Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone... but not really

written by Jovana Gryles

"Slytherin... all dark witches and wizards were once Slytherins." "Yes... but that doesn't make every Slytherin evil. I can't explain it I just know that I wouldn't fit in any of the other houses." "I never told you that I'm expecting to be sorted into Slytherin." "Didn't have to. It's the house that suits you the most." "And that's a bad thing?" "No. It means I've never met anyone with so much drive, so hardworking, so ambitious. You'll make a fine Slytherin and an even finer witch." 'Or perhaps in Slytherin You'll make your real friends, Those cunning folks use any means To achieve their ends.'

Last Updated







Chapter 14
Gargoyles, lies and flying lessons

Tuesday. The day of defence against the dark arts. I'd love to just not attend that class, to just avoid Quirrell and stay alive long enough to see the weekend, but missing class on my second day of school just doesn't feel like something, I'd ever do.

"You look excited." says Lorinda sarcastically as we get ready.

"Who wouldn't be?" Nia throws on her robes "Class with the most boring ghost in the castle."

"The irony is astonishing." I nod.

"Can you guys shut up?" growls Pansy pulling her blanket over her face.

"Sure, best sleep through all your classes." Lorinda says with a judgemental tone.

"I didn't ask for life advice, half breed. Just shut up!"

I giggle as she shows us her blue middle finger "Sure, you Cornish Pixie. Rest well."

"Oh, suck a big one, Wilderwald. You might have peace with Draco... for now, anyways, but I still won't have a problem pushing you off of the astronomy tower."

"Sure, noted." I yawn and follow Lorinda and Nia into the common room.

"A few more ink accidents and we might get rid of her." says Lorinda "I bet she'd love to be in a dorm with Millicent instead."

"I wouldn't wish that on Daphne though." says Nia "She actually seems kind of nice."

"Whatever, we're nice too." says Lorinda.

"We aren't though." I laugh.

"Well... ah, you've got a point." grins Lorinda.

History of magic was insufferable.

"Nothing could have prepared me for this!" complains Lorinda.

"I genuinely think I actually became momentarily narcoleptic." yawns Nia.

"Oh, it wasn't that bad." says Elijah.

"Sure, because you slept through all of it." Nia hits him in the arm playfully.

"Did not."

"Did so! Or try recalling one thing the professor said."

"Well... his name is, uhm something Binns." Elijah scratches his head "Maybe I slept through some of it."

"Honestly Montgomery, you fascinate me."


"Not in the good way."

Aidan and I exchange a knowing look, following the banter "How cute." he laughs.

"I can hear the church bells ringing." I whisper.

I sit through the rest of the day with a lot more enthusiasm, making up for my shitty start in Transfiguration and charms class. I only get pushed into the wall thrice and only one Gryffindor trips me while walking down the stairs. So really, a good day.

However, I wasn't able to shake my fear of Defence against the Dark Arts class all day and my fears are proven right.

I lead the others into the darkest corner of the room and hide behind Goyle's huge body seated right in front of me. If I'm going to have classes with Quirrell, best I can do is make him try to forget I even exist.

And my plan seems to work. He acknowledges my existence exactly once, during taking attendance where he gives me a nasty look, but other than that, he plays the role of stuttering, scared, shaking Quirrell to perfection.

As soon as he dismisses us I sprint out of the room.

"Merlin's beard, Haven! Are you okay?" Aidan asks.

I nod "The Professor sure is... odd."

He grins "Odd doesn't begin to cover it. But don't tell me you're scared of him."

"Me?" I laugh "Scared? Please."

He tilts his head "Sure... normal reaction."

"I'm not scared of him. I just find peculiar people- well, peculiar."

"That's rather close-minded."

"Oh shut up, Hubbard. Something's not right about him. That's all I'm saying. Anyways, gotta go."


"Library. Homework."

"You know, we could do our homework together." He points at him and the others, who nod.

"Kind of the whole point." says Lorinda.

I sigh "Yeah yeah, you're right."

We all walk up into the library. One positive thing about travelling in a heard is, that the other students actually resist their urge to bully us with every step.

"What shall we begin with?" asks Aidan as we sit down around one of the tables.

"History of magic, obviously." says Lorinda as she slams the heavy textbook on the table. "Personally I have no idea, what even happened this lesson."

