"Focus on what?"
"Apparating." I sigh, trying again.
"Good luck with that. It doesnt work at Hogwarts."
"Fucking hell." I cough. Every step is more and more exhausting.
George pulls out his own wand "Accio cleansweep fives." He whispers as we keep running and only a few seconds later two brooms land in Georges hand "Get on!" he says "You can apparate as soon as we're off school grounds."
We both mount the brooms and push ourselves off the ground, dodging Hydes curses as we fly higher towards the sky.
"Who is that?" asks George, staring at Hyde.
"Don't know. Someone bad, I'd say." The speed at which were flying through the cold night makes me freeze even more, at this point I feel like I might as well be frozen solid.
We land outside school grounds and not a second later Hyde appears closer than ever right next to us.
"Bloody he-"
I grab Georges arm and finally apparate into the butchery Ive been trying to get to. Think, think, what's the spell Isaac used? I raise my wand and mutter "Salvio Hexia." Multiple times, each draining more and more energy from my body.
George looks incredibly pale in the face, partially from the apparition, partially from fear.
I grab a large, sharp knife and press it under the tracker but the more I try to cut it off the more it hurts. "Shit." I mutter.
"What is that?" asks George.
"A tracker. As long as it's on me he can follow anywhere." I cut a little deeper into my skin but I cant get myself to push the knife all the way into my skin.
"Then why isn't he here yet?" asks George, trying to ignore my self mutilation, but growing increasingly greener.
"The spell. But it's weak, we don't have long." I sigh and hand the knife to George "Cut it out."
"What?" he stares with wide eyes.
"Cut it out! I can't do it. We don't have time."
He shakes his head "No way."
I stare at him with blurring eyes "George, he needs me alive. You are collateral damage. As soon as he gets here, you are dead. Unless you cut this fucking thing out of my fucking arm, now do it!"
He frowns as he slowly takes the knife into his hand.
I take a long, shaky breath and focus on shielding us as strongly as possible. George presses the knife into my skin. I shake my head "That's not working."
"You dont say." He hisses.
"Do it properly. Stop being a pussy."
In the next second I can feel the terrible pain of being stabbed into the arm, I can feel the knife cutting through my flesh under the tracker. Black and white dots flash in front of my eyes as I hold back a scream, exhaling sharply instead.
I can hear George whimper as the blade slides through my flesh. And then with a silent thump, I see a piece of my arm fall onto the ground.
I grab George and were back at Hogwarts. I stare at my arm, at the bone flashing through the fat tissue, the blood rushing out of it and listen to George vomiting. Then I fall to the ground. At this point the twitching of my muscles has taken over my entire body.
I can feel George grab me and throw me over his shoulder "You couldn't have apparated closer to the hospital wing?" he grunts.
"Hnnng." Is the only response Im capable of.
I try to focus on breathing but the rhythm of Georges steps calms me down to a point at which I feel calm enough to just fall asleep, only disturbed by the spasms of my limbs. If I fall asleep, there's no promise of ever waking up. Whatever made me so sick, is still cursing through my veins.
But maybe dying wouldnt be so bad. The only value I have is value for Voldemort. To everybody else, Im dangerous. Useless. I die, the risk of Voldemort capturing me and winning dies with me. The prophecy has already been told. It's already kept safe in the ministry.
Me on the other hand... I'm like a toaster. An old toaster that tends to casually catch fire. Keeping me alive is like buying a new, perfectly fine toaster and yet keeping the old one plugged in, until it eventually burns down the house. Maybe it wouldn't be bad to just unplug me and throw me out. The world would be a safer place for everybody else.
My short breath slows down even more. I close my eyes and completely relax. Everybody would be so much safer.
"Hey!" shouts George, shaking me, which makes my body twitch again "Don't you dare die on me. We're almost there."
His voice slowly fades from my ears as he tells me to stay awake and to stay alive.
