The Wrock Magzine And Newspaper

This magazine/Newspaper is full of gossip, news, advice, and more! It has been in 3rd place for best magazine and newspaper for years! That was voted by wizards and witches like you. First place is The Daily Prophet, Second is Quibbler, and third is us! Hope you enjoy this, all our hard work will hopefully make you smile and enjoy the magazine/newspaper.

Last Updated






Issue #1- Augusts Last Weeks

Chapter 2


Mass Murderer On the Loose By : Ali Granger

 Recently, mass murderer malflick Trigold broke loose from her cell in
the prison azkaban. Trigold was arrested for the use of the Avada
Kedavra curse on ten hogwarts students. Many students were not aware of
any such event. The ministry advises lockdown for hogwarts school of
witchcraft and wizardry. "Its scary,very scary to think that could have
been me" says first year, allie crouch, " now that she is loose again,
we all need to be on guard". Crouch gave us inside information she
attained from her father at the ministry. "Father says that we do not
need to be worried" allie says,"he reassured me that malflick Trigold
will be caught". Crouch also revealed "the ministry has been
anticipating this for a while. They got really lax about security and
for the most part, ignored Trigold because she was thought to be
securely locked up". Several ministry aurors may stand trial, due to the
fact that they inspected azkaban only a week before trigold's escape.

 "They should have caught any flaws in the building or in the charms in
anything really" says a ministry official who does not wish to be named
"after all they are supposed to be the best of the best. The auror
office claims they saw no flaws in which Trigold could escape from
prison, and in no way could malflick Trigold escape without an
accomplice. This leads many to believe a new dark wizard is on the rise,
and currently recruiting. The minister denies this. "Malflick trigold's
escape is in no way related to a possible dark wizard" he told his
officials. " Trigold WILL be caught very soon." But with no information
on where Trigold currently is, students are advised to go on lockdown.
The ministry is assuring that no other prisoners can escape, and that
the prison is reinforced. Malflick Trigold was rumoref to have been
insane or mentally ill, however it is to the best of my knowledge that
Trigold committed these actions of her own accord.

 Hogwarts students are currently being questioned on possible Trigold
sighting. Ministry officials are calling for the aurors to be fired for
their so called negligence of the prison and its prisoners. I believe
that trigolds escape may be related to the earlier escape of Hans
Noveelas, mass murderer. Noveelas escape happened a mere 4 months ago,
and Noveelas remains free. Malflick Trigold is a dangerous person, a
murderer in fact and if spotted, should be reported immediately.
"Trigold is very unpredictable" says first year Raelee Craner. " We
can’t be too careful". This is how many students feel. They are scared.
And why shouldn't they be? Malflick Trigold is a murderer and killed
students like themselves. Parents should be aware students will not come
home for holiday. Parents are allowed at hogwarts during this time. "I
want my child to be safe" says parent maddie Harper. "I want to know
they are alive for gods sake". The ministry understands concerned
parents, but advises them not to visit for long periods. " its hard
enough already, having to protect the students without parents in the
way" says a ministry official. Malflick Trigold is on the loose. Please
stay safe and always on guard.

Hogwarts News

The Old Hogwarts

by Ali Granger

is a school with a vast and extraordinary history. Many major events
have happened within these walls, but none perhaps as great as the
recent changes leaving scars on our hearts. Many of our most beloved
professors left, including Naya Nivera, Lillian Mae, and Hennrick
Darkstorm. Reliable sources have told me six professors total left, and
Hogwarts was forever changed. We were all really shocked when all this
happened. I myself will personally miss Naya Nivera. She was always
willing to lend a hand. She also put together lessons very well and made
sure all students had the right information. I talked to several PA's
who do not wish to be named. "Lillian Mae was really something," one
unnamed PA said, "I will really miss her". Many students will not easily
forget Lillian Mae. A good teacher and friend to all, she had answers
to all sorts of questions and was nothing but fair. I will miss her.
"Hennrick Darkstorm was truly an amazing teacher," says second year
Saige Harper, "He always was nice and ready to listen to me and all his
students". Harper claims Darkstorm never had his favorites; he was
always fair.