"Well, there was the theory of Uno Mas..." I try to recall.

Elijah sighs "There was?"

Aidan chuckles "We were talking about the magical beginnings. There are three plausible theories, on how magic actually became to be. The most popular being the Theory of Uno Mas, yes."

"It basically states that all magic began from one person, the first wizard, Uno Mas." says Nia.

"Which wasn't his real name though." adds Lorinda "It was given to him by historians."

"Exactly." says Aidan. "It was originally found written in ancient Aramaic, and can be translated to The First Magi."

"According to the book The Theory of Uno Mas by William Marangue, Uno lived in the time of reptiles and before cavemen. According to the theory he is the father of all wizards and witches, and also the creator of the first wand." I say.

"Basically, the literal father of magic." finishes Aidan.

"Even though that theory is obviously ridiculous." says Lorinda.

"Why would you think that?" asks Elijah.

Aidan and Lorinda laugh "Please. It's about as plausible as Adam and Eve."

"Who?" Nia looks confused.

"Adam and Eve. The first humans. According to the Bible." says Aidan.

"The Bible?" asks Elijah.

"The book of god." explains Lorinda.

"God wrote a book?" Nia and Elijah stare with fascination.

"No. Muggles wrote a book. About God, and Jesus, and people who lived like 5000 years ago." says Lorinda with a bored tone.

"Basically a book to explain magic, and things like thunder and all that." says Aidan "They did that all over the world, with different Gods."

"Why?" asks Elijah.

"Because Muggles are scared of what they don't understand." says Nia with a bitter voice. "Seems like they couldn't kill the thunder though. So they made something up."

"What are you going on about?" I ask.

"Well, I just think it's interesting, Muggles went on to praise their made up explanation for natural occurrences, but went on to burn our kind on the stake."

"Yeah... that was messed up." mumbles Elijah.

"We don't blame you though." Aidan says quickly.

"Me?" I ask "Why would you?"

"Well... you're muggleborn." says Lorinda quietly.

I roll my eyes "I can assure you, I didn't burn a single witch. And neither did my parents."

"Yeah, we know. It's just... your ancestors did." says Nia.

Before I can reply Aidan quickly says "Well, seems like we are getting of track. How about we go over the Migration theory next, hm? Elijah, you got that part?"

Elijah even though looking a little thrown off shakes his head "Nope."

"Perfect. Well, not perfect but you know... perfect. Anyways-" Aidan shuffles through the pages hectically, trying his best to play down the weird tension.

After we finish all of our homework, I stay behind in the library.

"You know... they really don't blame you." says Aidan who stays behind as well.

"I know." I shrug it off. Just like I don't blame every pureblood for what happened to Muggleborns and Halfbloods, much more recently."

He sighs "We are all just kids. I don't think we should be thinking about wars and witch hunts."

"Yeah, I know." I say skimming through my transfigurations book.

"What are you looking for, anyways?" asks Aidan, sitting down next to me looking into my book.

"I'm trying to find something on shapeshifting." I explain.

"Well, that's not covered in that." says Aidan.

I sigh "I know, I thought it might be a good place to start."

"What kind of shapeshifting are we talking about?"

"There's different kinds?"

He nods "Voluntary, involuntary... there's werewolves, animagi, you can use a polyjuice potion, there's Metamorphmagi-"

"Metamorphmagi?" That term sure rings a bell.

He nods "A metamorphmagus is a shapeshifter, born with the ability. They can change their hair-colour, eye-colour, their entire appearance, small aspects of it..."

"To anything?"

"Pretty much."

"Like animals, for example?"

He nods "Yes, they can also turn into a completely different person, well, on the outside. I think, changing just one aspect would actually be harder, than the entire thing."

That would explain why I couldn't change my nose in the hotel. Not enough practice. "And they're just born with it?" I ask again, to make sure.

"Yeah... I think we actually have a Metamorphmagus in our family... a distant cousin. She went here. Tonks."

"Tonks?" that name is familiar.

"Yeah, she's distant though. A descendant of the Blacks."

"You're related to the Blacks?"

"You know of them?"

"I've heard of Sirius... and Bellatrix. Also, isn't Draco's mother one?"

Aidan nods "Yeah, it's a rather unfortunate family... we don't talk to them. They hate us anyways."

"Who did you descend from? I mean which black?"