He drops me onto a bed and sits down next to me for a second. His thumb is carefully caressing my cheek "Stay awake, Wilderwald. I'll go get Madam Pomfrey and be back in a second."
I am too numb to respond but I can feel him pulling up one of my eyelids. I turn to look at him. "Stay awake! Get it?"
He runs off and I drift off deeper and deeper.
"Oh dear, oh no!" yells Madam Pomfrey. She must be close by but she sounds miles away. "What happened?"
George tries to explain our last few minutes.
"Oh no, oh no, poison go get the other professors!"
She touches the open wound on my arm, which makes me twitch again. The pain, though typically insufferable, barely bothers me anymore. My breath is flat and short, letting so little air into my lungs that I can slowly feel my brain run out of oxygen. Not much longer and I'll be dead. The poison works wonders as well. By the time I'm dead, I will have suffered complete organ failure. I can feel the pain of them slowly giving out, my heartbeat grows slower and slower.
More chatter begins to fill the room. McGonagall screams something, Snape talks quietly. Words don't really make sense anymore as the pain in my organs gets stronger. Can't dying just be quick? Can't I just fall asleep and be done for good? Why do I have to be conscious through all of it?
A little bit of vomit begins to rise in my throat. With me laying on my back and not being able to move, and Madam Pomfrey being too busy with my arm to notice, I might just choke on it. Luckily choking to death isn't quite as concerning anymore, my breaths have given out almost completely anyways.
My head begins to feel really dizzy, warm and soft like cotton candy. Thats the lack of oxygen and blood in my brain. The black in front of my eyes slowly turns into bright colours, little fairies are buzzing calmly in a wide field of wildflowers. My mouth slowly turns into a weak smile, which makes my cheeks tingle.
"She's doing better, right?" echoes George's voice like from a different reality "She's smiling, that means shes better right?"
"Get the boy out of here." Shouts McGonagall.
"Minerva the girl is dying. Shouldn't we get her cousin? To say his goodbyes?"
The word cousin echoes through my head, ripping me out of the beautiful field. Not Isaac. I don't want Isaac to see me dying. Not after losing his mother and his brother already.
Suddenly I am painfully aware of the vomit keeping me from taking my next breath. I begin shaking uncontrollably, my eyelids fluttering.
"She's choking." Says Snape's voice, rushing towards me. With a strong movement he flips me onto my side, allowing my lungs to clear up. I cough heavily before taking a somewhat deep breath.
"Got it!" shouts another voice, I assume to be professor Sprout's. Someone turns my head around once more and opens my mouth. I can feel a burning liquid fall on my tongue, being absorbed almost immediately.
The entire room seems to be holding its breath as I slowly feel the heartbeat in my chest growing stronger. I can feel the pulse beating in my injured arm, and my organs pick up their work and suddenly I manage to take a proper deep breath.
"Oh Merlin's beard, thank you Pomona!" shouts McGonagall.
"Vulnera Sanentur." Repeats Madam Pomfrey herself, over and over again. The pain in my arm is replaced by a soft tingly feeling as the flesh of my arm slowly grows back.
I twitch a few more times, regulating my breath and then I feel fine. Well my head is booming heavily and I have suffered an intense loss of blood but apart from that I simply feel fine.
I keep my eyes closed though. In no way am I ready for the lecture awaiting me. The teachers quietly talk amongst each other. Someone must have dragged George away; I faintly remember his screams and cries. God, he must be traumatized.
"I'll get Mr. Weasley, he looked in terrible condition himself." Says McGonagall.
Quiet footsteps enter the room and I can hear McGonagall sigh "Mr. Weasley, why am I not surprised?"
I'd expect some cocky answer as usual but George stays quiet.
"Oh poor boy." Says madam Pomfrey "Go lie down there; we'll get you something that will make you feel better."
"Can you explain what exactly happened?" asks McGonagall with a calm voice.