the students who were not aware, Hogwarts has had some issues. Our
beloved professors left against their will, and assured us before they
left that it was not because of the students, but rather Keith, says the
professors. Several older students declined to comment on the matter,
as did several professors. "It’s been really secretive," says first year
Hermione Granger, "it’s almost as if something bigger happened and they
don't want us to know".  Miss Hermione also said, "If there is
something going on, I want to know. Not because I'm nosy or like drama,
but because students need to know. They have a right to know".  I have
spoken with Naya Nivera and she says that she will truly miss Hogwarts.
It was her home and we were her friends. Naya Nivera, potions professor,
will be missed. Her husband, Hennrick Darkstorm, transfiguration
teacher, will as well. And the same will be said for Lillian Mae,
Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Our hearts go out to all of the
professors that left, and we wish you the best of luck in your future

Quidditch Match #1: Gryffindor VS. Hufflepuff

 By: Eleandor Gryffis Hufften

don’t think I have ever seen anyone this excited. Well, I mean last
years first Quidditch match was the same, but still. Anyway, This year
will be great, with the new keepers I think each team will have a great
advantage of some sorts. The new Keeper for Gryffindor is Wiley Endrich,
He is in his 3rd year at Hogwarts and was just amazing at the tryouts
for Qudditch! The new Keeper for Hufflepuff is Phillip Clark, boy was he
amazing at the tryouts! The Seeker for Gryffindor, like last year, is
Alecia Curleye, an amazingly concentrated person, she caught the snitch
during tryouts in just 3 minutes! For Hufflepuff, also the same as last
year, its Dennis Flitwick, his tryouts were also amazing, he too caught
the snitch in 3 minutes! Now for the chasers for Gryffindor! We have
Shirley Lockwood, Harley Lute (Harley was the first boy chaser to catch a
snitch), and Emmit Vallit. For Hufflepuff, there is Keeny Glentinn,
Daisy Blue and Sylis Vanhorn. The beaters for Gryffindor consist of Kyle
Rowland, and James Scottley. Hufflepuff beaters include Mark Walter and
Grant Lewis.

 They all look nervous, especially miss Curleye, it must be because of
last year when Flitwick accidently knocked her off her broom. Curleye
and FLitwick shoot up into the air and shake hands. The bludgers are
released and the quaffle is thrown into the air! Let the games begin!

 0.00 minutes

 The quaffle is thrown and Daisy Blue catches it! Players are doing all they can to take it back.

0.01 minutes

 The quaffle is passed to Keeny Glentinn.

Keeny and Daisy pass the quaffle to each other back and forth.

0.09 minutes

 Gryffindor Keeper Wiley Endrich blocks Glentinns throw.

0.13 minutes

 Gryffindor Chaser Emmit Vallit scores! 10 points for Gryffindor!
Hufflepuff keeper Phillip Clark punches his broom in rage. Surely he
knows that won’t fix anything….

0.15 minutes

 Hufflepuff chaser Sylis Vanhorn makes an amazing throw! He scores! 10 points for Hufflepuff!

0.18 minutes

 Foul made by Gryffindor Chaser Harley Lute for cobbing. Cobbing-
Players must not make excessive use of their elbows against opponents.

0.24 minutes

 The snitch has been sighted by Curleye! She is going for the snitch! Flitwick sees it to and is butting heads with Curleye!

0.25 minutes

 The snitch has been lost.

0.27 minutes

 Keeney Glentinn takes the quaffle. Keeney goes for the ring and scores! 10 points for Hufflepuff!

0.29 minutes

 Keeney scores again! Hufflepuff is in lead with 30 points while Gryffindor is behind with the score of 10 points.

0.31 minutes

 The snitch has been seen again by miss Curleye!

0.32 minutes


 After what seemed like forever, Hufflepuff makes an amazing
performance! Gryffindor hugs all the Hufflepuff players (They are
basically saying “No hard feelings”). Gryffindor also made an amazing
performance out there with all the hard work of blocking goals and
sighting the snitch. Great Job Hufflepuff! Great Job Gryffindor! Can’t
wait for the next game: Ravenclaw VS. Slytherin.

You Stole My Cauldron But You Can’t Have My Heart - Celestina Warbeck and the Banshees

By: Hannah Cook

Celestina Warbeck, a classic. I have always loved her work. In this article,I
will discuss my favourite song, You Stole My Cauldron But You Can’t
Have My Heart. This was the first song I heard by the lovely Madam
Warbeck. She did not disappoint. I will first mention the lyrics. This
song tells the story of a conartist. It is about a woman who was dating a man, and found out he stole from her.

You thought you were so clever but, in truth, you're a crook

And the way you went away with all the things that you took

We then get to the things that he stole. He stole her cauldron, her favorite black hat, and her owl. After he stole the items, he left.

