Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone... but not really

written by Jovana Gryles

"Slytherin... all dark witches and wizards were once Slytherins." "Yes... but that doesn't make every Slytherin evil. I can't explain it I just know that I wouldn't fit in any of the other houses." "I never told you that I'm expecting to be sorted into Slytherin." "Didn't have to. It's the house that suits you the most." "And that's a bad thing?" "No. It means I've never met anyone with so much drive, so hardworking, so ambitious. You'll make a fine Slytherin and an even finer witch." 'Or perhaps in Slytherin You'll make your real friends, Those cunning folks use any means To achieve their ends.'

Last Updated







Chapter 15
The one where not every Slytherin is a total douche

"Great job costing Slytherin five points, you absolute duffer!" shouts Draco at me as soon I enter the common room the next morning.
"Calm down, Malfoy. Gryffindor lost five points as well. It's not that big of a deal."
"Not that big of a deal?" he scoffs "That just makes it worse! What Gryffindor were you hanging out with? Potter? One of the bloody Weasleys or your mud- muggleborn friend Granger?"
"Who says it was any of them?" I ask.
"Please don't tell me you made even more Gryffindor friends? You will be the end of this house, I swear."
"You're so dramatic, Malfoy. But don't worry it was a Weasley."
"Typical." he growls.
"I don't understand why you're even trying with her." says Pansy, looking at me with disgust.
"Hey Pixie, you can stay out of that." says Nia.
"Yeah, Pixie." grins Aidan.
"Ugh." she rolls her eyes "You lot are the worst." she gets up and struts out of the common room.
I must have hit my head or something because I'm sure I can see Draco smile a little "Pixie?" he asks.
"Like Cornish Pixie." I explain "She had a very blue start into the week, reminded me of the little creatures."
Again, just a little smile but he says with the same snarly voice "You must think you're so brilliant, don't you, Wilderwald."
"It comes and goes." I simply shrug my shoulders.
"You know, it really is unfair, you got to fly already." says Aidan during lunch "I've been excited all day."
"Even history of magic wasn't that much of a pain this time." says Nia "Just ask Elijah, he actually stayed awake."
We all saw how he stayed awake, whispering and giggling with Nia the entire time.
Elijah nods "It's true. Ask me anything! About the Clovis, the Olmec, the Maya, I'm prepared."
"Alright." laughs Aidan "In Olmec society, which two classes did magical people usually belong to?"
"Schaman and ruling. Easy." says Elijah confidently.
"Impressive." I say. "Then, tell me... Which charm was used by the Clovis witches and wizards to save them from the Mass Cooling?"
"Is that a serious question? The warming charm, of course."
"Honestly, Wilderwald. You could do better." says Aidan.
"Fine, sorry. Where would you find the Great Pyramid of the Olmec civilization?"
"Uhm... well it was somewhere in Mexico." mumbles Elijah.
"Where exactly though?" I insist.
"Mexico city?"
Aidan sighs "That's just offensive."
I laugh, "La Venta. In Tabasco, Mexico."
"Well, I got two out of three." says Elijah.
"Yes, because Haven's was stupid." says Lorinda "How about yo tell me how exactly the Maya managed to survive as long as they did."
"Well... they had a rich society... I mean culture. With like... language and... things." he flashes us angry looks as we start laughing "You know, We could try this in Herbology. None of you would stand a change."
"Please. Herbology is a little piss-baby-subject. Try potions, or maybe fantastic beasts." I say.
"Oh yeah? Piss-baby?" Elijah looks furious "How many subclasses are there of hazardous Class A plants, and how many hazardous classes are there in general?"
I yawn "Three subclasses for class A, six classes in general, odorous, physically aggressive, toxic, infectious, burning and reactive."
Elijah puffs some air out of his nose "Whatever."
"Bloody know-it-all." laughs Aidan.
"You're worse than that Granger girl." grins Lorinda.
"Please." I sigh "I wouldn't stand a chance against Hermione."
"Is that why you're friends with her?" asks Nia curiously.
"What?" I'm confused.
"Because you're intimidated?"
"I'm friends with her, because I like her."
"Why though?"
"You know, she has a point." says Aidan carefully "Not just the Granger girl, but Gryffindors in general. They seem kind of... thick. It's hard to see why you'd hang out with them."
"Because I like them. Is that that hard to believe?"
"We're just a bit more... intellectual." says Nia.
"No." says Lorinda "I'm with Haven. Remember what the hat said to me? It almost put me into Gryffindor. The only reason I'm here and not in Gryffindor is because the hat felt I had more of an urge to prove myself."
"Yeah, honestly. There's barely any difference between us." I say.
"Well... they just seem loud and stupid to me." says Nia.
"Well... they're not." I say coolly.
"Guys, who really cares, hm? It's just small differences."says Aidan, once again the one trying to diffuse the tension.