"Phineas, was his name. I think he was actually headmaster of Hogwarts at some point in time. But I couldn't tell you when exactly. All I know is he was disowned by the Black house for supporting muggle rights."


"Yeah, so me and being a blood-traitor go way back." He grins.

"Have you ever met Tonks?"

He shakes his head "Saw her once or twice. She's going to be an auror, I think. Graduated this year. She seems cool though. With the pink hair and all."



"This is going to sound stupid, but I think... I might be a metamorphmagus." I whisper.

"Yeah, I know. I was wondering how you didn't." He grins.

"How would you know?"

Yesterday, when you cried-"

"I didn't cry."

"Sorry. Yesterday, when your eyes were sweating, your hair was dark blue and your eyes too. And when you got angry before, it turned a bit red."

" You didn't feel the need to mention that?" I ask confused.

"Well I thought you knew. Until you asked about it, anyways."

I stare at him "You are impossible, Hubbard."

He grins "I know. It's pretty cool though. And look-" he runs a strand of my hair through his hands "red."

"Great..." Great! According to Aidan I can take the form of anyone. I could turn myself into Hagrid and just sneak around the dark forest at night... if I wanted to.

"You look like you're plotting something." says Aidan curiously.

"I might be. Any idea, where we could find a recipe for Polyjuice potion?"

"One of the more advanced potions books, I'd assume." he looks around the library.

"I wonder... If I were to turn into, let's say Snape and put one of my hairs into a Polyjuice potion... as Snape, would the drinker turn into me, Snape or, I don't know, simply die?"

"I think you're forgetting I'm a first year." he laughs "I have no idea about the exact science behind it. And since I don't really feel like losing our house about a billion points, I'm also not interested in finding out."

"Coward." I say and get up "Well, I have some... research to do. See you though."

"I'm not a coward. And what research?"

"Nothing important." I wave as I slide out of the door "Bye."

What did Cho say? Student records would be in the headmasters archives? I turn myself into Dumbledore, sneak into his office, and then I just have to find out, if someone named Wilderwald attended Hogwarts. Solid plan, really.

"Don't leave me hanging like that!" Aidan runs after me "What's your plan?"

I roll my eyes "Why do you care?"

"Well, how about, if you do something stupid and get caught, it's all of Slytherin that suffers."

"Well, then I won't be caught."

"Very funny."

"Do you know where exactly Dumbledore's office is?" I ask.


"To pay him a visit."

"For what?"

"I have some questions."

"Yeah, me too. Bout a dozen."

"It's about my parents." I say.

"What about them?"

"I want to find out more... about them."

"You want to find out about Muggles, in Hogwarts?"

I nod "Problem?"

"Er- I don't think Dumbledore knows anything about your Muggleparents."

"Great. Now, do you know where his office is, or not?"

"Well, I'd say the headmasters tower, would be a good place to begin."

"Brilliant. And where would that be."

He sighs "If I get you there, promise you won't do anything stupid."

"I could never."

"I'm serious. Dumbledore seems somewhat reasonable. Try to talk to him first before you decide to break in, in the form of a fly or whatever."

"Interesting. I was considering to just disguise myself as him, but a fly would probably be smarter."

"Hilarious." he says with a dry tone. "No nonsense. Promise."

I roll my eyes "Fine."

He leads me through different corridors, up and down different staircases, over the middle courtyard straight to the Headmaster's tower.

"VoilĂ ." he says pointing at the tower.

"Thanks... and now, what do we do?"

"Second floor, around the corner is the Gargoyle corridor... there you'll find the entrance to his office."

"How do you know- Wait, you're not coming with?"

He shakes his head "No way. I don't trust you. I'm not going to be anywhere close to the office, in case you decide to start a fire or something."

"Your faith in me is really reassuring."

"I know. Now, have fun."


I walk up the stairs to the second floor and around the corner. At the end of the corridor stands a tall, ugly stone gargoyle in a deep rounded alcove.

Great... and now what. I approach the gargoyle, looking for a sign of a door, but there's nothing there. I carefully run my fingers over the cold stone of the Gargoyle and the walls surrounding it. "I'm assuming I need a password?" I ask the Gargoyle as if it's going to answer.

I carefully try out different knocking patterns on the stone walls, whisper the names of different mythical creatures, the names of different wizards but nothing happens.

