Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone... but not really

written by Jovana Gryles

"Slytherin... all dark witches and wizards were once Slytherins." "Yes... but that doesn't make every Slytherin evil. I can't explain it I just know that I wouldn't fit in any of the other houses." "I never told you that I'm expecting to be sorted into Slytherin." "Didn't have to. It's the house that suits you the most." "And that's a bad thing?" "No. It means I've never met anyone with so much drive, so hardworking, so ambitious. You'll make a fine Slytherin and an even finer witch." 'Or perhaps in Slytherin You'll make your real friends, Those cunning folks use any means To achieve their ends.'

Last Updated







Chapter 10
Fantastic Beasts and the Hotel of The Rising Sun

Harry is weirdly quiet on our way back. Ignoring all the people staring at us on the underground. Two kids with owls in their laps, a giant and all our funny-shaped packages, I can't blame them.

We make our way up the escalator, out into Paddington station.

"Got time fer a bite to eat before yer train leaves." Hagrid says to Harry.

Harry stays silent, not in an impolite way, just a very thoughtful one.

Hagrid takes us to a little Imbiss and buys Harry an Hamburger and me some fries. We sit down in the plastic seats where Harry just keeps looking around.

"You okay?" I ask.

"Yer very quiet." Hagrid adds.

Harry stares at the burger in his hands for a while chewing thoughtfully "Everyone thinks I'm special. All those people in the Leaky Cauldron, Professor Quirrell-" he gives me a careful look before he continues "Mr, Ollivander... but I don't know anything about magic at all. How can they expect great things? I'm famous and I can't remember what I'm famous for. I don't know what happened when Voldemort killed my parents." before Hagrid gets the chance to say anything I take Harry's hand and look him straight in the eye

"Harry, you are the most extraordinary person I will ever meet or have ever met. I'll be straight up with you, you surviving Voldemorts attack, doesn't make you special. Not at all actually. But you know what, it doesn't have to. You are incredibly brave, smart, a fierce friend, and a good person so deep down that all those years with the Dursley's that would've driven anyone else into madness, just made you better. Harry, you will do such great things in Hogwarts, there's no need to worry about your past, you deserve the fame you have. You are amazing. And you can trust me when I say that." I tap against my temple right next to my eyes "I've seen it."

"Don' you worry, Harry." Hagrid continues "You'll learn fast enough. Everyone starts at the beginning at Hogwarts, you'll be just fine. Just be yer-self. I know it's hard. Yeh've been singled out, an' that's always hard. But yeh'll have a great time at Hogwarts, I did, still do, 'smatter of fact."

Hagrid helps Harry on the train that'll take him back to the Dursleys, then hands him an envelope. "Yer ticket fer Hogwarts. First o' September, King's cross, it's all on yer ticket. Any problems with the Dursleys, send me a letter with yer owl, she'll know where to find me... See yeh soon, Harry."

I hug Harry quickly "See you in a month." he smiles "see you in month." then his train pulls out of the station. Hagrid and I watch Harry drive away his small face pressed against the window, waving us goodbye until he disappears in the distance.

"Now we gotta find yeh a place ter sleep." Hagrid says to me.

"Oh it's okay" I shrug "I'm rather resourceful."

He shakes his head "Nonsense."

Hagrid takes me all the way back to hotel we stayed in the last night. This time I follow him to the registry "This girl is goin' ter need a room ter stay in fer the nex' month." he says to the witch behind the counter.

She nods and hands me a key with the room number on it. In exchange Harry leaves some Galleons on the counter, they're the ones Harry gave him to use for me.

"Tha' shoud be enough fer a month." he says more to himself.

Then he hands me the bag with the rest of the galleons. This time I take it gratefully. I am too relieved to not have to spend a month on streets to complain.

He also hands me some muggle money "Yeh're goin' ter need some regular clothes as well."

I nod. "Thanks again, Hagrid. for everything."

"Sure thing." he nods "Yeh still got your ticket an' everything?"

I check my pockets and nod.

"Alright then. See yeh at hogwarts." And with these words he leaves me.

I carry the things we bought to the room. It's smaller than the last one but just as nice. I place Salem in his cage on the table by the window.

I open the window and Salem's cage "I really hope you don't take this as an invite to fly away." I whisper to him "but I reckon you're gonna need the freedom." Salem looks at me with tired eyes and tilts his head.