"Yeah." mumbles Elijah "Let's be excited for flying lessons instead, how about that."
"Sure." I mumble.
"Say..." whispers Aidan quietly to me on our way to transfigurations class "do you have a problem with Nia?"
"What? No! Of course not. I like her." I say.
"You guys seem to clash a lot."
"So? Same with Lorinda. I still like them, though. We just all have pretty strong personalities. We have to get used to each other, I suppose."
"It would be sad, if you guys started to hate each other, that's all I'm saying."
"Don't worry about that."
"If you say so."
"I do."
"Ah Mrs. Wilderwald." says McGonagall, as soon as we enter the classroom "I'm surprised to see you here, and not in the dark forest terrorizing centaurs with Mr. Weasley."
"Now you're exaggerating, Professor." I smile softly, taking my seat.
"Well, Mr. Weasley is capable of anything. And I'm getting the bad feeling you might be just as bad."
"I doubt it, but we'll see. Shall we?"
McGonagall's harsh face allows a bit of a smirk "Alright class, textbooks out, Mrs. Wilderwald will present her homework and then we shall continue with Conjuration as todays subject."
Obviously McGonagall expects me to be unprepared for her request but I read out my homework on the different vanishment spells, leaving her rather satisfied. "Well, seems like you managed to do your homework somewhere between the rule breaking after all. Ten points."
"Now-" she looks around the classroom, pulls the blackboard with the transfiguration branches in the Center of the room "Who can tell me about Conjuration."
Nia's hand immediately shoots into the air.
"Yes," McGonagall points at her "Mrs. Apophis, go ahead."
"The conjuration spells are far more complicated than the vanishment spells. To conjure an item it is actually formed by pulling together the particles around us to create the object we desire, making it the counterpart to the vanishment spell. To successfully conjure an item, one has to take into consideration all of it's details."
"Very good, Mrs. Apophis. And since conjuring itself is such a difficult task it is something you won't learn unless you choose to continue on with Transfiguration into your N.E.W.T.s. There are also extensive laws restricting what can and cannot be conjured and things that are conjured also will not last forever.  We will go over some of these restrictions now, so please get your quills and parchments ready."
The classroom sighs collectively. Having to take notes during McGonagall's class would honestly be fit for detention. My hands are already covered in blisters from all the writing she expects us to do.
"Dear god, you must be thrilled to finally show off. Aren't you." I say to Malfoy on the way to our first flying lesson.
"Well, at least I didn't have to beg a Weasley to teach me how to fly, so I wouldn't fall off my broom today." He snaps back.
"I didn't beg anyone to teach me anything. I was just bored."
"Sure. Maybe you could start doing useful things when you're bored... like packing your trunk and leaving, or walking off the astronomy tower."
"I was going to suggest you do the same thing instead of basing your entire personality on being a spoiled bully."
"Witty. At least my parents could afford to spoil me."
"That's really something to be proud of." I nod sarcastically.
We arrive at the practice field and begin to align ourselves next to the brooms lying on the floor.
"Of course we have to wait for the Gryffindor hoard." scoffs Draco at their absence.
"And what exactly what we be doing if they were here?" I ask "If you care to notice, the professor isn't here either."
"You both can shut up now. There they are." Millicent rolls her eyes.
The Gryffindors come strolling down the hill, chattering loudly. They stop in a messy crowd with only Hermione taking place next to a broom.
I smile at her "Hey. How have your days been?"
"Fantastic. I've learned a lot. I found the book by the way."
"What book?"
"Quidditch through the ages. The one I told you about in the library."
"Oh, right. And, any useful information?"
"Well, interesting information, sure. But nothing that could help with this." she stares down at her broom.
"Oh, don't worry. It's really simple."
Draco laughs next to me.
"Got something to say, Malfoy?"
"So many things. But sadly they would all heavily violate our agreement." He turns away to talk to Crabbe and Goyle.
Hermione gives me a questioning look but I dismiss it with an eyeroll.
"I heard Fred and George complain about these brooms." says Hermione worryingly "That they vibrate when you fly up too high and always pull slightly to left."
"Pathetic." mutters Draco.
"Don't worry. It won't throw you off. Besides, I doubt we'll get that far anyways."
I look at Neville with some worry building up. I don't think he's going to make it out of this lesson in one piece.
Then Madam Hooch finally arrives at the field. She has short hair, but most notably hawk-like yellow eyes. Odd...
"Well, what are you all waiting for?" she barks "Everyone stand by a broomstick. Come on, hurry up."
The Gryffindors quickly jump next to the remaining broomsticks.
"Stick your right hand over the broom, and say UP!"
"UP!" we all shout. Harry's, Nia's, Draco's, Aidan's and my broom jump into our hands instantly. The others seem to struggle a little more.
Hermione's just dances around on the floor, so does Elijah's. Lorinda gets it right with her third try.