‘And flew off like a vampire bat’

told this woman that he loved her and then stole from her. She wouldn’t
let him take her heart with him. This woman is a strong female
character and is not someone to mess with. She compared this man to
He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, which I think is a little harsh.

'And when you disappeared at first it's me who I blamed

But now I see you’re as wicked as He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named'

learned he stole more than that. The song keeps going with a nice beat
and will leave you humming for ages. I give this song seven out of ten
wands. Great jazz song.


Hufflepuff News

Are Inter-dorm Meetups the New Thing? 

Room (#24,059) is currently planning a tea party with League of 42 from
Ravenclaw. The meetup is promoting inter-house equality and will be a great
opportunity to meet people outside of Hufflepuff. Many Auries will be attending
on the 23rd-24th August and you should be too! It will be open to other people
but be quick as there are only a few spaces left!

Many Dr.
Who fans (Whovians) will be getting dressed up and bringing special treats
in tribute to the Muggle TV shows new series (and new Doctor) The two dorms are
both very excited about this meeting, here are some comments from the Auries:

Brown said: 'I'm looking forward to it - one of the best things about Hogwarts
is the diversity of its students - it's great to be able to let your hair down
at an interhouse, interdorm party! There should be more of them! And big up to
Novi and Claire for putting it together!'

Victor-Kinzel added: 'I just think it's an amazing idea.'

I was also
lucky enough to get a few words from the Aureus Room leader, Claire Wood: ‘I thought it was a crazy idea, when I first thought about
it. But since I met and spoke with Novi in the Liaisons Group and we eventually
started talking about our dorms - and he has so much pride in his League of 42
as I am for my Auries - and the idea came naturally. I proposed it, he accepted and we started making preparations!
It is the first
time an event like this will take place at Hogwarts is Here, I hope that other
similar events with other dorms, come in the future!

other news, Ashley Silver the Ferret is currently 8th on the house point leader
board, she is working very hard for Hufflepuff. Keep up the good work, Ashley!

Stylinson-Riddle, Hufflepuff News Reporter

Eagles and Eaglets: Ravenclaw News
                                                           By Ali Granger

Here in Ravenclaw, we value knowledge. Prefect Christina Trail has
created a program to educate young ravenclaws on how hih works. This
program is called The eagles and eaglets  An eagle is an older student
who has been on hih for some time, while an eaglet is a newer student
who doesn't know their way around yet. The eagles are paired with an
eaglet and are responsible for helping their eaglet. This isn't a
program to help with homework, but for younger students who need help on
how stuff works or even just make a friend on hih. Eagles are trusted
to show around their eaglet. They should give them basic information on
chat,clubs forms, whatever the eaglet needs to know. Eaglets are
generally going to be anxious and impatient, so eagles are advised to be
patient and cooperative. The eagles and eaglets program is a really
great way for people to get involved within Ravenclaw house and to get
to know others. I myself am an eagle, and I can truly tell you it
requires lots of commitment. "This has helped me a lot" says first year
Hermione Black of Ravenclaw " its good to know people are willing to
help" However, recently, the program has halted due to lack of
applicants. Miss Christina Trail asks you kindly to apply if you wish.
For more information as well as application links, go to the following

Gryffindor News

Making a Comeback

you were at Hogwarts last year, you know that Gryffindors did not do so
well. We came in last place in the House Cup competition. But one thing
about Gryffindors is that we are fighters. In fact, one of the traits
Godric Gryffindor looked for in his students was that they never gave up
on things. "No matter how hard things get, we don't give up. It's hard
to break a Gryffindor's spirit because we just don't give up," says
Matthew Tripp, a 2nd year Gryffindor.

fact, we fight so hard, that after being in dead last a year ago, we
are now in 2nd place and getting closer and closer to Ravenclaw. "For
me, it was hard to be in last place last year because I'm so
competitive. Luckily, this year we are in 2nd place and catching up to
Ravenclaw. It's much better to be in 2nd place but we haven't reached
first yet and that is the ultimate goal," said Mel Barnes, another 2nd

reason that Gryffindor is climbing the House Cup race is because of the
pride of Gryffindor. When asked what makes her proud to be a
Gryffindor, Jenna Grylls responded, "The fact that we fight for what is
right, no matter how hard that choice may be. We fight for the little
guys." This has been proven true. Gryffindor was the first house to
implement the Gryffindor Pawtner Project. This is where older Gryffindor
students partner up with a new "cub" Gryffindor and help them learn
their way around Hogwarts. This program was implemented by Gryffindor,
Nayelle Antlers. The Gryffindor Pawtner Priject has been such a hit that
the other Houses have formed their own forms of this project.

