Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone... but not really

written by Jovana Gryles

"Slytherin... all dark witches and wizards were once Slytherins." "Yes... but that doesn't make every Slytherin evil. I can't explain it I just know that I wouldn't fit in any of the other houses." "I never told you that I'm expecting to be sorted into Slytherin." "Didn't have to. It's the house that suits you the most." "And that's a bad thing?" "No. It means I've never met anyone with so much drive, so hardworking, so ambitious. You'll make a fine Slytherin and an even finer witch." 'Or perhaps in Slytherin You'll make your real friends, Those cunning folks use any means To achieve their ends.'

Last Updated







Chapter 16
How to be a major fuck up and get away with it

"So-" says Fred quietly, as we sit down in a back corner of the library "Let's see."
We open up the big folders "What are they sorted by?" I ask.
"The years." he says looking through them "And then the students of each year are in alphabetical order... and then in the back we have the houses and again the students sorted alphabetically in their houses. We even have some Quidditch records."
"Okay, perfect. I do the 50s you do the 60s. We're looking for Wilderwald."
"Really?" he asks sarcastically and begins carefully reading through the pages. "By the way... I do feel a little awkward hanging around with Snape in the middle of the night. So if you could just..." he points at me.
"Oh..." I mumble and turn back into my own self.
After about an hour I sigh and shut the 50s folder "Nothing... you got anything?"
Fred yawns and shakes his head "Not yet."
It has to be about two in the morning at this point. I tiredly grab the 70s folder and start skimming through the pages of 1970.
Under W something very odd catches my eye "Fred, look." I say pointing at blurry, floating letters. "Can you read that?"
He shakes his head "No... but the first word could very well be Wilderwald."
I try to focus on the first-name but it just gives me a painful headache.
"Go on." says Fred "See, if you find the name in one of the houses."
I start reading through Gryffindor house, the Slytherin, the Hufflepuff.
"Look." Fred points at a blurry name in Hufflepuff house "Your father might have been a Hufflepuff."
I shake my head "No, look, the surname is much shorter and seems to start with an H..."
"Your mother maybe?" asks Fred.
"Could be... but why would my parents be blurry?"
"Well, I don't know. But keep going."
I flip the pages over to the last house, Ravenclaw. "Blurry... My dad was a Ravenclaw... potentially."
Holy shit! "Fred! We have to get back to Slytherin, immediately."
"Why? Is someone coming?" he looks around.
"No! I completely forgot about this. Come on!"
We grab the folders and rush back to Slytherin house "Antipodean Opaleye." I open the door.
Fred hesitates at the door "Better tell me tomorrow." he says.
"Boooring." I grin.
He laughs quietly "That was quiet an adventure. But I think we've tested our luck for tonight. Goodnight."
"Fine" I roll my eyes "Goodnight."
And once again, Fred Weasley vanishes into the shadows.
I sneak back into my dorm and hide the folders under my bed. I look at the clock, almost three in the morning... I crawl into my bed. The rest can wait.
I wake up to Nia aggressively shaking me "How the hell do you sleep through this?" she shouts.
"I'm up. Up." I yawn and open my eyes.
"How long did you hang out with the Quidditch boys last night?" she asks.
"Not long... till ten."
"Get up then!" she insists.
"Christ, fine." I roll out of bed. It's eight thirty in the morning. Just enough time to get ready.
On my way to class I spot Fred "How are you not tired?" I ask him, who looks just as energetic as always.
"What do you mean? I got like three hours of sleep."
"Exactly! How aren't you dead?"
He grins "I forgot, children need quite a bit of sleep."
I roll my eyes "You're a child yourself, don't even start."
He shrugs "Not the same. So anyways, what was it you needed to do?"
"I kind of wen straight to bed." I yawn "I'll check it out after classes though."
"All that running for nothing, hm."
"Oh no it's fine. I had my fun." he pulls me a little closer "My brother and Harry seem to have had their own little adventure... they seemed very excited during breakfast. Talked about... a package."
"What package?"
He shrugs "Something from Gringotts. Somebody tried to steal it earlier but it's here now... that's all I got. But maybe you could..." He rolls his eyes back until I can see nothing but the whites.
"Don't do that, that's creepy. And I'm not your personal little crystal ball."
"If you think that's creepy you should see yourself staring into nothing sometimes." he grins "Besides you're precious, tiny, very white and can see the future. Sounds like a crystal ball to me."
