Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone... but not really

written by Jovana Gryles

"Slytherin... all dark witches and wizards were once Slytherins." "Yes... but that doesn't make every Slytherin evil. I can't explain it I just know that I wouldn't fit in any of the other houses." "I never told you that I'm expecting to be sorted into Slytherin." "Didn't have to. It's the house that suits you the most." "And that's a bad thing?" "No. It means I've never met anyone with so much drive, so hardworking, so ambitious. You'll make a fine Slytherin and an even finer witch." 'Or perhaps in Slytherin You'll make your real friends, Those cunning folks use any means To achieve their ends.'

Last Updated







Chapter 17
Hogsmeade Village

Isaac greets me at the entrance, teary eyed as always "Haven, how great to see you."
I block his attempt to hug me with a hand movement "We'll see about that, shall we."
"Yes, Dumbledore said you might have some... questions." he says softly.
"You talked to him?"
"Of course. I missed this place. I arrived yesterday."
"You arrived yesterday? Why on earth didn't you think about talking to me then?"
"Because it was already late in the evening and I figured it'd be better if we had some more time to talk."
"That's idiotic."
He smiles "Dumbledore also told me you had some anger management issues."
"Yeah? And did he tell you why?" god, he's pissing me off.
"Partially." he opens the door "Shall we?"
I follow him out of the door.
"So how have your classes been going?" he asks walking down the courtyard.
"None of your fucking business. You're not here to have smalltalk."
"Well, I'm still interested." he says firmly, ignoring the actual topic "How are you doing in potions class? Snape driving you juts yet?"
I roll my eyes "None of your business."
"Actually it is. I just want to know if you're doing okay so far."
"Actually, it's not. However, it is very much my business, how exactly you came in possession of my parent's clothes."
His eyes tear up a little and he nods "Yes, and I'll tell you about it in Hogsmeade. But now come on, tell me. If you need help in any of your classes maybe I can-"
"I don't need help. I'm doing perfectly fine."
"That's all I needed to know." he smiles a little. "Made any friends yet?"
"Some." I say coolly.
"Wonderful. Now, I heard you got into quite a lot of trouble during your first days. I know I told you to have fun here, but don't go to far. Trust me, neither detention nor being expelled is something to look forward to."
I shrug "I can take care of that myself. Has nothing to do with you."
He sighs "I really wish you'd stop antagonizing me like this."
"Give me a good reason as to why I should."
We walk down the hill and cross a bridge. Hogsmeade is a little village of hatched cottages and small shops. Isaac leads me into a house with a broomstick hanging over the entrance. "This is the three broomsticks. Spent a lot of my Saturdays here."
"Good for you."
He laughs a little "Come on." we go to a corner table and sit down. He looks at me and says quietly "You don't really believe I killed your parents, do you?" he looks absolutely heartbroken, to a point where it makes me uncomfortable to be so cold to him.
But I shrug "I don't know. Did you?"
He shakes his head "Of course not."
"Then... who are you? You clearly know me. I've known since we first met. What are you hiding?"
He sighs "I'm not going to tell you everything today."
"Then why are we here?"
"Because you deserve a little more."
"You think?" I roll my eyes.
"Haven... you're right. I do know you. And your parents... it hurts me to say it, but they are dead. Yes."
I bite my tongue. Of course they are. That's what I've assumed all along. But the little flicker of hope just died. I feels very much like a punch into the chest. "How did you get their things? How do you know me?"
He looks sad. "I took them. I didn't even know why, at the time, I just felt it would be important..."
"What, why?"
"On that day... your birthday..." he stares at his hands "A ministry official came to me around noon, I was working. He told me... he told me my aunt and uncle had been found dead. He told me I could visit they're house... to see if there was anything of value... emotional value, you know?"
His aunt and uncle?
"I went into the house. It was cold and abandoned... of course. On the table was a small package, wrapped in black paper, decorated with a dark green bow. A gift... next to it were some empty wrappers of chocolate frogs. I took that, I didn't know why but I just felt like I had to. Like I was trying to remember something. I went into their bedroom and took their house sweaters. They didn't mean much to me but again I just... there was something I seemed to have forgotten. Forgotten to the point where I completely ignored the upstairs room, or the completely empty picture frames. There had been a fight, you see..."
"Anything to drink for you two?" asks an older woman coming to our table.
Isaac nods "A butterbeer and a lemonade and iced tea mix."
She smiles "Coming up." and waddles away.
He sighs again "I went back to work..." he wipes a tear from his eyes "It really... I was upset." his voice breaks a little "They were my connection to my mother. I spent a lot of time with them. In the little package was a ring. A black snake."