Then he continues sleeping. Okay.

I unpack the books we bought, they're mostly the same as the ones Hermione had, even though her collection was much bigger. I miss her so I decide to take my new quill, made of a black feather, some ink and some parchment.

Dear Hermione, went shopping for Hogwarts today,

am very excited to see you again. Hope we can study a lot together once we're there.

Hope you're well, hope you're being studios as always



I roll the parchment up but decide to let Salem sleep for a little longer bevor sending him of with it.

I take one of the books, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander, lay down on the bed and begin reading.


Newton (Newt) Artemis Fido Scamander was born in 1897. His interest in fabulous beasts was encouraged by his mother, who was an enthusiastic breeder of fancy Hippogriffs. Upon graduation from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Mr. Scamander joined the Ministry of Magic in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. After two years at the Office for House-Elf Relocation, years he describes as tedious in the extreme, he was transferred to the Beast Division, where his prodigious knowledge of bizarre magical animals ensured his rapid promotion.

I stay up until 10pm reading his book. Highlighting important passages and facts I found peculiar or interesting. I read up to his passage on Kneazles when I finally fall asleep.

I am awoken by the sun shining into the room and Salem flattering his wings. "Good morning buddy."I whisper carefully stroking his head with my finder.

He leans in closer.

"Did you find something to eat?" I ask Salem flutters his wings again and flies into his cage to sleep.

I take that as yes. "Alright, I'm gonna go buy some clothes now." I inform Salem, who's already half asleep.

I need this bird to give me some advice on how to fall asleep so easily. I put on the clothes Hagrid gave me yesterday, but before I get going I take my Hogwarts envelope and put it into one of my schoolbooks.

It would be foolish to lose it. I also hide the Galleons in a drawer and lock it, just in case.

Then I get going.

I buy enough close to last me a month, I also go and get myself some basic hygiene products, considering I haven't had the chance to properly brush my teeth in at least a week. I pass through a few stores with help wanted signs in hope of employment but none of them seem too eager to hire an eleven year old.

Back at the hotel I go to talk to the witch at the check in "Do you know if there's any open positions here? Maybe as housekeeping?"

"You seem to be doing fine for yourself." she replies pointing at the bags in my hand.

I tilt my head "It's not my money though. This-" I point at them and then the entire hotel "This is all a gift from Hagrid and Harry... I hate getting charity. At least for the month I want to earn what I have."

She smiles "You understand it would be highly immoral to hire a child, right?"

I nod "You could call it a paid internship..."

She laughs shortly "I suppose we could."

She sighs as comes out from behind the counter "Follow me." she says leading me through the dining room to the kitchen. "We are looking for someone to do the dishes and keep the kitchen clean... I suppose it wouldn't hurt to have you for a month."

I smile "Really?"

She nods "You mess up three times, you're out. Gonna pay you in cash before you go off to Hogwarts."

...that was easy.

The witch introduces me to the kitchen staff and assigns a young wizard Isaac Lefarih, a tall, skinny boy with long, messy brown curls, to lead me through my tasks.

He's a chatty man, just graduated Hogwarts two years ago. He had spent most of his life under Voldemorts reign of terror and keeps telling me stories about growing up in a world like that.

"I'm a half blood, you know
"I'm a half blood, you know. Dad was a halfblood, mum was a squib. I heard that you know who was a halfblood himself but that didn't stop him from wanting families like mine dead. Wasn't even that big of deal. My mum was the first non wizard of her family side in centuries."

I nod, rubbing a rather aggressiv stain from the floor.

"Anyways we spent a whole lotta time hiding. There were those vanishing cabinets, crazy things. You hop in when the death eaters come and go to safe place."

"Couldn't the death eaters just followed you by using the cabinet themselves?" I raise my eyebrows.

He laughs "No no that's not how they worked."

"Then how did they work?"

He stops mopping for a second and leans on the mop "I'm not sure actually-" he says thoughtfully "Can't be operated by people under 17... my father used to operate it taking us with him. But you really gotta focus. Like on where you wanna go. Otherwise you're done for." He sounds a little sad.

"Did something like that happen to someone you knew?"

His big brown eyes are tearing up a little "One day my mother and little brother were alone at home. The death eaters came unexpectedly. My mum took my brother and they ran upstairs to the cabinet, but she couldn't operate it. Death-eaters got them both."