Precious? "You're calling me precious, Weasley?"
He nods "You know who would burn down the school to get you. Obviously."
Oh. "I don't understand why you don't just say the name."
"Because it's dangerous."
"Not at the moment though."
He shrugs "Many lost their lives for saying it. Doesn't feel right to throw it around like that."
After classes I finally go back into my Dorm and open my trunk. I pull out all the other things to reveal what Isaac had left me. Three sweaters, a tie and a small glass phial with that odd liquid. One of the Sweaters is Isaacs. He said that. I unfold them. Isaacs is the biggest one, with a little burn mark on the right sleeve. It's also a bit more modern and new looking.
I can see his initials I.L. written on the lable on the inside of it. I grab the Hufflepuff sweater H.H. is written on the lable... H like the blurry name in Hufflepuff house. With shaky hands I look into the Ravenclaw sweater. J.W.
I press my face into the soft sweater and take a deep breath. It smells mostly old but carries a faint scent of cologne and... something Fred smells like as well... the broom shed. The brooms had a distinctive scent. Fred said there were Quidditch records in the back of the folders... I wonder.
I pull out the 70s folder and turn the pages all the way to the back. The Ravenclaw Quidditch house team. 1973 the blurry name joined the team. 1973 my father became a Quidditch player. It doesn't say anything on his position though. A photo is hefted to the next page. The Ravenclaw Quidditch team. I look through the faces trying to recognize someone. But I notice something different. A clear gap between two, young waving boys, their arms laid around invisible shoulders.
Just like the vision I had of Hermione... when she erased herself from her parents memories she also vanished from all the pictures.
Did my parents erase themselves from my memory? Of not... who did? Isaac. Why would Isaac have their sweaters? He knew me, I know that. He lied to me. I know that.
"What did you do know?" shout s Lorinda entering the dorm with Nia.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"Dumbledore asks for you and Fred to come to his study this instant and return what was stolen!" shouts Nia. She looks at the folder in my hand "You stole from Dumbledore?" she asks furiously.
"Honestly, Wilderwald. What the hell is wrong with you?" asks Lorinda.
"Did you steal those too?" asks Nia pointing at the sweaters.
"No!" I quickly take the picture out of the folder and slam it shut "They were my parents." I get up and pull the other folders out from under my bed, grab the sweaters and storm out of the dorm.
Fred is waiting for me at the top of the stairs leading into the dungeons "This should be fun." he looks at me "You seem mad."
"Someone lied to me." I say clutching Isaac's sweater "If I have to, I'm going to kill him."
"Before I came to Hogwarts I stayed at a hotel." I begin to explain "I worked there. In the kitchen. And there was this man, Isaac Lefarih. He gave me his old trunk and in it were a Hufflepuff sweater, which belonged to someone with the initials H.H. and a Ravenclaw sweater with the initials J.W. sound familiar?"
"You think they were your parents?"
"Obviously! Why would he have them? Why on earth would this stranger have them? And he clearly knew who I was. He was clearly hiding something." I think back on how teary he always looked. What if it was guilt "What if he killed them?"
"Why would he?" asks Fred.
"Fuck do I know?"
"Maybe... you're overreacting? Jumping to conclusions..." says Fred carefully "Maybe those blurry names have nothing to do with you. Maybe even those sweaters have nothing to do with you."
"He said something. I might want to hold on to them."
"You think he killed your parents and then left you the evidence?"
"I'm not saying it makes sense..." I say desperately, my face heats up as I try to keep down the tears. This is so fucked up. I just want to know who I am. What happened to me. What happened to them. I just want a simple answer. Make it all make sense.
"Don't cry." whispers Fred putting his hand on my shoulder.
I shake it off "I don't cry, Weasley." I clench my jaw "I'm going to find out what happened and break the neck of the person responsible."
"Maybe nothing happened." says Isaac. "Accidents happen all the time in the wizarding world. Who knows maybe some spell backfired. Someone obliviated you on accident or something like that. There's a billion possibilities."
The staircase to Dumbledore's office is already awaiting us and we walk up to the study.
"If it isn't me and Mr. Weasley." says Dumbledore. He looks at the folders in my arms "Wonderful, thank you very much for returning them. You can just leave them on the desk." He gestures at the large, wooden desk.
I can see my hair flaming red on my head "How about you explain a thing or two, first!"