I look at the black snake wrapped around my finger.
"I had no idea what any of it meant... even a week later... when I saw you and your friend sitting in the dining room... I had no idea who you were. Two kids who were about to start their first year at Hogwarts. That's all I knew. But the ring... the snake kept staring in your direction."
"Here you go." says the woman returning with our drinks and placing them on the table.
"Thanks you." says Aidan and gives her a few coins.
She once again waddles away and Isaac continues talking "Then you came into the kitchen... looking for work. Which was already odd enough. But then you said those things... about not remembering anything. Not knowing where your parents were. And when I heard your name it was undeniable."
"So..." I say quietly, inspecting Isaacs teary face.
"My mother was a squib, you see... Diana Wilderwald was her name, and she had a brother."
"You're my cousin." I say.
He nods crying more tears "You weren't the only one affected by the memory charm. It's incredibly strong... nothing like I've ever seen before. I completely forgot about you until we talked. I came to visit you on your birthday. Brought you a little gift." he points at the snake "And some chocolate frogs to expand your collection." he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a huge stack of cards "Thought you might want those, by the way. It's an impressive collection." I take the cards carefully. "It seemed a little off... that day." mumbles Isaac "I felt like... something bad might happen. But something bad happened all the time. I-" his voice shakes even harder "I put some liquid luck into your tea... and left you to go to work." he runs his hands over his face, wiping away his tears "a few hours later I got the news."
It's hard to breathe... "What do you mean... something felt off?"
He shakes his head "I can't tell you yet. I don't want to do this to you." he cries "I blame myself though. I left you and I shouldn't have left that day. It was so stupid."
"You left... liquid luck?"
He nods "I have a hand for potions. Especially liquid luck. Taught it to myself in my third year. You were just four at the time... but you were already in so much danger. All the time... I brewed loads of it. Gave half of it to your mother... kept half of it for myself to give you whenever I came to visit... which was almost daily."
I think back to my birthday. How everything just worked out. Finding that stack of muggle money, finding the newspaper, meeting Hermione, the owl with my letter finding me, Harry talking to me and listening to my request, even the man who gave me a ride back to London without turning out to be a serial killer.
"I'd be dead without you... wouldn't I?"
Isaac laughs through his tears "Probably."
"The phial you left in the trunk... that's liquid luck as well?"
He nods "In case you really need it. You're safe at Hogwarts. I feel guilty enough for basically drugging you throughout your entire childhood."
"Is there a way.... for me to remember?" I ask.
He shakes his head "None. But maybe that's better."
"How would that be better?"
"You're childhood... it wasn't exactly perfect."
"I figured."
He shakes his head "You don't understand..."
"Then explain it to me."
"Not now. One day. When you're older."
"Why should I wait?"
"Because I don't hink it's appropriate for you to know. I think you're too young. I think you losing that memory is the best thing that could happen to you." he says strictly.
"It's my life! My memories. I deserve to know."
"Yes, and you will. Just not yet."
"Why do you get to decide?"
He takes a large sip of butterbeer "I had to raise you since you were a baby. Take care of you whenever your parents... I was like a brother to you. You're like a sister to me. I'm your legal guardian now. I have responsibility for you."
"That's bullshit."
He shakes his head "Language."
"Listen, as far as I see it, you get a second chance at quite a lot. Including being a better person."
"A better person?"
"Haven, I love you. With all my heart, really. But... you didn't have the best role model when it came to your behaviour."
"What do you mean?"
"Just... you were just a child. You're still just a child. I don't blame you for anything, you need to know that. But you were...you had beliefs... and ways of treating others."
"What beliefs?"
"Blood had to be pure. Blood-traitors deserved to die. Had to be punished."
"No. You're making that up."
He shakes his head "It's okay. You don't think like that anymore, do you."
"Of course not. That's terrible."
"See... it's okay then."
"Why would I ever believe that?"
He sighs "One of those questions I can't answer yet."
"But..." I stop myself, what point does arguing have. Isaac seems more than used to my antics "Did I always... see things?" I ask instead.
He nods "Yes. You kept it to yourself though. Never even told your parents. You told me though."
"What did I tell you?"
"About Harry Potter. Granger, the Weasleys... everything."
"You knew exactly what was going to happen in the next seven years."
"You didn't mention Draco Malfoy." I say "Didn't I tell you about him?"
He frowns "Please tell me you're not friends with him."
"He was one of the first things I thought about... when I- you know. I thought he'd be important. But so far... he's kind of just a pain in the ass."