I watch closely as Neville's broomstick stays set on the ground, with no movement at all.
Madam Hooch sighs at Neville, who's broomstick is the only one still on the ground "Go on pick it up." she looks around "Alright, now that you've all got hold of your broom, I want you to mount it, and grip it tight, you don't want to be sliding off the end."
We all do as we're told. Madam Hooch stops in front of Malfoy "You're doing it wrong, boy. You oughta hold it like this." she grabs his hands and adjusts them on the broom.
"Oh please." he scoffs "I've been doing it like this my entire life."
"Well, Mr. Malfoy, seems like you've been doing it wrong your entire life."
She walks past me "Very good, Mrs. Wilderwald. Very good, Mr. Hubbard."
She adjusts a few other hands and I can see Harry and Ron laughing over Malfoy.
"You really must be brilliant." I say to Draco "I mean you're such an amazing flyer you even know how to hold your broom correctly."
"Shut up, Wilderwald. She doesn't know what she's talking about."
"Yes, and why should she. She's just the flying instructor."
"Well, it seems like there's not a lot to being a flying instructor. If the Weasley could teach you. He probably can't even tell left from right."
"Don't you dare talk about him like that!"
"Now, when I blow my whistle-" interrupts Madam Hooch "you kick off from the ground, hard. Keep your brooms steady, rise a few feet, and then come straight down by leaning forward slightly. On my whistle- three- two-"
Neville's broom shoots into the air with him clutching onto it, before Madam Hooch could even blow the whistle.
"Come back, boy!" she shouts but Neville keeps shooting up in the air.
I kick of from the ground myself, to get him but Malfoy grabs my foot "What do you think you're doing?" he hisses, pulling me back onto the ground.
"I'm going to help him!" I say kicking his hand away.
"No, you won't.  You're going to cost us even more house-"
"Do I look like I care?" I kick back up again "He's going to get seriously hurt."
"Oh please." Malfoy rolls his eyes.
I shoot towards Neville, leaning forward as far as possible and just as he's about to fall from twenty feet height I manage to grab his hand. I watch as something small and shiny falls out of his pocket.
His sweaty little hands can barely hold on. I rush towards the ground and Neville loses his grip about five feet above it. He falls with a miserable whimper.
"Are you okay?" I ask landing next to him. He nods, his face pale with fear and teary eyes. But besides the shock he seemed to be alright.
"Are you okay, boy?" Madam Hooch asks, just as pale as Neville. As soon as she realizes Neville's alright she turns to me "And what were you thinking?"
I point up to the broom, still floating twenty feet above the air "That I didn't want him to break all his bones."
"Oh, I've heard of you." she scoffs "Professor McGonagall told me to get you straight to Dumbledore if I saw you breaking any more rules."
"You can't be serious! I tried to help."
"You tried to play the hero. I hope it got you the attention you wanted." she looks around the field "I will be back in a minute. None of you move while I'm gone. You leave those brooms where they are or you'll be out of Hogwarts before you can say Quidditch. Now come on." she says coolly.
I just know, if a Gryffindor would have tried to help Neville, it would have simply been that. Helping. But god forbids a Slytherin does it. Because all we want is fame. Isn't it.
She brings me to Dumbledore's office "I honestly doubt, the headmaster of Hogwarts has time to deal with this." I say.
"Should have thought about that before trying to get expelled in your first week."
"That's not what I'm doing though."
She ignores me fully and says "Sherbet Lemon." and the Gargoyle begins spinning.
Sherbet Lemon. Brilliant. If I don't get expelled for saving Neville's ass I now know how to get into Dumbledore's office.
Dumbledore turns around curiously as we enter his study "I had a feeling, it wouldn't be long until I saw you again, Mrs. Wilderwald. Thank you, Madam Hooch." He nods at her.
"She ignored my direct orders. Flew without permission."
Dumbledore chuckles "Again?"
"Would you mind, telling him why?" I ask Hooch frustrated.
"Mr. Longbottom lost control of his broom. She decided to play the hero and fly after him."
"And?" Dumbledore asks curiously.
"She caught him on time. Dropped him, though."
"Thanks Madam Hooch, that would be all. I'm going to have a word with Mrs. Wilderwald now." He dismisses Hooch with a wave of his hand and she leaves the office.
"I wasn't playing hero." I say to Dumbledore "I saw that Neville would get hurt and wanted to help him. That's all."
"I know that." says Dumbledore.
"Then why am I still here?" I ask.
"As a Slytherin, you will have a very different experience at this school."
"You don't say." I scoff.
"Teachers will be harder on you, students will be meaner. It's easy to become frustrated and look for... revenge."
"I don't plan on becoming a deatheater, if that's your concern."
"He sure would be delighted to have you on his sight. You'd be rewarded gloriously."