"Stop-" whispers Fred quietly taking my arm.
"What exactly would you like to know, Mrs. Wilderwald?" asks Dumbledore calmly.
"Hm, I don't know." I drop the folders on the desk "You could tell me why you lied to me! About my parents, remember? Then you could tell me, what happened to them, why nobody fucking tells me what it was even though you all seem to know and awful lot about it and then, you could tell me who did it so that I can take care of them myself!"
"I don't know what your talking about." he says.
"Oh, you don't?" I laugh "You said they are muggles. That you have no idea who they are. Tried to make me feel insane, tried to tell me I imagined my conversation with professor Snape. Funny, how I'd find both of them in the school records, isn't it. My father was on the Quidditch team, wasn't he? Both of them started in 1970. Didn't they! A Ravenclaw and a Hufflepuff." I point my wand at Dumbledore "What happened to them? Tell me!"
Dumbledore stays calm "I can't tell you. I am not in the position to tell you."
"Then who is?" I shout holding the wand closer to his face.
"Put that thing away." he says calmly, pushing my hand down with light force.
"Only if you give me some answers."
"Send an owl to Isaac Lefarih." he says "If he believes it's the right time to tell you, he will. I'm not the one to do it."
"He killed them, didn't he?" tears start streaming down my face.
Dumbledore shakes his head "No, he didn't."
"Then how did he get these?" I show him the sweaters.
"Have him explain that to you." he says. "Have him come to Hogwarts this Sunday, you may go to Hogsmeade with him that day." he looks at Fred and then back at me "And I must request you two don't sneak into my office again. And that you don't threaten teachers." he raises his eyebrows at me "I will let it slide, once. The pain of not knowing can be worse than the pain of knowing, but such fury is never the solution."
"Thank you professor." says Fred quickly, pulling me back by my shoulders "We'll leave you to it."
He pulls me down the stairs "What in Godrick's name were you thinking, attacking the headmaster like this?" he asks me "Every other person would have been expelled instantly."
I can hear the ringing in my ears slowly give out and my sight turns from the tunnel vision back to normal. I had acted like a maniac. A complete maniac losing all of my control. That's exactly what I never wanted to happen when I felt the irrational anger build up. Now there's just emptiness, a deep black hole in my gut. I want to cry.
"I'm sorry." I whisper, my voice breaking.
"You're terrifying when you're angry." laughs Fred softly and pulls me into a tight hug "You looked like you were going to burst into flames."
"I felt like I already did." I whisper, pressing my face into his chest.
"The good news is-" says Fred, stroking my head "if Dumbledore is right, that Isaac guy can tell you more."
I sigh "Question is, if he will."
"I hope so. I'd hate seeing you in Azkaban for killing that poor man." he laughs.
"Eh- barely joking."
"I'm so sorry." I whisper "I don't know why I lose control like that." I just keep sobbing.
"It's okay." Fred softly places his chin on the top of my head "It's all okay now."
I take a long nap before astronomy class. If being awake all night to sneak around the school wasn't already exhausting that outburst of anger surely did the trick.
I cuddle up with my father's sweater, pressing my nose into it and imagining what he would have been like. He was a Ravenclaw so maybe he's take me on walks to old, historically significant castles. Tell me about the history of withes and muggles alike, read me to sleep every night. Maybe he even taught me how to fly a broom and how to play Quidditch.
And my mother, a Hufflepuff... I smell her sweater. It smells of roses and vanilla, just like I did. She's sing to me while she was brushing through my hair. We'd bake cookies together and she'd teach me how to knit warm soft sweaters.
And they loved each other dearly... we'd live in a small, comfortable house, with a lot of flowers and a small garden. It would always smell good and we'd sit together by the fireplace during the evenings, cuddled up on the sofa.
I had a real family once... I didn't just appear out of thin air to save Draco's sorry ass from being sad. But something happened on my eleventh birthday. Maybe it had to do with my visions. Maybe my parents were murdered because of me and I somehow escaped... but how. How did I lose my memory... how did I end up in that random northern London Suburb? If Isaac didn't kill them... maybe he saved me? He said I owed my life to a Hufflepuff. Sure maybe he meant that one had literally given my life to me. But maybe he meant that he saved me.
It's Pansy who wakes me up "I don't really care, but if you don't get up you're going to miss astronomy class."
"Thanks Pansy." I say getting up.
