Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone... but not really

written by Jovana Gryles

"Slytherin... all dark witches and wizards were once Slytherins." "Yes... but that doesn't make every Slytherin evil. I can't explain it I just know that I wouldn't fit in any of the other houses." "I never told you that I'm expecting to be sorted into Slytherin." "Didn't have to. It's the house that suits you the most." "And that's a bad thing?" "No. It means I've never met anyone with so much drive, so hardworking, so ambitious. You'll make a fine Slytherin and an even finer witch." 'Or perhaps in Slytherin You'll make your real friends, Those cunning folks use any means To achieve their ends.'

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Chapter 2
Charms 101

Hermione lives in a nice house. Every corner seems to be covered in books which doesn't come as much of a surprise with her being probably the smartest person I was ever going to meet and her parents both being dentists. Another thing they haven't told me but I'm slowly getting used to the fact that I seem to know nearly everything about this girl and nothing about myself.
As I stroll through their living room I also examine her childhood photographs. They fill me with such incredible sadness and for a second I don't know why but suddenly I see a much older Hermione standing behind her parents. She's slowly waving her wand as she whispers the word "obliviate". I look back at the photographs and watch as young Hermione slowly vanishes out of all of them.
Then I'm back in the present. What was that? My entire head is spinning and I can feel tears filling my eyes.
"Are you alright?" Hermione asks seemingly suddenly appearing behind me.
I just nod, there is not much of an explanation I could give her anyways. She tilts her head in disbelief but shrugs her shoulders
"Okay, come on upstairs I need to show you all the books i found. There's so many spells and potions I could study them forever. Plus all the wizards and all the history it's phenomenal."
I am in awe by the way she speaks of it. Her eyes light up and she sounds excited like a child on Christmas morning. Her room is on the first floor of the house.
"So how did you find out you were a witch anyways?" I ask Hermione.
"Well, I've always known there was something different about me. I made things happen and nobody could explain them. I think my parents were scared of it for a while but then we got a  visit it was this old schottisch lady, Professor McGonagall she's actually a teacher at Hogwarts herself and she explained everything to us, including how to get to Diagon Alley and all."
"How did she find you in the first place?"
"Well according to her there's this book and this quill... the quill of acceptance and the book of admittance she called them. They write down a persons name as soon as they show their first signs of magic. Both the book and the quill have to agree that a person has enough magic in them to become a fully fledged witch or wizard. So I guess I had it in me. And I've been practicing ever since."
I raise my eyebrows. If that's how it works all I have to do is make things happen and I will find out my full name and be accepted into Hogwarts.
"So how was it for you?" Hermione asks "are you also muggleborn or do you have magical parents?" oh Hermione I've got no fucking clue.
"No yeah I'm also Muggleborn." that would've been the wrong answer but luckily Hermione was already to concentrated on a book to really listen to me
"cool" she mumbles as she gets lost in a paragraph. She flips out her wand and points it at a pair of broken sunglasses "Oculus Reparo" she says and the sunglasses go back to their original form.
Suddenly I'm on a train. Hermione sits in a compartment with two boys, an odd looking ginger with a rat in his lap and a brown haired boy with glasses. She points her wand at his face and again says "Oculus Reparo" and the boys glasses fix themselves as the tape holding them together disappears. I fall back right against the wall in Hermione's room.
"Harry Potter" I mumble.
"What?" She looks at me in a very concerned way. "Did you say Harry Potter?"
I nod.
"Quite fascinating story, isn't he. I've got a few books he's mentioned in." She reaches me one "For example this one, Modern Magical History" she reaches for another "or The Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts. I've got another one but I can't seem to find it right now." hectically she pins around in her chair looking for the other book.
"Oh it's alright" I say. It really is. I wasn't planning on doing research on the boy anyways. But I knew him. Just like the ginger kid next to him. Ron Weasley.
"Wait I'm being rude, do you have a wand yet?" Hermione interrupts my thoughts.
I shake my head.
"That's okay, try mine. Here's an easy spell you can try."
The Lumos Charm. I follow the instruction I read in the book, moving the wand up and down as I say "Lumos" and indeed the wand lights up. Good sign... very good sign. An even better sign is Hermione's buff face.
"It took me three tries to get this right have you done it before?" she sounds a little concerned.
I smile "No, i guess it's just beginners luck." she frowns slightly.
"Here try another one" she insists as she holds another page up to my eye.
Spongify a softening charm. I point the wand at a pencil, move it in an S motion and say "Spongify". Hermione picks up the pencil and it is completely soft, bending between her fingers. She squints her eyes at me. She takes another pencil and breaks it in half then shows me another page
"Fix it." her tone is bossy now.
So I smile at her point the wand at the broken pencil move it in somewhat of a J motion and say "Reparo" and of course the pencil is fixed.
Hermione snatches her wand back from me and for a second I am scared to have upset her but she smiles at me "Seems like I'm going to have a little bit of a challenge this year. Looking forward to it."
Just as she finishes the sentence there's a loud flop at her window. We both run to it just to watch an owl fall to the ground. AN OWL! It's carrying a letter. Is it MY letter? Were three spells enough to convince book an quill i was a worthy student?
Hermione opens the window and the owl flies back up this time actually through the window and drops the letter on her desk. It seems a little disoriented from it's crash into the window as it stumbles away from the letter.
Hermione picks it up looks at the envelope and then hands it to me. "Haven Wilderwald this one's for you" she seems curious, as she of course believes I've already gotten an acceptance letter. I give her an awkward smile as I put it into my back pocket "Thanks I'll open it later." I can see that she is clearly dissatisfied with this statement but I can also see that she's far more interested in perfecting another spell.
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