"I don't care about that. I am not an evil person. Even though everybody in this place seems to think differently." I can feel tears making their way to my eyes and swallow that ball of sadness building up in my throat.
"A certain disregard for the rules... it could get you in a lot of trouble over time."
"I tried to help! And how come that me behaving a little out of line means I'm a future deatheater but for the Weasley twins, who I got in trouble with in the first place, it's just a cute little quirk? I saw the way you were with George, yesterday."
"They're Gryffindors-" says Dumbledore.
"It's not my fault Voldemort was a Slytherin. It's not my fault he had a shitty childhood and decided to become a deranged murderer. I am eleven years old, Professor."
"I'm trying to help you, kid."
"No, you're not. Instead of explaining to the Professors, that we are just normal children, you tell me to let Neville Longbottom to fall twenty feet, so that I won't get into extra harsh trouble and eventually kill a bunch of people."
He opens his mouth but I interrupt him "It's interesting really. Wizards chose to discriminate against Muggleborns after Muggles were discriminatory towards Wizards. And now Wizards wizards discriminate against a bunch of children who were sorted into the house with the most blood-nazis. You know, I begged the sorting hat to put me in any other house but Slytherin."
"I know, and I understand your frustration Mrs. Wilderwald. But I still must ask of you, to behave."
"Okay, fine. Next time, Longbottom's going to break his wrist, I'm just going to let him fall. Better?"
Dumbledore smiles a little "Just keep your feet on the ground when they're not supposed to be in the air."
"I'll try my best."
"Perfect. Then you can go back to your lesson, before it ends. And tell Madam Hooch, I thank you for saving Mr. Longbottom's wrist."
I smile "ill do, Professor."
"Alright then. Goodbye." He waves and I leave the study.
Back on the field I notice that Harry is gone.
"And, Mrs. Wilderwald?" asks Madam Hooch.
"Dumbledore wanted me to tell you he thanks me for helping Longbottom." I say which makes he squint her eyes at me.
"You must love that."
"Not really. I'd love it, if you stopped pretending like what I did was anything other than trying to help."
"Back to your broom, now." she dismisses me.
"Where's Harry?" I ask Aidan quietly.
"McGonagall saw him fly. He got in a fight with Malfoy."
"About what?"
"That thing Longbottom lost. A Remembrall."
"Then why is Malfoy still here?" I ask.
"McGonagall didn't see him I guess."
After class I run into my dorm. Time to test out the whole Metamorphmagus thing. I stare at myself in the mirror and focus on changing my eye and hair colour first. It comes the easiest. I stare long, and carefully, and try change my entire face. I picture Dumbledore's face with as much as detail as possible. It works for a second,  but I lose concentration when his long white beard begins growing on my small face, making me laugh out loud.
I try something less ridiculous and change my face into Hermione's. I grow a little taller, as I turn myself completely into her. "Wicked..." I whisper to myself, even my voice sounds like hers now. I try Harry instead. I push back the messy black hair and take a close look at the scar in the mirror.
I turn into Fred Weasley next and stare into the mirror for a while. Interestingly enough, the clothes on my body change with me. I turn into McGonagall, wearing her long green robes.
I quickly change back into myself when the other girls open the door to the dorm.
"Are you coming to dinner today or do you have another date with the Weasley, trying to screw over Slytherin?" asks Nia coolly as she jumps on her bed.
"You guys aren't seriously mad at me, right?" I ask.
"No, we are." barks Nia.
"Yeah, that thing you pulled during flying lessons was messed up." says Lorinda.
"I tried to help Neville!"
"Why?" shouts Lorinda "Who do your loyalties lie with?"
"What loyalties?" I laugh "I didn't want him to get hurt."
"You almost got expelled for that!" Nia looks really angry.
"No I wasn't! Dumbledore said it was a good thing to do. And I'm not going to fight with you guys."
"Well, too bad, because we're fighting with you." says Lorinda.
"That's bullshit." I say "Honestly, I thought we were going to be friends. Why do we have to turn on each other."
"We're still going to be friends!" says Nia.
"Yeah, but you utter dumbass will apologize for getting us in trouble all the time." says Lorinda.
"In the first week!"
"Fine! I am sorry. But not for today. I have nothing to apologize for when it comes to Neville. I'm sorry for the rest though."
"Good!" shouts Lorinda. Then her and Nia grin and hug me.
"You guys are so weird." says Pansy coming into the room and sitting down on the bed.
"You're weird." says Nia.
"Yeah whatever" she looks tired.
"You okay, Pix- Parkinson?" I ask.
"None of your business, Wilderwald." she wipes her eyes a little.
"You're stuck in a room with us. The least you can do is explain your shitty attitude." I say.
"I hate this stupid school." she says quietly.
"I bet it hates you too." I say.
