Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone... but not really

written by Jovana Gryles

"Slytherin... all dark witches and wizards were once Slytherins." "Yes... but that doesn't make every Slytherin evil. I can't explain it I just know that I wouldn't fit in any of the other houses." "I never told you that I'm expecting to be sorted into Slytherin." "Didn't have to. It's the house that suits you the most." "And that's a bad thing?" "No. It means I've never met anyone with so much drive, so hardworking, so ambitious. You'll make a fine Slytherin and an even finer witch." 'Or perhaps in Slytherin You'll make your real friends, Those cunning folks use any means To achieve their ends.'

Last Updated







Chapter 19
Moste Potente Potions

"Have you ever tried the Bludger Backbeat?" I ask Fred, my nose deep in Quidditch Through The Ages.
"Probably." he says absentmindedly.
"The Dopplebeater Defence?"
"Ever did the Sloth Grip Roll?"
"Haven." he sighs "Don't make me regret introducing you to Quidditch. I have to study."
"When are we playing again?"
"Wilderwald, I am begging you, I am trying to focus."
"What's your favourite team?"
"The Chudley Cannons, obviously."
"But don't they suck?" I ask pointing at Whisp's description of the Cannons-
"They don't."
"Right here 'let's all just keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best.' sounds sucky to me."
He sighs and slams his book shut "Wilderwald, I am begging you to shut up. I have a bunch of homework to do, I have to study for the upcoming exams and I've gotta prepare for Quidditch season so please, PLEASE let me focus. And the Cannons don't suck. They won the league twenty-one times. They're the classics."
"The Magpies won the league thirty-two times." I say quietly.
"If you become a Magpies fan our friendship is over, Wilderwald. I mean it."
"I'm just saying, they seem by far the most impressive."
He rolls his eyes "They are arrogant and nothing more than a show off."
"Well... at least they know how to win. Can't say the same about the Cannons, can you."
"That's such a Slytherin thing to say."
"Well, I am a Slytherin."
He sighs "I'm aware. Now shove off or I'll jinx you."
"Jesus, no need to be so mean."
He laughs "One of us has to be and you clearly decided to drop the whole 'I am Haven Wilderwald and I'll kill you if you breathe the same air as me' act for this weird..." he desperately points at me "being nice and bubbly thing. It doesn't suit you."
"Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I'm simply happy."
"I don't know. Playing Quidditch... it really got me out of my head. I could just let it all out."
"Well... good for you." says Fred staring at his hands.
"Yes." I hug him "Thank you for that."
"Yeah, yeah you're welcome. Now shove off."
I sigh "Fine. See you."
"See you." he says and opens his book again.

"How you doing?" I ask Nia sitting on her bed and finishing up her potions homework. She looks rather mad.
"Well, not great." she says.
"How come?" I exchange my school robes for a normal, looser black shirt, and some brown pants.
"Quidditch season is beginning and Marcus Flint won't let me hear the end of it." she almost breaks her quill in half slamming it into her book.
"You'll make the team next year, promise. That troll can't keep you out forever."
"Of course he can."
"Well, then we'll kick his ass. Force Snape to get involved. Or ask Dumbledore himself to give us a fair shot."
"Us?" Nia raises her eyebrows.
I sit down on her bed "I love Quidditch."
"Since when?"
"Since last night."
"When you were in bed after suffering through a troll attack? That last night?"
"Except I wasn't. Fred took me to the Quidditch pitch and we played a game."
"The two of you?"
"Oh shut up. Don't be so gross." I punch her arm.
She laughs "What does a one on one match even look like?"
"Well... we left out the snitch and played the three other positions. He said I'm a great Keeper."
"Really? A Keeper?" Nia laughs.
"What's so funny about that?"
"Well, you seem more like a Beater to me."
"Well definitely not. The Bludger almost killed me."
"There's two."
"I know but we played with one. That was enough work."
"Well, it's good to know you developed an interest in Quidditch. Did you chose a team yet?" she points at the book in my arms.