Gryffindor Pawtner Project has helped me immensely. When I first got
here, Hogwarts was so big, that if was overwhelmed. It was nice to have
an older Pawtner help me around the school and with my other classes,"
said Janice Lovegood. This is one example of how Gryffindors fight for
the little guys. We happily take time out of our busy schedules to help
those who need it. We'll drop anything if it will allow us to help
someone else.

work hard at overcoming our own demons so we can be the best person we
can be," said Jonah Snape, a 2nd year. As Gryffindors, we are all
working extra hard so we avoid coming in last place, and maybe even
overtake Ravenclaw. "They won last year, it's time for us Gryffindors to
bring the House Cup to our common room." -Matthew Tripp.

Hazel Cunningham

 Slithertalk by: Harley Blu.

Hey all! Today's latest news report is going to be
on a few of the students take on their favourite classes and the
professors that teach them. Now we all know how it was when we started
our first year at Hogwarts, the way that our hearts practically jumped
out of our chests when we made that fateful walk up to the sorting hat
and found out our new houses, discovering new dreams, and the many
adventures that lay ahead of us. 

Hogwarts is an amazing school, library's full of so
many books and old magical scrolls that any Ravenclew worth her/his salt
would be proud of. Thousands of people just like me and you to talk to
and throw amazing parties with, you can nearly always find a caring
friendly Hufflepuff just itching to talk to you and help you out the
best they can. Not forgetting those brave lions that can't wait to
invite you into a friendly dual or talk Qudditch about the latest and
fastest brooms! And of course the snakes of green and silver, proud and
always willing to stick up for their friends. 

Hogwarts of course is more then just that, it's also a place to
come and learn all that we can about magic! Magic is a precious gift,
and there is just so much of it to learn, be it the magical creatures
that roam our planet to the skills of spells and their history!

I held a short interview with a first and second
year in Slytherin to see what their opinions were on their favourite
classes, along with the professors who teach them.


*sits down with Slytherin Belle Thorne, yr1.*

so much for sparing the time to answer a few questions for my report
miss Thorne, I'm sure you are a very busy witch with all the work and
the like that make up all our first years of Hogwarts life. It's an
honour to have you here today."

*I offer Thorne some tea and biscuits, of which she accepts with a kind smile*

"Your very welcome, honestly it's no problem at all."

*smile back gratefully, then looks at the paper with my notes shuffling them a little* 

"So on with the questions shall we? First things first, can you tell me what your favourite class is?"

"My favourite class is D.A.D.A, that's short for Defence against the dark arts, for people who don't already know, haha."

*I chuckle a little* 

"Yes, I'm sure for
everyone who doesn't already that sure is a great help miss Thorne,
haha. And who may I ask teaches this class?"

"That would be, Professor Melanie Silvers."

"And what would you say you enjoyed most about this class?"

you get to learn all about self-defence, a skill I feel is very useful
and will be great to learn for when I graduate and go out into the
magical world."

"Oh that sounds like a really great thing to want to
learn about, very practical of you. I'm sure it will give you more then
enough knowledge for the world outside, and of course I'm just positive
that your ganna do well and be the best witch at D.A.D.A as you
possibly can."

*we both share a quick grin and laugh before pressing on with the interview*

"So, Thorne. We all now now that D.A.D.A is a great passion of yours, but what do you think of the professor runs the class?..."

"Oh, well I feel that professor Melanie Silvers is
very nice. She's always there for you if you are having any problems and
very easy to talk too, which is great."

"Oh I bet! Another tea Thorne? more biscuits? I see your all out?"

*offers more refreshments*

"That's quite all right Blu, was there anything else you wanted to know?"

*smiles at the lovely student facing me and nodes*

last question before I leave you so that you can get on with your day
and lessons, I'm sure you want to get back to your friends after all.
Would you say that you enjoy this class because of the subject, the
professor or a bit of both?"

*Belle Thorne smiles and replays back with*

"I think I enjoy this class more for the subject than the way the professor teaches it, but I'm not too sure."

"Well that's all for now."

*I stand and we shakes hands*

you so much for this interview Thorne, it's been a real pleasure. I
wish you all the best with your studies, specially D.A.D.A, haha."