"Exactly." says Pansy "Some Ravenclaw leg locked me on the moving staircase. I fell down, while it was moving. And instead of helping, everybody just laughed. Stupid, stinky Slytherin." she mumbles the Weasley twins little song.
"Sorry... that's messed up." I say and sit down next to her "You lasted a lot longer than me. I already balled my eyes out on Monday. They keep tripping and pushing me."
"It doesn't usually happen." she sniffs "I'm always with someone, like Draco or Millicent... but the second I was alone, the second any of us are alone..."
"Yeah, I know. It sucks being a Slytherin." I say.
"I don't understand why you hang out with any of those Gryffindors. They're the worst."
"I'm nice to them and they're nice me." I explain "We have a bad reputation. We can chose whether we're going to be friends with them, or prove them right about Slytherin. But I'd rather not do that."
"Because you're a coward, Wilderwald."
I sigh "Maybe. But I think life is easier with friends." I get up from her bed and open the dorm door "It's your choice."
"I can't believe you were nice to Pixie." says Lorinda in the common room.
"Yeah..." Nia shivers "That was weird."
"I don't like seeing people cry. Now, I have to do my homework. You guys coming?"
They nod "Let's get the boys and go."
During dinner I peer over to Harry, whispering to Ron in excitement. He doesn't look like someone who's just gotten into trouble with McGonagall. Fred and George run towards him and talk to him with just as much excitement. So he wasn't expelled I suppose. And didn't land himself in trouble either.
I look over to Draco who seems especially frustrated about Harry still being here.
"Hey, Malfoy!" I say to him "What exactly happened with Potter earlier?"
"What, your best friend didn't tell you?" he snarls.
"Well, something about Longbottom's Remembrall." I say.
He nods "Potter should've been expelled for flying around. He looks far too happy, doesn't he?" he punches Crabbe in the arm "Come on, let's teach Potter a lesson."
I roll my eyes "Leave him alone, Malfoy."
"I'd suggest you stay out of this." he grunts and has Crabbe and Goyle follow him to the Gryffindor table.
Looking over I notice that Fred and George left Harry's side. Instead George is now talking to Neville, who's pointing at me. When George looks over to me he rolls his eyes and pushes Fred in the arm, pointing over to me as well.
Now, Fred looks over to me and I quickly turn away.
Not a minute later he taps me on the shoulder "Someone would like to talk to you." he says sitting down next to me, which leads multiple Slytherins to stare at us with utter hate in their eyes.
"Weasley, you know the rules." says Gemma calmly.
"Of course Gemma. Just need a word with Haven." he winks at her and pulls me up by my arm.
"What is it, Weasley?"
"Longbottom was scared of coming here." he says leading me straight to Neville.
"Er-" stutters Neville "I just... wanted to-" he stares on the ground shyly.
"She doesn't bite... I think." whispers Fred jokingly.
Neville takes a deep breath "I just wanted to thank you, for... you know... catching me and all that."
I smile "Of course. I hope it didn't hurt too bad?"
He quickly shakes his head, turning very, very red "No, not at all."
" Wonderful." I say.
He nods hectically even more pink and stumbles away.
"Told you he has a crush on you." grins Fred.
"You're imagining things, Weasley."
"Sure, maybe he's just scared of you."
"Shut up, I am not scary."
"So it's a crush then."
"He's just shy. Honestly you can be so stupid sometimes."
George steps next to Fred "And you're so much smarter, aren't you?" he asks with an a lot less playful tone.
"That's not what I'm-"
"We were just joking around, Georgie." interrupts Fred.
"Bet you were." says George before walking back to the table.
"You're brother hates me." I say staring after me.
"Absolutely." Fred nods "I guess he's going to change his opinion eventually."
"Why should he?"
"I was lying. He's definitely going to despise you forever."
"I'm kidding. He's going to eventually realize your terrible personality is circumstantial." he looks over to Harry talking to Malfoy "What does he want?"
"I have no idea. He said he'd teach Harry a lesson." I shrug my shoulders.
"I think I might have to teach him a lesson." he whispers with a mischievous grin.
"You have my full support."
"Really?" he raises his eyebrows.
I nod "He deserves it."
"Wonderful. I'll see what I can come up with." he grins "Looking forward to working with you."
"Working with me? I meant support as in... you know, I think it would be great if you did something. My hands are tied."
"I'm one slip up from getting expelled. There's no way I can mess up."
"Boooring!" he yawns.
"Hey! It's your fault too."
"You got in trouble for yesterday?"
"You didn't?"
He scratches his head "Not really..."
"See, more reason why I could never go ahead and mess with Draco like you could."
"Well, then don't get caught."
"That seems to be your profession. Besides, I really can't risk it. I've got something else I have to do."
His eyes start glistening "You're planning something."
"That's what I just said."
"Yes. But you're planning something fun."
I shake my head "It's not going to be fun."