"Well, the obvious choice is the Montrose Magpies, isn't it?"
Nia smiles "Obviously. I mean the Holyhead Harpies are a close runner up but the Magpies are obviously the best team in history."
"Glad we agree."
"I'm assuming Fred doesn't?" Nia raises her eyebrows.
I shake my head "No, but who cares."
"Well I thought you might."
"For the last time, I don't fancy him. Not at all."
"Right sorry, you're too busy swooning over Cedric Diggory."
"Oh shut up."
She laughs. Then the door swings open and Lorinda comes in, excitement in her eyes.
"Got it." she says and holds up a book.
"Holy shit." I say grabbing it from her hands "You're brilliant, Mullins."
"Alright then, let's see." says Nia and we all sit down next to each other, opening the Moste Potente Potions.
"Some of that stuff is really dark." whispers Nia as we flip through different poisons.
"We'll ignore all of that." says Lorinda staring at me.
I roll my eyes "Of course we will. We only need the recipe for the Polyjuice Potion." I look at another recipe "And maybee-"
"No." says Lorinda quickly flipping to the next page. "And you won't be left unsupervised with this book, Wilderwald."
"Fine. Wait, stop." I interrupt Nia's page flipping "There it is."
"Oh dear Salazar, look at those ingredients." frowns Lorinda "There's no way I'm drinking a mix of leeches and flies."
"Don't forget the Boomslang skin." I grin.
"Honestly, screw you and your metamorphmagus ass."
"Yeah, that's so unfair." frowns Nia, also inspecting the recipe with disgust.
"Where do we even get all of those things?" asks Lorinda.
"Oh, you know me." I say "I thought we could just ask Snape very nicely."
"So we're stealing them?" she sighs.
I nod "Obviously."
"Fantastic." she rolls her eyes.
"Well, you could of course just stay in the castle for the next two years." I say. "I can keep bringing you souvenirs."
"Yeah, bet you'd like that. How about you steal that stupid map from Weasleys instead. We could sneak out without having to drink literal mud."
"No way." I walk over to my bed to take an empty notebook I bought in Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop and a quill out of my bedside table. "Now, let me copy the recipe down."
I quickly copy down the recipe "Let me have at least one look." I say "Maybe there's some other useful things in there."
"Absolutely not." says Lorinda "I don't trust your brain. It remembers everything it sees."
"That is not true. I just learn quickly. Now come on. Just a little peek." I say with big eyes "A little peekaboo."
"You know that doesn't work on us, right?"
"Oh come oooon." I quickly take the book and jump off the book "See, here for example the Monojuice potion. Allows you to turn into an animal for twelve hours."
"Why would anyone want to be an animal for twelve hours?"
"Well... let's say you turn into a bird and want to fly to another country. Kind of shitty if you just suddenly fell out of the sky, right?"
"Yes, great, now give it back." says Lorinda.
"This one" I say hopping on my bed away from Lorinda "Let's the person who drinks it go insane. Only for two hours, but still."
"Again, why would anyone want that."
"Well, imagine... imagine someone accuses you of something serious." I say running past Lorinda out of the dorm door "You are taken to court or whatever, you slip the potion to the person, they act insane during the hearing. You obviously walk free because nobody can believe the accusation of an insane person."
"That's why I don't trust you with that book." pants Lorinda running after me "You think like a dark wizard."
"Wait." I hold my hands up "Veritas serum and the antidote."
"Let me guess, you kill someone and don't want to be caught?"
"Noo. I mean technically sure, but what if... what if ." I stop dead in my step. I see an old lady dressed in nothing but pink. Harry is hiding something from her, something important. She's cruel... she tortures him.
"What?" asks Lorinda staring into my eyes "What did you see?"
"Just... let me write down the one for the antidote." I mumble "I give up... but I need the antidote."
"For what?"
"When later?"
"I don't know... like four to five years from now."
"You're kidding, right?"
"Look me in the eyes and tell me I am." I say, rubbing my left hand. A weird stinging pain sits deep in my flesh.