*Belle Thorne shakes my hand thanking me back and
bidding me farewell before leaving to get back to her friends and
hogwarts life*


*sits down for my second interview with Slytherin Silver Marvolo, yr2.*

so nice to meet you Silver, thank you for giving me the opportunity to
have this little interview with you. I'm sure you're very busy, It's a
real honour to have you here today."

*I offer Silver some tea and biscuits just like I did with miss Thorne.*

"You're very welcome Harley, any time I can provide an opinion I always like to make sure that I put it out there! Haha."

*laughs, grinning widely*

"Haha, well I'm very grateful for the opportunity to get to hear your opinions. So Silver, What's your favourite lesson?"

"Honestly, I have to say that I think all of the classes
are wonderful in their own way. however, If I were to choose a regular
course that is my favourite, it would be a very tough choice but
ultimately I think I would have to choose Charms. As for the electives I
am taking, as my favourite it would more than likely be Alchemy."

"Ooh? That all sounds very exciting! And what do you love about both of these classes?"

I absolutely love what we're learning so far and I couldn't be more
excited to get out my Charms notebook each time there's a new lesson so
that I can fill my head with the knowledge that is provided. As for
Alchemy, I love the creativity and fun that brings each of those lessons
to life."

"It sound like your very passionate about your work?
The way you describe them makes me want to run off  with my notebooks
and get learning myself! Haha!"

"Well they are great classes! Hahaha."

*Nodes as I write*

"I'm sure they are, haha. If I may, just for the sake of the lovely readers, who teaches these classes?"

"Professor Alex Quilmane teaches Charms and Professor August Rubedo teaches Alchemy."

"Very good, and what about the teaching method of
the professors themselves? Would you say that the fun of the lessons was
down to them? or half because of them and half because of the class

"I think the teaching method of the professors is
very easy for anyone to understand. They don't put things into
complicated terms and if they believe that it is complicated they
provide simpler terms for the students to understand. The fun of the
lessons I believe is split in two, honestly. The subjects of both Charms
and Alchemy are both very fascinating subjects and with Professors
Quilmane and Rubedo at the helm of their respective subjects they only
make their subjects even more interesting."

"Interesting? Would you say that the classes flowed nicely together?"

*I watch as Silver nodes and smiles as she reply's*

I would. Each lesson flows very easily and the lessons never stray away
from the subject they are trying to teach us, which shows not only me
but I hope every student that the professor really does care greatly for
what they are teaching us. I believe it also shows the students that
each professor is not only very educated in what they are teaching us
but that they thoroughly enjoy what they are teaching and I think it
really shows in each lesson."

*writes down everything Silver is saying eagerly and then asks.*

you say that the professors were easy to talk to if you need help? If
you do ask for help and the like, are they helpful with that as well?"

"In my personal experience, whenever I need a
question answered, such as what could have been done for a few extra
points they are very kind and courteous. They are more than helpful and
they are very easy to talk to no matter what you have to say and they
don't make you feel like you are any less of a witch or wizard just
because you don't understand something. Another thing that I more than
appreciate is that they don't patronize any of their students and they
treat you with just as much respect as they are given, which for me is a
great deal."

"Wow that sounds wonderful, the atmosphere of the class must be real great?"

I can't really speak for anyone other than myself, but my overall
opinion is that the atmosphere is very friendly and anyone, I'm sure, is
willing to do whatever they can to help out a fellow student."

"Haha, how delightful! Okay, last question for today
then. What do you like the most about Hogwarts compared to Hogwarts in
the old days? What would you say makes your experience the most

*smiles polity and curiously awaits Silvers answer.*

believe that there is a lot of friendship and fellowship, and what I
like the most is that there is no House prejudice like there used to be
in the old days. Nowadays, you see Slytherins and Gryffindors getting
along and Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws having a lot more respect and
honour than they may have had before and it feels very equal in any
class I go into and that is what makes my Hogwarts School experience the
most enjoyable."

*I stand and shakes hands as I did for Thorne's interview*

Thanks you so much for the interview Silver, it's been a real delight
let me a sure you! Haha. I wish you all the best with all your studies,
Charms and Alchemy alike. "I'm sure that to get back to your lessons and
friends after all, haha."