He pulls me by the arm out of the great hall, straight into a broom closet "You want to sneak into Dumbledore's office, don't you? Get to the archives, find out more about your parents."
I lean against the wall behind me with my arms crossed "Maybe."
"Well... have you got a plan?"
"Don't be shy, tell me. Do you even know the password?"
"I do."
"Really?" he sounds impressed "What is it?"
"I'm not telling you."
"Oh come on, George and I have been trying for a while. But Dumbledore's especially cautious around us."
"I wonder why."
He smirks "Tell me, and I might help you."
"I really don't need your help."
"Oh you think it's easy to sneak around the castle? You think it'll be easy to time everything perfectly? To make sure you won't get caught?"
He raises his eyebrows "What are you hiding..." he lets my hair run through his hands "We had a student at Hogwarts.. she graduated this summer. She had bright pink hair which changed colours depending on her mood." He stares me into the eyes "She could change into anyone, and anything... you're like her, aren't you?"
"You're talking about Tonks?"
"So you know her?"
I shake my head "I've heard of her. But yes, you're quiet right." I can feel myself grow taller as I concentrate until I reach his exact height.
"Wicked." he says staring at me "You look exactly like George."
"See, I don't need your help."
"Well, I reckon you'd still have an easier time not being caught when Dumbledore's asleep, or out of his office."
"I'll go at night. He'll be asleep then." I say but he shakes his head laughing.
"And this, my dear, is why you need me. Dumbledore... he's a little different."
"How would you know? Do you watch him in his sleep?" I ask jokingly.
"Basically." he whispers. "Tell me the password and I'll let you in on my secret."
I sigh "I really can't stand you, Weasley."
He grins "I know that."
"The password is Sherbet Lemon."
He chuckles "Of course Dumbledore would make that his password. Should've thought of that."
"Now, tell me when to get into the study." I insist.
He shakes his head "No, I'll show you. Meet me at midnight in the Slytherin Common Room."
"Are you completely insane?"
"In the Slytherin Common Room? You're trying to get me killed, aren't you."
"Calm down, Wilderwald. I know what I'm doing."
"Sure you do."
"Just trust me. Midnight, Slytherin Common Room."
"Fine." I go to open the door but he holds me back.
"You still look like my brother. Might want to change that."
"Oh right." I whisper, quickly changing back into my own form.
"Wicked..." he mumbles.
"Hey Harry!" I say as I see him rush down the halls with Ron by his sight.
"Haven!" he smiles "Are you doing okay? Madam Hooch was way harsh during flying lessons."
I nod "I'm fine. I was wondering, what did Malfoy tell you?"
He shrugs "He challenged me for a duel."
"You declined, right?" I ask.
"No way. I'm going! Ron is my second."
"Harry that is really stupid."
"You sound like Hermione." says Ron.
"Well, good! She knows what she's talking about." I respond. "When are you planning on duelling anyways?"
"Midnight." says Harry.
"Harry you could get in serious trouble, sneaking around at midnight." well... that feels very hypocritical.
"Well, I'm not going to cower and let Malfoy triumph." says Harry rather coolly.
I frown a little "Harry, I'm just trying to help. Let Malfoy sneak out and get in trouble. You really shouldn't do this."
"No way!" interrupts Ron "Malfoy needs to learn his lesson."
"Oh really? Fine, what brilliant spells will you be using then?"
They look a little thrown off "We'll figure that out now." says Ron "Bye."
"Oh, you've got to be kidding!" I look at Harry who just shrugs.
Stupid boys. Honestly. I walk back to the Slytherin house. I almost have the way figured out by now and usually only take three wrong turns before getting it right.
Malfoy and some others are sitting on the leather sofas and joking around.
"Malfoy, a word?" I say to him.
"What?" he scoffs.
"In private." I say to which Crabbe and Goyle respond with a long "OOOoooooh"
Malfoy shakes his head "Say what you have to say."
"I heard of your stupid duelling idea tonight. I can't believe you'll keep annoying me about the house points and then sneak around at night duelling Harry Potter!" again... very hypocritical.
Malfoy smirks "Oh, I doubt I'll get in any trouble at all."
"And why is that?"
"Because he won't be going." grins Crabbe to which Draco punches him in the arm.
"You goddamn idiot! She's his friend you moron!"
"Oh." mumbles Crabbe.
"So you're just going to let him be caught and stay in bed like a coward?" I ask.
"No, I'll be staying in bed like a genius. Potter will get expelled and we'll finally be attending a decent school."
"You're pathetic, Malfoy." I turn to the door to tell Harry about Malfoy's plan but two tall, dar haired boys get in my way.
"Sorry mudblood, but you'll be staying here." says the rather ugly one.
"By Salazar, Flint, no need for that language." says the other one. "But he's right, you're definitely not leaving."
They grab me by the arms and pull me over to one of the other leather sofas, sitting down by each side of me.