"You're using my real name?" she asks confused.
I nod "Turns out you and I don't have that much reason to hate each other... except for your terrible beliefs and all that."
"What do you mean?"
"Turns out, my parents were both pure blood wizards." I say with a bored voice.
She laughs "Yeah right."
"I mean it. My father was in Ravenclaw, my mother in Hufflepuff. Snape told me."
"Then why on earth-"
"Long story. Not really important. Just deal with it."
"Well... in that case-" she looks clearly uncomfortable with the idea of not hating me.
"Calm down. I spilled the ink in your trunk and I loved it." I say. "And thanks to me, everybody calls you Pixie. That's not even clever."
She smiles thankfully "Yeah, screw you for that." and leaves the dorm.
The only one talking to me is Aidan "They are so mad at you." he whispers, pointing at Lorinda and Nia "What on earth did you do?"
"I had to... I told you I had to find out more about my parents."
"Yes that's why you went to talk to him. To talk about your muggle parents."
"Well... he didn't tell me anything. But it turns out he lied. I'm not muggleborn, Aidan." I whisper.
"You're not?" he looks confused.
"No. Both my parents went here. But he refused to tell me, so I snuck into his office and stole the student records."
"So that's what he wanted you to return?"
"So... are you a pureblood?"
I nod "I think so, yes. At least that's what Snape said."
"Snape knew but you didn't? How come you don't know anything about yourself?"
"Isn't it obvious?" I ask.
"No. Honestly, you didn't even know you were a Metamorphmagus and now you're telling me you didn't even know your parents were magical. It's almost like you..." I can see something clicking "Oh..."
"Yeah smart ass."
"You should probably explain that to them." he points at the girls "They're really upset with you. Eliah doesn't really care but I'm convinced he's got a bit of a thing for Nia."
"You don't say." I laugh "But I wouldn't really know what to say... they were already pretty mad after the flying lesson."
"Just explain it. We are friends, aren't we."
"Are we?" I ask carefully "We barely know each other."
"Well, I consider you a friend." he says "I consider them to be my friends as well. We are family. Families fight but we also forgive."
"Cheesy, Hubbard. Really cheesy."
"That's how I am." he grins. "Now, come on let's talk to them." He pulls me along to walk next to the others "Hello, guys."
Lorinda and Nia flash me salty looks "What does she want?" asks Nia.
"To explain myself." I say.
"Stick it. We really don't care anymore." says Lorinda.
"Guys come on." says Aidan "How important are house points really?"
"What is that supposed to mean?" asks Lorinda.
"Do we really care? So Haven breaks some rules... I say, we start doing the same thing." he grins.
"You're kidding right?" asks Nia.
"I say, we have some fun." says Aidan.
I am just as confused as the others but it's Elijah who finally opens his mouth "I've been thinking about how to say that. I really don't feel like just... going to class and doing homework for seven years. I want to go out at night and fly a broom, or sneak into Hogsmeade... make the most of our school years."
"It is kind of fun..." I whisper avoiding looking at Lorinda and Nia.
"We are pretty smart..." mumbles Nia "We could probably do whatever we want if we do it right."
"You are all mental." says Lorinda.
"Guys, I'm really sorry for getting Slytherin in so much trouble. I tried to find out some things about my parents... but I had fun." I say.
"About your parents?" asks Lorinda.
I nod and once again explain everything.
"So you really are a pureblood?" asks Nia for the seventh time.
I nod "Probablyyyy, start listening."
"And a metamorphmagus." says Elijah impressed.
"And a seer." mumbles Lorinda "You're more powerful than Harry Potter himself."
I shake my head "I don't care abou that. I don't like it either by the way. And it's not the point."
"Guys, I say... I say we forget the whole study group, be the best in each class idea and... live a little." says Aidan.
"No way." say the rest of us in unison.
"I still want to be the best in all the classes." says Lorinda.
"Yes, and I love studying with you guys." says Nia.
"I say, we keep up the good work and do the rest in our free time." I say.
"Got any plans already, Wilderwald?" asks Aidan.
"One." I say.
"Good enough for me." says Elijah.
I look at Nia and Lorinda "We cool?" I ask.
They nod "We cool."
Astronomy class flies by quickly. Professor Sinistra spends the most time rambling on and on about how wizards have a clear advantage to muggles in the astronomical field and ignores me when I tell her that we couldn't possibly compete with the best Muggle technology.