"Sorry." I whisper.

He shrugs. "It was years ago. Still got me dad." he looks at me "I didn't even think about it, why do you have to work? Where are your parents?"

"I guess their dead. I don't know though. I don't remember anything from before a week ago."

I can see something in his brain clicking "What's your name, again?"

"Haven. Haven Wilderwald."

"Hah... interesting." he turns away quickly but I catch a glimpse of his eyes filling with tears. What the hell? He just continues mopping the floor, whistling quietly.

"What's so interesting?" I ask.

He knows something. He clearly knows something. Just like Ollivander did.

"It's an interesting name. Pretty name." he responds absently.

"No. That's not it." I insist.

He turns around smiling softly "It is. Anyways I'm going to need you to clean the counters now." he says, pointing at him.

I look at the knifes on the counter. I want to grab one and hold it to his neck until he spills everything he's keeping from me.

I don't, of course. I just really, really want to.

I'm released from home and go up to the room. Salem is currently out. I sigh heavily as I sit down on my bed. I grab Newt Scamander's fantastic beasts and where to find them and read where I left of last night.


M.O.M. Classification: XXX

The Kneazle was originally bred in Britain, though it is now exported worldwide. A small catlike creature with flecked, speckled, or spotted fur, outsize ears, and a tail like a lions, the Kneazle is intelligent, independent, and occasionally aggressive, though if it takes a liking to a witch or wizard, it makes an excellent pet. The Kneazle has an uncanny ability to detect unsavoury or suspicious characters and can be relied upon to guide its owner safely home if they are lost. Kneazles have up 25 to eight kittens in a litter and can interbreed with cats. Licences are required for ownership as (like Crups and Fwoopers) Kneazles are sufficiently unusual in appearance to attract Muggle interest.

Salem flies through the window dropping a roll of parchment in my lap and sitting down on my shoulder, slightly pecking my head. "Thanks buddy." I say.

Who is this from? Before I can open the note another owl flies through my window.

"Hedwig? What are you doing here?" She also drops a note in my lap and then her and Salem leave through the window. Good to see they're getting along. I open the first note

Dear Haven

Great to hear from you, I am excited for Hogwarts too.

We are definitely going to study together. I have a lot of new spells to practice.

Your owl is very sweet. Can't wait to have my own some day.

Doing great, hope you're great too.


Hermione Granger.

I smile. It's nice to hear from her. Next I open Hedwigs note.

Hello Haven

Hope you're doing alright.

Dursley are completely ignoring me. Guess that's a good thing.

Have you looked into our school books yet?

Pretty interesting stuff.


Harry Potter.

I immediately take my Quill and some parchment.

Dear Harry.

Happy to hear from you. I guess being ignored by them

is a lot nicer than having to talk to them.

I am currently reading the fantastic beasts one by Scamander.

Really interesting, can't wait to study them in person.

Which one are you reading?


Haven Wilderwald

I wait about two hours for Salem to return. In the meantime I read a few more pages, take a shower and put on one of my new shirts. When Salem finally flies back in he drops a dead mouse right in front of my feet. ew.

I smile though. "Thank you Salem." I pat his head. "Could you deliver these to Harry and Hermione?" I ask stroking his feathers. As a reply he clutches the notes and flies away.

I spend the month of August working, reading, sending letters back and forth with Harry and practicing spells. As far as I know it's not allowed for students under 17 to practice magic outside of Hogwarts but I am not really a student yet. Plus nobody told be and I'm in a magical hotel so I tell myself it's alright.

The first week I loved the nights. It was quiet and comfortable but the longer the month dragged on the worse they got.

Every time I'd go to sleep I'd crave for someone to tuck me in, read me to sleep and kiss me in on the forehead.

I was miserable. I hated the feeling of loneliness.

I also became fed up with work. Fed up with Isaac and the others who were clearly keeping something from me.

They were all great. Incredibly nice to me and in just a month I felt like the entire hotel staff had become sort of a family for me.

But it just wasn't like the real thing. And once I came back up to my room there was just loneliness again.

At least I had Salem to keep me company.

Sometimes Hedwig would stay for a while after delivering a letter. Both of them kept dropping of dead mice.