"You're going to waste your entire night watching me just because Malfoy can't leave Harry alone for a single day?"
"Got a problem with that?" asks the boy, Flint.
"Bit pathetic, isn't it. What are you now, like fifth year? And you're doing the dirty work for a first year?"
"Yes, fifth." grunts Flint.
The other one shakes his head "I'm in third. But that's not the point." he gives Flint a disapproving look "We're not letting you mess this up. The Gryffindors need to be taught a lesson."
"And what a brave way of doing that." I say sarcastically.
"You seem to beg for someone to break your skull." barks Flint, cracking his knuckles.
The other just sighs "Calm down Marcus." looking at me he says "If you could stop provoking him, I'm not going to save your sorry ass when he decides to beat the shit out of you."
"As if I'd need saving."
"Trust me, you would. Marcus isn't known for being gentle. Keeps getting us in trouble during games with it." he says loudly to Marcus.
"Games?" I ask.
"Quidditch. We're both Chasers. Even though Marcus seems to be more fit to be a Beater."
"You're simply too weak for the game, Pucey." responds Marcus. "That's why I'm captain and you keep getting your ass kicked by the bloody Weasley twats."
"That's because Brass is the worst Beater in history. You better replace him with someone more qualified this year."
"Can anyone try out?" I ask curiously.
Marcus laughs "No girls on the team. Especially no mudblood first-years!"
Pucey rolls his eyes "Anyone can try out, yes. But chances of making it in the first year are incredibly low."
"No girls!" barks Marcus again.
Pucey ignores him completely "You wouldn't be fit as a Beater though. Maybe a Chaser or a Seeker but not a Beater."
"Stop encouraging this!" shouts Marcus "And I'd never allow a mudblood girl to be a Seeker. Never."
"Well it wouldn't be necessary anyways. Our current Seeker, Terence, is brilliant. I don't see him leaving the team anytime soon."
"Big softie." mutters Flint.
"Oi, Terence!" shouts Pucey and a blonde boy turns around.
"What's up?" he asks coming over.
"You playing this year?" asks Pucey.
"You bet your sweet ass I am, Adrian." Terence and Adrian exchange a handshake. "We're gonna beat those red-golden asses. Now that the Weasley's finally gone."
"I hope Charlie Weasley burns in hell." spits Marcus. "That fucking terf."
"Did he die?" I ask.
They all exchange amused looks "He graduated, you dimwit." laughs Adrian.
"Fucking hell it was just a question." I roll my eyes.
We keep talking for a while. While Marcus Flint is definitely one of the least likeable people I've ever met, while seeming about as intelligent as a shoe, I have to admit, Adrian and Terence are actually pretty cool. They're incredibly rude, sarcastic, can't go a sentence without using a curse-word and absolutely love insulting everything and everyone. They don't call me mean or angry or scary either. We chat about Quidditch for a while, and once Flint and Malfoy go to bed they begin making fun of them as well.
At about ten they tell me to go to bed and that, if they'd find out I snuck out to warn Harry they'd feed me to the mermaids.
I close my eyes for a while, trying to take a nap but I just find my brain wandering for the next two hours. At midnight I sneak down into the empty common room. As soon as I arrive at the bottom of the stairs, the door to the common room slides open. I immediately hide under the staircase.
"No need to hide, Wilderwald." whispers Fred Weasley, shining light on his face "Now, come on."
I quickly run towards him and we leave the common room.
"That was incredibly risky!" I whisper.
"But it wasn't." he grins and pulls me into a tight alcove. "Ready to know my secret?"
"Spit it out already."
He pulls out an empty, folded up, piece of parchment. "Any idea, what this could be?" he asks curiously.
"Why would I?"
"Because you're a seer. I'm just curious how much you actually know."
I sigh and lay my hand on the empty piece of parchment. I see Ron's evil rat running around the castle, turning into a young, blonde boy. He pulls out the parchment and writes on it before putting it back and turning into a rat again.
"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." says another young, incredibly handsome boy with long black hair. He taps the parchment and on his command, writing appears all over it. I turn to read it.
are proud to present
"Brilliant!" says another boy, who looks an awful lot like Harry.
"We've really outdone ourselves." grins the handsome one "Remus, love, you do the honours." he says to the boy standing closely next to him.
"Mischief managed." he says, tapping the map with his wand, and just as suddenly as the writing had appeared, it vanishes.
Their image vanishes and I find myself looking directly into Fred's eyes.
"Did you do that on purpose?" he asks, inspecting my eyes closely.
"No, it just happens when I have a vision."
"Not very practical, is it." he leans back a bit and pats me on the head with the map "So tell me, what have I got here?"
I smile and pull out my wand "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." I tap the parchment and the map reveals itself "The Marauders Map"
He bites his lip a little as he grins "Brilliant. And what does it do?"
I shrug "Didn't see that."