The next day I decide to send an owl to Isaac, to meet me this Sunday. It's a quite regular day, with the only difference being that I have to do my charms and defence against the dark arts homework quickly during lunch because I completely forgot about it with all the unnecessary drama going on.
The first thing I do on Saturday, is sleep in. I sleep through breakfast and only wake up when Lorinda and Nia jump on my bed at ten in the morning "You got a letter." says Nia,
"I took the liberty of feeding Salem, by the way. He missed you." says Lorinda.
"Thanks, where is he now?" I ask opening the envelope.
"Out, playing with Potter's owl, I think." says Nia.
The letter is from Isaac, confirming he's meet me tomorrow after lunch at the main entrance. Good.
"The boys are having a brutal chess match." says Lorinda.
"Yeah, they've been at it for ours. Some kids are placing bets."
"Elijah is good at chess?" I ask.
"He's bloody brilliant." responds Lorinda.
"Yeah, and he's not stupid. Not at all." defends him Nia.
I climb out of bed "I have to see this."
Aidan is hunched over the chess field whispering quietly to himself and rubbing his temples.
"Make a move already!" shouts one of the older boys.
"Let me think!" Aidan sounds desperate looking at the small statues.
Elijah just grins, calmly leaning back in his seat "You already lost, Hubbard."
"Shut up. I'm doing great, Montgomery." he analyses the field and sighs "King to h6."
"Idiot." I mumble and watch the king slide across the field to h6.
Elijah grins "Bishop to f4. Check mate my friend."
The king's sword falls to the ground and a few of the students begin exchanging their money.
Elijah looks at me "Up for a match, Wilderwald?"
I shrug "I've got some time." I walk towards the table "Move over, Hubbard."
I sit down and Elijah fixes the broken figures with a wave of his wand "You're going down, Wilderwald."
"We'll see." I shrug.
"You can open, if you want."
"Fine. Pawn to d4."
"Predictable. Pawn to e5."
"Pawn to e5."
"Knight to e6."
"Knight to f3."
Elijah moves his bishop to c5... so your method is to attack hm... fine "Queen to d5."
He looks surprised "Bold... pawn to d6."
I eventually kick his beat his queen with my rook but that seems to have been his plan.
"Your king is completely defenceless." he grins.
"Except it isn't."
He sets me check with his rook "It's pretty much over for you."
"Oh, Montgomery, so much bragging... king to g7."
Elijah's self assuring grin slowly disappears. He seems a little nervous with only his King, Knight and two Pawns left.
I take out his knight "It's petty much over for you." I laugh.
"Aaaaand checkmate." I say once my rook arrives at b2.
Elijah stares at his king's sword falling. "I really don't like you, Wilderwald." he mumbles "When did you turn it around? How..."
"I told you, you were bragging too much. You could have checkmated with your Bishop a few moves ago."
"Well... I want a rematch!"
I shake my head "I'm meeting Hermione in the library. Have fun though. I bet Nia would love to play."
"You really have to be good at everything, don't you." says Aidan following me to the door.
I shake my head "I was just lucky you went first. I doubt I'd have a chance otherwise. But people tend to pay less attention once they're sure they'll win. He got better the worse his chances became. But it was too late."
"So I'm kind of your lucky charm." he smiles.
"Sure. Your incompetence is my greatest weapon." I look at him still following through the corridors "You're going to the library too?"
"Er-" he looks caught off "No, I'm just going to... the... out."
"Oh, to the out. Wonderful." I say.
He laughs with a bit of embarrassment "So... I was just wondering. I mean we were all wondering... you spend an awful lot of time with the Weasley twin..."
"Oh, we were just curious if you... liked him?" he stares at the ground.
"I mean sure. Not a lot, but I can think of people I have a stronger dislike for."
"I don't mean like that... I mean like... like like?"
"You know... like."
"Jesus Christ Aidan, are you having a stroke? What the fuck do you mean?"
"Oh forget it." he says defeated.
"Yeah, I'll try. The to the out is to your to the right, by the way." I say.
"Yeah... see you."
"See you."
In the library I finally get to spend some time with Hermione. Her presence is incredibly nourishing after having spent so much time with people like Fred Weasley.
"I'm so glad we get to hang out..." she says.
"You're not doing well in Gryffindor?"
"Well... not exactly. There's some people I like and I get along quite well with Neville, but Harry and Ron... they're a pest."