"Fine... unicorn? Football? Quidditch? Broomstick? Pasty? Oddness? Something in Latin?" nothing.

Dumbledore is weird enough for it to be something completely random and unexpected...

" Elf? Coke?" Worth a try "Lemon?" Lemon? Wait... "Lemon something? Candy? Lemon Candy? Something with Lemon, come on!" I kick the Gargoyle "I need to talk to Dumbledore."

"You need an invitation." says a voice coming around the corner.


He shakes his head "Close."


"That would be me."

"What are you doing here?"

He grins"Take a guess. Got caught by Filch." a deep sigh follows "Fred got away in time."


"Ah, it's fine. Dumbledore doesn't really care. It's Filch who goes mental whenever Fred and I even just breathe."

"A tragedy. So, you know the password?"

He shakes his head "No, but I'm assuming, Dumbledore will be down nay minute now. why are you here anyways?"

I shrug "Just wanted to have a nice little chat."

"Sure. Did you get in trouble already? I might have to rethink my opinion about you."

"You have an opinion about me?"

He shrugs "Of course."

"And I'm assuming it's not very high, is it?"

"You're an angry, little Slytherin. My brother seems to like you. I'm not sure yet."

I'm a little baffled "Listen, I'm neither angry nor little-"

He steps closer to and bends down to my height "Sure sorry, you're tiny and angry."

I frown with annoyance "Not tiny, not angry."

He laughs "Whatever you say." he pats my head.

"I don't appreciate the way you-"

I am cut of my a loud noise behind me. The Gargoyle is slowly spinning in circles revealing a staircase growing out of the ground.

"Well, come on then Twinky." George says.

"Twinky?" I ask furiously.

"If I had a chihuahua I'd call it Twinky, for sure."

"That's a ridiculous name for a dog." I say as I follow him up the stairs "Besides, it has no relation to me."

"You remind me of an aggressive little dog. Just like chihuahuas. So actually, it does."

And here I was thinking Fred was the annoying twin.

"Ah Mr. Weasley. I was worried I wouldn't see you this year." Says Dumbledore greeting George at the top of the stairs "You almost went two entire days without ay sort of mischief, I thought you might have died."

"Wasn't caught yesterday, professor." George grins.

Dumbledore looks at me "I see you brought a friend?"

"Godrick, no." says George "I don't know what she wants."
"Well, go ahead, have a lemon drop, and tell Filch I gave you hell." says Dumbledore giving George a pat on the back. He grins widely and wanders off to the other side of the office.

I look around the circular room. Inspecting the headmaster portraits I spot an old man with long black hair, a long grey beard and narrow, dark eyes. "Is that Phineas Black?" I ask the headmaster, pointing at the portrait.

Dumbledore nods "Precisely. You know of him?"

"I'm friends with one of his... er- great-great-great-grandsons... actually I'm not quite sure, how many grands."

George chuckles in the distance.

"Aidan Hubbard?" Dumbledore asks curiously.

I nod "That would be him."

"Nice boy. Definitely with potential. Now, if you don't mind me asking, what brings you here?"

"Well..." I look over to George who puts one of a number of curious silver instruments, which are whirring and puffing, back on a spindle-legged tables, to listen closely. "I was wondering, if maybe I could have a look on some of the older student records? I was told they'd be here. In your archives?"

Dumbledore raises his eyebrows "To do what exactly?"

"I'm trying to... find someone."

"Curious... what did you say your name was again?" he asks.

"Wilderwald, sir. Haven Wilderwald."

"Oh, I see. The muggleborn in Slytherin house."

"Except," I whisper quietly, so George won't hear me "Professor Snape said something rather curious, about my parents... he said they were purebloods?"

Dumbledore laughs "Why would he say that? Maybe you misheard?"

"What? No. That's why I hoped to look at the records. I can't remember them, Professor."

"Well, that's a shame, but we never had Wilderwalds at this school. No doubt, you are muggleborn."

"Then why would Snape say that?"

"I seriously doubt he did. " Dumbledore says with a calming voice. "However, he did mention having a rather odd conversation with you. About someone named Lily? He also mentioned multiple complaints coming from other Slytherin students, about you, Miss Wilderwald."

"Well, they started it." I say, confused as to how he managed to turn the conversation around that quickly.