"Fine, you get the antidote, but that's it. Promise."
"I promise."
I sigh and raise my hand between our harts and she does the same "Cross my heart," she says.
"and hope to die." I add.
We ignore the other kids staring at us and walk back to our dorm.
Nia still sits on her bed, simply went back to doing her homework. "Got the book?" she asks without looking up.
"Almost." says Lorinda "Do it quick." she commands and I quickly copy down the recipes for both veritas serum and the antidote." then I give her the book back.
"I should beat you in the head with it." mutters Lorinda, locking it into her trunk.
I nod "You most certainly should." I put the notebook and quill back into my bedside table.
"How is that safe?" asks Lorinda "Anyone could just steal the recipes."
I nod "Sure, try it."
She frowns but walks over and tries to open the drawer. "Aaaah." she pulls her hand back holding it with pain in her eyes "What the hell?"
"A simple but effective spell." I say "Basically impossible to be broken."
"Great. You could have just said that." says Lorinda rubbing her palm.
"Sure, but where's the fun with that?"
Nia finally closes her book "Shall we go then?"
"Go where?" I ask.
"Snape's potion storeroom."
"Before dinner?" asks Lorinda "Are you trying to get caught?"
"Two hallways lead to it." says Nia "I guard one, you guard the other, Haven disguises herself as Snape, gets the ingredients, necessary and we piss off. If Snape comes down one of the hallways we'll stall."
"Let's get Aidan and Elijah." mumbles Lorinda "They can go and warn Haven when Snape comes."
"Perfect. Then we can get to brewing after supper."
I sigh "Might as well. If it takes a month I suppose it'd be smart to start as soon as possible."
"A month?" asks Nia.
"Didn't you read it?" asks Lorinda.
"Hell, I thought we could go to Hogsmeade tomorrow." frowns Nia.
I laugh "Not quite."
"Well then it doesn't really matter if we get the things now or tonight, does it." she stares at her feet.
"No, but Snape is known for roaming through the corridors at night. So at least we won't be caught out of bed if we do it now."
"Just get the stupid map already." sighs Lorinda.
"No." I shake my head at her "We might make our own one day, though."
"How?" Nia raises her eyebrows.
"We'll see." I smile.
"Oi, Terence!" I say to the Seeker reading in the common room "Could you tell Aidan and Elijah to come up?"
"Do it yourself, Wilderwald." he says, not taking his eyes off the pages.
"You know we can't, please."
He rolls his eyes "Fine." and gets up to carry himself down the stairs.
I can hear him knocking against the boys' dorm "Hubbard, Montgomery you're needed upstairs."
Then he crawls back up, yawing while falling onto the sofa "The Quidditch season's getting to you?" I ask him.
He yawns again "Quidditch, Arithmancy, the exams coming up. You chose."
"Yeah why exactly did you take Arithmancy anyways?"
"Because it's interesting. It's just really difficult. And Merlin's beard, Professor Vector loves giving homework. But interesting."
"I've definitely considered it as an elective." says Lorinda.
"You have?" I stare at her.
"Obviously. My father's a math professor at a Muggle university. It's kind of our thing."
"I bet Wilderwald is going to take Divination. Make it as simple as possible."
I roll my eyes "Yes, but I'll also take Muggle Studies. And ancient runes I suppose."
He frowns "Of course you will."
"I'd also take ancient runes. Definitely." nods Lorinda.
Aidan and Elijah finally come running up the stairs.
"What took you so long?" asks Lorinda.
"Not even a minute." says Aidan "Literally didn't even take a minute."
"What's the plan anyways?" asks Elijah.
"We'll tell you on the way." says Nia "Haven, you got the notes?"
I nod and show the notebook.
"Perfect then let's go."
Things go rather seamlessly. We run up to the first floor into the tapestry corridor. Elijah and Nia stay behind to guard the corridor to the left and Lorinda and Aidan walk past the potions storeroom to the watch the corridor to the right.