Harry had the same problem, he wrote. I felt disrespectful throwing them away every time as soon as Salem left but I had put one of them in his cage once hoping he would eat it but he just put the nice gift on my pillow instead.

On the last day of August I go down to reception. "So I'm leaving tomorrow." I say to Fedoria, the witch working the counter.

"Indeed, you are." she smiles "We'll miss you."

"Sure you will." I laugh.

She hands me a bag filled with golden coins "Congratulations on your first salary. You earned it."

I smile gratefully as I take it.

"Will you be back?" she asks.

"What do you mean?"

"You know, for Christmas, or the summer." oh... right.

"You're always welcome to stay here and we'll always have a place for you on the staff."

"Thank you. I suppose I will be back for Chrismas... or lastet the summer."

"That's nice to hear."

I smile ready to go back up to finish packing.

"Haven?" I stop

"Isaac said he'd get you to King's cross tomorrow , if you need it."


"I don't know. The car? He told me to tell you. Go talk to him."

I nod "Thanks again Fedoria." she nods.

Issac isn't in the kitchen so I walk up to his room. He opens the door as soon as I knock and lets me in.

On the floor there lies a big wooden trunk with the Hogwarts logo on it. Beneath it there's an I.L. carved into the wood.

With a wave of his wand it flings open and reveals two Hufflepuff sweaters, a Ravenclaw one and also a Ravenclaw scarf and a small round shaped crystal phial filled with slightly yellow liquid.

"Thought you might need a trunk..." Isaac says. "Hoped you'd come. I'll get you to King's Cross tomorrow if you want."

I'm still a little confused. "Were you a Hufflepuff?"

He smiles "I am a Hufflepuff, yes."

"And a Ravenclaw?"

He looks confused then looks at the trunk "Oh no. Only the big Hufflepuff sweater is mine. The rest isn't. But you might want to hold on to them."

"Are you... getting rid of the Trunk?"

He smiles. "Don't really need it anymore, do I?"

I shrug "Maybe?"

He shakes his head. "It's for you. Gotta pack, right."

"I guess." I'm a little uncomfortable. Not a big fan of gifts. I also feel a little guilty for being mad at Isaac now. "That's really nice of you." I admit.

"Gotta help each other out." He shrugs again.

I wake at 6 am, put on my baggy Jeans, a black shirt, brush my teeth and hair and then throw the rest of my stuff into the Trunk. My robe I put on top of everything to put it on on the train.

I check on Salem. He seems asleep but I whisper "Hey buddy, if you wanna go spread you wings this is going to be your last chance for a while." he ignores me and just keeps on sleeping.

I shrug my shoulders and secure his cage. The rest of my muggle money and most of my Galleons I throw in my trunk, but I put a small handful in my pocket.

I also don't put my wand in the trunk but rather put it in my sock and hide it under the leg of my pants. I check my Hogwarts list one more time before I throw the envelope in the trunk and lock it. The ticket I had kept in a schoolbook I now put in my pocket.

I go to get breakfast for one last time and say good bye to all of the staff. Isaac waits for me in the lobby having brought the trunk down already.

"You got everything?"

I nod.

"You sure?"

I nod again.


I show it to him.

"Alright. God good very good..." he fiddles with the gold ring he wears as a necklace at all times.

"You know Haven, you can send me an owl whenever. I can be at Hogwarts in a day if you need something... if something happens, or y'know someone says something."

I raise my eyebrows "Thanks but you know it'll be fine."

He doesn't look like he does.

"Isaac, are you okay?"

"Hm?" his eyes keep jumping around, the bags under them even darker than usual

"You seem nervous."

He chuckles "No, not. I'm not. Just... don't wanna miss the train. We should go."

"The train leaves in 3 hours."

"Yes, yes we should go." the drive to the station is only 20 minutes... I am used to Isaac being a little off at all times but this is a whole other level.

We leave the hotel and he leads me into one of the Alleyways next to it. There he unlocks a car.

"Wait. We're driving an actual car? Isaac you've got a license?"

"Of course. It's a good way to get around England... except for all the traffic. You know, I mean you don't know because you're a child but the traffic here in England-" he exhales loudly "it's the worst." he loads the trunk into the back of the car and wants to do the same with Salem but I shake my head. I go to sit in the front seat, the birdcage in my lap.