"No doubt." he says with a soft smile "But I must warn you. Threats, and unsupervised duelling can quickly lead to expulsion."

"They had me surrounded!" I say with a defensive voice. "And Malfoy and I declared peace, so that's not going to be a problem anymore."

"That's good to hear."

"Yes, but would you please let me have a look at the records? Just to make sure."

"No, no. That won't be necessary. Now, Mister Weasley, if you could be as kind as to escort Miss Wilderwald back to her Common Room?"

"What, no! Please Professor."

He raises his hand "Enough, now. I believe you have homework to do."

"I finished it." I say.

"Wonderful. Then maybe some studying will do. Goodbye."

George pulls me onto the staircase and it immediately begins spinning down.

"Annoying the headmaster. Cute." he says.

"I was trying to have a conversation."

"I know how your conversations work. I'm surprised you didn't pull a wand on him."

"You're kidding right?"

He shrugs.

Fred's head appears around the corner "Trouble?" he asks his brother.

"Of course not." grins George.

Fred spots me "Haven!" he grins "Trouble?" he asks a lot more curiously.

"Almost." laughs George but I shake my head.

"What happened?" Fred asks.

"She tried to get into a fight with Dumbledore himself. Seems she's already bored with us common folk."

"I did not. I just had some questions." I insist.

"Sure." scoffs George and walks off.

"Your brother is an angel." I say to Fred, frustration growing inside of me.

"I think he has a wrong idea of you."

"How so?"

"Well, you can be a little defensive."

"Well, I keep having to defend myself!"

"See, that's what I mean." He smiles "But I know you're like one of those dogs that bark but don't bite."

"I swear to god, if one more person compares me to a dog I'll lose it."

He laughs "See? Bark, bark."

"Screw you, Weasley." I hit him softly into the arm.

"Oof, brutal one." he playfully holds his arm.

I sigh "Why do people keep thinking I'm mean?"

"You just... seem mean. I mean on the outside." he says carefully.

"That's not my fault though."

"No. But I assume being sorted into Slytherin didn't really help your image. However, I heard some of the Gryffindor first years talk about you."

"You did?"

"Yeah, how you stood up to Snape during potions."

"So it was... positive feedback?"

"Definitely. I think the little Neville boy has a crush on you." he chuckles.

"Sure." I roll my eyes.

"So, what did you want to talk to Dumbledore about?" he asks carefully.

"Doesn't matter."

"Oh boring, Wilderwald! Come on tell me. Maybe I can help." he smirks.

"It's a long story."

"I've got time." He jumps down the last few steps and opens the door to the courtyard "We could go for a walk."


"The ground?"


"Yes. Now come on. If you're nice I'll show you the Quidditch Pitch."

"Ugh, fine." might as well get a look around.

"So, Dumbledore." he insists.

"I wanted to get a look on some student records."

"For what?"


"You don't say. I mean, what are you looking for?"

"A name... maybe a picture."


"My parents." I whisper.

He looks confused "Your parents? Your muggle parents?"

"Well..." I sigh "Technically it is possible... that I'm not quite muggleborn after all."

"You lied?"

"No." I say quickly "It's just... well, Ron said I might have been obliviated. Completely. It makes sense. I don't remember anything from before a month ago. I just went with the muggleborn thing to piss of Draco. Besides I might as well be. Except that Snape said my parents were both purebloods."

"So you're a pureblood?"

"I don't know. Dumbledore said I am muggleborn. But I think he's hiding something."

"I'm assuming he didn't allow you to take a look at the records?"

I shake my head "No, he tried his hardest to change the topic and get rid of me."

"Curious... I mean not the getting rid of you part, that's totally understandable. But the rest... curious."


"Not joking." he grins and puts his arm around my shoulder. "I've got a question though..."


"Your memory is wiped out clean?" he asks.

I nod "Yes, I remembered my first name, but that's it."

"I've seen people before, memory wiped out and all. They seemed pretty much... insane. You seem to understand, though. Does that make sense?"

"Barely. But yes. There's another thing. I don't remember my past but... I have this thing. I-" I stop dead, I don't think I should tell him, right?"

"What thing?" he asks even more curiously.

I sigh "Doesn't matter."

"Wilderwald." He looks me deep in the eyes, leaning in close "What thing?"