I raise my eyebrows "Really? Harry?"
She nods "He broke the rules during flying lesson and was rewarded with a place on the Quidditch team, as Seeker."
She nods "Yes! And then, yesterday he was sent a broom!"
"From McGonagall herself. A Nimbus 2000. For misbehaving."
I roll my eyes "That's just plain unfair."
"I know." whines Hermione "And they keep breaking the rules. Just two nights ago I got caught up with them trying to duel Malfoy, who obviously tricked him. We almost got killed and-"
"Killed by what?" I interrupt her.
"A large three headed dog."
"You saw a three headed dog?"
She nods "Yes on the third floor. It was guarding something. I'm assuming that package they won't shut up about."
Well... that sure is news. A three headed dog. Before I can even try to imagine it I see an image clear as day of Hermione, Harry and Ron moving it's gigantic paw to reveal a trap door. Quiet music plays in the background. I have the feeling it has something to do with Professor Quirrell.
"Anyways, I sure won't be speaking to them anymore." says Hermione.
"Maybe that's better..."
"Well, but you aren't a saint either, are you?" she looks at me.
"Not quiet..."
She looks curious "I've heard things... about you."
"What things?"
"People have been talking... about you and Fred Weasley."
"And what exactly have they been saying?"
"Well... I was going to ask. Is he your boyfriend?"
"BOYFRIEND?" ew, oh hell no "Why on earth would anyone think that?" I frown.
"You keep hanging out together. Sneaking around. I didn't rally believe it of course. But someone said she saw you tow come out of a broom closet."
"Ugh, that's disgusting. We were just talking about something." she makes it sound as if we were snogging in the broom closet. Even the thought makes me nauseous.
"Well, that's good to know." she says with an expression that pretty much mirrors my thoughts.
"Boys are gross. Why would anyone want to snog them." I shiver.
"I know, right? I really don't know what everybody sees in them. Personally I'm more than happy without them."
"I can't believe people would think that. He's not even cute.. I mean he's a ginger for Christ's sake."
Hermione laughs "Exactly! If he at least were one of the Beatles."
"Or like Morten Harket." I grin.
"Or Mark Owen." swoons Hermione.
"He's so cool. He even has a nose piercing."
Hermione giggles "I'm goin to marry him, one day."
"Go ahead, I'm going to marry Joey McIntyre. His curls are so cute."
"He has the prettiest eyes." Hermione sighs.
"And his smile is so cute."
"Can you believe some of the girls here don't know who any of them are?" asks Hermione.
Well frankly if I hadn't spent a week homeless, hiding out in record stores I probably wouldn't know them either but I shake my head "They're really missing out."
"Maybe that's why they think Fred Weasley is dateable. Because all they know are bands like the weird sisters."
I laugh "Don't tell me they don't have a single cute boyband?"
Hermione shakes her head "Not as far as I know. You know who's cute though?"
"Oliver Wood." she says quietly.
"Who's that?"
"He's Quidditch captain. I saw him talk to Harry once. He's all tall and muscular and has really nice hair." she smiles at me "Not ginger at all. Only problem is, he's in his fifth year already."
I laugh "Yes, that sounds like a problem. Our Quidditch captain is in his fifth year as well. But he looks like a troll."
"Well, I'm not surprised. The only good looking Slytherin boy I've seen so far is your friend Aidan and even he barely makes the cut."
"Aidan? Seriously?"
"Well he kind of looks like a young Joey McIntyre... except Mexican and with straight hair."
"You're reaching."
"I'm just saying he's got potential."
I frown. Definitely not. "Have you got any idea, how to get into the restricted section?" I change the topic.
"You need a teacher's permission. And they also have to give you permission for every individual book. Why?"
"I'm looking for a specific potions book. Moste Potente Potions. I think it's in the restricted section."
"I highly doubt any teacher would allow you to take a look in it." says Hermione.
"So do I... but there's usually other ways to get what you want."
Hermione sighs "You're so much like Harry and Ron sometimes."
During lunch I avoid looking at Fred for even a second. If he knows of those rumours I'm literally going to die from embarrassment.
"Have any of you considered trying out for Quidditch?" asks Nia.
"Don't even bother." I say "The captain has a strict no girls rule. It's pathetic."
"He can't really mean it, can he?" asks Lorinda.
I look over to the troll stuffing his mouth with red meat "I'm pretty sure he does."