Isaac puts his seatbelt on and starts the car but he doesn't start driving. He just drums his fingers on the steering wheel moving his head back and forth to the beat.

"Can you stop being awkward and tell me what's going on?" I ask.

He looks at me with sad eyes "You know Haven... you don't have a family, like at least not in the common way... but you gotta know you've got a family here."

I sigh. It's hardly the same.

He moves my hair out of my face "You gotta know, I care about you. I really do. You can come and spend all the holidays with us if you want."

"Fedoria already said that." I say quietly.

"No not at the hotel. I mean you can come spend it with my father and me."

I smile "Nice of you but I think I'll just stay at Hogwarts or at the hotel..." he frowns with disappointment and then finally drives off.

He doesn't say a single word during the ride and I'm scared to have pissed him off. We continue sitting in silence once we park at the station.

"We are really early." I say to him quietly.

He nods.

"Are you mad at me?"

He shakes his head.

"Are you going to talk to me?"

He sighs "I don't really know what to say... I always become a bit of an emotional mess when it's time for goodbyes." he laughs wiping a tear from his eyes.

"Isaac, you're always an emotional mess." that's not an exaggeration, his eyes are always slightly filled with tears, and his nose and cheeks are always red.

He laughs again. "You should have this." he says and removes one of the excessive amount of rings on his fingers.

A snake that looks like it's wrapped around it's wearers finger.


"Well it's a snake."

"I can see that."

"Snakes and Slytherins go hand in hand... well, metaphorically."

"I never told you that I'm expecting to be sorted into Slytherin."

"Didn't have to. It's the house that suits you the most." it's not usually something I find offensive but from Isaac I'm scared it might be criticism.

"And that's a bad thing?" I ask.

He shakes his head. "No. It means I've never met anyone with so much drive, so hardworking, so ambitious. You'll make a fine Slytherin and an even finer witch."

I smile and take the ring out of his hand. The black snake begins moving and wraps itself around my middle finger. Fitting.

"I know a lot of Slytherins seem to find Hufflepuffs rather... dumb. You should know I don't think so at all." I say to him.

He smiles "Well I sure hope so. You owe a Hufflepuff your entire life."


"Nothing." he realizes he said something stupid and jumps out of the car.

"I'll go get a cart!" he yells running towards the entrance of the station.

What the fuck? What had he just implied? Did a Hufflepuff save my life once? Was one of my parents a Hufflepuff? Did I straight up make a pact with a Hufflepuff for which I now owed them my life? Is Isaac that Hufflepuff? He couldn't be my father... maybe he saved my life before and I don't remember? I think back at the three sweaters in the trunk. One Ravenclaw one and two Hufflepuff ones. Only one belonged to him.

I always thought he was being a pretty familiar with me... maybe I know him? knew him.

He returns with a cart and loads the trunk and Salem on it.

I look at him closely, trying to find some kind of resemblance to me or maybe to unlock a memory. But the more I stare the more opposite we seem. His brown hair looks almost black next to my white hair. My blue eyes are basically grey next to his honey brown shining eyes.

His nose is long, straight and narrow, mine is wide, short and pointed. The only thing we have in common are pale skin and a few freckles on our noses.

I wonder... I look at myself in the car mirror and change my hair and eyes to a brown colour. Hm... still not really similar.

Yeah there's no way we're related. Even his accent his ridiculously different to mine. He sounds more Irish.

"You coming?" he asks locking the car doors.

I nod and follow him to the station. It's now twenty past ten. I guess Harry will arrive soon.

"You want me to bring you to the platform?" Isaac asks.

I shake my head "I'm supposed to meet a friend here. You can go he'll be here in any minute. Thanks for driving me and all."

He tears up again as he smiles down on me. He moves my hair out of my face and places his hands on my cheeks. "You'll be so amazing. You're smart and powerful enough to be the first in all your classes."

I smile. "That's the goal."

"Don't forget to have fun though. That's what it's all about. To have the greatest years of your life. I know I did."

"That's kind of sad."

He shakes his head "It's not." He moves his hand behind my head and the other on my back and pulls me close into a tight hug. Then he blows a light kiss on my forehead. "Make us all proud." he says and gives me a picture of the hotel staff smiling and waving.

I grin "I will. Promise."

"Alright then" he says wiping another tear out of his eye "I wish you the best."

"You too." I say softly as he turns around and leaves.

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