Once again I am weirdly overwhelmed by his scent. Keeps throwing me off. "Basically... even though I can't remember my past... I know a lot. About all of this." I gesture at Hogwarts "Not in the way of having read about it before though. I have visions-"



"About what?"

"Well... they mostly seem to surround Harry."



"You've seen his future?"

"Not exactly... I mean yes, but not all of it. Just small things. I had a vision about him before I even first met him. I recognized Hermione in the streets without ever having met her before. I know things about Snape I shouldn't know. I knew your family before meeting you. I've seen someone... die. I've seen the dark lord... I have this weird feeling about Draco. It's all very confusing. But there's just people I know, all over this place. And they're all in some way connected to Harry I think."

"Haven... do you know what that means?"

I shake my head "No... I mean I guess I have a natural skill for divination."

He laughs "That doesn't begin to cover it."


"No. Our Divination Professor, Trelawney, is, what we call, a seer."

"Yes, so?"

"Well... seers don't really have control over their visions. Do you?"

"I can summon them sometimes, yes. But mostly they come randomly."

"It's not just that. They have no control over them. They can't summon them, and once they have a vision, they don't see it themselves. They say a prophecy out loud. Mostly, they can't even remember it after."

"So, what does that mean?"

"In the wrong hands... you'd be dangerous."

I laugh "What, like Voldemort's hands?"


"Well, if I have control over them, I'm just not going to tell him."

"It's impossible to keep secrets from you know who... but that's not the point."

"Then what is?"

"I don't know, actually. It's just- something you should tell Dumbledore about."

"Oh heck no. Dumbledore can fuck off after that shit he pulled earlier."

"You know, there's not many people who'd let language like this slide, when it comes to him."

"So? You gonna tell on me?"

He grins "Please. I'm not my brother."


"What? No. Percy!"

"Oh, Percy the prefect, right."

He laughs "By the way, that-" he points at a small shed to our left "is the Broom Shed. And that-" he points to the right "Is the practice pitch. You'll be having your flying lessons there."

"Great." I look up the high walls right in front of me "Let me guess-"

"This my dear-" he swings his arms dramatically "is the Quidditch Stadium. The greatest place you'll ever step foot into." he tilts his head "Unless of course... you don't like Quidditch."

"What makes you think that?"

"I don't know, you're boring like that."

Well, that one actually hurt. He seems to notice my hurt look because he adds quickly "That was a joke, obviously."

"Obviously.." I mumble.

"Yess, obviously! Now let me introduce you." he pushes open the large doors to the stadium. "This is were the magic happens."

I follow him onto the carefully groomed grass. Aligned in a large circle around us ten, high stands with hundreds of seats tower out of the ground. Two stands for each house, two black and white stands in the Center, and at each end of the field three, large golden rings reflect the sinking sun.

Two stands for each house, two black and white stands in the Center, and at each end of the field three, large golden rings reflect the sinking sun
"Incredible." I say quietly walking over the field.

"You like it?" Fred asks.

"It's brilliant." I nod.

"Well, if you like it so much, you could try out for the team."

"First years can't play Quidditch. Besides, I've never even flown a broom before. Don't be ridiculous."

He shrugs "Your loss. Besides, first years are allowed on the team. They're just not allowed to own their own brooms."

"Do you have one?"

He nods vigourously "Of course, George and me, both. Have to. The school brooms, Shooting Stars, are terrible. Really, you can't play a proper match with them. George and I have Cleansweep Fives."

"That's good?"

"Well, it's no Nimbus 2000, but yes, Cleansweeps are rather popular in Quidditch." He gins a little "We could break into the broom closet and you could try to fly. Have a bit of an advantage during your first lesson."

We do have flying lessons tomorrow... and after all of Dracos bragging it sure wouldn't be the worst thing but then again, Fred Weasley being the only person nearby as I fly a broom for the first time seems like a suicide mission "No way. I'm going to fall and you're going to let me die."

"Rude!" he says, highly offended "I am an excellent flying instructor. Mind you I have two younger siblings and am on the Quidditch team myself."

I really want to fly. I can not even begin to imagine the feeling. I cannot believe it "Fine. If I die, I'm going to haunt you, Weasley."

"A small price to pay for a good laugh." He grins.

The broom closet is locked "Can I try?" I ask Fred before he takes out his wand.

"Sure." he nods "Do you know the spell?"


"Exactly." he points at the lock "Go ahead."