"Very well then." he unfolds the map and shines some light on it "On this map you can see every single person on the castle grounds."
"Really, everyone?"
"Really, everyone. Where they are, what they're doing, every minute of every day."
"Awesome..." I look at all the writings on the map, trying to figure out what exactly I'm looking at. First I spot Fred and me down in the dungeons. Then I see Harry, Hermione and Ron all closely followed by Filch, up by the trophy room.
"Bloody idiots." I whisper pointing my finger at their names.
"What are they doing?" asks Fred curiously "Is it possible, my brother isn't as boring as I thought?"
"I have no idea why Hermione is there, but Harry and Ron are looking to duel Malfoy."
"But Malfoy is in his dorm. See?" Fred asks pointing at Draco's name.
"I know. He tricked Harry."
"And you didn't warn Harry?" Fred sounds weirdly disappointed.
"I thought you were friends?"
"I mean, I literally couldn't. They wouldn't let me leave the common room."
"Well, we have to help them." insists Fred, pointing at Filch.
I roll my eyes "If your brother hadn't insisted on going through with this, they wouldn't be in this position right now."
"We're helping." says Fred, his tone a lot harsher than usual.
"Fine." I sigh.
Fred leads me through the hallways and takes a few hidden passageways then he suddenly stops. "Unbelievable." he points at the names. I watch as they enter the Gryffindor common room. "Can you believe they actually managed to escape Filch?" he whispers proudly.
"Great. Can we focus on Dumbledore now?"
"Sure." he unfolds another part of the map to reveal Dumbledore walking around in his study. "Told you he isn't normal. Pacing, even at midnight."
"Then how will we get in?" I ask impatiently.
"Let's worry about that once we're close enough." he grins.
He leads me through even more hallways and even more secret passageways, dodging Filch at countless points.
We arrive in front of the Stairwell Gargoyle. From there Fred leads me down the corridor on the right, into a short corridor which appears to be a dead end. He points his wand at the floor and one of the stone tiles moves to reveal a small space right beneath the floor. He quickly climbs into it, and with the movement of his hand he tells me to do the same.
"Now we wait." he whispers, moving the stone tile over our heads back into place, leaving us in nothing but darkness.
The small chamber is so incredibly tight that I can Fred's heart beat against my ear.
"Lumos." he whispers and points his wand on the map, to reveal Dumbledore still pacing in his study.
"How long exactly do you expect us to wait?" I ask.
"Not for very much longer."
His not very much longer turns out to be half an hour of claustrophobic torture. Then finally something happens. Dumbledore leaves his study. I can actually hear the Gargoyle moving in the distance. Dumbledore begins walking down the hallways. Fred waits for him to turn around a few corners, then he pushes the tile out of our way once again, and with a bit of effort, we manage to climb out of the hole.
Approaching the stairwell, I slowly turn into Dumbledore himself. "Sherbet Lemon." I say standing in front of the Gargoyle. I lead Fred up the staircase.
"Back so soon, Albus?" asks one of the portraits of previous Headmasters, reading a book.
I nod "Found this one lurking." I say, pointing at Fred.
Fred smiles at the portrait and secretly shows me the map, pointing softly at the part of the study, up a flight of stairs. I take Fred by the arm and pull him towards those stairs.
The room we enter is filled with thick folders and books, but luckily no more portraits.
"And now what? I whisper desperately running my fingers over all the papers.
Fred places the map on a pile of papers "Are they organized by years?"
I skim over the folders and books "Seem to be, yes."
"Well, if your parents went here, it was most likely from around the 50s into the late 70s. Try starting there."
I throw a careful look at the map to see Dumbledore still distancing himself from the tower.
"Don't worry." says Fred "He's going to the kitchen. Late night munchies." he laughs a little.
"What's so funny about that?" I ask, shuffling through all the papers.
"I'll explain when you're a little older." He grins.
1920s... 1940s... 1860s crap they're not even properly organized. I'd love to clean this place up a bit. Maybe another time...
"Found them." whispers Fred, lifting three large folders into the air.
"Perfect... now what? It's going to take ages to read through all of them."
"We steal them, of course, dummy." Fred hands me one of the folders then looks back at the map "Rather quickly as well." he points at Dumbledore leaving the kitchen.
"Fuck." I whisper and we run down the stairs. Luckily the portrait ignores us completely. We sprint out of the office, through a few corridors and come to a stop in another one of his little hideouts.
"The good news-" he pants "We got rid of Dumbledore. The bad news, Filch is coming our way."
I shrug and quickly turn into Snape. "What are you doing out of bed at this hour, Mr. Weasley?" I ask with Snape's slow and serious voice.
Fred laughs quietly. "Mischief managed." he taps the map and puts it back into his pocket. I grab him by the neck as Filch's footsteps approach us and push Fred past him without acknowledging Filch with a single look.
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