"Well Snape surely wouldn't support that, right?"
"Do you really think Snape gives a shit about Quidditch?" I look at Nia "I mean you can try. They're looking to replace a Beater. I just highly doubt you'd have a shot."
Nia shrugs "I wouldn't want to be a Beater anyways. I was thinking either a Chaser or a Seeker."
"The Seeker, Terence, is brilliant and only in his third year. He's definitely staying on the team. But maybe you could make it as a Chaser... if it weren't for Flint, anyways. He said that Adrian is quite shit, but Adrian said it's because of the Beater, Brass. I don't know who the third Chaser is though."
"Would you try out?" asks Nia.
I shake my head "I don't really care for Quidditch. I wouldn't even know what position to take."
"You caught Neville." says Aidan "Maybe a Keeper?"
I shake my head again "No way. Flying is fun but I don't really see myself playing Quidditch." I look at Nia "You should try out though."
"I might..." says Nia, looking over to Marcus Flint "He scares me though."
"Oi! Wilderwald!" shouts Draco Malfoy after me just as I'm about to leave the great hall.
"What do you want Malfoy?"
"Well, I heard you're not a mudblood after all. I don't understand why you'd lie about that in the first place but I am more than willing to have you join my group. You're rather powerful and clearly need some new friends."
"Malfoy, just because I'm a pureblood it doesn't mean that I support any of your beliefs. Besides, I'm rather happy with my friends." I look at him clench his jaw "We can be friends. I don't believe you're even half as prejudice as your father... you've been raised wrong that's all. Drop the pureblood-supremacy and classism and we could get along well."
He laughs "You're making a mistake."
"I'm being diplomatic."
"You're being stupid. A stupid blood traitor. You fit perfectly into the Weasley family. Disgusting."
"Fine, have it your way. But don't say I didn't try." I walk away from him.
Back in my dorm I pack my bag with my charms book, wand and a handful of galleons. I sigh, what a waste of money, pretending like I need tutoring. I have a suspicion about him. I remember that terrible vision I had before talking to Harry for the first time. I can't be quiet sure, of course but I'm afraid Cedric might be the boy I saw dying. I've had way too many small visions of him for them to not be connected.
At exactly four I meet Cedric in the courtyard. "Haven." he greats me by shaking my hand. I smile awkwardly.
"Alright, how many charms classes have you had so far?" he asks looking through a few papers in his hand.
"Uhm... four." I mumble.
"Well than we haven't got too much to catch up on. Most problems simply come from holding your wand wrong, wrong pronunciation... I see you mumble a little that could be the issue... also the right movements are crucial."
I just nod.
"Has Professor Flitwick given you a suggestion on where your problem could lie?"
I shake my head "Uhm... maybe the mumble is the problem. As you said." I'm not going to fake mumble through the entire lesson though. Forget it.
Cedric nods, still reading through some papers "Very well then, mind if I take a look at your wand?"
I quickly take my wand out of my bad and give it to him.
"It's a bit big, isn't it... but you'll probably grow into it. What wood?"
"Er... Sycamore."
"Alright and the core?"
"Dragon heartstring."
He scribbles both of them down. "Well, the good thing is, dragon heartstring wands learn very quickly. They're great for beginners, and once you know how to properly cast a spell they're really powerful."
I know "Cool."
"Alright , let's see you do a simple one." He gives me back my wand "Try lumos. Do you know that one?"
I nod "I think so..." I take a deep breath to prepare for heavily damaging my ego. I move my wand in a week little circle motion "Limos" I mumble as badly as possible, and of course nothing happens. Wouldn't it be funny if I just accidentally killed myself with that spell though.
"Alright... I see where the problem is." says Cedric.
"You do?" I ask, trying very hard to sound sincere.
"Yes, common mistakes. Don't worry." he takes out his own wand and puts the papers into his bag "The first important thing is the pronunciation. Try saying it again, as clearly as possible, Lumos." I exaggerates it heavily.
I see why he takes five galleons an hour. You couldn't pay me enough to do this shit.
"Lumes." I say waving my wand like an idiot.
He smiles "Lumos. Try again."
He nods "Very good! Now the wand movement. It's a simple up down movement, you barely have to do anything. Here look." As a demonstration he moves his wand up and down very clearly and says "Lumos." his wand lights up.
"Wow." I say.
He smiles "Now you do it."