"Well Im not quiet sure. I couldnt sleep because Fred kept whining about something in his sleep so I wanted to take a little walk. Will I get in trouble for this?" his voice stays unusually quiet.
"No, just keep talking." Says McGonagall.
"She suddenly ran into me. Haven, I mean. She looked really sick and this man was following her. He kept attacking us. Fred and I have our brooms standing around outside to- well you get the idea. So we flew them away from Hogwarts so Haven could apparate."
"Apparate?" asks McGonagall surprised "Did you, actually."
"Yes." Says George "Right into the small butchery in Hogsmeade." His voice becomes a little shaky again as he retells the events.
"If he could follow anywhere, why didn't he follow you there?" asks McGonagall.
"I don't know." Says George "Some spell she said. Er- something Hexia."
"Salvio Hexia?" McGonagall sounds even more surprised "Did she say where she learned it?"
"No. But she spends all her time in the library so I wouldn't be surprised if she picked it up there." His voice sounds a little more George-like "She told me to cut the thing out. I watched her try, she really couldn't do it Professor I wouldn't have, if there would have been another way."
"It's alright Mr. Weasley. No need to defend yourself. You were very brave tonight. 50 points."
"Wait, given?" George sounds highly surprised which seems to make McGonagall laugh a little.
"Just know Mr. Weasley, you wandering the corridors might have saved a life tonight, but next time youre caught out of bed, at this hour, it will have consequences far more severe than a weekend of detention."
"Thank you Professor." George mutters.
"What about the girl?" asks Snape quietly.
"I'll leave that to you, Severus, but I have to say, this kind of spell work from a first year is something, I'd be very impressed by."
"Well, Mrs. Wilderwald." Snape seems to be sitting down next to me "You can open your eyes then."
I blink carefully at the dim, and yet blinding, lights.
"Anything else, we should know?" he asks.
My voice doesnt come easily. "I think I should speak to Dumbledore about that." I whisper with a wheezing voice.
"Well, I would like to know why you were wandering the hallways at night."
I carefully prop myself up on my elbows, to be in a somewhat upright position "I was feeling sick, Professor. The thing was making me sick. I wanted to come here, but he found me before I could." I stare at him "it's not forbidden to try and get help, is it?"
He shakes his head "No, but there's still the question of how exactly it got onto your arm in the first place."
I sigh and admit to my little emotional outburst leading me to Hogsmeade.
He just shakes his head "I have never, in all my years of teaching, encountered anyone who was as painfully stupid as you are."
"You wouldn't listen and I-"
"I don't care. Nothing, and I mean nothing, justifies a first year student sneaking to Hogsmeade."
"I know."
"It wasn't the first time either, was it?"
I choose to ignore that question "Don't take more house-points from us, please. Punish me but don't cause Slytherin any more sorrow."
Dumbledore, sleepy as last time enters the hospital wing, but his face is far more concerned. "Severus, I'll take care of this now. I suppose you have other things to worry about."
Snape gets up but quickly flicks his wand and my vomit disappears from my pillow.
"What was his name?" asks Dumbledore immediately.
"Jonathan Hyde."
"And he got into Hogwarts?"
"Yes... by that thing."
He grabs my arm "You were smart to cut it off like that. It must have been very dark magic."
"Was he a death eater?"
"Not quite. But the Hyde brothers have been trying to get an offer to join them since his reign."
"There's more of them?"
"Jonathan and Alaric. Mr. Lefarih told me everything about that situation but... they weren't supposed to know you were alive, and definitely not that you're at Hogwarts."
"How did they find out then?"
"Someone must have told them. Someone who knows who you are- what you are."
No fucking way. "Draco... Draco knows everything. He could've easily told his father."
Dumbledore sighs "I must ask you to not, under any circumstances return to Hogsmeade. Why didn't you at least disguise yourself?"
"I did! As my aunt."
"Well then it's really no surprise."
"What do you mean?"
"The Hyde brothers were the ones who killed Dina and Tony. Of course he'd recognize her."
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