I try a twisting move pointing the wand at the lock "Alohamora." I whisper, but nothing happens.

"No no, try this." he carefully takes my hand and moves it in a circle followed by a downwards motion.

He doesn't let go of my hand and his head stays right next to mine as I repeat the movement and the incarnation. I grin with excitement as the door swings open.

"Nice." says Fred letting go of me and jumping into the shed. "Now, this is one of the newer ones." he says, handing me a polished looking broom. "Better for beginners. The older ones really are frustrating."

He looks at the sun going down "We're missing supper, by the way. Hope you're okay with that."

I shrug "Don't really care."

"Perfect. Now come on."

I follow him back to the pitch where he commands me to place the broom on the ground.

"You get next to it- which one's your wand hand?"


"Right. Then get on the left side of your broomstick. You hold your hand over it and say up. It should fly into your hand," He quickly demonstrates and grabs the broom which flies into his hand on immediate command.

I do as told, step onto the left side of my broom, hold my right hand out and say "Up!" but nothing happens.

"It's okay." Fred says "Took me a few tries as well. The key is to really focus on the broom." he presses his finger into the palm of my hand "You're should feel a bit of... energy in the palm of your hand. It's a natural connection we have with our brooms. Focus on that energy with the broom and try again."

I focus. It takes me a few seconds but then I feel the tingling in my palm "UP!" I command and the broom jumps up into my hand.

"Yes, brilliant!" Says Fred and mounts his broom "Now, get on."

I follow his instruction.

"All you have to do is push off the ground a little. You'll fly. You regulate height and direction at the top of your broom. Wanna go up, move your broomstick up, down, down. Left, move to the left, right, move to the right. Speed is regulated by your body. You lean forward, you get faster, lean back, you're slower. Got it?"

I nod "Sure."

"Perfect. I mean, they teach it differently in class, but honestly this is the easiest way to fly. A lot quicker when the game depends on it. Now, try it." He pushes himself off the ground and begins to float above the ground.

"Brilliant..." I whisper and try the same. I hold my breath as my feet begin floating above the ground. Brilliant.

"Very good!" cheers Fred "Do you feel like you're in control?"

I move the broomstick around a little and nod.

"Then let's try going higher."

I carefully pull the broomstick up and just like Fred said, the entire broom follows.

"Wanna race to the other end?" Fred points at the wall across from us.

"How do I break? Like fully?"

"Smart question. You just pull your broom to the side, very quickly. Your other option would be to pull up, because there's nothing to crash into up there. Just don't go down or you might hit the ground."

"Great." I say.

"Nothing's going to happen. Now, come on, get right next to me and-"


Fred stops in mid air with a mortified look on her face "Hello, Mrs. McGonagall." he says "How was your day?" He slowly turns his broom towards her.

"You will come down here, right this instant!" she shrieks. "Is that a first year?" she asks even more furiously.

I turn around to look at her. One of the teachers I really, really didn't want to cross. "Hi." I say quietly giving her a soft wave.

"DOWN!" she yells at us and I follow Fred down to the ground.

"What were you thinking?" She asks both of us "Mr. Weasley, this girl didn't even have her first flying lesson." She stares at me "Mrs. Wilderwald, you could have seriously injured yourself."

"Oh no, Fred's a great teacher." I say but Fred pushes me in the side, shaking his head. Got it, just stay quiet.

"Five points! From each of you!" McGonagall says strictly. "You struck me as a very clever girl in my class. I'd hate to be disappointed this early on."

"It was my fault, McGonagall." says Fred.

"I have no doubt in that, Mr. Weasley. However Mrs. Wilderwald will come to learn that her actions have consequences."

I nod "I just wanted to be prepared for tomorrow. To annoy Malfoy."

"Foolish girl." McGonagall says but something inside her seems to move a little "Well, at least you seem to have quite good control over your broom."

"Thanks..." I mutter.

She sighs "Off to bed. Both of you. And if I catch you two sneaking around one more time you'll buy yourselves a week of detention."

"Got it." Fred and I say, nodding in unison.

We bring the brooms back to the shed. "Know the locking spell?" Fred asks.

I shake my head.

"It's colloportus. With emphasis on the por." he once again takes my hand to show me the right movement.

"Colloportus" I say repeating the movement and the lock to the shed closes itself.

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