*Silver Marvolo shakes my hand back grinning, and reply's with before leaving.* 

"You're very welcome, it's been an honour really, haha."


it's been a blast! I hope you all enjoyed my little report. So you all
can see, classes here at Hogwarts are a great deal of fun, and the
professors are very kind and understanding people who are more then
willing to lend a hand if anyone needs it. I hope that the remainder of
you all guys day is as amazing as you guys are! It's been a real
pleasure hanging with you all. Till the next time my friends! This is
Slithertalk, farewell and much love! :D

Creative Column: Butterbeer recipe
  By: Eleandor Gryffis Hufften
     Many people love butterbeer and going to Hogsmeade to get it, but now, you can make it at home! *No need for a wand or cauldron, this is mundane!*

Servings: 4

1 cup light or dark brown sugar

2 tablespoons water

6 tablespoon butter

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon cider vinegar

3/4 cup heavy cream, divided

1/2 teaspoon rum extract

Four 12-ounce bottles cream soda

In a small saucepan over medium,
combine the brown sugar and water. Bring to a gentle boil and cook,
stirring often, until the mixture reads 240 F on a candy thermometer.

Stir in the butter, salt, vinegar and 1/4 heavy cream. Set aside to cool to room temperature.

Once the mixture has cooled, stir in the rum extract.

In a medium bowl, combine 2 tablespoons
of the brown sugar mixture and the remaining 1/2 cup of heavy cream.
Use an electric mixer to beat until just thickened, but not completely
whipped, about 2 to 3 minutes.

To serve, divide the brown sugar
mixture between 4 tall glasses (about 1/4 cup for each glass). Add 1/4
cup of cream soda to each glass, then stir to combine. Fill each glass
nearly to the top with additional cream soda, then spoon the whipped
topping over each.

  I hope you enjoy this! I got it from the maker at Three Broomsticks! Next Issue will include some Honeyduke candy recipes!

No one’s perfect, but, others perspective can help
with difficult periods and challenges you may face. Sometimes there’s no
better thing to do than speak to someone anonymously to help you though
these difficulties.
I’m Miss. Myrna here to help you with personal
problems as well as homework, friendships, heartbreaks and much more.
Simply type the URL and fill in the form provided to receive advice relating to your troubles.


Dear Miss. Myrna,

I am about to move on to second year. I want to take all classes but don't know if I can handle all of them.

Sincerely, Over Whelmed

Dear overwhelmed,

on passing first year! Did you know that you don’t have to take all of
the listed second year classes? I believe that the only courses that you
must take are the courses you finished in your first year. The rest are
optional. If, although, you do want to take all 12 classes you should
try taking the year at your own pace. Take only a few (1-3) classes at
once and when you finish them select a few more. Keep going in till
you’re finished all courses.

Good luck and best wishes,

Miss. Myrna

Dear Miss Myrna

crush doesn't like me, or at least I think he doesn't like me. There is
another girl named Sydney that likes him, and everyone talks about how
they like each other so much. Yet I like him more than just what
everyone would think. I know this sounds really dumb but I really like
him. I kept on saying it was true love (really silly of me) because
that's what it felt like. It was like Ally and Noah except for he's
Ally. (Notebook reference). HELP!

Sincerely, Crushed

Dear Crushed,

remember being in a situation like the one you’re in. My best friend
(let’s call her Ella) had a boyfriend (let’s call him Thomas). I acted
like I was happy for her but on the inside I was jealous. I started
talking to him, flirting some might say, in till I spoke to him more
than she did. Eventually Ell broke up with him for someone else and
Thomas was once again single. Eventually, he told me he liked me and we
started getting together. Long story short, I don’t like him anymore. My
advice to you: don’t do what I did. I tried breaking up to of my
friends for a relationship that didn’t last a year. Tell him that you
like him but if he doesn’t like you don’t worry, you’ll get over him.
You’re going to find a husband who you love allot more than your crush.

Good luck,
Miss. Myrna

Dear Miss Myrna,

just been accepted as a prefect, and I'm worried about my skills. I
know a lot of people are older than I am, and I'm afraid that I'll mess
something up or give someone a stupid grade and end up feeling lousy.
There wasn't too much of a skill element in the application, so how do I
know if I'm good or not, and more importantly, how do I assure myself
that I am (am I? See, this is why I need your help!).

Sincerely: Perturbed Prefect
Dear Perturbed Prefect,

on getting a position as a prefect! It’s an amazing opportunity that
you deserve. It looks like you’re in doubt about your ability when you
have no reason to be. The professor of the course you’re a PA for choose
you for a reason and you shouldn’t doubt that reason. S/he chooses you
over a hundred people because s/he believes in you and your grading
skills. You are good and the only way to assure yourself that you are is
to believe it.

That is all for this issue :) Thanks!

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