I copy his motion and say "Lumos." and my wands shines a bright white light.
"Wonderful!" cheers the poor boy as enthusiastically as possible. "And see how bright it is. Very well done. Now, the counter-spell is Nox. You move your wand like this and the light will go out." He demonstrates it quickly with his own wand.
"Nenx" I mumble.
"Almost." says Cedric patiently "NOx."
In this moment Fred and George walk out on the courtyard carrying their brooms. George hits Fred in the arm and points at me. He tilts his head and looks rather curiously.
"Diggory!" grins Fred slapping him on the back "Tutoring, I see."
Cedric nods "Yes, now please, Fred, if you don't mind-"
"Oh, I'm curious, how is it going?" grins Fred even wider.
I just want to disappear into the ground.
"It's going very well." says Cedric "Haven you want to demonstrate?"
I shake my head.
"Oh, don't be shy, I bet you can do it."
Fred and George burst out in laughter. My head has to be as red as their hair by now.
"Honestly, behave yourselves!" scoffs Cedric at them "Go, on, I believe in you."
I can see my hair shine bright pink with embarrassment when I say "Nox." and the light disappears.
"See! Very good." says Cedric "You're making wonderful progress."
Fred nods vigourously "Yes! That really is a very difficult spell." him and his brother laugh some more.
I flash him a hateful look.
"You don't have to be so rude." lectures Cedric "It is very common for first years to need a little help, getting started." He looks at me "You have nothing to worry about. Those two are simply idiots."
"That really hurts our feelings though." says Fred.
"I bet it does." scoffs Cedric "Now, please be so kind as to stop wasting our time, so we can continue the lesson."
Fred and George wave as they walk away.
"I'm very sorry about them." says Cedric "Those two are just some arrogant third years. Usually nice, but arrogant."
"It's fine." I mumble.
"You're a Metamorphmagus, aren't you?" asks Cedric.
I nod.
"We had one in Hufflepuff, she graduated this year. Nymphadora Tonks." he smiles at me "She was brilliant by the way. Looking to become an Auror. You could do the same some day."
"You think?" I ask shyly.
"Absolutely." he smiles and puts his hand on my shoulder. At this moment I feel like a thousand butterflies are set off in my stomach. "You wanna try it again?" He asks.
"What?" I ask after staring at him for a little long. I get absolutely lost in his grey eyes.
"The spell." he says.
"Oh yeah." my voice trembles and I raise my wand with a shaky hand.
Cedric Diggory smells like the library, vanilla, fresh cooking and ember. Absolutely breathtaking.
"Uhm lumos." I say and I flick my wand. Nothing happens.
"Oh that's okay. I'd have a hard time focusing as well right now." says Cedric quickly.
"Don't let Fred and George distract you. Here-" He takes my hand and moves it in the right motion "Try again."
By the end of the lesson I have my next forty years with Cedric planned out perfectly. The only problem is a beautiful girl, with soft, blonde hair leaning against one of the walls in the courtyard.
"Oh is it this late already." says Cedric and points at the girl "That's my girlfriend Mindy, I better get going. She doesn't like to be kept waiting. You made great progress today, Haven." he smiles "Same time next week?"
I nod.
"Wonderful, see you then." he runs over to his girlfriend and greets her with a kiss.
Stupid, fucking Mindy. What kind of name is that anyways? Mindy. sound like something you'd call a rat. I bet she's got rat teeth and the most annoying voice ever. I bet she smells like literal shit. I let myself fall on my bed. She doesn't like to be kept waiting. I wouldn't mind spending literal years waiting for Cedric and she'd complain about a few stupid minutes.
I can barely sleep that night. The idea of meeting Isaac makes me incredibly nervous. Yes, I spent a month with him but I really don't know anything about him, come to think about it.
I try to find some defensive spells in the books lying around all over the common room, just in case Isaac turns out to be a deranged murderer after all.
It sucks not being able to access a single vision on him. I pull my fathers sweater over my face and imagine being home. In his and my mother's arms. It's weird though, because none of them ever make me feel at home or comfortable. I'm always left feeling a little colder than before. But I figure that's part of being obliviated.
I stay in my bed throughout breakfast and spend lunchtime getting ready. I hide my wand in the sleeve of my black sweatshirt and slowly make my way out of the dungeons. Through the corridors towards the main entrance. Do me this one favour Isaac. Be a good person.
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