Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone... but not really

written by Jovana Gryles

"Slytherin... all dark witches and wizards were once Slytherins." "Yes... but that doesn't make every Slytherin evil. I can't explain it I just know that I wouldn't fit in any of the other houses." "I never told you that I'm expecting to be sorted into Slytherin." "Didn't have to. It's the house that suits you the most." "And that's a bad thing?" "No. It means I've never met anyone with so much drive, so hardworking, so ambitious. You'll make a fine Slytherin and an even finer witch." 'Or perhaps in Slytherin You'll make your real friends, Those cunning folks use any means To achieve their ends.'

Last Updated







Chapter 21
Christmas part one

"Hey Haven!" says Harry running after me.
"What's up?" I smile.
"It's almost Christmas." he smiles "Are you staying?"
I shake my head "Spending it with my uncle and cousin. What about you?" I regret my question immediately "Sorry, I'm guessing you're staying here."
He nods "Yes, but it's not so bad." he smiles softly. "There's some interesting things going on so the time will fly by like nothing."
I ignore my urge to ask him about those interesting thing. No meddling I remind myself.
"Anyways, we haven't spent a lot of time together, so I thought we could have a Saturday?" he asks carefully.
I nod "Definitely, wanna take a walk?"
He nods just as eagerly "We can pay Hagrid a visit. He's been asking about you."
I feel guilty "He has?"
"Of course. I told him you were studying a lot. After all you are on top of all your classes, aren't you?"
I grin "Almost. Defence against the Dark Arts isn't exactly my strongest subject."
He raises his eyebrows "Because of what happened in the Leaky Cauldron?"
I quickly shake my head "Nah, that was a false alarm." I lie "I'm just not good at it."
He seems confused but doesn't mention it any further.
"So, how's Quidditch?" I ask.
"Brilliant!" He smiles and begins telling me all abou this teammates, the training and how amazing it was to catch the snitch. "Too bad the next match isn't until march. We're going to beat Hufflepuff with ease. Wood has been insane about it."
I laugh "Wood's a good captain, isn't he?"
Harry nods "The best. All he cares about is Quidditch. Flint doesn't seem quite as invested though." he says carefully.
I shrug "Flint's a dick. He's a shitty player and won't let girls on the team."
"Did you try out?"
I shake my head "No. I will though. Next year.
"For what position?"
"Keeper." I smile.
"Fair enough." he says "Did you see what happened during the game Gryffindor against Slytherin?"
"You catching the snitch?" I play it dumb "That was impressive." I smile.
He shakes his head "Thanks, but that's not what I mean. We're onto something. I think Snape is planning something. He jinxed my broom that day."
"Really?" I fake disinterest "Doesn't sound like him."
Harry raises his eyebrows "Sounds exactly like him. You know how much he hates me. You're there when he torments me during potions class." he suddenly turns red "Thank you so much for always sticking up for me, by the way."
I smile "Of course." I pat him on the shoulder "I'll always have your back."
He grins "I'll always try to have yours. And sorry for acting like a prick when you tried to stop me from duelling Malfoy. Turns out it was a trap."
"Really?" I act surprised "What a dick."
He laughs "Anyways, we found something that night. There's this three headed dog." he sounds excited. Here we go. "See, Hermione said it was guarding something, and she was right. So, the day after the troll attack..." he turns red again "Sorry about that as well by the way. Hermione still feels terrible about it. You should talk to her."
I blush, I had forgotten about that "Guess I will..." I play it down.
"Good." he smiles softly "Anyways, after the troll attack I noticed something. Snape was limping. Now that could have many reasons but guess what I saw."
"He was talking to Filch. About the three headed dog. It bit him or something."
"So, Snape was trying to steal whatever the dog is guarding."
"Really?" I hate the sound of disinterest. I want to correct him, help him, warn in.
He nods eagerly "So, Hagrid mentioned a Nicolas Flamel... no idea who he is but we're onto something."
I nod "Cool."
"Cool? This is huge! There's a whole conspiracy going on. Hagrid seems to know more about it but he wont tell us." he kicks the thick snow in front of us then he stops "You know something!"
"What?" I laugh.
"Don't play dumb with me Haven. You're hiding something from me."
I sigh and smile "You're just not using your brain."
He looks confused "What do you mean?"
"You know who Nicolas Flamel is."
"I do?" he scratches his head.
"Chocolate frogs." I say "They have cards in them."
"I know that." He frowns.
"Who was on your first card?" I remind him.
"Exactly. Now Harry, think."
He just stares at me.
"What was written on the back of his card?" I push his memory.
"I don't know. I didn't memorize it."
I sigh "You're so thick sometimes."
"Am not!" he frowns.
"Well, Harry Potter, I'd suggest you find that card and read it again. You might find something interesting."
"I don't like it when people speak in riddles. Just letting you know."
I laugh "You have no idea how helpful I am being tight now."
"I really don't." he grins "Probably, because you're not."
I laugh "Just wait and see." then I push him into the deep snow.
He laughs and tackles me as soon as he gets back up on his feet, showing a load of snow into my face. I laugh hysterically at the cold in my face and wrestle him to the ground. "You'll pay for that, Potter." I laugh before dropping a load of snow into his face.