"That's good to hear. You liked him a lot. You loved your visions about him. Said he was misunderstood. Said he was wonderful and brilliant. Said he suffered through too much for simply sticking up for his beliefs. And that... he wasn't a bad person."
"Was I right?"
Isaac sighs "In a way. He's just a child. Just like you. Strip him from everything his parents taught him... he might be a good person. You did say he helped Harry Potter. He defied you know who."
"So... I should-"
"You should stay away from him. It's not o you to change his life. Let it be, take care of yourself. I hate to say it, but he's not worth it."
"Neither am I. But I got a second chance."
"You payed a big prize for it as well. In the end, do what you want... I have one request for you."
"And that would be?"
"Don't... don't put too much faith in your parents. Especially your father. I know you want him to be your hero. You always did but he's never going to be what you deserved. It's important to remember that."
"Why, what did he do?"
"Some day..."
"Don't do this. Don't say some day. Give me a day. When will you tell me?"
"When you're fourteen. The day after your fourteenth birthday."
"That's an eternity."
"Yes and you must promise to not go digging by yourself."
"Can you at least tell me their names?"
"I saw the damage you could do with just your surname. The more you know..." he shakes his head "Just wait."
"Just my mothers name then. Just her first name." I beg.
He sighs "I'm sorry."
"Please, Isaac. Just give me something."
"Helena. Her name was Helena."
Helena H. and J. Wilderwald... "Was she good? Better than my father?"
He sighs "In a way... she was kind, and loving. Very gentle. In some ways both, too loving and not loving enough." he stares at me "When I said you have a family, I meant that. I will be there for you. Till the end of time. I'm not going to let anything else happen to you."
"Isaac, stop blaming yourself. Can you promise me that?"
"I left you."
"At home, with my parents and liquid luck in my blood. To go to work. I don't blame you. You shouldn't blame yourself. Also-" I point at the butterbeer "Can I try that?"
"Absolutely not!" but he smiles "Drink your tea and we'll go for a walk. How about that."
I chug the iced tea, lemonade mix in no time. "Did I like that? Back then?"
"What else did I like?"
"Not a lot to be honest." he laughs "You were always very picky. A vegetarian who didn't like vegetables very much. You hated everything pumpkin related, which in my opinion is a shame. Chocolate frogs and liquorice wands were your favourite sweets, but never black liquorice. You loved fries, strawberries, any kind of fruits and berries, really. Also anything lemon flavoured... it had to be bitter and sour."
I laugh "Of course..."
"Now, come on, let's go."
We leave the three broomsticks and begin aimlessly wandering through Hogsmeade.
"Tell me about your time at Hogwarts." I say.
"I loved it. I mean... I was a little scared of leaving you behind, but my father would sent owls every week, telling me how you were doing. Here... I could live a normal life, away from everything that went wrong. Having Hufflepuff you know... it helped me feel like I had a family. At home I'd be reminded of my mother and brother." He sighs "My favourite class was potions. I still get the feeling that Snape didn't hate me quite as much as some of the other students. But the best thing by far, were the little parties in the common room, the weekend sat Hogsmeade and of course the Christmas dance."
"Like a ball?"
"Yes, I was in my fifth year. It was supposed to be like the Yule ball, which sadly most of us couldn't attend. So Hogwarts held their own ball. It was glorious. We dressed up in the nicest dresses and robes. Danced through the entire night." He smiles softly staring into the distance.
"Who'd you go with?"
"A Gryffindor, Alex Salverus. He was my first real heartbreak as well. Took me right here to the fountain and told me he was leaving me for some prick called Jamie Cullens." he laughs "Even though I wasted three years on him, there's not a day I regret any of it. When I say your years at Hogwarts will be the best years of your life, I mean it. So tell me, have you been making the best of it so far?"
I shrug "I don't think so. I tend to ruin it for myself... I get so incredibly angry all the time." I stare at my feet.
"You always did. But you knew how to calm down as well."
"Music. Music and books. You could be so peaceful even when listening to the loudest rock songs."
"What kind of music did I like?"
He laughs "The kind that upset your father the most. Muggle music. You loved Queen, the rolling stones, the Beatles, Elton John, Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, Paul Anka, Kiss, The Smiths, Michael Jackson, Earth, Wind and Fire, The Samples, David Bowie, Dexys Midnight Runners, Journey, ACDC, Frankie Valli and the list goes on and on. All the classics, really."
"I made some friends though." I say.
"That's very good. Who are they?"
"Some from Slytherin, Aidan, Nia, Elijah and Lorinda. They're really cool. Also Harry Potter, and Hermione Granger."
"And Ron Weasley?" he asks curiously.