I knock the door to the storeroom, just in case, Snape is currently in there but to my luck the door stays closed. "Alohamora." I quietly unlock the door and sneak into the room. I grab all of the ingredients, slip them into my bag and go to run out of the room. Only to be surprised by Dumbledore, greeting me at the door, Lorinda and Aidan apologetically staring from around the corner.
"Professor!" I say, trying to hide the anxiety beginning to rush through my veins "I've been looking for you."
"In the potions storage?". he asks with a gentle smile.
"Well... You weren't in your study when I came looking for you." I lie "I figured you might as well be here."
"I figure there won't be any illegally obtained ingredients then?" he points at the bag hanging from my shoulder.
I sigh and pull out the leeches "Fine... I needed some leeches for the cure against boils potion. I ran out." I go to give the glass full of leeches to Dumbledore "Sorry..."
He stares at the glass in my hand then into my eyes. I just focus on playing song lyrics in my head, having noticed that Dumbledore seems to have some kind ability for reading my mind. "Well, it is important to do well in your classes, I suppose. I doubt Snape would miss a few leeches."
He winks and goes to walk away. "Professor!" I stop him "I do have a question for you though."
"Well, shall we take a walk then? I assume your lookouts would like to know they can go to dinner now."
I hide my heavy blushing by staring at Lorinda and Aidan and pointing them to get Elijah and Nia.
"What is it then?" asks Dumbledore beginning to stroll down the hallway.
"Well... I assume you know of the whole... seeing thing?" I put the glass back into my bag and follow him.
He nods "Of course, Hagrid told me all about it the second he arrived."
"Well... I've been thinking about it quite a lot... how I could help Harry... but-" I look at Dumbledore "Why do I feel like I shouldn't?"
"Because you're right." says Dumbledore, staring intensely "In no way can you meddle with Harry's life."
"What would it do?"
"Well, isn't it obvious?" Dumbledore asks calmly, pushing open a door "Whatever experiences Harry is to make, they need to be made. Every fight the boy will fight, needs to be fought. He needs to learn, he needs to be prepared for what's to come." He stops me by my shoulder and stares down on me "Haven, I need you to understand this-"
I nod.
"You can be friends with Harry. Show him he's not alone, be there for him when he's sad. But whatever you chose to do, you have to let Harry fight his fights. No matter how much danger you feel he might be in."
"So he can learn?" I ask "That's all?" I get the weird feeling, Dumbledore is keeping something from me.
"Seers aren't supposed to see their visions. They're not supposed to have control over them or to remember them. A seer is supposed to say the prophecy, the prophecy is supposed to be kept in the department of-" he stops himself "you're not supposed to live life like you are. It's a very rare occurrence. I don't think it would be smart to disturb the plans the universe has for us."
"So if I see Harry getting hurt... I just let it happen? I'm sorry professor but that doesn't sit right with me."
"I'm sorry Haven. It's just something you need to allow to happen. It all happens for a reason, whatever that reason might me. Now, I've noticed your empty seat during most of the meals. I assume you'd do well getting some dinner today."
I notice we're standing close by the great hall and nod.
"Oh and I hope you'll go to try out for the Quidditch team next year. It would be a shame to have your enthusiasm go to waste." He smiles and walks away.
I stare after him. He doesn't know Fred and I went to play a game of Quidditch in the middle of the night, does he? If so... how much does it take for Dumbledore to at least give me detention?
I walk into the Great Hall and sit down next to my friends "You brilliant liar." whispers Aidan "I only took a few leeches, Professor." he imitates me with big eyes.
I grin "Yeah, you lot were a great help, just letting him walk past you."
"We tried." says Lorinda "He just ignored us."
"Only said hello and nodded." says Aidan "When I asked him if he could help us with a problem he just asked what problem and I..."
"He choked." says Lorinda "Couldn't think of anything."
I laugh "Typical for you, Hubbard."
"Lorinda could've come up with something." he mutters staring down on his plate.
"No I couldn't. Your stuttering made it quite clear you were stalling."
I shrug "Doesn't matter now, we got what we came for and, once again, without trouble."
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