Muffled screaming escapes the snow before he grabs my wrists trying to get the upper hand but he has a bit too much momentum and we roll down the hill, both laughing hysterically. We stop at the bottom of the hill right in front of Hagrid's hut.
Struggling to get up we stagger to the hut and pull ourselves up at the window sill.
"I'm dizzy." he whines almost falling over as soon as he let's go of the sill.
I shove the snow on it together and throw a snowball at Harry who immediately falls back onto his butt.
"Harry!" yells Hagrid excitedly as he opens the door, then he looks over to me "Haven." he grins "How have yeh bin?"
"Very well." I smile "How about you?"
"Very good, as well. Would have loved a visit from yeh. But Harry tells me yeh've bin busy bein' the bes' student o' the year." he smiles proudly.
I shrug "I've been okay. The best is an exaggeration. I would've visited but I..."
"Oh, 's fine. I'm glad ter see me favourite kids during Christmas time." he turns to go back inside the hut  "Come in, I'll make you some tea."
I follow him but before I can enter I can feel Harry pulling my jacket and sweater back by the neck and dropping a huge amount of snow into the back.
"Jesus F-" I scream at the cold and hit him in the arm "You dick!" I mutter.
He laughs and hops into the hut. This motherfucker. I shake the snow out of my sweater and follow him.
"You're dead, Potter." I whisper and he grins.
Hagrid hands us each a cup of hot tea "Stayin' here fer Christmas?" he asks me.
I shake my head "I'm going back to the hotel."
He looks surprised "Why?"
"Right, you don't know. Turns out, the boy who works in the kitchen is my cousin. Isaac. I'll go back to the hotel, work there and the we'll spend Christmas at my uncle's. Russel is his name."
"Isaac Lefarih?" asks Hagrid.
I nod "You know him?"
"O' course i do. Graduated jus two years ago. He was such a good boy." he smiles "Came by all the time ter help me take care o' the garden an' the animals."
"Well if he's that nice there's no way you guys are related." laughs Harry.
I nod very seriously "Considering you and your cousin are basically the same person you might be onto something."
He frowns "Not funny, Haven."
We stay at Hagrid's till sundown. No mention of Snape or Flamel or god forbid, Quirrell. Just talk about school, Quidditch, and endless amount of making fun of Draco and occasional teasing. Harry tells us all about his new found friendship with Hermione "She's brilliant." he says.
"Told you." I laugh "So many times."
He smiles "And for once in your life, you were right."
Hagrid tells us about some of his creatures, how some of them left for the winter and how he was waiting for a special new delivery. But eventually it gets too dark outside for us to ignore it any longer and Hagrid tells us to get back to the castle.
As soon as we're outside I grab a large handful of snow and throw it against Harry's head "Told you you're dead."
He grins "We'll see." He grabs a handful and throws it at me.
"Oh you're on." we keep throwing snowballs at each other throughout our entire walk back up to the castle. Only a few steps from the entrance, one of my snowballs hits his face and send his glasses flying straight off his face. Taking a step forward in an attempt to grab them he steps on them.
"Crap." He mutters and stares blindly into my direction "What was the spell Hermione used to fix them?"
I roll my eyes and pick them up. "Oculus reparo." I say with a wand movement and place the fixed glasses back on his nose.
"Thanks." he smiles.
"Maybe remember that one." I laugh.
He shrugs "Why I've got you and Hermione."
I laugh "You're an idiot."
"I know." he smiles. "Should we talk about something serious for a second?"
I raise my eyebrows "What would that be?"
"Fred Weasley."
I roll my eyes "Absolutely not. The rumours are ridiculous."
"I guess you mean the snogging in the broom closet thing?" He grins.
I nod "That's just stupid. I mean genuinely stupid."
"I know." he laughs "But he does like you. A lot, I mean."
I frown "When you say a lot-"
He quickly shakes his head "Don't worry. Not like that. But he got in a few fights- well not fights- arguments with George. He doesn't like you at all, by the way."
"Yeah, I noticed."
"Anyways, George is under the impression that Fred and I are absolute idiots for liking you. Makes Fred pretty mad sometimes. He says he'd love for you and George to get along."
I blush a little "Why does he care so much?"
Harry shrugs "I don't know. I also don't know how you managed to get George to hate you so much but I thought... maybe try getting along with him."
I frown "I am."
Harry shrugs "He's not going to change his opinion, at least for now. But if you... you know care about Fred... maybe make the first step. Besides, I'm tired of them arguing about you."
I blush even harder. Care about Fred. Utter bullshit. Sure he's a good friend. Well friend... more like an acquaintance I get along with. I roll my eyes "You just made this weird."
He laughs "It had to be said."
"Whatever." I grin "Time for little baby Potter to get to bed."
He laughs and opens the door "After you."
We enter the castle and say our good nights.
"Talk to Hermione and be nice to George!" He laughs once he begins climbing the staircase.
In response I show him my middle finger "Suck it and good night Potter."
He laughs and I make my way down to the Dungeons.
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