I shake my head "We talked a bit but we don't get along to well."
Isaac sighs "So that stuck with you, hm."
"What do you mean?"
"Your father hated the Weasleys. All of them. One of his biggest demands were that you wouldn't go making friends with any of them."
"Well... I'm not friends with Ron but I get along with his older brother... Fred Weasley."
"Oh." says Issac. "That's... interesting."
"It is?"
"Well... out of curiosity. Have you had any visions of him?"
I shake my head "No, none. Why?"
"Just... wondering."
"You're keeping something from me. Aren't you?"
"I'm just surprised. Fred Weasley seems like an unusual choice."
"He does?"
"Ah, what do I know." he laughs "I still have to get used to you being... different. It's a good thing, of course, but still highly unusual."
"Unusual is a fitting description. I've also been wondering, have I ever flown a broom before? Maybe played Quidditch?"
Isaac looks sad again "No... never. I wanted to take you, of course, but your father didn't like that."
"He was on the Quidditch team though, wasn't he?"
"Yes. But he didn't like the idea of you leaving the house."
"At all?"
He nods "At all."
Well that sure explains my pale skin. And living in England I suppose...
"What about Cedric Diggory?" I ask "Did I ever mention him?"
Isaac stops dead in his step "What do you know?"
"I think... he might be in danger." I say.
Isaac closes his eyes and takes a deep breath "Have you seen..."
"I've seen a Hufflepuff boy die. I didn't see his face but I have a very strong feeling it's him."
"Interesting... don't jump to conclusions though. that's never a smart thing to do."
"So you don't know anything about it?"
He shakes his head "No, and you mustn't tell him about your suspicions."
"Why? Couldn't it save his life?"
"Trust me, don't tell anyone of their fate. It could be dangerous."
"How so?"
"I'm sure you know there's people who would use you for their advantage if they could. Don't risk it." his words sound more like a cheap excuse to hide his real motive but I let it slide. I assume it would be time for me to begin trusting my cousin.
"I'm a metamorphmagus..." I say.
"I know. One of your very own defence mechanisms to hide you from evil."
"I was wondering... did I look different?"
"You had the same face. But your hair was black and your eyes were a much darker blue."
"Why did it change?"
"In a way... the look of a metamorphmagus represents who they are. Sure, it also changes with your mood and by demand but you in its normal state it shows who you are. You lost yourself that day. Your mind turned into a blank piece of paper. Empty and white."
"So what did the black hair mean?"
"It was your fathers hair colour... You always had a way of... idolizing him. You shouldn't have, ever, but he was still you father after all."
He walks me back to the castle "I'm really glad you made friends... and I'm thrilled by how nice they sound."
He reaches into his pocket "I've got a few other thing for you." First he gives me a necklace, just like his but instead of one golden ring it has two. "They were your parents." he says and pulls it over my head before touching the ring around his own neck "This was my mothers... I don't ever take it off."
"Thank you..."
"I also found this." he takes a small box with buttons out of his coat pocket.
"Electronics don't work at Hogwarts." I say inspecting it.
"I bewitched it, of course. It was... is yours. All your favourite songs at the touch of one button. Impressive, really."
I smile "Brilliant."
"And one last thing." he takes out a book in absolutely terrible condition "It was your favourite book. I reckon you might want to reread it.
"Bridge to Terabithia? What is is about?"
He smirks "Maybe a bridge?"
"Just read it. You loved it back then, you'll love it now. No doubt."
"Thanks Isaac."
He smiles and his eyes tear up again "Oh, I'm so glad you're alright." he hugs me tightly "And I'm so proud of you." he kisses me on the head "Be good, promise me that."
I laugh and shake my head "No such promise. But I won't be... how I used to be. I promise you that."
"That's good enough for me." he smiles "Would you like to come... home on Christmas?"
"I'm not sure I can, but I'll do my best."
"Why shouldn't you?"
"Harry is onto something big... I might have to keep him out of trouble."
He sighs "Just don't do anything stupid."
"I'll try."
"I bet you will." he hugs me again "Goodbye now, little one."
I hug him back "Goodbye. See you soon."
He smiles and opens the door for me before walking away.
I lay down on my bed and turn on the little music box. The sound of a soft guitar fills the dorm, joined by an even softer voice singing a soft love song. I think... it's more of a one sided love thing. "Why can't you just feel the way I do?" asks the singer. "You can't love no one, you can't love something. You can't love nothing, you can't love anything till you love yourself..."
I sigh, lay down and open up the book.
I read about the boy, Jess, running, accompanied by all kinds of different songs, mostly about love and eventually drift off to sleep.
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